
  1. How to choose a children's sedative drug
  2. How to help a restless baby
  3. Rating of the best sedatives for children
  4. Conclusion

Rating of the best sedative drugs for children for 2025

Rating of the best sedative drugs for children for 2025

Many parents had to deal with children's tantrums for any reason. Sometimes they are associated with the fact that the baby is tired, wants to eat or sleep, and sometimes there are situations when bad behavior is associated with disturbances in the activity of the nervous system. If nervous overexcitation occurs frequently, it is necessary to visit a doctor who will prescribe sedatives. They will help not only relieve nervous tension, but also alleviate the psycho-emotional situation in the family, since children's "perceptions" can cause conflicts in the family. Sedatives are sometimes also prescribed for anxious and hyperactive children who have trouble sleeping (long falling asleep or waking up frequently).

In our review, you can learn about popular drugs for relieving nervous tension in children. We will talk about what to look for when choosing a drug, as well as compile a rating of quality drugs based on reviews from real customers.

How to choose a children's sedative drug

Before you go to the pharmacy, it is imperative to visit a pediatrician or a neurologist who will assess the state of the baby's nervous system, and also prescribe one or another drug. It should be remembered that even harmless, at first glance, valerian has a list of contraindications, as well as side effects. When visiting a doctor, you also need to figure out if tantrums are not a character trait, since children with a choleric type of behavior do not need the use of drugs, and their appointment can only make the baby depressed, artificially reducing his activity during the day.

Sedative drugs (also called sedatives) help to establish a balance between excitation and inhibition of the human nervous system in the brain. For the manufacture of such drugs, components of plant origin are most often used, for the treatment of serious diseases - artificially synthesized.

How to help a restless baby

Most healthy babies up to a year spend most of the day in peaceful sleep, but there are children who have difficulty falling asleep, or who constantly wake up and cry loudly.There are several reasons for this behaviour:

  • Complicated childbirth, during which hypoxia or asphyxia occurred. Due to the fact that during the birth process the fetal brain experienced a lack of oxygen for some time, intracranial pressure may increase, or the shell of the cortex may suffer, which leads to an increase in anxiety and nervousness.
  • A newborn may simply "confuse day for night." This happens to babies born to mothers who fall asleep after midnight, or when the daily routine is not observed. As a rule, after the baby is put to bed at the same time, sleep and wakefulness normalize.
  • Colic. Most babies experience these problems to some extent. Most often they occur in boys. In the pharmacy you can find a large number of products that help solve this problem, and finding the right one is not difficult. In rare cases, it is required to undergo specific treatment with a gastroenterologist, who will identify the cause of dysbacteriosis and prescribe the appropriate treatment. According to statistics, after reaching the age of three months, in most babies the problem is solved by itself.
  • Otitis. Another common problem in young children. Newborns cannot communicate that they are in pain, and it often happens that parents cannot understand the reason for prolonged crying. If the above methods do not help, you need to seek help from a pediatrician.
  • Rickets. This disease occurs due to a lack of vitamin D. It is synthesized in the human skin under the influence of sunlight.Due to the fact that in the northern latitudes the number of sunny days is small, people lack a useful trace element, which can cause various health problems. In children, the disease manifests itself in the form of deformation of the bone skeleton, anxiety, unreasonable anxiety.
  • Teething. This problem manifests itself in babies older than six months. The appearance of new teeth in itself is accompanied by pain and discomfort, and sometimes it occurs in conjunction with an increase in body temperature, as well as the appearance of catarrhal phenomena (runny nose, cough). To eliminate unpleasant symptoms, you can use dental gels, as well as medications in the form of drops.

