
  1. Requirements for heat insulators
  2. Classification
  3. The best inexpensive heaters
  4. Heaters of the middle price category
  5. Heaters of a high price category
  6. Conclusion

Rating of the best heaters for a bath for 2025

Rating of the best heaters for a bath for 2025

About how hot the steam room will be, you need to think already at the stage of building a bath. One of the main qualities of a steam room is the ability to retain heat. To do this, you need to choose the right thermal insulation material. Otherwise, there will be a big loss of energy. In rooms where baths and saunas are equipped, heaters are used, which must meet certain conditions.

Requirements for heat insulators

When using inappropriate materials or violating the thermal insulation technology, much more time will be spent on heating the steam room, and heat will be rapidly lost. Therefore, when building, you need to take into account some features. The stronger the heat bath, the greater the temperature difference between the steam room and adjacent rooms. The dissipation of heat will then be very fast. On the way of air masses, it is necessary to create a barrier from a good insulator with suitable characteristics. It must be moisture resistant, biostable and environmentally friendly. High humidity, as well as the presence of various fungi and bacteria that form in a humid environment, can damage the insulation.

Depending on the chemical composition, heaters are divided into organic and inorganic. The first group is now used much less frequently due to thermal degradation. In other words, it is the ability to change properties at elevated temperatures. Another limitation is this: organic materials tend to ignite quickly. Some components are not recommended for use in the construction of saunas and baths. For example, expanded polystyrene is able to withstand temperatures of only 50 to 75 degrees. Glass wool has a low service life in wet areas. Polyurethane foam and some other materials emit harmful substances when heated, and also have an insufficient combustibility characteristic.

Additional requirements for thermal insulation materials:

  1. They should be well combined with the present finishing materials.
  2. Do not allow condensation to accumulate.
  3. Have low moisture absorption.
  4. Conforms to fire-prevention and sanitary and hygienic norms.
  5. Be completely sealed.

Organic materials include peat and particle boards. They are suitable for warming the dressing room or rest room. In a very hot room, they cannot be used even with additional processing with a flame retardant. Mineral heaters belong to inorganic materials. They are considered the most economical. Stone and slag fibers are used as raw materials for their manufacture. Another group is basalt heaters. These include dolomite, slag, limestone wool. Their advantage is that they are not combustible, and also have high insulating characteristics. Another property is durability and good water repellency. Such cotton wool is mounted simply. The material is not liked by rodents. Glass wool is close in properties to basalt wool. It is more convenient for installation. However, in terms of temperature properties, it is inferior, so it is better not to use it for a steam room.


All types of heat insulators are classified according to different parameters. Judging by external signs, there is a division into sheet, roll, bulk and block. Depending on the installation method, there are bulk, monolithic, self-adhesive. By origin there is a group of organic (polymeric) and natural. Bulk materials include expanded clay, vermiculite, slag waste. Block materials are foam blocks. Plate heaters: foam plastic, extruded polystyrene foam (organic), stone or basalt wool (inorganic). Rolled heat insulators are made mainly of organic and inorganic cotton wool. Foamed foil materials are also rolled.

When comparing heaters, the following characteristics are taken into account:

  • mass (density);
  • heat and sound insulating properties;
  • fire resistance (fire safety);
  • moisture resistance;
  • environmental friendliness (no harmful emissions and safety for human health);
  • price;
  • durability.

The best inexpensive heaters

Thanks to good thermal insulation, you can reduce fuel costs and keep the building in excellent condition for a long time. This is especially true if the bath is used all year round.

For a long time, natural components have been used to insulate the bath - moss, bast, tow. Humanity simply had no other choice. Now environmentally friendly and durable artificial heaters are used, which are easy to install.

Expanded clay

Expanded clay has always been the cheapest material for insulation. It is used to this day. But its scope is limited. Expanded clay embankment can be used when installing the floor and attic floors. The porous structure is sufficiently moisture resistant, resistant to the development of microorganisms. Expanded clay is not favored by rodents. Durability and environmental friendliness are a separate topic for conversation. Even if the granules are damaged, the mass does not lose its thermal insulation properties. However, there are some inconveniences during installation. For example, expanded clay cannot be scattered in an even layer without the addition of a concrete mixture. It is quite laborious to carry heavy bags of pellets to the attic.

Expanded clay of different fractions is on sale: small (from 5 to 10 mm), medium (size from 10 to 20 mm) and large (from 20 to 40 mm). Wholesalers sell products in bags of 50 liters.

Expanded clay
  • cheap;
  • non-toxic and environmentally friendly;
  • has excellent thermal insulation properties;
  • does not react with acids and other chemicals;
  • durable;
  • resistant to moisture and frost;
  • not susceptible to rodents.
  • there are difficulties during installation;
  • the scope is limited.


Traditionally, foam was used in the construction of houses, baths and garages. However, there is one unpleasant feature of this material. When heated, the foam releases phenol-containing compounds. Also, the material is very combustible, this property gives reason for reflection when choosing a material for warming the bath. But he entered this rating for ease of installation and moisture resistance. It is good to use it for dressing rooms, recreation rooms, for outdoor decoration. The decisive factor in favor of this material in the construction of a bath is its affordable price. The technology is quite simple: the material is easy to cut, it is lightweight, and the tile joints foam quickly.

Styrofoam (aka expanded polystyrene) is produced by foaming from polymeric materials such as PVC, polystyrene or polyurethane. The material contains only 2% polymers and 98% air. This explains its lightness. Release form - sheets 1000x1000x50 mm and 1000x2000x50 mm in size.

