
  1. What top dressing to give preference
  2. Rating of the best fertilizers for potatoes

Rating of the best fertilizers for potatoes for 2025

Rating of the best fertilizers for potatoes for 2025

A good potato harvest is possible only with the use of fertilizers. Many gardeners try to do without their help, fearing that the tubers will contain a large amount of "chemistry". But this is not an option, since the soil requires top dressing so that the taste of the potatoes does not deteriorate, and the tubers are of a decent size. Therefore, it is necessary to take seriously the choice of dressings, giving preference to compounds that do not pose a health hazard.

The vegetable responds well to the application of any type of fertilizer: both organic and mineral, and organo-mineral products that are very popular in the dacha environment. Top dressing can be foliar and root. Foliar are used to stimulate plants at the time of their active growth. Roots are laid directly into the ground at the time of planting potatoes. This review presents the most successful fertilizers for potatoes.

What top dressing to give preference

The root system of a potato needs soil enriched with nutrients, since during growth it absorbs all the necessary elements from it. Therefore, the area for planting potatoes must be fertilized before the next planting.

People who have been growing potatoes for many years believe that fertilizers applied during the growth stage will not bring any benefit to the plants. The most important and necessary moment for making the main part of the fertilizer is the time of planting.

It is important to pay attention to the fact that the vegetable responds well to multicomponent organic fertilizers. And here it is desirable to correctly observe the proportions.

If a large amount of nitrogen-containing substances is introduced, this can slow down the growth of tubers with an increased increase in the green mass of the bush. The best solution is the right combination of ammonium sulfate and ammonium nitrate.

If only mineral fertilizers are applied to the soil, there is a deficiency of organic matter. It is necessary that the two types of fertilizers complement each other. But we must not forget that an excess of organic matter leads to the formation of voids inside the tubers, since the fruits grow faster than the pulp develops.

An excess of ammonium nitrate with a single-component fertilizer slows down the growth of tubers.
If the option of self-selection and connection of components for soil fertilization is chosen, it is necessary to strictly observe all the proportions indicated on the packages.

Modern science is trying to help gardeners, so in any store you can buy a special mixture of fertilizers for potatoes, composed taking into account all proportions, which you just need to dilute with water according to the instructions.

Rating of the best fertilizers for potatoes

In order to choose the option for top dressing that is most suitable for a particular site, it is advisable to get the opinion of experts and study the reviews of those who used it in their practice. A short review highlights the most popular types of fertilizers for potatoes.


Such fertilizers are rich in micro and macro elements. They are most often used for making when planting early potatoes, since the growing season is shortened, and the plants need good nutrition. Mineral fertilizers perform a double job - the rapid saturation of potatoes with useful elements and protection from pests and diseases.

Fertika Potato-5
votes 1

A complex product in the form of granules, produced by the Russian company Fertika. Contains phosphorus, potassium, nitrogen and a complex of microelements - sulfur, boron, copper, etc. There is no chlorine in the product. It is introduced into the soil in spring (when preparing the site, before planting potatoes, during the growing season). After applying the product, the formation and growth of tubers is enhanced.

Fertika is packaged in bags weighing from 1 to 25 kg. When embedded in the soil, the agent first saturates it, then slowly begins to give up useful elements. Root crops during the growing season are fed and develop evenly.

Attention! Fertika must be properly mixed with the soil to avoid direct contact with the root system, as this can cause the root system to burn.

In their reviews, consumers positively characterize this tool, separately noting after its use the excellent germination of potatoes, powerful tops and increased yields. The composition of the fertilizer is also noted, it is characterized as safe and very effective.

Fertika Potato-5
  • good proportions of components;
  • no chlorine
  • good germination;
  • powerful tops;
  • high yield.
  • hard to find in stores - sold out quickly.

Weaving Nitrophoska
votes 0

Complex granular nitrogen-phosphorus-potassium composition for feeding, having a ratio of 10/10/10. This universal top dressing is produced by the Russian enterprise Rusagrohim. Nitrophoska is used at the time of planting potatoes as the main fertilizer, and during the growing season it is used to feed the bushes. The product, which is suitable for any soil, does not contain nitrates.

It is sold in plastic bags weighing 1 kg. It is applied to the soil by sprinkling from March to the end of September. When working with the product, it is recommended to wear protective gloves, and it is advisable to store it in a dark, dry place out of the reach of children and pets.

Because of its versatility, it enjoys well-deserved love from consumers who respond positively to its action. According to gardeners, Nitrofoska is very valuable for feeding, has clear instructions and really works. After applying the mixture, the vegetable will delight with delicious tubers and excellent keeping quality.