Procedure for helping a restless baby:

  1. feed. Hunger is a common but not the most obvious cause of anxiety and crying. Modern pediatricians believe that babies can be fed on demand, without adhering to a specific schedule. In this case, both mother and baby will be calm.
  2. Change clothes. This step needs no comment.
  3. Calm down by holding. The tactics of many parents not to respond to crying leads to the fact that an adult neurasthenic grows out of a child who has to prove to others his need and value all his life.
  4. Offer a pacifier if needed. The sucking reflex in babies can be very pronounced, and “hanging on the chest” all day is not possible. Do not be afraid of a pacifier, weaning from it will take several days, and the peace of mind brought by its presence will last for months.
  5. Take vitamin D between October and April.
  6. Set and follow a daily routine.
  7. Establish nutrition for the mother (in case the baby is breastfed).
  8. Establish a calm atmosphere in the house, especially in the presence of a baby (first of all, do not raise your voice).
  9. If the above methods do not help, you need to contact a pediatrician who will check the intracranial pressure, and also take tests, the results of which will identify health problems, and prescribe the appropriate treatment.

Rating of the best sedatives for children

Babies (up to 1 year old)

Needle extract for baths, 500 ml

They are prescribed for children older than 6 months who do not have skin lesions. In addition to needles, a non-concentrated saline solution, as well as herbs (thyme, valerian, linden, and others) can be added to the bath. Bathing in warm fragrant water not only helps relieve inflammation on delicate baby skin, but also soothes the baby, promotes relaxation. One of the indications for the appointment of physiotherapy is the presence of dermatitis, eczema, and allergic rashes on the skin. This treatment relieves inflammation and soreness, and also reduces the frequency of new rashes.

Doctors prescribe baths with coniferous extract for frequent tantrums, difficulty falling asleep, and also for excitability of the nervous system caused by hypoxia during childbirth. Substances released from the needles help to speed up metabolic processes, relieve increased intracranial pressure, and also relieve headaches.

Baths with pine needles have shown themselves well as a complex therapy for rickets in babies. They increase the body's susceptibility to vitamin D, promote the absorption of calcium. Hydrotherapy is also used in children with cerebral palsy. It is not addictive, unlike drugs, it relieves pain and helps to relax muscles.When carrying out water procedures, it is necessary to control that the baby does not swallow water, since at an early age coniferous extract can cause allergic reactions. It is recommended to set the water temperature in the range from 20 to 39 ºС. Coniferous extract is diluted in the following concentration: 4 grams of a dry tablet per 100 liters, or 50 ml of a liquid agent for the same volume. The average price of a product is 200 rubles.

Needle extract for baths, 500 ml
  • extract is inexpensive;
  • not addictive;
  • practically no side effects;
  • suitable for a child of any age;
  • is sold not only in pharmacies, but also in supermarkets, you can order online in an online store.
  • not detected.

Tea FITOEzhka PharmGroup

The drink is a dietary supplement (BAA) and is intended for babies older than 6 months. The composition is completely natural - oregano, creeping thyme, peppermint, heart-shaped linden. The product is manufactured in Altai by the Russian company PharmGroup. The packaging is bright pink. It depicts a hedgehog sleeping, thus indicating that the drug is intended to relieve nervous excitement and improve sleep.

The manufacturer declares that all raw materials used in production have passed quality control, including radiological safety. Form of release of tea - double bags, in one package - 20 pieces. The box contains instructions for use. To brew a drink, you need to pour one bag of boiled water (200 ml.) And leave for at least 10 minutes. After that, the tea should be cooled to an acceptable temperature and given a little bit during the day. You can drink no more than one cup per day, it is stored for no more than 12 hours.

The dark-colored infusion has a pronounced herbal aroma and a pleasant taste. The mint flavor is the most pronounced. According to the manufacturer's recommendations, a little sugar can be added to improve the taste. The course of admission should not exceed 3 weeks, after which it is recommended to take a break for the same period. According to buyers, despite the budget price, tea is in the TOP of such products, since the composition is natural, and inside the bags there are herbs with inflorescences, unlike competitors' collections, in which you can often find only herbal debris. The average price of a product is 70 rubles.

