
  1. strengthening
  2. Active loads
  3. How to combine?
  4. Increase the effect of training? Easily!
  5. We expose and debunk

Rating of the best breast lift exercises for 2025

Rating of the best breast lift exercises for 2025

Few women are satisfied with the size and shape of their bust. Objective reasons for dissatisfaction: loss of elasticity due to age-related changes, sedentary lifestyle, pregnancy and breastfeeding. It makes no sense to touch on biased motivations - they are corrected with the help of psychotherapy and surgical intervention.

The bad news is that you cannot increase your bust by two sizes or more using the program proposed in this review. In principle, it is impossible to increase it so radically without surgical intervention, no matter what advertising photos and videos of all kinds of cosmetics shout about this, both on television and on the Internet. You can read more about this at the end of the review.

The good news is that it is quite possible to restore breast elasticity, lift it and visually enlarge it due to the muscles. Further in the review: the method of obtaining an elastic bust step by step and the best exercises for tightening the female breast.


Rating of high-quality exercises for the preparatory stage. These exercises do not involve the use of additional weights, so they can and should be performed daily. After 2-3 weeks, you can switch to an active complex for lifting the bust after childbirth, with age-related changes or a sedentary lifestyle without sports activities.

These simple and effective exercises can be performed even by nursing mothers. They are performed without weighting, which eliminates the ingress of acid produced during intensive strength training into breast milk and does not reduce lactation.

Flattening the palms

Effective for strengthening sagging muscles and tissues. Versatile: It can be performed at home and in the gym, standing or sitting. While inhaling, we join the palms in front of us, the elbows are parallel to the floor. As you exhale, press your palms against each other with maximum effort. It is performed from 5 to 10 times in 3-4 sets. Can be performed with a small fitball sandwiched between the palms. A more complex version of the execution: bringing the palms together behind the back of the head.

  • Well strengthens the biceps and pectoralis major muscles;
  • Indirectly activates the lateral and rear bundles of deltas;
  • Suitable for nursing mothers.
  • By itself, it is ineffective, it must be performed in combination with swimming or other exercises.

Flattening works well with the wall press, preparing the body for a more intense load.

Wall Press

An exercise for those who have never done any sports before, it is also effective for tightening the female breast after childbirth and during feeding. For proper execution, you need to stand facing the wall and rest your palms on it shoulder-width apart or slightly wider. Then step back from the wall by 1.5-2 steps. While inhaling, slowly bend your arms at the elbows, the body descends to the wall almost until it touches the forehead. On exhalation, return to the starting position. You can start with 8-10 repetitions for 3-4 sets, after 3-4 weeks the number of repetitions should be at least 15 in 3-4 sets, optimally - 20.

For further progression, you can consider the option of a bench press already from a sofa, chest of drawers or other stable furniture that will not “leave” from under your arms at the most inopportune moment. Next, you can move on to the option of push-ups from the knees.

Important! The legs and body are always straight, form one diagonal line, without angles, the back is slightly arched in the lower back. When bending, the elbows should not go parallel to the body, but to the sides, as with classic push-ups from the floor. The position of the elbows parallel to the body loads the triceps and biceps, shifting the emphasis from the bust.

  • It tones the muscles of the bust after childbirth, during and after feeding;
  • Loads the anterior and middle bundles of deltas, upper and middle chest;
  • Indirectly involves the lower back, biceps, abs and legs.
  • It is recommended to perform in combination with other exercises;
  • With an insufficiently wide setting of the hands, the emphasis of the load shifts to the triceps and front deltas.

"Scissors" by hand

Strengthens the coracobrachialis muscle, which in turn supports the pectoralis major. For a more pronounced effect, you can pick up small bottles of water or pancakes from dumbbells weighing no more than 0.75 kg, for starters.

It is better to perform standing up to additionally load the arms, abs and back stabilizers. On inspiration, the arms are spread apart and parallel to the floor; on exhalation, the hands come one after the other, the movement resembles scissors.