Weaving Nitrophoska
  • suitable for any type of soil;
  • contains no nitrates;
  • the taste and keeping quality of potatoes are much improved;
  • tubers ripen evenly.
  • causes skin irritation.

votes 0

Means both for use in the form of the main fertilizer, and for further top dressing during the growing season of the root crop. It activates the growth of all parts of the bush, enhances the resistance of bushes to garden pests, diseases and the negative influence of the external environment.

The tool is sold in 1 kg bags and looks like a mixture of pink and white granules. Before use, the granules must be mixed properly. This is an excellent tool for feeding tubers at the time of planting. It is poured into planting holes or furrows, or crumbled under plants, which then need to be watered. After watering, the product dissolves and penetrates the soil.

Important! Top dressing does not cause skin irritation and does not have a chemical pungent odor.

Consumers in their reviews pay attention to the significant improvement in the taste of tubers, which become sweeter, as a result of which more different dishes can be prepared from them. There is also a good keeping quality of the crop. But the application does not affect the yield, since there was no increase in the number of tubers and their size, but the tops demonstrate active growth and disease resistance.

Hera fertilizer potatoes
  • perfectly balanced composition;
  • does not have a strong odor;
  • does not cause skin irritation;
  • significantly improves the taste of potatoes.
  • does not affect the size of tubers.

Bona Forte
votes 0

The long-acting agent from the Bona Forte trademark is interesting in that among the components there are zeolites, and bioavailable silicon strengthens the immunity of potatoes and activates growth.Other necessary substances are introduced in a chelated form, which allows them to be assimilated as fully as possible and increase the duration of the mixture.

It is sold in plastic bags weighing 5 kg. Each Bona Forte granule contains the necessary complex of all ingredients present in the composition. It is recommended to use the product in spring or summer, distributing it over the topsoil. The dosage of top dressing is selected based on the needs of the plants. With a long absence of rain, after planting the top dressing into the soil, good watering is required.

Users pay attention to the fact that after applying Bona Forte, the taste improves significantly and the yield of the vegetable increases, in addition, excellent keeping quality of tubers is noted. Many gardeners are attracted by the fact that the prolonged action allows you to apply the product much less often than the usual feed mixtures. Since zeolites do not allow compounds hazardous to health and heavy metals to enter the tubers, collecting them on themselves, the potato crop can be considered environmentally friendly.

Bona Forte
  • among the ingredients are zeolites and bioavailable silicon;
  • prolonged action;
  • each granule contains the complete composition of the feed;
  • provides an increase in productivity;
  • improves the taste of potatoes;
  • excellent keeping quality of the crop.
  • not found.


Previously, in the gardens, the amount of harvested potatoes was improved only through organic fertilizers. They are suitable for any type of soil. Many consider them absolutely safe, so they are used for various vegetable crops. However, for their use, one should take into account the number of microorganisms in the soil that will break it down into useful elements.If there are few of them, then the use of organics will be ineffective.

Fields Russian Biohumus
votes 0

A manufacturer from Russia has released a solid organic product - Biohumus. It contains up to 8 times more humus than manure or compost. It also has many useful elements, such as vitamins, enzymes, growth hormones, antibacterial ingredients. According to the manufacturer, Biohumus remains effective for five years.

The product is bedding manure created by the efforts of earthworms. Users do not notice an unpleasant smell, there are no dangerous microorganisms inside. While plants react slowly to manure, in the case of Biohumus, the reaction can be seen immediately. In each hole under the potato, place 1.5 cups of the mixture, gently mixed with the ground.

Buyers note that biohumus has a good consistency - it is quite loose and uniform. At the same time, it is moderately dense (unlike peat and soil). The color is closer to black. It does not contain large debris. Gardeners like this product, but they indicate that the dosage should be carefully monitored. Thanks to its use, the yield of root crops increases and taste qualities improve.

Fields Russian Biohumus
  • good composition;
  • fast visible reaction of plants;
  • healthy condition of the bushes;
  • increase in productivity;
  • excellent taste qualities.
  • need to be used more often than it is written in the instructions.

Biohumus in granules
votes 1

The feed mixture looks like compressed granules, which increases the convenience of their use. There are 16 pieces in the package. The product contains only environmentally friendly organic components. There are no chemical elements in the granules.The main component is biohumus, which is made from cow dung with the help of earthworms.

Each granule becomes a protector against drought, hypothermia and various diseases, and also helps to accelerate growth.

Important! This product has no expiration date.

