
  1. What is it and how does it work
  2. Rating of the best ultrasonic washing machines for 2025

Rating of the best ultrasonic washing machines for 2025

Rating of the best ultrasonic washing machines for 2025

An ultrasonic machine is a portable device that, according to the manufacturer's promise, washes in the same way as large household appliances. Disputes about these devices have been going on for probably 10 years since their appearance on the market. It seems that only the lazy one has not spoken out on the topic that such machines do not do anything much, and it is many times faster and easier to wash things by hand. But since a stable demand for them remains, it is worthwhile to figure out how such machines work, and which one is better to buy.

What is it and how does it work

An ultrasonic machine is a small, mains-operated device, consisting of a plastic case and a piezoceramic element.Manufacturers of machines in the description of their devices explain how a plastic “tablet” (well, or a device the size of a palm) washes fabric. When you connect a mini-machine to a power outlet, the current passing through the converter is transformed into high-frequency oscillations (the same ultrasound).

In simple words, under the action of ultrasound, water molecules increase the speed, the frequency of changing the direction of movement. When using washing powder, about the same thing happens - millions of microbubbles are formed, which reduce the adhesion of dirt to the fabric and simplify the removal of stains and stubborn dirt. As advantages, the same manufacturer indicates the absence of friction (which seems to be obvious), disinfection, preservation of the original shape and color of things.

On the one hand, everything is correct - ultrasound is really used in industry and medicine. For descaling steam boilers or brushing teeth. So everything is logical here - if ultrasound is able to remove tartar, then coping with a ketchup stain is a trifling matter for him. But in fact, everything is far from being so rosy. The power of professional cleaners is many times greater than that of household devices. Accordingly, the efficiency of the latter is several times less.

So don't expect any miracle from her. As a replacement for an automatic typewriter, it is definitely not suitable. But it is quite possible to take a portable device with you on vacation - to freshen up T-shirts, shorts, children's things she is quite capable of. It can also be used for washing delicate fabrics, lace underwear, sportswear made of membrane (if the label indicates the possibility of hand washing).

Now about disinfection. Some manufacturers claim that ultrasound kills pathogenic bacteria.What these claims are based on is not very clear; no serious studies have been conducted on this subject.

Recommendations for use

Standard instructions included. It usually contains tips on what temperature to wash, which side to put the device on the linen. But here are some proven tips from users:

  • It is better to wash in a metal basin - the efficiency will be higher. Some argue that the machine does a better job of washing in a closed container - there is no scientific justification for this phenomenon, but this technique, judging by the reviews, really works.
  • Don't wash too many clothes at once. Firstly, there will be no effect from such washing, and secondly, things will have to be periodically shifted from place to place (at least the manufacturers say so) so that the effect of ultrasound on the fabric is uniform.
  • It is better to leave the machine in the container not for 60 minutes, but for a couple of hours. Some users advise to leave it overnight at all (fortunately, the low power consumption of the device allows). The exception is delicate fabrics, such as cashmere, wool, silk. It is unlikely that they will benefit from such a long stay in the water. And, yes, look at the labels on clothes, choose the appropriate powder or liquid detergent that matches the type of fabric is also necessary.
  • The maximum allowable water temperature for washing for most models is 70 degrees. Pouring boiling water, adding chlorine-containing bleaches to water is not worth it - you can damage the device or at least shorten its service life.
  • If you got a noisy copy, then it is better to lay the device on a layer of fabric, and not on the bottom of the container. The specific sound will be much quieter. Or you can even put the machine on top, right on the linen - the effect will be the same.

By the way, ultrasonic machines do a good job with old stains from burnt food on the bottom of pots and pans. Just pour some water into the container and leave the device for a couple of hours - the soot will come off with a film.

And lastly, about washing vegetables and fruits. Some brands also indicate this option as an advantage. No ultrasound can cope with a very dirty, freshly dug potato - you have to wash it by hand. And it is impossible to understand whether the machine removed any bacteria from conditionally clean apples. So it's definitely not worth paying attention to such promises.