Important: throughout the exercise, the arms are straightened, the movements are controlled, conscious. The slower the movement is performed, the higher the load on these muscle groups.

  • Tones the muscles, preparing for further work;
  • Ease of implementation.
  • It is ineffective if used on its own, without other types of training.

If you combine these exercises with swimming or regular water massage in the shower, the first results will begin to appear towards the end of the 3rd week. Waiting for instant and pronounced changes after a few workouts is simply stupid, especially with a long break after regular sports, or if up to this point the lady has safely managed without them at all.

Active loads

This is the second stage of the breast lift training. These exercises are universal and equally effective for both girls and older women who are unhappy with the shape and condition of their bust.They are characterized by more serious physical activity and the use of weights, so it is better for nursing mothers to refrain from including them in their training program, as they can affect the amount of milk and its quality due to the production of lactic acid.

The main condition for efficiency: the load must increase all the time. This can be achieved by shifting the angle of the body or using special weights, dumbbells or water bottles.

Press from the floor from the knees

One of the main exercises for tightening the muscles of the chest. It is performed both at home and in the gym. Correct execution: get on all fours so that the body and legs to the knees form one diagonal line when standing on straightened arms. On inhalation, the arms slowly bend at the elbows, the body falls as low as possible, but does not touch the floor. As you exhale, slowly straighten your arms, return to the starting position.

It is necessary to perform at least 8 repetitions in 3-4 approaches, once a week the number of repetitions must be increased by 1-2, gradually bringing it up to 15-20

Important! The elbows should not go parallel to the body, but to the sides - this way the muscles are loaded as much as possible. Do not lower your head, look not at the floor, but forward, do not arch your lower back with a wheel, but do not bend it either, keeping it straight through the muscles of the back and the press. The palms should be slightly wider than the shoulders.

  • Loads the pectoralis major and deltoid muscles;
  • Static tension of the lower back and press.
  • It will be quite difficult for those who have not previously played sports.

In the future, in order for the muscle load to constantly progress, it can be replaced with an option with stops.

Technique: from knees or standing on toes - it all depends on the level of training.

The minimum number of repetitions is from 8 in 3-4 approaches, gradually it needs to be brought up to 15.

Important! At the slightest feeling of discomfort and the appearance of pain, the execution should be stopped, in the future, a less traumatic option should be performed: push-ups from the knees or standing on the toes.

  • The presence of stops allows you to go lower, stretching and loading all the muscle groups involved in the exercise as much as possible.
  • You should carefully monitor the sensations, since the risk of injuring the ligaments in this embodiment is significantly higher than with the press from the floor.

Where can I get auxiliary equipment? You can buy special stops in sporting goods stores or use any means at hand, including ordinary bricks. The main condition: there must be two objects, and they must be the same size and height. These can be yoga blocks or dumbbells with wide plates, in which the neck is completely recessed, due to which they can be put “on the butt”. Such dumbbells are assembled and disassembled using a special hex key. It is also convenient to use heavy weight vinyl dumbbells as stops - they are larger and more stable.

According to buyers, stacked dumbbells are the best option, since in the future they will be useful for their intended use in order to constantly progress, increasing weight.

Barbell/dumbbell bench press

An alternative to push-ups, performed in the gym using a bench and barbell or in the Hammer simulator.

Tips from a fitness trainer: to increase the load on the feet, you can put them not on the floor, but on a bench, bending your knees.

At the same time, it is imperative to follow the “three points” rule: when pressing, the body rests on the entire surface of the feet, the buttocks, lower back and shoulder blades are tightly pressed against the bench, it is impossible to bend the back so as not to injure the lumbar spine.

Fulfillment: lying on a bench, the neck of the bar is at eye level, the usual grip, hands are wider than shoulders. When inhaling, the bar falls on the chest strictly along the line of the nipples, while exhaling, the arms straighten at the elbows, pushing the bar up.