The procedure for using the supplement is simple. First of all, you should place the granule in the planting hole, and then fill it with water in an amount of 50-70 ml. It gradually dissolves in the ground, forming a comfortable nutrient medium around the root crop, which ensures its protection and growth.

Biohumus in granules
  • protective function against bad weather conditions;
  • ease of use;
  • excellent result;
  • ensuring nutrition of root crops;
  • increasing disease resistance.
  • not detected.

Orgavit chicken manure
votes 0

The Microbiosintez company produces chicken manure formed into granules. This environmentally friendly product is designed to increase soil fertility and provide plants with essential mineral nutrients. It can be used for different types of soils. The product is not inferior in quality to fresh chicken manure. However, in terms of volume, it takes up much less space - 4 kg of fresh manure is successfully replaced by 1 kg of fertilizer.

On sale it is presented in the form of granules, which look aesthetically pleasing and are easy to use. The fertilizer has a very low amount of chlorine and no harmful pathogens. With the help of chicken manure from Orgavit, you can optimize the acidity of the soil. During fertilization, dirt and dust are not introduced.

Users praise chicken manure in granules, noting its effectiveness in increasing yields by 70%. Also, the product helps plants resist various diseases.With its use, a root crop with improved taste characteristics is obtained. Many buyers note the wide scope of the mixture, but some do not like the smell. Although it is less pronounced than in fresh litter, it is still there.

Orgavit chicken manure
  • completely organic product;
  • convenient granules;
  • ease of use;
  • increase in productivity;
  • normalization of soil acidity.
  • has a characteristic odour.

Biomaster turkey litter
votes 1

Turkey manure pellets from Biomaster are valued by customers because they are completely organic. It has a rich composition, which contains not only highly active micro and macro elements, but also carbohydrates, amino acids, vitamins, humic acids and natural antibacterial components. Biomaster makes the soil fertile.

Turkey droppings are formed into neat dry granules. In addition to the main properties, the natural bioactivator "AntiGum" is processed. There are no pathogenic microorganisms in the granules. Also they are odorless. Are issued packaged in packages on 10 liters. In dry form, litter is used as a bulk agent. You can also infuse the granules with water and fertilize the plants with watering.

Users leave only positive feedback about the product. They like the aesthetic appearance and ease of use. With the beginning of the application of the mixture, the bushes gain strength and stop hurting. The harvest at the same time is striking in its abundance. Root crops have a pleasant taste, they can be stored for a long time. However, people with a sensitive nose can pick up a slight scent from the droppings.

Biomaster turkey litter
  • environmentally friendly;
  • no pathogenic flora;
  • dry aesthetic granules;
  • soil fertility increases;
  • good harvest.
  • slight smell of litter.

Bona Forte Equine
votes 0

Bona Forte is a very popular brand that produces organic products with a high proportion of active ingredients in the composition. This allows you to increase soil fertility with the use of natural ingredients. In addition to horse manure, the product also contains a complex of minerals, relict peat, bioavailable silicon and phosphate rock.

The product is found on sale in packages weighing 5 kg. It has practically no smell. You can fertilize the soil both in autumn and in spring. Granules are placed in each well, while on top they must be sprinkled with earth, since the root crop should not come into contact with the substance. It can also be infused in water for 2-4 days.

Gardeners are delighted with Bona Forte. They are impressed by the extended duration of the product, so that it can be used only 1-2 times during the entire season. They also like the absence of an unpleasant smell. If the product is stored for a long time, it still retains useful properties.

Bona Forte Equine
  • long period of validity;
  • lack of smell;
  • ease of use;
  • gives an increase in productivity.
  • not found.

Based on organics and minerals

It is believed that formulations based on a combination of organic substances and minerals are most effective. Thus, the culture and soil receive a balanced diet.

When planting root crops, it is worth giving preference to just such fertilizers. They will help increase soil fertility and increase yields. Affordable cost is another factor in favor of such fertilizers.

Mixtures of the Buisky chemical plant (OMU potato)
votes 2

You can feed plants during the growing season, fertilize the soil with organic and mineral-based fertilizers manufactured by the Buysky Chemical Plant. The formation of an effective organomineral complex is achieved by a mixture of humic compounds and mineral components. They help to reduce the mobility of nitrogen and facilitate the absorption of phosphorus by plants.

This product is based on organic minerals in granular form. The mass of one package is from 3 to 5 kg, which is distributed in small quantities. Stored for 5 years. It is used to add when digging the soil, add it locally when planting seedlings, and feed it during the hilling period. The tool is economical.

