
  1. Criterias of choice
  2. Private or public
  3. Rating of the best veterinary clinics in Moscow for 2025

Rating of the best veterinary clinics in Moscow for 2025

Rating of the best veterinary clinics in Moscow for 2025

If you type in “Moscow veterinary clinics” in a search engine, an impressive list will open. But finding a good doctor for your pet is a big problem. If the task is to choose a clinic that really helps animals, and does not set the main goal of extorting money from the owners, then below are useful tips on what criteria you should pay attention to when looking for the best veterinary clinic in Moscow.

Criterias of choice

Availability of registration documents

A good clinic places registration documents in the public domain.The presence of registration documents (by the way, they should be freely available), of course, does not mean that good doctors work here. But at least the staff has the appropriate education and is guided by standards when prescribing treatment.

And one more thing - check the availability of licenses. Only licensed clinics have the right to vaccinate animals against the same rabies, the use of anesthetics during operations. All documents must also be freely available. If not, feel free to ask to see them.

Personnel qualification

Only certified specialists should be in the clinic - you can ask directly about the qualifications and experience of a particular doctor. If something confuses - request documents on education. There is nothing offensive in this. On the contrary, any normal person is proud of his achievements.

At the initial appointment, pay attention to how the doctor treats the animal, how quickly he managed to establish contact with him. A good veterinarian will definitely explain the diagnosis, tell you how to care for your pet, how to take medication correctly, and whether you need to change the diet.

List of services, prices

The more of them, the better. If not only general practitioners work in a veterinary clinic, but also narrow specialists (dentists, for example), this is just fine. You don't have to waste time looking for doctors. Some clinics offer additional grooming services, which is also good.

Now as for the equipment. Ultrasound machine, X-ray, equipped separate operating room - the necessary minimum. Not bad if the clinic also has the opportunity to conduct an ECHO and take an ECG.

Separately, about prices - the price for all types of services should be both on the official website and in the clinic itself.A vague wording like “from a conditional 5,000 rubles” is bad, because it is difficult to understand what maximum the doctor can say after the procedure.

Pay attention to the bill - it happens that it includes actually rendered services, and some incomprehensible items like medical support. Sounds significant, but means nothing but money siphoning.
Too low prices (compared to other clinics) are also no reason to rejoice, no one will work for free, which means that the hospital either saves on the quality of drugs, or doctors work here - yesterday's students without practical experience, who have recently completed their studies.


Carefully check the diagnosis, the names of the drugs and do not hesitate to ask what each drug is for and from. If you can not get a clear answer to any question, it is better to consult another doctor. Incorrectly prescribed treatment can cause serious harm to the health of the pet.

Information about some mythical innovative medicines (often homeopathy with unconfirmed effectiveness) is also one of the ways to get more money from clients.

Before buying medicines, compare prices for the same drug in different veterinary pharmacies. It happens that in the strongly recommended cost twice as much as in the rest.

General impression

If the clinic is clean, well-groomed (the quality and price of repairs are the tenth thing here), the doctors wear bathrobes - excellent. If you understand that the last cleaning was done at least a month ago, the staff is wearing a shabby uniform, the administrator is frankly rude, it is better to look for another option.


It is better to look for them not on the website of the clinic itself - they are usually laudatory and of the same type. See user reviews on third-party resources.Minor nit-picking can be ignored, but if there are complaints about the qualifications of doctors, an incorrect diagnosis, greatly inflated prices, this is a sure sign that it is better to bypass such a hospital. It is even better to ask friends for recommendations - first-hand information is more reliable in any case.

When exactly should you look for another clinic?

You can understand how qualified personnel work in a veterinary clinic already at the stage of telephone conversations. If the operator cannot accurately name the price of the initial appointment, gets confused in the schedules of doctors, and cannot clearly explain anything at all, it is worth looking for another option.

