
  1. Who is at risk for heart disease
  2. Substances necessary for the normal functioning of the heart and blood vessels
  3. The best vitamins that strengthen the heart and blood vessels
  4. Phytotherapy and its effectiveness
  5. Where and how to buy good vitamins

Rating of the best vitamins for the heart and blood vessels for 2025

Rating of the best vitamins for the heart and blood vessels for 2025

The heart is the most loaded and irreplaceable human organ. It must be periodically maintained even for healthy people. The ranking of the best vitamins for the heart and blood vessels in 2025, compiled taking into account the opinion of cardiologists, will include drugs of various types, description, photo and review are provided below.

Who is at risk for heart disease

The slightest malfunctions in the work of the heart seriously affect the general condition of the human body. The most vulnerable are people with poor heredity. Their older relatives have chronic diseases of the cardiovascular system. The risk group also includes:

  • athletes due to heavy loads on the body;
  • workers of heavy physical labor;
  • elderly people;
  • patients with varicose veins;
  • patients in the postoperative period;
  • people who are constantly under stress.

Everyone whose parameters fit the listed ones should take vitamins for prevention, sleep for 8 hours, be physically active and eat right. Only comprehensive measures will help them maintain the health of the heart and blood vessels.

Substances necessary for the normal functioning of the heart and blood vessels

The heart constantly needs to nourish its cells with minerals, primarily magnesium and potassium. Of the vitamins, group B is isolated, as it affects the strengthening of muscles and general condition.

With age, there is a need for fatty acids. They remove cholesterol, prevent plaques from settling on the walls of blood vessels and cleanse the blood of radicals and other toxins. Omega 3 and Omega 5, fatty acids, lower blood sugar levels, reduce weight if it is overweight, and promote accelerated cell renewal. They remove harmful substances from the body, reduce the load, increase its tone.

Elderly people who took vitamins with fatty acids in combination with minerals leave positive feedback. They note that they feel better, younger, more energetic.

The best vitamins that strengthen the heart and blood vessels

Our experts, together with cardiologists, selected the best of all the vitamins for the cardiovascular system that are available in pharmacies and online stores and compiled this review. For convenience of choice, all dietary supplements were divided into 3 groups according to the main active components and the effect on the body.

Preparations with coenzyme Q10 and fatty acids

When there are serious interruptions in the operation of the "motor", the question of how much dietary supplements cost recedes into the background. The doctor decides the question of how to choose the optimal combination of necessary elements, the patient in the first position is where to buy. Vitamin complexes with fatty acids and coenzyme Q10 are usually expensive. The basis of the high cost is the natural material included in the composition in the form of an extract from sea fish. It dissolves bad cholesterol, removes blood clots, accelerates cell regeneration, acts as an antioxidant.

Dietary supplements with Omega3 fatty acids entered the Top in the elderly. They restore the normal operation of the "motor", give energy and rejuvenate the body.

Evalar CardioActive

447 rub.
1st place, supports diabetics.

On the packaging of the CardioActive complex from Evalar, there is an international GMP mark, denoting the highest quality of medicines and dietary supplements. The composition of the vitamin complex is selected in such a way that the drug fights many heart problems, strengthens its muscles, increases tone, significantly reduces the risk of disease and inhibits the development of pathologies.

The active substance in the complex CardioActive Omega-3 fatty acids reduces the amount of bad cholesterol in the blood, increases the elasticity of the walls of blood vessels, equalizes pressure, and restores blood flow.
Coenzyme Q-10 strengthens the vessels of the circulatory system, stimulates the production of energy necessary for the work of the organ.The vitamin-like substance ubiquinone is Latin for "everywhere". It is involved in the structure of cell membranes of all tissues, including the heart, blood vessels, and nerve endings. Coenzyme Q-10 accelerates tissue regeneration, slows down the aging processes in the body.

