Fitness trainers recommend that their wards begin strength and cardio workouts with the addition of light weights from 1 to 2 kg. Hinged cuffs for arms and legs come to the aid of a beginner - they help to increase physical activity, increase resistance during classes. And in some cases, extreme weight loss. The risk of serious physical injury when using training cuffs is significantly reduced, this is due to their low weight of 300 - 1300 g. The article has compiled a ranking of the best training cuffs for legs and arms for 2025.
These weights are not suitable for all types of activities. So, cuffs will be absolutely meaningless when doing monotonous types of aerobics: yoga, body flex, Pilates. Rhythmic and professional dances also do not involve the use of cuffs. The use of amplifiers is often found:
The advantage of cuffs for arms and legs, in contrast to the load on outdoor equipment or dumbbells, which can lead to a pressure surge when used, is freedom of movement, there is less danger to the body. Athletes with such weights work with a vengeance, increasing the load on the selected muscles.
The appearance of the models, regardless of the manufacturer, is similar. These are: wide bands attached to the ankles and wrists. They are made: from leather, nylon or polyester. Choose a dense, non-slip material. A very inexpensive category - goods produced by little-known brands from thin knitwear are characterized as fragile and short-lived products. The material plays a big role in the choice of equipment. The leather accessory, inside which there is a softening layer, is made of thick material. Such cuffs are the most durable and easy to use. Cheap fabric will add discomfort to the athlete.
Weighting agents are divided into 2 types, according to the material of the filler:
Equipment can weigh up to 5 kg. Such heavy "suspensions" are chosen by experienced athletes. For beginners, cuffs up to 2 kg are optimal. In the event of pain in the place where attachments are worn, stop using them.
Weights are selected individually, based on the program proposed by the trainer. Each program is scheduled with a focus on the physical fitness of the student. Based on this, the coach decides what mass the additional paraphernalia will have, it is necessary to distribute the load throughout the body or focus only on the arms or legs. In total there are 3 types of equipment: for legs, arms and multifunctional models. Plus, the latter, in the ability to carry out adjustment, depending on the diameter of the legs and arms. And do not spend money on narrowly focused options.
Depending on the brand, in popular models there are 2 types of fasteners:
Mistakes in choosing a product will lead to the fact that the shells will bring more discomfort than benefit. And the incorrectly calculated weight of the equipment can be harmful to health. It is advisable to first consult a doctor in order to exclude diseases of the veins, in which the weighting of the limbs is prohibited.
Trainers give advice: sometimes change the load of weights. Periodically reduce and increase weight.
For building muscle, equipment weighing from 2.5 to 5 kg is used. For aerobic exercise and fitness - 300 - 1000 g. For running: 300 - 500 g.
If a woman is not a weightlifter, then the maximum weighting is from 0.3 to 1.3 kg. Regarding wrist models, the weight can be increased, according to the woman’s physical fitness, up to 2 kg. Such weight will increase the effectiveness of classes and will not harm a healthy body. In this case, the heart rate increases from 7 to 10 additional beats per minute, and oxygen consumption increases by 5-15%.
If a woman does not have any training and experience in wearing weights, then it is advised to start with the smallest weight of 300 g, otherwise there is a chance of stretching the tendons and developing carpal tunnel syndrome.
Do-it-yourself leg weights are suitable for those who ordered training attributes in the online store and cannot wait for them to arrive, as well as to save money. Such products are not recommended for fast walking and serious strength exercises, in order to avoid injury. However, they will be an excellent additional load for doing exercises on the mat at home: standing in the bar, stretching the muscles, pulling up on the horizontal bar. Invented products from improvised materials.
For one pair you will need the following:
For the manufacture of heavy products, pieces of fabric, respectively, are taken larger.
Such training cuffs weigh an average of 500 g. Properly performed exercises in tandem with amplifiers will help at home, increase the tone of the gluteal and calf muscles.
The collected information, combined in this rating, will help determine the choice of the manufacturer, the quality of the product. It will help you figure out which equipment is better to buy for home workouts, and which one for exercising in the gym.
The Demix brand offers customers a set of two cuffs for strength and cardio training. Suitable for people who focus on training the gluteal, leg, and back muscles. The product is made of polypropylene. Padded with inner lining. It has a small weight of 170 g. Size: 37 * 5 cm. Fastened with Velcro. Additional mounts allow you to use equipment to engage 2 cables at once. According to customer reviews, the cuff is not long and fits a very slender leg. Products are made in China, shelf life up to 6 months. The model can be ordered online or purchased at major sporting goods stores.