Another reason to be wary is that the employee in a telephone conversation strongly recommends a home examination instead of a visit to the clinic. The motivation is quite logical - less stress for the pet. In fact, it is impossible to conduct a full examination in a completely unintended environment. In this case, we are most likely talking about an attempt to take from customers a larger amount than provided by the price list, and not about caring.

It is worth contacting another doctor even if the clinic offers to go through a whole complex of seemingly unrelated procedures at once. It's one thing if the owner himself insists on an examination, it's another if, along with a dental check, the veterinarian offers to conduct a paid ultrasound, for example.

Read reviews. Negative, like “I had to sit in line for a long time” - these are problems with organizational issues. Yes, sitting for a couple of hours with a sick animal is not enough pleasure, but there is nothing criminal or critical in this. But if users note the indifference of doctors, incorrect diagnoses, then it is better not to take risks and immediately look for another clinic.

Private or public

Good, qualified doctors can be found both there and there.As well as people who absolutely do not care what will happen to the furry patient. So again, either look for reviews, or ask friends for recommendations.
With prices, it’s a completely different matter - in state hospitals they are an order of magnitude lower, at least in therapy. For comparison, in the first, a therapist's appointment costs an average of 200 rubles, in the second - 1200-1700 rubles.
Surgical operations cost about the same, depending on the complexity of the manipulations (cavitary ones are more expensive), the use of anesthesia, and medications.

Rating of the best veterinary clinics in Moscow for 2025



A network of clinics providing a wide range of services. It has its own hospital, laboratory, veterinary pharmacy and a store where you can buy everything for your pets - from food to toys.


  • therapy - treatment of non-communicable diseases;
  • surgery;
  • traumatology, gynecology;
  • dentistry - from cleaning to extraction of teeth.

Here you can get a veterinary passport, crop ears and tail. Make the necessary vaccines. And, yes, besides cats, dogs, rodents and guinea pigs are treated here.
If necessary, you can call a specialist at home, emergency assistance, grooming services and pet care are available.


Opening hours: every day from 9.00 to 21.000

The price of the initial appointment with a therapist is 1900 rubles

  • comfortable conditions;
  • own laboratory;
  • new equipment;
  • anesthesia;
  • a wide range of services;
  • highly qualified specialists;
  • convenient work schedule.
  • no.


A spacious clinic with a laboratory, an operating room and a therapeutic department, X-ray, ultrasound.Here you can get preventive vaccinations, conduct oral hygiene, a full examination with the appointment of the necessary drugs and procedures, get advice from a zoopsychologist. Plus - emergency home care and online advisory services.


Working hours: from 9.00 to 21.00 without breaks, weekends

The price of an initial appointment with a therapist is 1700 rubles, a narrow specialist is 2200 rubles

  • modern equipment;
  • everything from the laboratory to the surgical room is in one place;
  • own pet store with more than 20,000 items;
  • there are specialists working with exotic animals;
  • full information about prices for services, qualifications of doctors is available on the website.
  • No, except for the prices.


Affordable prices, a wide range of services and only positive user reviews. The list of services is standard - from gynecology, castration, oral care, to the treatment of cancer.
The reception is conducted by highly qualified specialists with extensive experience. Full information about each doctor can be found on the website. All prices, price lists - in the public domain.


Opening hours: every day from 10.00 to 20.00

The price for admission is only 450 rubles, plus promotions are held regularly

  • friendly attitude towards pets - this is noted by every second user, here they find an approach even to aggressive animals;
  • fair prices;
  • detailed consultations - after the appointment, the doctor will explain in detail what medications are needed and why, how to do the dressing correctly or what kind of care the pet needs after the operation;
  • own pharmacy with standard, not inflated prices;
  • equipped classrooms.
  • no.


The clinic is open until 22.00. The rest - only positive reviews. Users note the attentiveness and friendliness of the staff, the high qualification of doctors and adequate prices.