Taurine partially reduces pressure, improves blood circulation, improves vision, maintaining microcirculation in the vessels. The main important function of the substance for the heart and blood vessels is to restore the balance of cholesterol. Taurine breaks down bad cholesterol, increases the amount of good substance needed to generate vital energy for the body.

Vitamins are mainly composed of an extract from hawthorn fruits. It maintains the rhythm of the body, nourishes the cells with useful substances, increases the efficiency and endurance of the heart muscle.

Evalar CardioActive
  • budget cost;
  • restorative action;
  • solves a wide range of problems;
  • improves the condition of diabetics.
  • in some cases there are contraindications;
  • can only be taken with the advice of a doctor.

Irwin Naturals Heart-Q10

3360 rub.
2nd place, strong antioxidant.

Vitamin complex for the prevention and strengthening of the heart, protection against diseases - Irwin Naturals Heart-Q10 from American manufacturers. The main active substance in the composition of the drug is coenzyme Q10 in addition to Omega 3 saturated acids. In combination with phytosterols and B vitamins, they strengthen muscle tone and even out the rhythm of contractions.

The dietary supplement simultaneously exhibits the function of an antioxidant, cleanses the blood of radionuclides and free radicals. This allows you to reduce the amount of cholesterol in the blood, reduce the risk of atherosclerosis.

Irwin Naturals Heart-Q10 is specifically designed for people at risk for heart disease. It is taken to prevent diseases of the heart and vascular system, prevents the development of insufficiency.

Irwin Naturals Heart-Q10
  • effectively affects the body;
  • for the vessels of the heart and brain;
  • convenient to take the form of release in capsules;
  • consists of natural products;
  • rapid dissolution of the gel capsule;
  • antioxidant functionality.
  • expensive;
  • on sale mainly in foreign online stores.


Coenzyme CoQ10 Natrol

750 rub.
3rd place, with a cosmetic effect.

New, American vitamin complex for body strengthening with CoQ10. The coenzyme is a powerful antioxidant. It rids the blood of radionuclides, restores the strength of cell membranes, and activates their regeneration. When combined with supplements, CoQ10 supports heart muscle tone and rhythm. At the same time, it slows down the aging process of the body, accelerates cell renewal, and regulates oxidative processes.


The impact of the coenzyme is aimed at the production of cellular energy. Cardiac muscles receive irreplaceable amino acids and proteins.

With prolonged use of the drug, its additional function is manifested - a cosmetic effect. The skin becomes more elastic, its color improves.

  • strong antioxidant;
  • strengthens the walls of blood vessels;
  • increases muscle tone;
  • raises endurance;
  • purifying the blood, improves the condition of the liver and kidneys.
  • high price;
  • almost never found in local stores.

Vitrum Cardio

1488 rub.
4th place, remedy for atherosclerosis.

The main active component of Vitrum Cardio is Omega-3 fatty acids, it is necessary to take people after 45 years of age. Additional substances are represented by vitamins of groups B and C, plant fiber from psyllium seeds, oat bran.

The preparation with salmon oil was developed as an addition to the course of treatment of the cardiovascular system. It prevents the formation of cholesterol plaques and their accumulation on the walls of blood vessels, prevents atherosclerosis, and lowers glucose levels. As a result, brain activity improves, the nervous system calms down.

Vitrum Cardio is recommended for diabetics to strengthen muscles and vascular walls. The complex has an additional function - it lowers blood sugar levels. In its composition, vitamins and products are balanced, not addictive.

Vitrum Omega-3 Plus caps. #60
  • reducing the risk of developing atherosclerosis;
  • lowering blood sugar levels;
  • natural ingredients.
  • can cause allergies;
  • incompatible with certain drugs;
  • during the period of exacerbation, it is not recommended to take.

Active substances potassium and magnesium

The normal functioning of the body is not provided by vitamins alone. To strengthen muscles, endurance, a clear healthy rhythm, magnesium is needed. Potassium strengthens membranes and blood vessels. A balanced composition of substances accelerates intercellular metabolism and reactions within muscle fibers.

