
  1. Shower drains - general information
  2. Design features
  3. Modern types of shower drains
  4. Types of drain gates
  5. Mounting Features
  6. Difficulties of choice
  7. Ranking of the best shower drains for 2025
  8. Conclusion

Ranking of the best shower drains for 2025

Ranking of the best shower drains for 2025

A recent powerful trend in the arrangement of modern bathrooms has been the installation of shower cabins there, which may well functionally replace the overall bath bowl. However, the shower design requires the selection of a high-quality and reliable drain drain. The ladder is a special plumbing element through which waste water is sent to the sewer system. In accordance with today's standards, drains (drains) are built into the floor in a certain place in the form of a separate single funnel, or they are made in the form of point funnels in different places. They are used only when the cabin is not provided with a special pallet.

Shower drains - general information

The devices under consideration are a special component of plumbing communication, with the help of which the spent water is directed to the sewer. The design itself includes a body with a siphon, outlet pipes and a shutter (wet / dry type) with a decorative nozzle. The fixture is most often mounted on the floor, the level of which is raised by 12-15 centimeters from the coating, providing a slope in the direction of the drain.

The system can be located in the corner or in the center of the shower area. Drains with vertical / direct outlet, as a rule, are equipped in country mansions, where there is a sewer pipe right in the floor. If we talk about lateral or horizontal placement, then such options are preferable for city apartments.The lattice in this design is the visible part and can be round, three-, four- or pentagonal in shape. In principle, it can be disguised as a floor covering element.

The shower tray is one of the varieties of the ladder and has an elongated shape. Outwardly, it appears as a longitudinal channel with an elongated grating. Its length can be different - from 30 to 120 centimeters. Usually placed along the wall. It has a greater capacity than a classic drain, and it requires a smaller installation depth. It is installed both in the floor and in the walls. It can be completed with a decorative crate of different designs.

Design features

Depending on the structure, the body of the device can be made in the form of a rounded container (“snail”) or in the form of an elongated tray. Fixation is made directly to the floor, so the system becomes non-removable. The siphon is located inside the housing and acts as a shutter that prevents air exchange between the room and the sewer. A pipe is connected to the outlet neck to connect the drain to the sewer and the siphon. To mask the technical elements of the entire system, a lattice protection is provided. She (lattice) acts as a floor covering - you can stand on it. The whole design described is subject to change in detail, depending on the technical specifications of the case, some additional components may be built into it, which will not affect the basic principles of operation.

Modern types of shower drains

  • Point

They are a siphon with horizontal or vertical outlets, equipped with a water inlet and a decorative grille.Their main disadvantage is considered to be some difficulty during installation, because you will have to make an artificial surface slope of 2%, which can be clearly visible visually. Their throughput is no worse when compared with linear ones, since the siphon is directly responsible for this. The point samples also include those samples that are installed in the corner of the shower. The main difference is only in the location.

  • Linear

These shower drains are the best design option for water drainage in shower rooms. They differ from their chiseled "brothers" in the presence of a water intake in the form of a gutter with a length of 35 to 150 centimeters. When installing them, the slope is made only for one side, which looks aesthetically pleasing and does not require cutting the tiles diagonally (which will reduce labor costs). When choosing linear samples, you need to pay attention to the material of their production, because plastic models with a sharp change in ambient temperature can expand and change their geometry, which will damage their further performance of their functions. The best samples will be variations made on the basis of stainless steel.

The throughput of linear drains, as well as point drains, will depend on the siphon. For example, if the length of the gutter exceeds 100 centimeters, then several siphons must be installed in it. The modern market can offer special variations of the considered models, for example, which can be shortened arbitrarily (by cutting). Also, they can independently change the size, based on a multiplicity of 1 millimeter. Modern slotted gutters also belong to the linear ones - their design is built in such a way that they stand out minimally from the background of the rest of the tiles laid in the shower room.

Types of drain gates

Any design of the ladder provides for the presence of such an element as a siphon. It can be made in three variations:

  1. Wet (water seal);
  2. Dry;
  3. Combined.

The principle of operation of the first option is the formation of a water plug, which does not allow the exchange of air masses between the sewer line and the shower room. The solution is considered optimal for showers that are used on a regular basis (at least 2 times a week). If you use the shower less often, then there is a risk of the water plug drying out, which will result in the passage of air from the sewer into the shower.

