
  1. The purpose of the projectile
  2. materials
  3. The weight
  4. Balancing
  5. The form
  6. Handle
  7. Features of choice
  8. Rubber models
  9. With metal handle
  10. Cases

Rating of the best training knives for 2025

Rating of the best training knives for 2025

To acquire the skills of hand-to-hand combat with the use of edged weapons, you need to train a lot. If you use a real knife for this, there is a risk of injury. That is why you need to purchase a special tool. Training knives are similar to real ones, but injuries are excluded with them.

The purpose of the projectile

A training tool is a tool that is required for training fights and classes. The purpose of the knife is to acquire the skills of owning cold weapons. With him, a person easily learns to strike, while not injuring anyone.

Plastic and wooden products are used in 2 ways.They can be used instead of real equipment during weapon training. This gives a guarantee of safety, and also allows you to experiment. Another training weapon provides additional realism of training. Thanks to counteracting an armed opponent, the athlete clearly demonstrates the effectiveness of the techniques.

Why ordinary knives do not fit

For training, soft steel devices are needed. Material with high rigidity breaks easily. To hit the target with a throwing tool, you need a lot of effort than with a normal blow.

The impact level of toughness of the steel from which the throwing blade is made must be high. Therefore, kitchen and hunting devices are not suitable. The difference in shape also makes a regular knife unsuitable for throwing: the balance is different, so it is difficult to hit the target.


What are the types of knives? They have different material. It should be chosen depending on the fighting style. But such equipment does not create a sense of danger, so a full-fledged honing of self-defense skills will not work.

The first thing you need to pay attention to in the first place is the material. Devices are:

  • Rubber. Designed for gentle workouts. With their help, sparring in full contact mode is allowed. For training, you need only goggles made of polycarbonate. Bruises appear even from a blow with a soft knife, but still there will be less of them. The advantage of rubber devices is the variety of blades, individual size adjustment. Products do not break, have a long service life. The downside is that they can bend.
  • Wooden. Such devices are tougher and harder. During training, equipment is required: vest, helmet, neck protection.Arizona ironwood inventory is considered an exotic species. Such products do not bend, moreover, they are durable and practical.
  • Metallic. This is an extreme type of knife that is suitable for trained people. Using such equipment, fighters work out those parts of the battle in which the partner does not take the projectile. Products are created in the form of copies of real knives.

Another inventory is educational. These are knives with a stun gun instead of a blade. The peculiarity of such equipment is that when a “cut” occurs, the opponent receives a slight discharge of electric current. There are also products with a coloring “blade”. In the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe "cut" they leave a mark, the affected area.

When choosing a projectile, you should look at the quality of the handle. It must be ergonomic. Rubber is considered the most practical choice. It doesn't slip and is easy to hold and comfortable.

The blade should not be dangerous. Since the blades of training knives are flexible, the risk of injury is negligible. Usually cutting products are sold with a zippered case.

The inventory may have an antibacterial coating. You should also pay attention to compactness, safety. Equipment must be absolutely comfortable.

The weight

When choosing a folding or regular knife, you need to pay attention to the weight. Devices are of the following types:

  • Ultralight. Professionals do not usually use them, but they are great for beginners and amateurs. Weight is not more than 40 g.
  • Lungs. Products are ideal for beginners, since their weight is 50-80 g.
  • Medium-light. Used to train throwers. Their weight is 120-200 g. They are not used in competitions, since the parameters do not meet current requirements. Most often, such inventory is used by professionals.
  • Heavy. They are used less frequently, since the weight can be 300 g.They are used by fans of aggressive throws and those who, due to the characteristics of the body, cannot choose a projectile smaller in size and weight.

Which one is better to buy depends on the purpose of the item. For beginners, it is better to purchase light or ultra-light. Then the classes will be comfortable. And professionals require medium-light and heavy.


This parameter is related to the location of the center of gravity:

  • Neutral. The center of gravity is in the middle.
  • Offset towards the blade. These knives are great for throwing.
  • Offset towards the handle. The product is thrown, and they hold it by the blade.

There are options in which the center of gravity can shift. They have a special groove in the blade and handle along which the weighted puck moves. It depends on the balance of the knife. The downside of this equipment is the deterioration of ballistic parameters. Adjustable products can be chosen by those who want to determine the grip and throwing option.

The form

The inventory is also different in shape. This parameter is not related to ballistic performance. The choice of form depends on taste, not requirements. According to this characteristic, goods are divided into the following types:

  • Sturgeon. It has a curved blade that is sharpened on one side only.
  • Dagger. Equipped with a straight and elongated blade that tapers towards the top. Ideal for competition, competition lovers. Also used by beginners.
  • Foliate. The knives have a straight handle and a blade that widens towards the middle and tapers at the top. Sharpening is one-sided and double-edged.
  • Arrows. This name is due to the shape of the blade, which is similar to the tip of such a weapon. The length and width of the product may vary. And their sharpening is double-edged.
  • scalpels. They have a short blade compared to the handle. They have a spear-like appearance.
  • Peaks.The width of the handle is the same as that of the blade. But the latter narrows towards the top. The blades have different sharpening.

As you can see, the forms of inventory are different. You should carefully read each type in order to choose the most suitable option.


For sports competitions, knives with overlays on the handle are not suitable. Therefore, skinners are considered the most popular. The handle differs from the blade conditionally. It may have holes. The peculiarity of the products is that there are no frills in them - the steel strip is sharpened on one or two sides approximately to the middle. Skinners have perfect balance and light weight.

There are knives with a handle that is wrapped with a cord. These devices are used both in sports and in combat, in the economy. The cord is considered a shock absorber, so the handle is comfortable to hold. Such equipment is suitable for throwing, but lacing can degrade ballistic properties. He is not chosen for competition, but he is suitable for friendly competition.