Women's preparations of this group contain more vitamins C, E and P, men's are designed to compensate for heavy loads, the active substances in them are minerals. But the division by gender of the patient is conditional. The type of preparations containing large amounts of potassium and magnesium is useful for everyone.

Doppelherz Vitamin & Mineral Complex

322 rub.
1st place, for those 50+.

The dietary supplement from a German company contains B vitamins necessary for heart function, a source of energy C, youth E and muscle strengthening D3. In addition, active minerals that are necessary for the functioning of the heart muscle: magnesium, potassium, calcium. They regulate the rhythm of the muscle, strengthen the walls of arteries and veins, increase the speed of passage of signals of nerve impulses.

Vitamin complex Doppelherz perfectly compensates for the lack of zinc and selenium, the need for which increases with age.

The complex is designed and its balance is designed primarily for people of mature age, over 50 years old. The drug Doppelherz has a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular system, calms the nerves.

Doppelherz active from a to zinc tab. 1.5g №30
  • positive effect on the heart;
  • carefully calibrated and balanced composition;
  • strengthening the walls of blood vessels;
  • calming the nervous system;
  • increased immunity;
  • the best manufacturers according to buyers;
  • average price.
  • deficiencies were not found.

Evalar Direct

260 rub.
2nd place, only 1 tablet per day.

The main active substances of Evalar Napravit are magnesium and potassium. They are necessary for the work of the heart, strengthen and make the muscles elastic. Presented in the form of asparaginates, magnesium and potassium transport metal ions through cell membranes at high speed.

The work of the circulatory system is activated by extracts from the fruits of ginkgo biloba, wild rose and hawthorn. They stimulate blood circulation, in a mild form affect the tissues, nourishing them with the necessary substances, helping to maintain the working rhythm.

Evalar Direct
  • convenient use of just 1 tablet per day;
  • inexpensive;
  • the composition includes vitamins of group B;
  • normalizes blood viscosity;
  • strengthens blood vessels and capillaries;
  • useful natural extracts and extracts from fruits;
  • easily digestible form;
  • GMP quality class.
  • the course is effective when repeated every 3-4 months;
  • Not suitable for pregnant and lactating mothers.

Doppelgerz active magnesium+potassium

362 rub.
3rd place, normalizes the heart rhythm.

The active substances are magnesium and potassium. The combination of components is optimally balanced for a positive effect on the heart. As a supplement, B vitamins are used, added in small quantities. Minerals are introduced into the body in the form of asparaginate.

Zinc, which is part of Doppelgerz Active Magnesium + Potassium, improves the absorption of minerals, strengthens muscles and blood vessels.

Doppelgerz active magnesium+potassium
  • simple composition;
  • efficiency;
  • increasing the strength and elasticity of the walls of blood vessels, including capillaries;
  • cleansing the bloodstream;
  • tonic function.
  • should not be taken during pregnancy;
  • not recommended for children under 14 years of age;
  • inconvenient schedule of taking 3-4 times a day strictly by the hour.

Simple formulations and preparations based on fruit extracts

The main mistakes people make when choosing drugs are ignoring low-priced drugs or trying to figure out which company's drugs work best. Complexes with simple compositions may be the best for a certain disease. Asparkam and Askorutin are in every pharmacy, their rating is high, the benefit-to-harm ratio is always in the direction of benefit. If the disease is not advanced, at the initial stage and support is required for the heart and blood vessels, you should go to a pharmacy or order cheap and harmless vitamin complexes online.

Selenium forte with vitamin C

179 rub.
1st place, strengthening immunity.

The main component of Selenium forte tablets in addition to selenium is vitamin C and other substances of plant origin. When taken, they lower cholesterol levels to a normal acceptable value. Vitamin C has a strong anti-inflammatory effect and immunomodulatory properties.