  • Loads and develops the chest, involves the triceps and deltas.
  • You can not perform at home in the absence of equipment: benches, bars and pancakes.

The number of repetitions, depending on the level of training and the weight used: from 8 to 15 in 3-4 approaches. The working weight is selected in such a way that at least 8 repetitions can be performed while maintaining the correct position on the bench. Typical mistakes when choosing a weight:

  1. Excessive weight - when performing the last repetitions, the athlete begins to arch on the bench, tearing off the lower back and pelvis from it, pushing the weight with the whole body. This is fraught with injuries to the spine, ligaments, shoulder and elbow joints.
  2. Underweight - performed easily at the maximum number of repetitions, while no muscle progression occurs. It is foolish to expect results from such training.

Tilt push-ups

An option for the most advanced, if you have mastered push-ups from the stops, standing on your toes. Also suitable for doing at home and in the gym. Execution, as with classic push-ups on the toes, only the legs lie on the couch or sports bench.Thus, push-ups become deeper, chest ones are loaded as much as possible.

Important! The legs and body form one diagonal line, you can not raise the pelvis - this is traumatic for the lumbar spine.

  • Loads and develops the entire muscle group of the chest, front and middle deltas;
  • Indirectly involves the lower back, buttocks and abs.
  • Injury if performed incorrectly.

Reverse push-ups

They are used mainly for training triceps and deltas, but many people forget that they also work out the pectoralis major well. Performed on a chair, bench or other stable hand support. A lighter option for girls who have not previously played sports: the legs are on the floor, the knees are slightly bent, the palms are laid behind the body and rest against a bench or chair shoulder-width apart, the pelvis is located close to the projectile, but does not touch it. On inspiration, the pelvis smoothly lowers, the legs bend at the knees, the arms at the elbows. On exhalation - a smooth return to the starting position. Perform 10 to 20 repetitions in 3-4 sets. When 20 reps are easy, you can put a barbell pancake, a dumbbell, or a 2-liter bottle of water on top of your knees. You can increase the load by raising your legs - this will require a second chair or bench.

Important: the pelvis does not touch the floor, we lower ourselves to a comfortable level so that tension is felt, we carefully monitor the sensations, and in no case bring it to pain in the joints and ligaments.

Fitness trainer recommendations: when returning to the starting position, it is better to leave the elbows slightly bent - this will maintain tension in the triceps and pectoralis major muscle and avoid injuries to the elbow joints.

  • Additionally, it loads the triceps - the very part of the arm that "sags" in women.
  • The execution technique must be observed, otherwise you can seriously injure the shoulder and elbow joints.

Arnold press

Performed with dumbbells, pancakes or other weights: these can be ordinary water bottles or weights for the arms or legs, if any. If you have the necessary equipment, you can do it at home. It is performed while sitting, legs with a full foot are on the floor, the back is straight or rests on the back of a bench or chair. Arms with weighting agents are separated and bent at the elbows, the shoulder is parallel to the floor. On inspiration - bringing the bent arms together with a simultaneous turn of the palms to the face, on the exhale - turn the arms to the sides, palms outward, and straighten them at the elbows.

Important: you can’t stoop, you need to look in front of you, don’t lower your head. The movements are completely under control, there is no need to create an amplitude and throw your arms up at its peak - you need to make movements in such a way as to feel tension in all the muscles involved.

  • The upper part of the chest is loaded, the coracobrachialis muscle works.
  • The press and lower back are indirectly loaded when the body is fixed in the correct position.
  • Incorrect execution technique in combination with insufficient or excessive burdening will not give an effect.


Breeding dumbbells on a bench or breeding arms in the Butterfly simulator fully engages the pectoral muscle, causing it to stretch and work effectively. In combination with push-ups from the floor or bench press, the barbells on the bench form a beautiful relief of the upper part of the bust, visually increasing it.

  • You can perform it in the gym or at home - on a rug or fitball.
  • You can injure the shoulder and elbow joints if you take too much weight;
  • The home version with a rug gives less stress.


