
  1. TOP 10 best types of fitness
  2. Tips for choosing the form of classes
  3. What clothes are suitable for fitness?
Ranking of the best types of fitness for 2025

Ranking of the best types of fitness for 2025

A person who is in good health, mobile, strong and flexible has always been considered successful. The beauty of the body, proper physical development, high vitality, the ability to overcome a certain power load - these are the qualities that it is desirable for all people to have. Get them to help fitness.

This type of physical activity originated in the United States in the 70s of the last century. Certain observations were made on the physical capabilities of young people. The findings showed that a sedentary lifestyle leads to poor health, obesity, the development of diseases of the musculoskeletal system, respiratory and digestive organs.

In the modern world, fitness has become more than just physical exercise. This is a way of life that includes physical activity, a certain diet, a way of thinking.

There are different directions designed for both women and men. There are exercises for children and the elderly.

TOP 10 best types of fitness

According to the desired result, classes in various areas have been developed:

  • for weight loss;
  • to increase vitality;
  • for building muscle mass;
  • to improve the figure;
  • to develop flexibility, etc.

In this article, you can find out what types of classes exist and determine the one that is best suited, what to look for when choosing a club, studio or gym.

10th place: Bodyflex

These are breathing exercises performed with the help of the diaphragm. A deep slow breath, a delay and a sharp exhalation, completely displacing the air from the lungs, help to intensely saturate all the tissues of the body with oxygen. These actions alternate with stretching.

Bodyflex includes three types of exercises:

  • isometric: for one muscle group;
  • isotonic: several groups are stretched at the same time;
  • stretching: give relaxation after exercise, the development of elasticity.

This type of fitness is designed for sedentary overweight women.

  • improvement of muscle tone;
  • shedding extra pounds;
  • healing of the whole organism;
  • when losing weight, the skin does not stretch;
  • increases the elasticity of the ligaments;
  • you can practice at home.
  • not detected.

9th place: CrossFit

Conceived and developed by American Greg Glassman.The bottom line is to alternate exercises with different functional movements that are performed at a very intense pace. The whole program is aimed at developing endurance and strength, reaction speed.

Simulators and equipment taken from different sports are used: barbells, dumbbells, ropes, rowing stands, skipping ropes, etc.

Classes in the crossfit room include a warm-up, then learning new movements. Next comes the main "workout of the day", the most intense part. At the end of the lesson, work on the mistakes and displaying the achieved results can be carried out in order to develop a competitive spirit in the group of athletes.

  • readiness for any life situations;
  • increase in strength and endurance;
  • set of muscle mass.
  • it is desirable to conduct training with an instructor;
  • basic physical training is required.

8th place: Stretching

These are exercises that involve stretching muscles, joints and ligaments. Stretching can be combined with other types of fitness.

Suitable for maintaining the body for absolutely everyone: children, adults and the elderly.

  • development of flexibility;
  • formation of correct posture;
  • relieving muscle tension;
  • improvement of vitality;
  • strengthening the heart, respiratory system;
  • suitable even for older people.
  • little power loads, will not allow you to lose weight;
  • It is desirable to combine with other exercises.

7th place: Fitness yoga

A modern take on real classical yoga. Heals the body, helps to find peace of mind and good mood.

There are currently three main modifications:

  • Ashtanga yoga - a certain sequence of asanas with ligaments, requires special physical preparation;
  • power yoga - special exercises to increase muscle, flexibility and endurance,
  • Bikram yoga or "hot yoga" - asanas are performed in a room with an air temperature of about 40 degrees and a humidity of at least 40 percent. A powerful tool for weight loss.
  • recovery of the body;
  • peace of mind;
  • improved flexibility of joints and ligaments;
  • reduction of body fat;
  • prevention of chronic diseases;
  • strong, healthy body.
  • certain physical fitness is required;
  • classes are conducted with an instructor;
  • "hot yoga" is not recommended for people with weak hearts and lungs.