Tea FITOEzhka PharmGroup
  • low price;
  • convenient release form that does not cause rejection in children;
  • mother does not have to worry about how to give medicine to the baby - because of the pleasant taste, most of them willingly drink tea.
  • among the reviews there are opinions that the tea drink is ineffective.

Phenibut 250 mg

The review continues with the drug, the annotation of which indicates that it is used for babies from 2 years of age. However, according to indications, it is often prescribed to infants, including newborns. The drug is used only as directed by a doctor, and is intended for the treatment of diseases of the nervous system - increased anxiety, nervous tics, stuttering, neuroses.

The release form of the drug is tablets; for use in childhood, it is recommended to grind them into powder and dissolve it in a small amount of water. Among the contraindications - only one parameter - hypersensitivity to any component that is part of the drug. Among the side effects are noted: nausea, drowsiness, headache, allergic reactions.The drug is produced by several companies, one of the best manufacturers is the Latvian company Olainfarm. You can find analogues of Russian manufacturers, but it is believed that their effectiveness is significantly lower.

Most often, the drug is prescribed for hyperactive and anxious children who have problems with behavior and sleep at night. The medicine belongs to the category of prescription drugs, and you cannot buy it at the pharmacy if you wish. Despite the fact that there are online stores where you can buy it without a prescription, such a serious medicine should not be taken without medical advice.

The drug is included in the list of free drugs for children under three years of age, and it can be given to large families up to 6 years of age. Start taking the pills should be gradually, evenly increasing the dose, and cancel - in the opposite way. The effect of the reception is manifested a few days after the start of use. According to customer reviews, the product is well tolerated and does not cause side effects. In addition, with prolonged use, an increase in mental and physical performance was noted. The average price of a Latvian-made package is 500 rubles, the Russian equivalent is 90 rubles.

Phenibut 250 mg
  • a large number of manufacturing companies, you can choose the right one for any budget;
  • minimum side effects;
  • a large number of positive reviews.
  • inconvenient release form;
  • some doctors believe that the effectiveness of phenibut has not been proven.

1 to 3 years


The drug is positioned as a means to improve cerebral circulation. It is available in tablet form and as a syrup. The second is prescribed to babies from the first days of life.The attitude towards the drug is twofold - some believe that it helps to cope with many health disorders at an early age, others argue that after the start of taking a large number of "side effects" appeared, because of which it was necessary to stop taking the medicine in order to avoid deterioration of health.

Most often, the drug is prescribed to newborns with a diagnosis of perinatal encephalopathy. This condition occurs if the pregnancy proceeded with complications (preeclampsia, the threat of miscarriage, fetoplacental insufficiency, etc.). Due to developmental disorders of the fetus, various pathologies can appear after birth, one of the most common is a violation of speech development. The main active ingredient is calcium hopantenate. Since the syrup is intended for young patients, it has a sweet taste. Along with the jar in the package is a measuring spoon. The drug is prescription, for buyers they include detailed instructions, which provide a description of the active ingredients, a list of contraindications, as well as precautions.

According to customer reviews, the side effect most often manifests itself in the form of hyperexcitability. In this case, you need to reduce the dose by a third. The average price of a product is 400 rubles.

  • helps with a large list of diseases of the nervous system, has a complex effect;
  • can be taken from birth;
  • closed packaging is stored for at least 2 years, and since the drug needs to be taken for a long time, it can be purchased at a stock;
  • low cost.
  • some doctors consider the effectiveness of the drug unproven.

Magne B6

This drug is prescribed to patients of any age, and for babies under 3 years old, a special form of release is intended - sweet syrup in ampoules. The product is sold in a package of 10 ampoules. Doctors have long known that many problems with the nervous system are associated with a lack of two trace elements - magnesium and vitamin B6. To make up for the deficiency, babies are prescribed a syrup in a dosage depending on age and body weight.