For girls and women, the best option is to perform sitting or lying on a fitball. It can be performed both on a bench and on a chair. Slightly bent at the elbows, the arms hold the dumbbell above the head. On exhalation, the arms with the dumbbell are retracted, additionally bending, on inhalation - return to the starting position.

  • Maximally stretches and loads the large and small chest;
  • Loads triceps and coraco-brachial;
  • Forms a beautiful relief of the upper part of the bust.
  • Traumatic for shoulder and elbow joints! It is necessary to choose the right weight so as not to violate the execution technique.

How to combine?

The rules of physical activity prescribe in the first 2 weeks to perform 2-3 exercises from the proposed ones, gradually increasing the number to 4-5. The main principle of the correct combination: 1-2 of these exercises should fully engage the necessary muscles, the remaining 2-3 are “finishing”, that is, they correct the relief or work separately with the muscle that, according to the trainee, especially needs it.

The training complex for breast augmentation and tightening looks like this:

  1. Push-ups (in any available version) or bench press: 3 sets of 10-12 repetitions;
  2. Breeding dumbbells on an incline bench or fitball: 3 sets of 10-12 repetitions;
  3. Reverse push-ups: 3 sets of 12-15 reps;
  4. Pullover or Arnold Press (depending on individual preference): 3 sets of 10-12 reps.

Increase the effect of training? Easily!

Several techniques that act directly on skin tissues, restoring and rejuvenating them.

  1. A contrast shower with massage using a shower head after a workout perfectly stimulates blood circulation, the skin is saturated with oxygen, and the processes of regeneration and rejuvenation are accelerated. With regular shower massage, the skin on the bust will rejuvenate and tighten.
  2. Swimming is a luxurious gift to the whole body, not just the bust. 1-1.5 hours two or three times a week - and after 1-2 months you can forget about sagging skin and sagging "problem areas".
  3. After a shower, it is recommended to apply a cream or gel with massaging movements, which accelerates the regeneration and tightening of the skin. The time of application is the most optimal: the muscles are still in good shape, the blood circulates actively, therefore, all active substances are transported to the skin faster and will start working. As a rule, the composition of regenerating agents for the decollete zone includes:
  • Seaweed;
  • Oils;
  • Vitamins E and C.

These additional methods of influence in combination with training will accelerate the approach of the desired result.

We expose and debunk

Well, now, as promised at the beginning of the review: a rating of the most stupid and dangerous misconceptions about how to make the bust elastic and large, safely and without consequences.

With regular weight training, you can increase the bust by 2 sizes.

The bitter truth: even if a lady injects anabolic steroids at the same time, she will not wait for an increase in the bust, but turning into a masculine machine with subsequent atrophy of the bust is almost 100% likely. And the process is irreversible.

To understand why this happens, you need to remember how the female breast is arranged and compare the anatomical features of its structure with the male ones.

Men have a solid pectoral muscle, divided into parts: clavicular, clavicular-costal, etc. In women, in fact, only its upper part is on the surface. The rest of the muscles are located directly on the ribs, under a wide fat layer that surrounds the milk lobes. In fact, women can only work with the upper part of the pectoral muscle, and those surrounding it: the coracobrachialis, dentate and deltoid. Working on them additionally, you can, as it were, “pull” them closer to the chest, thereby visually increasing the volume of the bust.

Regular weight training can increase the bust by a maximum of 0.5-1 cm and, of course, improve its condition, making it more toned and embossed. Pitfall: it is also better not to overdo it with relief. The emphasis on isolated training with a minimum of weight and a maximum of repetitions is quite capable of significantly reducing the volume and size of the bust.

Daily workouts will give faster results

The bitter truth: they won't, alas. Muscles need time to recover - at least a day, depending on the intensity of training and working weights. There is no full recovery - there is no progress and tone, but there is overwork and muscle catabolism.

