
  1. Application methods
  2. Varieties of urological products
  3. Selection criteria
  4. Rating of the best urological catheters for 2025
Rating of the best urological catheters for 2025

Rating of the best urological catheters for 2025

In modern medicine, the catheterization procedure is used.

She needs:

Firstly, for carrying out diagnostic studies, which are performed only by introducing special devices (catheters) into the cavity or canal of the human body. If it is not possible to determine the presence of urine in the bladder in other ways, this method will be the best.

Secondly, catheterization is used for medicinal purposes to relieve the body of urine in certain diseases of the male and female genital areas. Examples of such diseases are:

  • prostate cancer;
  • spinal paralysis;
  • narrowing of the urethra;
  • BPH.

Thirdly, catheters are also used to prevent injury to the ureters during the crushing of kidney stones.

Fourthly, this procedure is temporarily necessary for people after strip or other surgical operations for the outflow of urine or bile, as well as the administration of drugs.

Application methods

Before buying a product in this category, you need to clarify what it will be used for. The following points serve as guidelines for this:

  • for diagnosing, that is, short-term use;
  • for pre-surgical procedures;
  • use in diseases of the prostate;
  • if it is not possible to insert the instrument in the usual way;
  • use for a long time.

During the examination, doctors recommend using a Nelaton catheter. Its advantage in this process is the safest introduction. This is ensured by a special material - polyvinyl chloride or latex. In contact with the human body, it warms up and softens, which prevents injury to the mucous membrane during administration. If the device needs to be inserted independently, it is recommended to use Nelaton catheters with a lubricant for this. The action of this substance begins upon contact with the liquid. It forms a slippery film on the surface, which prevents the device from rubbing against the soft tissues of the body. This model has shown an efficiency 10 times higher than conventional specimens. Another plus of such a catheter is resistance to abrasion, which cannot be said about vaseline lubricant.

The introduction of such a device before surgery is carried out only by a doctor. For a long period of time, metal devices were used for this procedure, but by now they are significantly outdated. This place was taken by the universal model - Pomerantsev-Foley. It is used in many cases, including before operations.

For diseases of the prostate, doctors advise using Tiemann's devices made of rubber or Mercier made of plastic. Their peculiarity lies in the fact that after the introduction they take the form of the urethra, which is very effective in narrowing the latter.

After surgery and the impossibility of installing the device in a natural way, the Pezzer and Malekot models are used. They are placed in small incisions in the peritoneum.

Thanks to several varieties in shape and material, Foley catheters have become the most common among doctors. They are selected individually for each patient and for any procedure.

So, these products are coated with silicone or latex.

Used for six decades in medicine, silicone has shown itself only on the positive side:

  • does not cause allergic reactions;
  • in biological properties similar to human;
  • withstands heat treatment;
  • does not allow the formation of salts on the inner surface of the product;
  • when coated with silver, it acquires antibacterial properties, which reduces the risk of patient infection with prolonged use.

Latex, in turn, has some advantages over silicone, which are greater elasticity, flexibility, strength in relation to the irritating effect of urine, more comfortable implementation.But the disadvantage of this material is the high probability of allergic reactions. Therefore, their use requires special care.

Foley catheters are divided into 2 types according to their shape:

  • 2-way;
  • 3-way.

The first are used to divert urine and fix the device inside the bladder.

The latter are additionally equipped with a third channel for delivering the necessary drugs to the body.

Varieties of urological products

These medical instruments are also divided into:

  • men's;
  • women's;
  • children's.

The devices used by men have their own specifics, which differ in many respects from women's products. Here, the form, composition and size have great knowledge. In order for the device to be most suitable for an individual person, it is necessary to purchase it from a material that can accept the bends of the ureter and provides minimal pain during implantation. The tube diameter and size must be suitable for the intended application to obtain an effective result. When in doubt about the choice of tube diameter, doctors recommend leaning towards smaller than larger, so as not to harm the mucosa during insertion.

Women's models do not require too careful selection, since the structure of their body does not affect the shape of the product. Therefore, most of the options are presented with a large lumen, and their length is not more than 20 cm. In addition to the forced emptying of the bladder, female catheters are used for diagnostic studies and the collection of sterile material, if necessary, for an accurate examination. They are also applicable for the implementation of radiography.