How to choose

This is exactly the case when it is better to look at user reviews, since the parameters for all models are plus or minus the same, as well as product descriptions. Reviews should pay attention to:

  • power;
  • complete set - some brands of cars are supplied, for example, with covers or USB cables for charging;
  • the maximum solution temperature is usually in the range of 60-70 degrees;
  • the number of marriages - it happens that for one model out of 50 positive reviews there are 20 negative ones, in which users complain that the device broke after the first wash;
  • the length of the wire - ideally, the longer the better, so that you do not have to additionally buy an extension cord or figure out where to put the basin in order to plug the plug into the outlet.

Chinese models usually have two built-in modes. The first is ultrasound, the second is the so-called bubble, replaced every minute. Judging by the reviews, they wash better. Yes, they have more power.

"Turbine" with a round body and models with special effects, remote control should not be considered at all.The device will honestly create the appearance of work, slightly accelerating the water, making noise like some kind of overall industrial unit, but it will not wash anything at all. If you watch video reviews, then such machines hardly “rotate” a pair of socks or handkerchiefs, not to mention the same T-shirt. If a button is accidentally “tightened” into the body, the machine will break.

But the assessment of the quality of washing is a subjective matter. Someone likes the effect, someone does not see the difference between “before” and “after” washing at all. By the way, in many of these reviews, many carefully report that the machine seems to be working, because the water has changed color.

Now a little about prices. It is better not to take Russian brands on Aliexpress and, conversely, Chinese brands on Russian marketplaces. Prices in both cases are inflated by 30-40 percent. Improved versions of the Retona or Cinderella cost more, but differ only in the body shape. The technical parameters are the same for both new and old models.

Pros and cons

The main plus is the small size, simplification of washing. In essence, an ultrasonic device is something like active soaking. The solution penetrates the fibers of the fabric faster, stains after manual processing are easier to wash.
The pluses include the fact that such devices do not require connection to the water supply, they consume about 120 times less electricity than automatic machines. It is not necessary to control their work, there are no risks that neighbors can be flooded due to a breakdown.

The same machine can clean jewelry - without friction, the use of special tools and the risk of leaving small scratches on the metal. Here the device works at 100% - there are a lot of confirming reviews.
Otherwise, this thing is not to say that it is indispensable.The linen in the basin will have to be turned over from time to time, the contaminated areas should be rubbed with hands, then rinsed and squeezed out also by hand. There is no difference with a mechanical washing machine, but the second one costs only twice as much, and is designed for loading up to 3 kg. And yes, it cleans better. Due to the mechanical effect on the fabric, it can cope with stains and dirt.
Speaking about the convenience of washing large items like blankets, jackets, down jackets, the manufacturer is clearly disingenuous. Just because you will have to rinse and wring out again manually - this is both a long time and not to say that it is convenient. The same goes for loud promises about restoring the original color, the integrity of the fibers - nothing like that, of course, the machine will do.
In general, a portable device is suitable as an auxiliary, and in no way as an alternative to an automatic machine.

Rating of the best ultrasonic washing machines for 2025

From Russian manufacturers


From Newton. In a round case, with built-in galvanic isolation, which guarantees its complete safety. The machine is suitable for washing delicate, membrane fabrics. Judging by the reviews, it copes well with small dirt, stains. Virtually silent and completely safe. The latter, by the way, is confirmed by certificates.
Difficult stains will have to be rubbed by hand, but otherwise it’s a good option. Feedback on the device is only positive.

Price - 2480 rubles.

ultrasonic washing machine ULTRATON MS-2000M
  • assembly - everything is done soundly, special thanks to the manufacturer for durable plastic;
  • noiselessness;
  • the goods are certified;
  • low power consumption.
  • no, except that the power cord is a bit short - a little over a meter long.