While taking Selenium, a detox effect occurs, the intestines are cleansed of toxins throughout its entire length and the liver. The kidneys begin to work more actively, which leads to a decrease or complete disappearance of edema of the extremities caused by heart failure.

Selenium forte strengthens the immune system and is therefore effective in progressive atherosclerosis, in the course of myocarditis therapy, and in the treatment of defect.

Selenium forte with vitamin C
  • natural plant composition;
  • with detoxification function;
  • strengthens weakened areas of the heart muscles;
  • stimulates performance;
  • improves immunity;
  • accelerates recovery from infectious diseases;
  • recommendations of doctors for admission for men with increased physical exertion.
  • contraindicated in diabetes, chronic thrombophlebitis and diabetes;
  • may worsen the condition during exacerbation of nephropathy.


60 rub.
2nd place, strengthening of blood vessels.

A simple and relatively cheap remedy, Askorutin consists of only two components: ascorbic acid, known as vitamin C of energy, and rutin, an element P, rarely found in food.

Features of Askorutin - it strengthens weakened blood vessels. According to doctors, it is recommended to take it for people who have blue nets of small capillaries on the limbs, especially the legs, or the blood vessels of the eyeball have burst. The tool saves from the formation of blood clots, thins the blood.

Vitamin C improves performance, strengthens valve tissue.

  • low price;
  • free for sale;
  • compatible with most cardio drugs;
  • increases the elasticity of capillaries;
  • do not cause addiction with prolonged use.
  • contraindicated in hypercoagulable blood.


105 rub.
3rd place, pills and injections.

With a strong deficiency of potassium and magnesium, Asparkam is prescribed first with injections, then the course continues with taking tablets. The injection allows you to immediately give the body a shock dose of minerals, start the process of saturating them with muscles and blood vessels. Tablets are then added and the desired mineral levels are maintained.

Asparkam prevents the development of sclerosis, helps with heart failure. The drug is recommended after myocardial infarction as accelerating the recovery of the body.

  • affordable cost;
  • available in injections and tablets;
  • easily absorbed by the body;
  • quickly eliminates the lack of potassium and magnesium.
  • contraindicated in diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, especially ulcers;
  • should not be taken in renal failure.

Phytotherapy and its effectiveness

The heart is an organ that works constantly with heavy loads. If you feel failures in his work, you should not listen to the advice of friends and self-medicate. Herbs will help only if they are taken for prevention at the risk of disease or a tendency to certain ailments. Moreover, the compositions that help with arrhythmias do not treat tachycardia, not to mention more complex deviations.

Phytotherapy in the treatment of the cardiovascular system is prescribed as a supportive, enhancing effect of the treatment course. The cardiologist knows the characteristics of the fees and, based on the results of the examination, can recommend certain herbs.

As a preventive measure, you can brew teas from hawthorn, rosehip, mint. Drink no more than a month and change the composition of the drink.

The rating of high-quality complexes for the heart is headed by drugs containing fatty acids. But for the price they are not available to pensioners. People over 40 need to eat more oily sea fish. It contains significantly more omega 3 fatty acids than other foods.

Where and how to buy good vitamins

Domestic dietary supplements are freely sold in pharmacies and online stores. When a heart problem arises and the question arises which drug is better to buy, many experienced consumers go to iHerb. The American dietary supplement store has the largest list of funds. Here you can take special complexes for men involved in sports or working in difficult conditions. For women, there are formulations with a high content of fatty acids and vitamins that can support them during pregnancy.

What to look for when ordering nutritional supplements for the heart at Eicherb, what are the main criteria for choosing imported products. It is difficult to find instructions in Russian. At the price of the drug will cost much more due to delivery. According to buyers, parcels are delayed on the way. You can trace them only from the moment of crossing the border with Russia.

When ordering on foreign sites, precautions should be taken. If the item doesn't fit, it won't be returned. You should make sure that the dietary supplements you choose are safe and suitable for you. You should consult with your doctor. Nowadays, prescriptions are even written online.

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