The manufacturer offers BANZAI 5 leg cuffs to people who have been in sports for a long time and are not afraid of hard trials. The weight of each product is up to 5 kg.Calf circumference: 22 - 30 cm. The desired weight is regulated by weights of 1000 g. This weight involves pumping all muscle groups. Made of artificial and synthetic fabric, with a cotton patch on the inside. A reinforcing seal is sewn inside the product. The sling is pulled through the ring. For buyers of this model, a big plus was the opportunity to purchase empty cuffs and continue to use the load. This saves a lot of money. However, the price of the product is already high 6500 rubles per pair. Products are patented and have a certificate of hygiene
The Chinese brand Joerex is chosen by people who have been training for a long time, doing fitness, combat sports, and athletics. The load is adjusted using inserts, the total weight of which is 5 kg each projectile. In total, equipment: 2 cuffs, a belt that is tightened in size, thus the weights become universal, both for legs and arms. The inventory is packed in a convenient bag for carrying and storage, which is included in the kit. The fixtures are filled with sand, made of nylon, polyvinyl chloride. Price 650 - 800 rubles. Available for purchase in online stores.
The manufacturer SPROOTS has released universal cuffs of the basic modification for legs and arms, weighing 0.25 g each. A pair with a total weight of 500 g.suitable for girls and beginner athletes. A small weight can be used in running and fast walking, which cannot be done with large weights. They have a bulk component and a synthetic base. The straps are adjustable to fit your wrist or ankle. The set includes a cover. Average price: 500 rubles.
Comfortable miniature (11*16*2 cm) Russian-made cuffs are used in all sports of light and medium intensity. Suitable for women and men. Made of synthetic material with metal filings as a filler. Sufficient for such a small weight fastener - Velcro provides a cozy attachment. The weight of the weighting agents is 0.5 kg each. The design of products takes you back to the Soviet years, due to the red and white color of the fabric. Price for a pair: 400 - 450 rubles. According to customer reviews, the equipment is conveniently attached to the leg and does not slip during training. When putting on, it is necessary to get the Velcro out of the loops.
Wrist weights from the Australian brand Starfit help increase the load of 1 kg for those who want to lose weight, add heaviness to build biceps, triceps, and pectoral muscles. A convenient addition is a hole for the thumb, especially relevant for martial arts and pull-ups on the uneven bars. The system is fixed with Velcro, size 32 * 8.5.Made from neoprene with mineral filling. Warranty for products - 2 years. Price for a pair of 699 rubles. Brand production in China. Available to order online.
Women noted the attractive design of miniature cuffs - TORRES wristlets, made of nylon with a weight in the form of metal shavings. The weight of the product is 500 g per pair. Suitable for light training, fitness and walking. The convenience and simplicity of the design allows the device to be used by people who restore health after injuries and for children's training. Velcro fastening. Price: 308 rubles per set.
The sports equipment of this well-known brand has a distinctive feature that distinguishes it from other analogues - an anatomical shape. The design provides a comfortable fit of the product, adapting to the shape of the athlete's hand. The immobility of the fastening is ensured by a wide high-quality Velcro. Another plus is the moisture-absorbing lining fabric. However, buyers note the poor quality of the lines and the high cost of the product - 1999 rubles. for a couple. The weight of one cuff - 1130 g, allows you to do strength training and exercises at home.
The hinged bracelet of the domestic manufacturer Onhill sport is made of 100% leather, fastened on the arm with a belt with a metal plaque. Performs the function of a light weighting agent, due to reinforced steel, designed for pumping muscles in the arms, suitable for training on the simulator. It has dimensions of 8x13x11 cm and is adjustable to the desired arm width, girth - up to 40 cm. There is a fastener for connecting additional weights. Available in red, blue, black.
A model with a Bradex half ring is suitable for strengthening home loads. The universal accessory is mainly attached to the arms, and for a light load of the lower muscles - on the legs. The weight of the product is 500 - 600 g, the bag is filled with loose metal shavings. Fastened with high quality Velcro. Buyers point to: durable material and stitching quality. Suitable for training on simulators and running. Price: 800 - 1100 rubles. for a couple.
A properly selected training system, “flavored” with weights for the arms and legs, is the right way to gaining the body of your dreams. Cuffs are part of sports equipment, actively used in fitness and for weightlifters. Properly calculated weight of weighting agents is able to solve problems with the health of the spine, in combination with physiotherapy prescribed by a doctor.
Summing up, it is worth noting that the optimal weight for Velcro weights is 200 - 300 g, in order to avoid loosening the fastener. For "experienced" training people, a weight of up to 5 kg is suitable, and in this case, preference is given to mounting on the ring. The metal parts of some models, in addition to greater strength, have a minus - the ability to rub the skin. The rating presented in the article will help you make a choice in favor of the best sports equipment.