Many people relax after work not with a book in their hands or watching TV, but preferring active leisure. For such people, wakeboarding, which combines elements of water skiing, snowboarding and jet skiing, is great fun. In addition to protective equipment and training, extreme sportsmen need to pay attention to the choice of the board, taking into account various nuances. To make the choice not difficult for an adrenaline lover, a rating of the best wakeboards for 2025 has been compiled.
To choose the right piece of equipment, it’s not enough just to go to the store and buy the most expensive board, as you need to consider:
There are 3 types of boards depending on the style of riding. It is important to consider this point, as it determines the purpose of the wakeboard:
The important point is that if you mix up the type of board and use the “wrong” one, then the raider will get pleasure from riding, but will not be able to appreciate all the advantages of the “correct” type, since he used a wake (as the accessory for wakeboarding is called for short) in improper conditions .
The length of the wakeboard is selected depending on the weight of the rider. Usually, manufacturers themselves compile a table with the help of which the length of a board of a particular brand (the so-called size) is selected, but if the manufacturer did not leave the necessary information when buying a wakeboard, then it is customary to rely on universal tables of sizes, where the length of the canvas is indicated depending on the weight of the extreme. You can find them on the Internet.
The athlete must understand that the selection of equipment occurs individually.
Wakes are also conditionally divided into long and short.
The material and curve of the board are of key importance, as they affect the weight of the board and can give the wakeboard different characteristics.
Wake is made from materials:
The key point in the creation of the board is the bend that goes from the beginning to the end of the wake - the so-called rocker. It is the rocker that largely determines the nature of the use of the accessory and the style of riding.
To determine the type of bend, you do not need to purchase any measuring instruments. It is enough to know what types of rocker are.
There are the following varieties:
When choosing in a store, a consultant is ready to provide about 20 eminent delusions that have earned worldwide fame, however, among them one can single out the best of the best.
These are:
In this category, the best are the following models:
In 2025, this board has become a real find for riders of all levels, from beginner to pro. The model is equipped with a three-stage rocker and retained its elasticity. Making the foam core left her with a lightness and firmness to perform tricks that would be appreciated by wake aces. O'Brien Exclusive S18 is a good improvement of the brand's previously created wakes, while retaining all the accumulated experience and knowledge. The novelty will give a lot of the brightest moments and will not leave anyone indifferent. The price will also please, it is 15490 rubles.
Designed for those who prefer jumping in boat wakeboarding. Every detail of this model is focused on the fact that the rider made a jump filled with energy and beauty.The three-stage rocker and the fact that the wake is made of foam and the base and core are made of fiberglass have endowed the wakeboard with speed and maneuverability that is available to experienced riders or pros. Equipment is not suitable for a beginner. The cost of the board: 52950 rubles.
Great solution for beginners. It is made of foam, but the strength is reinforced with fiberglass, which will allow it to be used on any surface. For its strength and gliding, it has received the opinion that it is suitable for use in park wakeboarding. The shape of the inventory ensures the ease of performing any tricks, speed and maneuverability. Channels created with G&R technology give the product stability on the water and provide better grip
The price is 22060 rubles.
The wakeboard is designed specifically for park riding, Equipped with a smooth curve of the shape that increases stability and a core made of wood. The board's flex is responsive to turns and predictable in jumps to perform various tricks. The product is aimed at both beginners and professionals. Price: 47,000 rubles.
The park wakeboard is ready for anything and on any surface.Reinforced carbon fiber rocker and multiple fin bases provide comfort for riders of all skill levels. The behavior of the board is responsive to maneuvers and has shock absorbers when returning to the surface from a height. At the same time, the wake seems to be amused, hinting that the owner has not yet fully revealed either the potential of the accessory or his own. Thanks to the “behavior”, HUMANOID Io In Channel gives the feeling of a pioneer even to experienced riders, which guarantees riding pleasure. The cost of HUMANOID Io In Channel is 46950 rubles.
Designed for aggressive park riding. In order to embody the craziest ideas of its owner, even in the absence of waves and springboards, the wake has the author's Continuous rocker, which ensures smooth riding and confidence when maneuvering. The O'Shea Park core is made from the signature Bi-Ax fiber, which gives the accessory a stretchy feel and responsiveness to the rider's action. The product is available in three sizes, which only expands the circle of its admirers. The cost of the product is 49,000 rubles.
It differs among its counterparts not only in its versatility of use, but also in the lightness and hardness of materials, despite the fact that the wake core is made of wood, so the product must be heavy.
The equipment will be an excellent acquisition for a beginner who decides to improve his skill level. For an experienced rider, it will become a tool with which you can demonstrate to the public and yourself professionalism, showing the spectacular performance of tricks. There was an opinion that the wake is more adapted for boating, but it will not lie idle in the park either.
It should also be noted that the price is equal to 26000, which is a budget option for a professional wake.
It is a mixture of the classics of wakeboarding and the implementation of innovative technologies. Wake was created to demonstrate itself on any surface and delight with its appearance alone. Once on it, you can be sure that it will go like clockwork anywhere and everywhere, showing contact with the surface and responsive maneuvering.
The cost of HUMANOID Oracle is 47,000 rubles.
A product endowed with excellent behavior on the water. Wake is the epitome of what an accessory for jumping and various feints should look like, which an extremist wants to perform. Despite the fact that the rider can perform any element of riding with this item, the wakeboard itself has a responsive disposition and excellent stability, as it has an extended rocker length. Wake price is 42950 rubles.
Choosing a wakeboard is a rather individual task that requires taking into account various factors that depend both on the extreme and on the qualities of the wake, but having the information, it will not be difficult to choose the right thing.