6th place: Pilates

This type of fitness does not require prior preparation. All movements are performed at a slow pace. At the same time, it is necessary to monitor breathing, which trains attention, and the mental activity of the brain is enhanced.

Pilates is suitable for anyone, regardless of age or body type. It is also useful for pregnant women, it will prepare for childbirth and will not harm the child.

The exercises are designed to strengthen the muscles of the back and abdomen, and this will help get rid of excess fat in these areas.

  • can be used for rehabilitation after injuries;
  • good posture, toned stomach and strong buttocks;
  • prevention of joint diseases;
  • lack of physical overload;
  • improving the figure and maintaining femininity;
  • the safest form of exercise.
  • for classes, a special mat and elastic band are required;
  • weight loss is quite slow.

5th place: Callanetics

This is the name of the system of static exercises, during which all muscle groups are alternately tensed and relaxed at the same time.This technique allows you to quickly achieve the desired effect, after which you can reduce the number of classes per week.

Callanetics was invented and developed by Callan Pinkey (USA) in the middle of the 20th century. She traveled the world many times and observed original techniques in different countries. When Callan developed back and knee pain, she tried certain exercises. After that, the muscles strengthened and the pain in the joints disappeared.

All actions are based on yoga asanas.

Since all movements are performed smoothly and slowly, this type of fitness is not at all traumatic.

  • strengthening the muscular corset;
  • removal of pain in the joints;
  • improved metabolism;
  • classes can be carried out at home;
  • all the muscles of the body work.
  • certain physical training is required;
  • if there are cardiovascular diseases, bronchial asthma or big problems with the spine, then you need to consult a doctor.

4th place: Bodybuilding

This direction was founded more than a century ago by Friedrich Wilhelm Müller. As a child, he was a weak boy who dreamed of strength and beauty. Growing up and realizing that physical exercises for weighting help transform muscles and shape the body in the right direction, he developed a set of strength training. In combination with certain nutrition and energy recovery skills, significant changes in the outline of the muscular skeleton can be achieved.


  • a large amount of energy is expended, which leads to rapid weight loss;
  • a beautiful body is formed;
  • muscles and bones are strengthened;
  • improves the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.
  • exercise only in the fitness center with a trainer;
  • additional expenses for special meals are required.

3rd place: Zumba

Fitness complex of exercises performed to Latin American melodies. Invented in 2001 by Alberto Perez, who combined traditional fitness classes with dance moves to his favorite music. This program very quickly attracted a huge number of people around the world to its side. Classes are like fitness parties.

There are such varieties:

  • "Zumba Gold" - dance exercises designed for the elderly;
  • "Zumba Toning" - movements with weighting in the form of small dumbbells, similar to maracas;
  • "Aqua Zumba" - a set of actions in the pool;
  • "Zumba Kids" - children's exercises from 4 to 11 years;
  • "Zumba Sentao" - a program using a chair;
  • "Zumba Step" - dance movements are performed with a step platform.
  • classes lead to a normal physical form;
  • the vitality rises;
  • mood improves;
  • thanks to the many branches, you can choose a program for both children and adults of different periods of life.
  • not found.

2nd place: Aerobics

This type of fitness includes walking, jumping, running, exercises that develop flexibility. The popularity of aerobics attracted many people who created various directions:

  • water aerobics - classes are held in water, which increases resistance and requires more stress;
  • step aerobics - dance movements using a step platform that creates a load on the muscles of the lower extremities;
  • fitball aerobics - large inflatable balls are used;
  • dance aerobics;
  • slide aerobics - a special elastic mat is used, which allows you to ideally slide over its surface;
  • sky aerobics - exercise on exercise bikes with varying degrees of intensity and many other areas.

This type of fitness is suitable for absolutely all people.

  • weight loss;
  • improvement of the emotional background;
  • coordination of movements;
  • flexibility and elasticity of all organs;
  • pacing.
  • not suitable for closed people who do not want to develop and maintain their health.