Dry variations are less common and they use a special membrane through which water freely enters the drain, however, air from the sewer (i.e. in the opposite direction) does not penetrate. Such a design has an undeniable advantage, which consists in the same efficiency of the system, regardless of how often the shower is used. A dry shutter will be an ideal solution for unheated (summer) rooms. Water from such a ladder will drain completely and even at sub-zero temperatures there will be no condensation and rare ice.

Combined models in their design have both a membrane and a water seal, which complement each other and are a high guarantee of the absence of air exchange between the sewer and the room. Thus, functionality and reliability are simply increased.

Vertical and horizontal design - differences

Vertical drains are rare, because they constructively suggest the location of the drain hole exclusively at the bottom of the shower tray. However, they are characterized by the fastest removal of waste water. In horizontal versions, the connection to the sewer is carried out on the side of the pallet.It does not require a change in the drain communication, as it will allow you to connect to an already installed system without any problems. However, this method will slow down the removal of water.

External differences

In stores, you can find many considered drainage devices, which will differ in design. Most often, there are two popular models on sale - with a wide tray and with a small pallet. Practice shows that the wider the pan, the better it is for draining, because this form will not allow water to stagnate in the shower. A small square-type ladder has a low price; in conditions of competent installation, it will completely cope with the entire set of basic tasks. Installed in the middle of the room. The tile for it is laid in such a way that the angle of water runoff falls on the center from all corners - it is easier to redirect it to the sewer.

Classification of ladders by capacity

Drainage efficiency is one of the main selection criteria and this indicator is represented by the amount of water that the device can take away within a minute. The skip rate is very important, because if you apply a larger volume than the device can hold, then it will stagnate, and a puddle will form in the shower area. Reference readings are usually taken to measure the required bandwidth. So, if a watering can has a diameter of 30 centimeters, then in a minute it can pour from 5 to 15 liters of water.

For a cascade shower, the standard figure is from 25 to 30 liters per minute. Naturally, the speed of pouring out of the watering can will depend not only on the diameter, it will also be necessary to take into account the output pressure of the jet. Optimally, buy a watering can before buying a ladder and immediately measure the indicators in your shower, simply by connecting the watering can and the hose, raising the structure to the desired height.Having on hand accurate data on the amount of water poured per minute, you can already pick up a drain with the necessary parameters. An accurate calculation will avoid unnecessary financial expenses for an unused resource of equipment.

Popular manufacturing materials

As a rule, ladders are made of steel or special plastic. Less commonly, samples made on the basis of sanitary cast iron appear on sale. Plastic products cost less than cast iron and steel, which is why they have gained great popularity. They are easy to clean and are not afraid of corrosion. They are also characterized by fairly simple installation, unpretentiousness in care, and are able to withstand hefty loads. Differ in comparative durability and show resistance to influence of chemically aggressive substances. Steel models are recommended for installation in showers, which are subject to high requirements in terms of sanitation, hygiene and rules of use. The main material of their execution is stainless steel grades. Cast iron variations have increased wear resistance and throughput, which means that they can be used in particularly difficult conditions. It is allowed to install from not only in the shower, but also in pools, toilets, laboratory classrooms.

In their form, ladders can be:

  • oval;
  • triangular;
  • square;
  • Rectangular;
  • round;
  • Have the shape of an elongated tray.

Square and rectangular samples are considered the most popular, because they easily fit into almost any interior and fit any floor covering.