Catabolism is the “eating” of muscles by the body with a lack of nutrition and stress. Excessive physical activity is a serious stress for the body. Is it worth it to destroy your own body because of stupidity and laziness - and what else to call the desire to get the result momentarily, not achieving it gradually over a longer period of time?

Hormonal contraceptives significantly increase and tighten the breasts

The girls pass this legend on the net to each other in the ear, along with the names of “miracle drugs”, with the refrain: “a friend advised, her bust has grown by two sizes!”

In fact: breast enlargement, as well as skin cleansing, mentioned by some manufacturers as one of the effects of taking oral contraceptives, is nothing more than a marketing ploy by manufacturers. Studies confirming or refuting these effects have not been conducted for any drug from the hormonal contraceptive line. Breast swelling is the body's response to rising levels of estrogen and prolactin. These are hormones, on the level of which during the period of growing up depends, in particular, to what size the mammary glands will grow. Hormonal fluctuations caused by contraceptives, which ladies prescribe themselves on their own, without consulting a gynecologist, easily develop into tumors, including malignant ones. In the process, the mammary glands do swell and become hypersensitive to the point of soreness. And contraceptives also change the water-salt metabolism and metabolism in the body, which often leads to the retention of excess fluid and a slowdown in metabolic processes, therefore, not only the bust, but also the stomach, sides and hips gradually increase in volume.

With the abolition of oral contraceptives, the volume of the mammary glands will return to the original, a slight increase will disappear without a trace. But the extra pounds, quite possibly, will not want to go anywhere.

It is worth asking the question: is the price for the fairy tale about the “quickly grown” and “remaining forever” beautiful bust not too high?

Folk methods can significantly increase and tighten the mammary gland

In fact: even the most stubborn adherents of folk cosmetology and medicine admitted that applying cabbage leaves to the “problem area” while eating them at the same time did not make a single female representative with 2 or 3 bust sizes the owner of 4 or 5 sizes. The same goes for the rest of the miracle ingredients.

Nuts, grapes, spices and spices - all these products recommended for active use for growing a miracle bust, in fact, have a general strengthening and healing effect on the entire body as a whole. Grapes fight toxins and free radicals, nuts make up for the lack of protein, herbs are good for digestion. However, none of these miracle cures has a magical property to gradually or instantly increase the volume of the breast.

Separate story with herbs. Red clover, oregano, calendula, a mixture of chamomile, thyme and other herbs - this is just a small list of miracle herbs that, when taken regularly, increase the mammary glands. They can be brewed in tea, used as a decoction or a mask for external use.

Reasoning objectively: how can the use of one or another herb affect the increase in milk lobules and body fat? The answer is obvious: no way. It's like trying to change the shape and size of the nose or ears with the same herbal decoctions. However, for some reason, such stupidity does not occur to anyone. But no one doubts the ability of the herbal collection to influence the condition, shape and size of the bust.

But it is possible to increase the appearance and condition of skin tissues, remove stretch marks (stretch marks) or make them less noticeable with the help of homemade masks.

As a home care, cosmetologists recommend masks with the function of rejuvenating the skin and increasing its elasticity. One of the most effective is a mask based on mumiyo and white clay. You can prepare it yourself by purchasing all the ingredients in a pharmacy and mixing in a 1: 1 ratio. The mixture should be diluted with warm water, mixed thoroughly and applied to the chest area, avoiding the skin around the areolas. From above, you can wrap yourself with cling film and rest for half an hour in a prone position.

If you wish, you can find many similar folk remedies on the Internet. The main thing you should pay attention to when choosing is functionality. It is hardly worth preparing a mask “with the effect of increasing the volume”, it is better to choose something more adequate and real: restoring, rejuvenating, nourishing.

Summing up all of the above: in the absence of obvious defects (for example, pronounced asymmetry), the situation can be corrected without resorting to implantation. There are quite budgetary, more pleasant and quite effective methods for correcting the shape and size of the breasts. Knowing this, is it worth immediately resorting to radical methods for solving a problem, sometimes completely far-fetched?

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