Disorders in the work of the nervous system are manifested in the form of the following symptoms - difficulty falling asleep, restless sleep, fatigue, nervousness and irritability. Sometimes a lack of magnesium can cause convulsions, as well as nervous tics. Before prescribing a medicine, it is necessary to conduct a blood test for magnesium levels. This is necessary in order to determine its quantitative value, and, depending on the data obtained, adjust the standard dose. Despite the fact that the drug is over-the-counter, it is not recommended to use it without consulting a doctor, since the syrup has a large list of contraindications, including age up to 1 year, renal failure, phenylketonuria, sensitivity to any component that is part of the syrup.

The dosage is determined depending on the degree of magnesium deficiency, as well as the age and body weight of the patient. For children older than one year, the daily rate is from 1 to 4 ampoules per day. The syrup is recommended to be dissolved in water, and consumed with meals several times a day. Despite the fact that the ampoules are made of traumatic material - glass, for safe opening there are cuts that allow you to break off the tip with one light touch. The average price of a product is 500 rubles.

Magne B6
  • a large number of positive customer reviews;
  • children drink syrup with pleasure;
  • convenient form of release, dosed intake.
  • in order to drink the entire course, it is required to buy several packages, which will cause significant damage to the family budget, given how much the medicine costs.

Passambra Edas 306

The drug belongs to the category of homeopathic. Some doctors believe that the effectiveness of such drugs has not been proven, but this is refuted by a large number of positive customer reviews. The novelty is made in Russia. Since the remedy is intended for use by babies from a year and older, it is available in the form of a syrup, which allows it to be given quickly and without difficulty.

The composition of the medicine is completely natural - passionflower, ambergris grizea, meadow backache, valerian. All plants have a calming or hypnotic effect. To give a pleasant taste, refined sugar is added to the syrup. The tool is used as part of the complex therapy of nervousness, increased excitability, difficulty falling asleep and with frequent tantrums in babies. Shake the syrup before use. At an early age, half a teaspoon is prescribed 3 times a day outside meals.

The instructions for use indicate that the drug does not cause any side effects that occur when taking medications, and does not pose a health hazard. Habituation does not occur, withdrawal syndrome was also not observed. The syrup is sweet, with a pronounced smell of valerian. According to the advice of parents, if the baby refuses to drink it in its pure form, you can dissolve it in any drink at room temperature.According to buyers, after starting to use syrup, babies become calmer, stop being capricious, while remaining active and cheerful. The average price of a product is 140 rubles.

Passambra Edas 306
  • natural composition, no preservatives, flavors, GMOs;
  • convenient release form;
  • can be used at an early age;
  • Lots of positive feedback from parents.
  • in a jar of 100 ml, with daily use, it lasts a little more than a week.

Over 3 years old


The drug is intended to improve cerebral circulation, and is included in the TOP prescribed for adolescents with complaints of overwork, nervous tension, anxiety, fatigue. The product is sold without a prescription in any pharmacy, as well as in online stores. Most often on sale you can find a product of the Russian company Biotica, in a package of 100 tablets.

The main active ingredient is glycine (aminoacetic acid). It contributes to the normalization of brain activity, activates the body's defenses, which help to cope with stress. The effect of the application is expressed in accelerating falling asleep and normalizing sleep, increasing brain activity, facilitating the memorization and assimilation of new material (such characteristics are important for students and schoolchildren). With prolonged use, there is also a decrease in the manifestations of vegetovascular dystonia. Often, the drug is prescribed as a maintenance therapy for patients who have had a stroke and other brain disorders.

Tablets are round, small in size, without a shell, packed in a blister. They need to be used in a special way - placed under the tongue until completely absorbed.Often, buyers make a mistake when choosing when buying glycine for babies under 3 years old - they do not know how to hold tablets under the tongue, and the expected effect is not achieved, or is weakly manifested. Toddlers can crush the tablet and dissolve in water. For children over 4 years old and adults, glycine is prescribed 1 tablet 2-3 times a day. Since for many parents one of the main selection criteria is a minimum of adverse reactions, buying this drug will be the best decision. The average price of a product is 60 rubles.