Mounting Features

When installing ladders, several types of work are required:

  • Preparatory - the easiest installation option - this is installation in a private house, immediately at the construction stage.In this way, it will be possible to equip a vertical drain system that will be durable and ensure maximum drainage efficiency. But for a city apartment, this stage will be problematic - in this case, it is possible to limit ourselves to only a horizontal drain. And even then, you will need to raise the floor a few centimeters up. If you install a shower stall in an already finished room, then in most cases you will have to remove the old floor in order to have access to the sewer pipe.
  • Line laying - at this stage, it will be necessary to make the necessary changes to the sewerage system (change pipes for new ones, lay them to the installation site of the booth, etc.).
  • Protective - carry out waterproofing of the floor.
  • Mounting - the ladder is assembled and equipped in accordance with the recommendations set out in the instructions. In order to maintain the structure and until the screed hardens, you should use the legs included in the kit (if necessary, the support device can be made independently).
  • Heat-insulating - the floor must be insulated with expanded polystyrene or other material with heat-insulating properties.
  • Screed bay - if it is necessary to raise the floor level to a significant height, the screed is laid in several layers.
  • Finishing - the raised floor covering needs to be dried, then finished. Ceramic tile for the floor can act as a finishing material, which is laid in the opposite direction from the ladder towards the walls. After the mortar has hardened, a protective grate can be placed on the drain.

Difficulties of choice

In the process of buying the device in question, close attention should be paid to the following properties:

  • Design and shape - you need to decide on them before purchasing. If the shower will be used by the elderly or children, then the best solution would be a linear crevice device, and a universal option is a point model.
  • The height of the fixture should be between 90 and 150 millimeters. This indicator is directly dependent on the floor screed. If the device has a greater height, then its bandwidth will be greater. The best option is a model with adjustable height.
  • The diameter of the sewer pipe in the house - this parameter must be taken into account, since the level of drainage will also depend on it. For example, for a residential building, a diameter of 50 millimeters means a throughput of 0.7 liters per second. For public showers, a pipe with a diameter of 100 millimeters is desirable - its outlet will be 2.1 liters per second.
  • Outlet location - the horizontal version is easier to mount, but the vertical one has better throughput.
  • Connection options - if the pipe is connected from the basement or lower floor, and the booth is installed on the platform, then it is better to choose a ladder model with a direct (directional) outlet.
  • Presence of a slope - if the main trench is located at an angle, then it is preferable to use a drain with a side outlet for it. In any case, the best option is a pipe that diverts drains to the side.

Ranking of the best shower drains for 2025


3rd place: "ViEiR art. DL80-360P"

The model is equipped with a free circulation flange, designed to drain water from the floor or pallet.Thanks to its stainless steel construction, the product can perform its functions for a long time, remaining an aesthetic design element of the bathroom. A wide range of settings allows installation in new bathrooms of any type. Its light float with a diameter slightly larger than the drain hole, in case of drying water, simply falls and closes the entrance to the pipe. In working position, the water rises, keeping the float at the same level and the system works as a water seal. If the device is not used, the water from the shutter evaporates, and the float hides the drain hole before the water has completely evaporated. The recommended cost for retail chains is 3741 rubles.

shower ladder ViEiR art. DL80-360P
  • Has odor protection
  • Horizontal release;
  • The siphon has a 360 degree rotation angle;
  • Case material - stainless steel;
  • Special waterproofing material.
  • Not detected.

2nd place: "MasterProf linear metal with decorative grille, 550 x 70 mm"

The product is designed to receive/discharge used water from the floor surface in showers and bathrooms into the sewer network. Equipped with double protection against unpleasant odors from the sewer, which is achieved due to the presence of a dry closure and a water seal. The body is made of stainless steel. The grate is decorative, the legs are height-adjustable, the plastic drain is 40/50 mm. Non-woven material, performs the function of a waterproofing collar. The minimum installation height is 85 mm. Water flow rate — 30 l/m. The recommended cost for retail chains is 4888 rubles.

linear metal shower drain MasterProf with decorative grate, 550 x 70 mm
  • The presence of waterproofing;
  • High-speed stock;
  • Height adjustment.
  • Not detected.

1st Place: Stainless Steel VIEIR - DL70A

The product is mounted directly to the floor. Due to its small dimensions and height, the model is ideal for installation in the shower area. It is important for organizing a space where it is not possible to install a classic bath: in small apartments, studios, combined bathrooms, etc. Structurally, the model consists of a body, a siphon, with a drain pipe and a shutter (wet / dry) and a decorative nozzle. The drainage channel made of stainless steel looks ergonomically in the interior and retains its aesthetic appearance for a long time. Scope: showers and bathrooms, used for ebbs in swimming pools and SPA centers, for installation in the wall. The recommended cost for retail chains is 5114 rubles.

stainless steel shower drain VIEIR – DL70A
  • Wide scope;
  • Aesthetic appearance;
  • Easy installation.
  • Slightly overpriced.