The use of children's devices is also caused by the need for a forced outflow of urine if the child is unable to independently perform this procedure, as well as the collection of biological material for further laboratory research. Devices for children differ from adults only in the diameter of the tube.

Selection criteria

Before buying catheters, you should definitely consult with your doctor and decide which instrument will be the most optimal. The main role in the choice of a device in this category is played by the duration of its use. Also important factors affecting the effectiveness of catheterization are the purpose of the procedure, the size of the device and the age category of the patient. It is not worth choosing such products on your own, since it depends on the size of the urethra and its canal, which only a doctor can know about. Otherwise, the wrong choice can lead to disastrous results.

Rating of the best urological catheters for 2025

According to numerous reviews of medical professionals, the following companies occupy the leading stages of the highest quality and most popular products for the outflow of urine:

  • Medtronic,
  • mederen,
  • Apexmed,
  • Ningbo Greetmed Medical,
  • Vogt Medical,
  • Integral Medical,
  • Coloplast.

The following is more detailed information about some of the models of these companies.


Device for the outflow of urine Nelaton

Models of catheters provided by a Chinese manufacturer are intended for single use for a short period of time by the male population.

The size range is 9 positions with the corresponding color coding:

  • Purple (22Fr);
  • Yellow (20Fr);
  • Dark Orange (18Fr);
  • Orange (16 Fr);
  • Green (14Fr);
  • White (12Fr);
  • Black (10Fr);
  • Blue (8Fr);
  • Light green (6Fr).

Each product is packed in an individual container. The material used for the manufacture of fixtures is polyvinyl chloride. Its low density ensures that the goods are given the necessary shape, according to the structure of the male body. Easy and virtually painless insertion is achieved thanks to the smooth surface and the rounded closed end. High-quality drainage is provided by two lateral eyes. The second end of the product is equipped with a universal connector that can be connected to any adult urinal. This medical instrument is manufactured in accordance with all the requirements of GOST. It is sterile and non-toxic.

Device for the outflow of urine Nelaton
  • high quality;
  • safety of use;
  • ease of use;
  • connector versatility;
  • low cost.
  • not identified.

Nelaton catheter with Tiemann end

Polyvinyl chloride products from the Israeli company Mederen are of high quality and are intended for short-term use by men with diseases of the genitourinary system, namely prostate adenoma and obstructive urethral pathology. The tip, which is a specially rounded shape with comfortable rigidity and drainage holes on the sides, allows you to insert the device into the ureter as painlessly as possible. This mechanism is convenient to use for critical narrowing of the urethra. This product excludes long-term use. Firstly, it does not have retainers, and secondly, the compacted rigidity of PVC can cause pressure sores. The length of the male device is 40 cm. It is absolutely sterile.

Nelaton catheter with Tiemann end
  • decent quality;
  • the presence of a convenient tip;
  • painless implementation;
  • budget price.
  • one time use.

Urological Foley catheter Vogt Medical

High-quality male devices for forced emptying of the bladder, manufactured by the German company Vogt Medical, are designed for long-term use. They are made from the highest quality silicone coated latex. Each copy is equipped with a strong and symmetrical cylinder. The manufacturer guarantees the complete safety of the products. Due to the large range of sizes, you can choose the most suitable option for the patient. The flexible latex mechanism allows you to accept any bends of the ureter, and the silicone coating ensures its painless introduction, and also prevents irritation of the mucous membrane of the organ. The connector used in this model makes it possible to combine the device with several different urinals. The length of the fixture is 39 cm.

Urological Foley catheter Vogt Medical
  • great quality;
  • long term use;
  • ease of use;
  • connector versatility;
  • wide size range.
  • latex can cause allergic reactions.


Nelaton's device for female urine outflow

These Russian-made devices are produced in sterile packages and are intended for short-term use. The starting material for their manufacture is non-toxic, transparent, thermoplastic polyvinyl chloride. The advantage of such raw materials is that when in contact with the body, it softens and contributes to a more comfortable introduction into the female body. The smooth surface also helps.There is no need to use lubricants. The closed end with two holes eliminates trauma to the mucosa during insertion.