Handles with overlays are present on many household knives, and they are less common in throwing equipment. Because of them, the weight of the weapon increases, so it is difficult to work with it. In addition, upon impact, the lining falls off, so the knife becomes unusable.

Knives-jacks are considered a rare variety. They do not have a handle, it is replaced by a blade. Products are symmetrical, which explains their name. They are not used in competitions, but they are chosen for combat conditions.

Features of choice

The range includes budget and expensive types of inventory. At the same time, you need to know how to choose the right product. This can be done even by a non-professional. It is enough to pay attention to the selection criteria:

  • Balancing. Its point should be approximately in the middle. This is important for beginner fighters.If the balancing point is in the right place, then it will be possible to quickly master the technique of possession.
  • Knife size and weight The optimal parameters are 23-25 ​​cm. It is important that the handle is approximately the same length as the blade or slightly longer. Equipment should not be very light or heavy.
  • Handle, guard. Thanks to the guard, the hand will not slip onto the blade, protecting it from damage to the hand. This element must be present, even though copies do not have a sharp blade. The handle should be comfortable and non-slip.
  • Material. The recommendations of trainers indicate that the product should be made of solid material. It is advisable not to choose a combined inventory.
  • Frost resistance. If training is carried out in the cold, then frost-resistant polyurethane devices are needed. They remain strong, elastic at any temperature.

These are the main characteristics that you should look at when buying a product. Mistakes in choosing can lead to the fact that the knife will not be comfortable, of high quality. And that makes it harder to train. You should also pay attention to the design.

The following tips will help you choose the right product. Optionally, it can be elite types of inventory. You can also buy cheap models. Where is the best place to buy them? It is more convenient to order online in the online store.

Before purchasing a product, you should read the description for it. It indicates all the characteristics, rules for the operation of inventory. You should also read product reviews to make it easier to navigate.

Rubber models

Such inventory is considered the safest. It can be chosen by beginners to hone their combat skills. A rating of quality goods will help you make a choice.

Cold Steel Military Classic

The Cold Steel brand has a long history of producing training equipment that meets safety standards. They have a realistic look. Knives can be used in solo practice and in team training. The length of the blade is 17.4 cm, the total length is 29.5 cm, and the thickness of the blade is 9 mm.

The rubber blade is very soft, so that injuries are excluded. And yet it is quite tough, so it can cause damage to the face, eyes. It is important for fighters to use special protection.

knife Cold Steel Military Classic
  • realism;
  • high quality;
  • optimal length;
  • blade softness.
  • missing.


This is a soft training device designed for solo workouts. During the development of strikes and tricks, during demonstration performances, such a product is indispensable. He is also chosen for airsoft.

The black knife weighs only 100 g and is 290 mm long. The rubber device is distinguished by pleasant ergonomics and practicality. Yes, and at a price it is quite affordable - it costs only about 500 rubles.

knife bayonet
  • softness;
  • the possibility of using for airsoft;
  • light weight;
  • compact dimensions;
  • affordable price.
  • not detected.


The practical handle has pleasant notches, so the inventory fits perfectly in the hand, does not slip off. It is also lightweight and practical. After bending, it instantly restores its shape. Quality inventory, solid rubber. It has a drawback - the knife is made of 2 halves, so there are protruding seams. But they are easily removed by grinding.

The device is made of polyurethane. Blade shape is sharp.Although the product is Russian-made, it is great for practicing fighting skills.

knife ASR SW HRT
  • reliability;
  • no slip;
  • hard rubber.
  • protruding seams.

According to buyers, the presented devices are great for training. The popularity of models of this type is associated with their safety and practicality.

With metal handle

This type of knife is also in demand. The best manufacturers try to offer functional inventory. The following ranking includes the most practical options.


The product of a Russian company is intended for users who have completed initial training and want to improve their skills. The tool is made of a knife alloy-stainless steel. It is thrown over medium and long distances, in a reverse and non-recourse way.

The weight of the product is 200 g. The steel grade is 420. The length is 25.5 cm. The service life of such a device can be long if used correctly.

knife Vyatich
  • high-quality stainless steel;
  • light weight;
  • optimal length;
  • long operation.
  • not detected.


The product weighs 272 g. Steel grade - 65G. The length of the knife is 25.5 cm. The handle is made of metal. The blade has excellent balance.

The product is made of forged spring-spring alloy. The blade is anodized for rust protection. The knife is suitable for beginners and experienced people.

knife Professional
  • light weight;
  • quality steel;
  • reliable handle;
  • rust protection.
  • not detected.


The M-132-SP set includes 3 Russian-Chinese blades.The blades are made of corrosion-resistant steel, which has excellent heat-resistant properties. The set includes a triple cordura sheath.

The inventory weighs 140 g. The steel grade is 40x13. The length of the product is 24.1 cm. Deformation when exposed to such inventory is minimal.

Spyder knife
  • reliable steel;
  • heat resistance;
  • light weight.
  • missing.

These are the most popular models with a metal handle. New items are constantly appearing that are no worse than products that have been on sale for many years.


Sheaths are made of wood, dense materials, metals, leather. Sold and decorative species with precious stones, engraving. They serve to protect the blade from rust, damage and adverse factors.

You can buy a sheath at a knife store. When choosing it, you need to make sure that there is a strap with a clasp, a flexible fastening system. Then the equipment will be safe even during transportation.

The main part of the cover must be made from a single piece of material. It is important that the product covers the cutting area well. The best choice would be a small scabbard that fit the equipment. Only then can safe storage be ensured.

Thus, training knives are a necessary tool for those who want to develop throwing and fighting skills. You just need to choose the right equipment for yourself, taking into account professional advice.

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