With one or two emitters from BIOS. It is positioned as a universal household appliance - you can wash things, clean jewelry, and wash pots and pans. The maximum allowable water temperature for washing solution is 70 degrees, power consumption is only 20 watts.
The manufacturer claims that the machine is suitable for washing large items, sneakers. Judging by the reviews, the capabilities of the device are greatly exaggerated. Suitable for washing underwear, but not for blankets, bedspreads, jackets. Does not remove serious dirt.

Price - up to 1600 rubles.

Cinderella ultrasonic washing machine
  • works silently;
  • a model with two emitters saves time - you can put one in two adjacent containers;
  • price.
  • thin wires - when “mixing” things in a container, you need to be careful not to accidentally break the cable;
  • marriage often comes across - the device either breaks down after a couple of applications, or is already supplied with a faulty indicator.


Supplied in a fabric case with an indicator that allows you to check the operation of the device. To understand whether the machine is working or not, just pour a little water into the recess on the case, place a miniature tablet indicator with a built-in diode in it and plug the device into a power outlet.
The rest is not much different from previous models. Unless, in the description, the manufacturer honestly indicates that Dune "will be a great addition to an automatic washing machine."

Price - 2200 rubles.

DUNA ultrasonic washing machine
  • case included - it is more convenient to transport than in the factory box;
  • the indicator in the kit is the only minus of its small size, you can easily lose it while traveling;
  • build quality - no cheap thin plastic, burrs and backlash.
  • no.


This is probably one of the first ultrasonic machines that appeared on the market. Small, with built-in protection against overheating, with an inscription on the case (it is also an indication of which side to put the device in the container).
Now there are already two models that differ in the design of the case. The first is the classic Reton in a closed case, the second is leaf-shaped, with holes in the top cover for free access of the soap solution to the plate.
Judging by the reviews, the machine is suitable for washing underwear, lightly soiled small items. It can remove fresh stains, but on condition that it will work for at least 2 hours. For kitchen towels, bed linen is not suitable - the power is not enough.

Price - 3000 rubles.

Reton ultrasonic washing machine
  • a strong cord - in order to tear it out of the nest or somehow damage it, you will have to try very hard;
  • silent operation - no loud howling;
  • manufacturer's warranty - the product is supplied with a warranty card, in case of breakage or marriage with
  • no problem with repair or return.
  • rarely, but still it happens that a product comes across with a broken indicator - if the LED is off,
  • It is impossible to check whether the device is working or not.

The best cars from Aliexpress

Pavritam Fun Cleaning

It looks like a miniature hookah. Not bad washes linen, socks, children's things, it can no longer cope with something larger. There are two built-in modes - bubble and ultrasound, which replace each other automatically.Charging via USB cable (included), controlled by remote control.
Well, a separate plus for honesty - no loud promises that the unit weighing 300 g washes blankets, rugs, and down jackets. According to the manufacturer, it is suitable for washing socks, underwear.

Price: 1400 - 2500 rubles.

ultrasonic washing machine Pavritam Fun Cleaning
  • the shape of the body without holes, where small things or decorative trim could get in, the same beads, for example, but you still shouldn’t leave them unattended, you can easily wind the same sock on the base;
  • good power for such a miniature model;
  • really loosens.
  • no.


It differs from all previous ones in design. It is installed vertically, fixed on the side of a plastic bucket. There is a built-in display with a timer - the maximum operating time is 15 minutes. Two built-in alternating modes, works from the socket. As for the sound - noisy, especially when changing modes.
It will cope not only with linen, but also with T-shirts, sportswear. The main thing is that a suitable container is at hand - according to the manufacturer's recommendation, it must be filled to a maximum of three quarters, otherwise water may splash during operation of the device.

Price - 4000 rubles.

DEKE ultrasonic washing machine
  • quick wash - no need to leave it on overnight;
  • safety;
  • copes with light pollution;
  • compact - the body is foldable, does not take up much space.
  • price.

To summarize, we get that a portable ultrasonic device has very limited capabilities, does not do miracles, does not wash stains. As well as not rinsing and not squeezing.As a camping option on vacation or at the dacha, it is suitable, as a replacement for a washing machine - no.

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