3rd place: "VIEIR stainless steel 100x100 mm. (D-50)"

This model is equipped with a water seal Body material - stainless steel S / S 304, minimum installation height - 65 millimeters, the flow rate of water is 30 liters per minute, the sewer has a diameter of 50 millimeters. The color of the design is steel. The recommended cost for retail chains is 547 rubles.

shower drain VIEIR stainless steel 100x100 mm.(D-50)
  • Adequate price;
  • High flow rate;
  • Small sizes.
  • Not detected.

2nd place: "MasterProf with water seal and vertical (straight) outlet 50 mm"

The product is made of stainless steel, has a water seal and a vertical (direct) outlet. Designed to receive / discharge wastewater into the sewerage system. It is installed in showers and where a drain directly to the floor is required. It has a bottom outlet for connecting a sewer pipe with a diameter of 50 mm. The dimensions of the visible part are 150 x 150 millimeters. The material of the body and grille is AISI201 steel. The minimum mounting height is 100 mm. The flow rate is 30 liters of water per minute. The sewer pipe diameter is 50 millimeters. The recommended cost for retail chains is 670 rubles.

shower drain MasterProf with water seal and vertical (straight) outlet 50 mm
  • Qualitative grade of manufacturing steel;
  • Good value for money;
  • High mounting height.
  • Not detected.

1st place: "SANTRADE drain pressure ST 100x100 mm laid on"

This very functional and convenient model is intended for arranging internal sewage systems. The design used is overhead and push type. The material of manufacture is stainless steel, the size of the mounting platform is 100 * 100 millimeters. The outlet is vertical. Conforms to the Russian requirements of GOST 1811-97. The recommended cost for retail chains is 837 rubles.

drain shower drain SANTRADE ST 100x100 mm overhead
  • Compliance with Russian technical standards;
  • Convenient site sizes;
  • Comfortable use.
  • Not detected.


3rd place: "ViEiR with dry shutter, angled horizontal 200x200 mm"

This corner fixture is used to collect/drain water from showers/bathrooms.Manufactured from stainless steel, outlet direction is from the side. The mechanism for restricting air access to the room is by means of hydraulic and dry locks. If the drain is not in use, then the water from the shutter evaporates, and the float closes the drain hole before the water has completely evaporated. Recommended price for retail chains - 2550 rubles

shower drain ViEiR with dry shutter, angled horizontal 200x200 mm
  • Odor protection with a dry water seal;
  • Water outlet - horizontal;
  • Case material - stainless steel grade S / S 304.
  • Not detected.

2nd place: "TIM metal 200x200 mm corner with side outlet"

Extremely functional corner model with a combined siphon type. Execution material - stainless steel, installation type - to the floor, drain rate - 30 liters per minute, diameter - 50 millimeters, maximum operating temperature - +80 degrees Celsius, weight - 400 grams. The recommended cost for retail chains is 2915 rubles.

shower drain TIM metal 200x200 mm corner with side outlet
  • Light weight;
  • Warranty period - 3 years;
  • Combined type of functionality;
  • Decorative grill included.
  • Not detected.

1st place: "MIANO-MEDIUM matte, side drain D-50 mm"

The product is built into the floor and is used for drainage in showers / bathrooms. The design is reliable and easy to use, has a dual protection against odor. Seat type: water seal and dry seal. The grill included in the kit is made of antibacterial stainless steel. The recommended cost for retail chains is 5900 rubles.

shower drain MIANO-MEDIUM opaque, side drain D-50 mm
  • Antibacterial protection;
  • Simple and reliable design;
  • European quality.
  • Too high price.


A good alternative to a simple shower tray, which is not always optimal due to its bulkiness, is a special tile drain. It is characterized by a simple and comfortable design, which can be mounted under a waterproof floor. All elements of such modern products are made from anti-corrosion materials and are sufficiently reliable, which allowed the ladders to become very popular in the Russian Federation.

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