1st place: Shaping

Exercises to rhythmic music. The complex was created for middle-aged women who want to keep their body in good shape and improve its shape. The movements are strictly regulated and developed for the athlete individually in accordance with the type of her constitution. After each lesson, a comparison is made with the standard of her shaping model.
By doing this type of fitness, you can both increase and decrease the volume of muscle tissue and minimize body fat.

Men's shaping programs are also being developed.

  • many like-minded people;
  • weight reduction;
  • An individual program is compiled specifically for a specific person.
  • classes will be most effective only under the supervision of a trainer;
  • the plan must be strictly adhered to.

Tips for choosing the form of classes

If the question arose of what type of fitness to do specifically for weight loss, then you can choose body flex, Pilates, Zumba, aerobics.

Shaping, yoga, stretching, callanetics will help to heal the whole body and improve the emotional state.

Bodybuilding, crossfit, shaping transform the forms of both individual parts of the body and the entire body. Muscles will become embossed, vitality and energy will increase.

What clothes are suitable for fitness?

In order for classes to be carried out with pleasure and the greatest comfort, sportswear manufacturers have developed a variety of lines of women's and men's equipment, as well as specially for children and teenagers.

Recommendations of specialists for selection

  • In the training room, you should purchase special shoes. They should be breathable, light, have a flexible and elastic sole. Shoes must be chosen so that they fit snugly around the instep and ankle.
  • For girls, it is advisable to buy special underwear that will support the chest and reduce the load on the spine during intense movements.
  • It is preferable to choose not a T-shirt, but a T-shirt so that nothing interferes during the exercises. It also leaves the shoulder joint open, the correct movement of which must be monitored. The material from which the athlete's clothing is sewn must necessarily remove moisture and allow air to pass through.
  • The next tip is about leggings. They are preferable to shorts, because they tightly fit the muscles of the legs, toning them, and preventing varicose veins.
  • During exercise on simulators, as well as with dumbbells and other sports equipment, the skin of the hands becomes rougher. Special gloves without fingers will help protect it.
  • You will also need to purchase a gym bag or backpack to store your fitness gear. It should have several departments in which it will be easier to find everything you need.

The most popular models of clothing and accessories for fitness

These are brand products:

  • ADIDAS (Germany) is one of the most famous brands in the world;
  • REEBOK (Germany) - excellent quality and beautiful appearance made the models of this company very popular;
  • UNDER ARMOR (USA) - clothing made of fibers with an antibacterial effect, removes moisture from the body, so it is always comfortable;
  • BONA FIDE (Russia) - excellent design and assistance in body shaping;
  • PROFIT (Russia) - high-quality, stylish premium class clothing;
  • SENZA RIVALI (Russia) - bright, comfortable, original products with an average price and excellent characteristics.

Review of the best online sportswear stores in 2025

HARDFASHION - presents a variety of uniforms for fitness professionals. There are products of the most famous brands that meet all the criteria for choosing equipment. It is impossible to stumble upon a fake in this store, but you will have to spend a significant amount.

FIT2U - specializes in the products of the Russian company Profit. A wide selection of products will make you think for a long time: which one is better to buy. The domestic manufacturer quite often presents its new products at an affordable price and quality.

ART-SPORT - the catalog contains bright, stylish original models of clothes and shoes with good functionality. There is a sales section with significant discounts. You can also find recommendations from professionals that will help eliminate mistakes when choosing.

SPORTKULT - in this store you can order clothes online for any sport of all famous brands. There are the best customer reviews of the site with clear navigation and ease of use. For regular customers there are personal discounts.

DECATHLON - a large list of products from highly rated companies. Clothes and footwear for all kinds of sports for women, men, for schoolchildren and people of the age.There are both well-known brands and inexpensive products of domestic manufacturers. Seasonal sales are on. The difference between the store is the page of eco-products that are absolutely safe for humans and nature.

We talked about what types of fitness are and what their features are. It remains to choose the most suitable program and where it is better to buy specialized clothes. Good luck!

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