  • therapy;
  • surgery;
  • gynecology;
  • traumatology;
  • chipping;
  • vaccination;
  • tick removal.

Plus emergency assistance, the possibility of visiting doctors at home and other services for the care of pets. Of the minuses - a consultation, even without examining the animal, will cost 400 rubles.


Opening hours: from 10.00 to 22.00

Admission fee - 750 rubles

  • adequate prices;
  • cleanliness and sterility in offices;
  • attentive attitude of the staff;
  • a good informative site - the necessary information is freely available, the prices in the price list are fixed, without vague wording;
  • a clear explanation of the need for certain procedures - just like that, no one will send an X-ray or ultrasound;
  • frequent promotions, discounts, bonuses for regular customers;
  • qualified help.
  • there are no special ones.


Unlike private clinics, public clinics have strict requirements for caudate patients:

  • the animal must be vaccinated against rabies - the vaccination passport must be taken with you;
  • the dog must be muzzled, and the cat must be brought to the doctor in a carrier;
  • they will not work with aggressive animals - the owner will reassure the pet, if the animal categorically refuses to follow the commands, they may be refused admission;
  • the reception is carried out only in the presence of the owner of the animal - it is not worth sending the child with the pet to the clinic (it is unlikely that he will be able to accurately name the symptoms).

Before making an appointment, look at the reviews in advance - they differ radically from different clinics. It is worth paying attention to reviews regarding specific doctors.
As for services, their list in public hospitals is no different from private ones, but the prices for some services are several times lower.

Babushkinskaya veterinary clinic

One of the oldest clinics in Moscow, operating since 1969. Provides a full range of services. Preventive, surgical, emergency care (possible home visits - calls are accepted around the clock), plus vaccination, installation of chips. Here you can also issue a veterinary certificate, certificates for traveling with a pet. Employees are highly specialized and general practitioners with at least 10 years of experience.

Prices are more than reasonable - inspection will cost only 138 rubles. There are benefits for paying for services for veterans and owners of guide dogs - the initial appointment, the appointment of treatment for them is free.

Website -

Opening hours: from 8.00 to 22.00 daily

Admission price - 160 rubles

  • round-the-clock assistance in emergency situations;
  • free rabies vaccination (you can choose from several drugs);
  • modern equipment.
  • queues;
  • neglected area around the hospital;
  • It is better to look for reviews about a particular doctor in advance.

Vet clinic in the Northern Administrative District of Moscow

Here, in addition to standard therapy, dentistry, surgery, laboratories, there is an ECHO for diagnosing heart diseases, and free vaccination against rabies. Grooming services, registration of veterinary documents, including for exhibitions.

User reviews are mostly positive - good, qualified staff, clean rooms. There are no serious complaints.


Opening hours: from 8.00 to 23.00

The cost of seeing a therapist is 160 rubles (fixing the animal will cost another 300)

  • emergency round the clock veterinary care;
  • registration of accompanying documents;
  • veterinary pharmacy;
  • a full list of services - from grooming to surgery of any degree of complexity;
  • purity.
  • there are no critical ones.

Clinic of the Eastern Administrative District of Moscow

Modern, with well-equipped offices, spacious corridors. Plus good service and adequate prices for services:

  • surgery - from abdominal operations of any complexity, to the removal of skin tumors;
  • diagnostics - ECG, ECHO, ultrasound;
  • laboratory research;
  • registration of veterinary passports, accompanying documents;
  • preventive vaccination;
  • grooming.

User reviews are positive - many note the professionalism of doctors and the polite attitude of administrators.


Opening hours: from 8.00 to 21.00 (emergency assistance with home visits - around the clock)

Price - from 160 rubles for the initial appointment.

  • highly qualified doctors;
  • modern diagnostic equipment;
  • own veterinary pharmacy;
  • no user complaints about attempts to bill for services not rendered.
  • no.

The rating is based on user reviews, cost estimates, the list of services provided, and the ease of use of hospital sites.

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