The dimensional grid of this product is extensive and is:

  • Blue (CH24/8.0);
  • Violet (CH22/7.3);
  • Yellow (CH20/6.7);
  • Red (CH18/6.0);
  • Orange (CH16/5.3);
  • Green (CH14/4.7);
  • White (CH12/4.0);
  • Black (CH10/3.3);
  • Blue (CH8 / 2.7);
  • Light green (CH6/2.0).

The length of the device is standard and equal to 12.5 cm. The connector included in the kit provides connection of the product with any urinal.

Nelaton's device for female urine outflow
  • high efficiency;
  • quality material;
  • wide size range;
  • connector versatility;
  • budget cost.
  • not detected.

Foley catheter, two-way, female

The Dutch company ApexMed launches bladder emptying products for women on the consumer market. The range is presented in several sizes, which facilitates individual selection. The sterile disposable instrument is intended for use within 7 days. It is used not only for the forced removal of urine from the bladder, but also for medical procedures, as well as diagnostic studies. The product is packed in individual blisters, making it possible to conveniently remove both ends of the device. Injuries during installation of the device are virtually eliminated due to the smooth surface of the product, made of pleasant latex with a silicone coating. Thanks to the unfolded packaging, the product can be inserted directly from the blister without touching the fingers. Reliable clamps provide a strong fastening of the product in the bladder, excluding any displacement.

Foley catheter, two-way, female
  • great quality;
  • prolonged use;
  • convenient installation;
  • secure fixation.
  • not found.

Brown Actreen Lite

The German manufacturers of BBraun Actreen Lite are focused on the manufacture of female devices for reusable self-cauterization. They can be used regularly and for a long time. The convenient shape of the product allows it to be used even by people with impaired motor skills. The length of the product is 25 cm, which is optimal for the female body. The raw material for the production of this model is transparent, high-quality polyvinyl chloride. The surface of the product is coated with a lubricant. This eliminates the need for additional lubricants. Even exposure to moisture on this catheter is not required. Thanks to the high-quality and well-thought-out packaging, it can be installed without completely removing it from it. In this case, the ingress of microbes or bacteria is almost unacceptable. The color marking of the connector corresponding to the selected size allows you to easily connect any urinal.

BBraun Actreen Lite catheter
  • high efficiency;
  • multiple use;
  • use by people with impaired fine motor skills;
  • comfortable implementation.
  • not identified.


Coloplast EasiCath

Manufacturers from Denmark are very scrupulous about the quality of their products, as they are intended for children. Their main task is to make the procedure painless, effective and comfortable. To achieve this, children's catheters are made of high quality transparent PVC coated with a lubricant. It is made on the basis of a hydrophilic polymer, which is safe for the child's body.The lubricant is evenly distributed over the entire surface of the device, which allows the child to insert it into the urethra without difficulty and causing injury. The products of this manufacturer minimize the entry of various infections into the urinary tract of the child's body. Thanks to the lubricant, removing the device will also not cause inconvenience to the child.

Coloplast EasiCath catheter
  • great quality;
  • the presence of lubricant;
  • optimal size.
  • not found.


Danish manufacturers also supply consumers with their products for children from SpeediCath. It is intended for clean intermittent catheterization of small patients. Products of this brand are sterile, packed in individual bags. Thermoplastic polyvinyl chloride, from which the products are made, softens when placed in water. The warmer it is, the more plastic the device itself becomes. The entire surface of the devices is covered with a layer of hydrophilic lubricant, which, when in contact with water, expands in volume and creates a dense slippery shell. This ensures their painless insertion into the children's urethra even with repeated use, since this coating reduces friction between the catheter and the walls of the urethra by 5-10 times compared to conventional products. It is easy and convenient to use the device thanks to the same packaging, which can be quickly opened, filled with water and carried out.

SpeediCath catheter
  • wonderful quality;
  • thermoplasticity of the material;
  • the presence of a lubricant coating;
  • administration safety;
  • minimizing urinary tract infections.
  • not detected.

The variety of medical devices for forced diversion of urine available can easily confuse any ignorant person. But, after reading the information provided in this article, you can learn how to easily understand all the intricacies and details of these products: select a model according to individual parameters, gender, purpose, purpose, etc. It is the ability to choose the best option that determines the quality and result of the procedures.

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