Styrofoam can be subjected to deformation and destruction upon contact with paints and varnishes. It is very fond of rodents, so it is recommended to apply a coating to repel animals before use. Foam boards practically do not let air through, this property makes it necessary to create reliable ventilation.

  • cheapness;
  • ease of installation;
  • light weight;
  • moisture resistance.
  • combustibility;
  • limited scope.

Mezhventsovy heaters

There is a special group of natural materials: linen, moss, hemp.These are the so-called interventional heaters. In addition to them, materials produced in the form of rolls are used. They are based on natural ingredients (tow and linen jute). Heaters are impregnated with a special composition that birds do not like. This makes the material less vulnerable. But there is a small minus - low thermal conductivity. For a bath with such a heater, additional capital insulation from the outside is required.

Mezhventsovy heater
  • environmental friendliness;
  • low price;
  • good vapor permeability.
  • cannot be used in stone and concrete buildings;
  • fast flammability;
  • additional costs for external insulation are required.

Heaters of the middle price category

Manufacturers of building materials do not stand still. There are many new mid-range products on the market that make life easier for builders. Feedback from experienced users made it possible to rank the most common heaters.

mineral wool

Just yesterday, among heat-insulating materials, mineral wool occupied a leading position in the construction market. Due to its affordable price, it continues to be in demand among the population. The insulation has good fire resistance and resistance to damage. There are also excellent soundproofing properties. However, it does not tolerate moisture well. When wet, some of the useful properties are lost. To avoid this phenomenon, builders are forced to resort to additional measures, namely, to perform vapor and waterproofing. Such actions increase the life of the mineral wool. We should not forget about the additional protection of the respiratory system and vision during installation, since mineral wool is harmful to human health.

mineral wool
  • acceptable price;
  • fire resistance;
  • ease of installation.
  • low resistance to moisture;
  • causes harm to the respiratory organ and vision during installation.

Foil insulation

Currently available foil insulation has found wide distribution. Due to the thinnest layer of aluminum deposited on the surface, the insulator has good reflective and soundproofing properties. Brands of different companies are known (penofol, ultraflex and others). The material is used for thermal insulation of the ceiling surface in the steam room and for finishing the chimney. It retains heat well, reflects light, and creates a fire-resistant layer. In addition, the insulation is a good sound insulator. Small thickness saves floor space. There is one caveat - the material is susceptible to corrosion on the foil layer. To avoid such an unpleasant phenomenon, the metal surface is additionally treated with an anti-corrosion compound. Finishers working with foil insulation generally speak well of the material. Builders fell in love with it for ease of installation and low weight. The material is hygienic and environmentally friendly.

You can reduce heat loss with the help of ready-made insulation systems. They are made specifically for rooms with temperature fluctuations and high humidity, namely for saunas and baths. LOGICPIR thermal insulation boards are foil-laminated boards. They are installed without an additional vapor barrier layer. The foil is a heat reflector, thanks to which heat flows are directed into the room, while 95% of the energy remains in the room, the bath heats up quickly. Board joints are recommended to be glued with LOGICPIR self-adhesive aluminum tape.

Foil insulation
  • light weight;
  • small thickness;
  • good environmental properties;
  • fire resistance;
  • efficiency.
  • susceptibility to corrosion, which requires additional varnishing.

Heaters of a high price category

The purchase of a heater for a bath is a very important undertaking. Sometimes it is better to spare no expense and opt for better materials that will last for decades. This opinion is shared by experienced builders.

Basalt insulation

Basalt insulation is the leader among finishing materials in the construction of saunas and baths. The main advantages of experts include its safety and environmental component. The heat insulator, made of natural ingredients, has such good qualities as fire resistance and moisture resistance. The absence of the release of harmful compounds is one of the main properties, since the most valuable thing in a person is health. Therefore, when choosing a material, many pay great attention to how environmentally friendly it is. Basalt slabs are not favored by rodents. Experts note that thermal insulation is able to withstand large temperature fluctuations. The plates are not afraid of high humidity. The service life of basalt insulation can be more than thirty years. During this time, the material does not lose its heat and sound insulation abilities. The downside is the high cost. But when it comes to quality, you can close your eyes to this shortcoming. Specialists-finishers note the ease of installation and versatility of basalt. However, it carries a lot of weight.

To insulate the frame of the bath, ROCLITE stone wool slabs are used. An alternative option is technolight mineral wool slabs.

Basalt insulation
  • long service life;
  • fire resistance;
  • excellent thermal insulation properties;
  • environmental friendliness and absence of harmful emissions;
  • ability to withstand large temperature changes;
  • versatility.
  • high price;
  • big mass.

Foam glass

Builders place great hopes on modern heat-insulating material called foam glass. He confidently wins a leading position in the construction market. Sales volumes are growing every year. The limiting factor is so far only its price. According to its characteristics, it is in no way inferior to its previous counterpart. The material is highly resistant to temperature extremes, effectively protects against noise, resistant to moisture, organic solvents and acids. The heat insulator is not liked by insects and rodents. A more suitable element for warming a bath, perhaps, cannot be found. This is evidenced by numerous positive reviews from users who have already encountered foam glass.

Foam glass
  • durability;
  • excellent heat and noise insulation properties;
  • environmental friendliness;
  • resistance to moisture and temperature extremes.
  • high price.


Connoisseurs of a real Russian bath or Finnish sauna are well aware of the nuances that exist when arranging a bath to create a cozy atmosphere. Everyone wants to facilitate the construction process and reduce the time as much as possible. And when you rely only on your own strength, it is very important to choose exactly the material that is suitable both in terms of price and quality. The main thing in the implementation of the project is the creation of a thermos effect in the steam room. It is possible that this selection will help you create the bath of your dreams.

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