Buyers in their responses claim that the fertilizers of this manufacturer based on organic minerals have a beneficial effect on the metabolism of plants, reduce the risk of various diseases. Gardeners notice an increase in yield when using this tool. The storage of potatoes is also noted, in which there is no browning. The popularity of the fertilizer is also achieved by its composition, in which there is no chlorine.

Mixtures of the Buisky chemical plant (OMU potato)
  • increase in productivity;
  • contains many useful components;
  • economical consumption;
  • contributes to better storage of fruits.
  • in case of careless handling, poisoning is possible.

votes 1

Each granule of this product contains 5 useful micro and macro elements. For this reason, the product is called a 5M pellet. The substance feeds each bush in a uniform mode and gives everything you need.

The release form of the substance is large granules, quickly soluble when watering plants. It is used as the main top dressing during preparatory work with the soil.First, the product is scattered in uniform parts, then they dig the ground and loosen it. The product is also used during planting work.

Fasco dry fertilizer received a lot of positive feedback from site owners. They especially note the prolonged effect of the use of this tool, which helps to increase the yield and quality of the fruit.

Some site owners express embarrassment at the lack of instructions for application rates. But they also adapted to use the mixture, as it is effective and inexpensive, compared to analogues.

Fasco potatoes
  • yield increase;
  • improvement of fruit quality;
  • the composition of each granule is identical;
  • has a prolonged action;
  • rapidly soluble substance.
  • there is no instruction on the application rates on the pack.

Gumi OMI
votes 2

The tool was developed and produced specifically for feeding the bushes. But this is not its only use, they can feed carrots, radishes. Feeding plants with this substance increases their productivity, nourishes the root system, saturating it with useful microelements, and increases the growth rate. But the tool not only improves the quality of plants, it has a beneficial effect on the soil.

A product based on chicken manure was produced. Litter is well compatible with some trace elements, such as copper, boron. The drug is packaged in packages, the weight of which reaches 0.7 kg. One is enough to feed 10 m2 of land.

The soil is fertilized in the spring, before planting potatoes. In the holes dug for planting, a substance is added in an amount of 20 to 40 g per hole. This substance is stored for 4 years.

Gumi OMI potatoes
  • consists of natural ingredients;
  • it is inexpensive, approximately from 60 to 80 rubles.
  • May cause irritation in case of contact with skin and mucous membranes.

Fertik, universal
votes 0

The universal product is made on the basis of humate and potassium sulfate, limestone flour, ammophos and urea. The presence of such components increases the humus of the soil and contributes to the restoration of fertility. Potato plants and bushes fertilized with this preparation have increased immunity. According to the manufacturer, this substance will help increase yields, increase the quality and taste of fruits.

Release form - granules. Packing is carried out in plastic jars or bags, the weight of which is from 2.5 to 5 kg. The first dressing of the bushes is carried out during the formation of buds. And after flowering stops, re-feeding is carried out, the dosage is from 15 to 20 g of each bush. If a solution is used, then the proportion is achieved using the same amount of substance, and the volume of water is 10 liters.

The tool has received recognition in many responses from summer residents. According to them, the granules contain the necessary set of plant nutrients that help potato bushes and tubers grow and develop. The product is effective and easy to use. The drug is used economically, fulfills its purpose. The only difficulty may arise with its purchase, since high demand makes the composition in short supply.

Fertik, universal
  • improves the condition of the soil;
  • has a well-thought-out composition;
  • increase in yield;
  • economical consumption;
  • increase in plant immunity.
  • there are no instructions for use on the packaging;
  • difficult to purchase, often out of stock.

JOY seedlings
votes 0

This remedy contains a lot of potassium. The drug is used not only as a top dressing for tubers, it is also useful for other vegetables. There are two ways to use the substance: applying it to the soil by the standard method and soaking the seeds. Means well nourish plants and soil. Thanks to the drug, after planting, the germination of crops is accelerated several times. The components included in the composition are sulfur, silicon, nitrogen, phosphorus, molybdenum and magnesium are also present.

Gummed additives contain a certain proportion of salts, it reaches 2.7%. Before use, the product is diluted in water.

Release form - a bottle with liquid, 330 ml. According to gardeners, this drug, without exaggeration, accelerates the growth of planted seeds. And the vegetable crops fed by him are actively developing. In addition to accelerating the growth of seeds, the substance improves the quality of the fruit and increases the yield. The price of the drug is from 140 to 160 rubles.

JOY seedlings
  • improves the condition of the soil;
  • has a well-thought-out composition;
  • increase in yield;
  • economical consumption;
  • increase in plant immunity.
  • the presence of a specific smell.

Knowing what fertilizers to feed the tubers before planting, you can harvest an excellent harvest at the end of summer.