  • budget price;
  • a large number of tablets in the package;
  • suitable for children of all ages.
  • inconvenient form of release, for kids you have to grind the tablets into powder.

Tenoten for children

The medicine is intended for preschoolers older than 3 years, but periodically it is prescribed from the age of two. The product is manufactured in Russia, belongs to nootropics, and is considered homeopathic.

The attitude of physicians to medicine is twofold. This is due not only to the fact that it is homeopathic, but also to how it affects the human body. The active ingredient is antibodies to a brain-specific protein. They destroy the protein that is contained in the meninges. According to studies conducted on laboratory mice, this helps to improve concentration and speed up the memorization of information. Among the indications for use, anxiety, irritability, nervous irritability, ADHD (attention deficit hyperactivity disorder) are noted. Among the side effects, only the possibility of allergic reactions is declared. Children can use the medicine from the age of three.

For children aged 5-7 years, the drug is prescribed as an adaptive agent when entering school, at an older age (8, 9, 10 years) - to improve the assimilation of school material, increase the tolerance of mental stress. Since the drug has a pronounced activating effect, its last intake should not be later than 2 hours before bedtime. Since the tablets need to be sucked, they have a sweet taste.

It is necessary to use the medicine only as prescribed by the doctor and according to a certain scheme - with an increase at the beginning, and with a decrease at the end. One course will require about 3 packs. The average price of a product is 260 rubles.

Tenoten for children
  • pleasant taste;
  • suitable for children over 3 years old, including teenagers.
  • doctors have a controversial opinion about the effectiveness of the remedy;
  • unproven effectiveness;
  • conflicting customer reviews - some help, others not.


The review is completed by a plant-based drug, which is prescribed for both adults and children. The main components in the herbal remedy are valerian (rhizomes), lemon balm, peppermint. The presence of the last two plants allows not only to calm down, but also to relieve spasms - a feeling of "coma in the throat", clamps in the shoulder girdle, etc.

Despite the fact that the manufacturer recommends prescribing the drug to children aged 12 years and older, due to the natural composition, it is often prescribed at an earlier age. The tablets are coated, so they should be swallowed without chewing and washed down with plenty of water. The product is available in packs of 20, 40, 60 or 80 tablets. The medicine is taken regardless of meals.The course of admission is not recommended to continue for more than 2 months in order to avoid addiction. You need to drink 2-3 capsules per day.

Despite the fact that the composition of Persen is almost completely natural, it has a list of contraindications: allergic reactions to any component that is part of the tablets, high blood pressure, lactose intolerance, GERD and other chronic diseases. According to customer reviews, the first effect appears 2-3 weeks after the start of administration, and lasts for several months, after which the medication can be repeated. The average price of a product is 350 rubles.

  • natural composition;
  • has an antispasmodic effect.
  • causes drowsiness, so during the reception it is not recommended to perform complex and responsible work;
  • high price;
  • a large list of contraindications.


When choosing a drug from which company it is better to buy, first of all, you need to consult a doctor. He will prescribe the necessary examinations to identify the cause of the behavior that deviates from the norm, and will also recommend one or another drug.

In some cases, the child's behavior may be a variation of the norm and does not require medication adjustment. In any case, in the absence of medical indications, for starters, you can try to normalize the baby’s daily routine and rest, increase the number of walks in the fresh air and try to reduce the number of stress factors. Sports activities will also help normalize behavior.

If the doctor has prescribed the use of medicines, you should not self-medicate and refuse to take this or that medicine on your own, since some health problems require medical intervention. According to doctors, the child's body has large recovery reserves, and most neurological problems are easily corrected at an early age, but cannot be treated later. In order to avoid mistakes, be guided by the competent opinion of the doctor, as well as the reviews of parents who have already used this or that product. We hope that our review will help you make the right choice!

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