Glazed cottage cheese curds are a great option for breakfast or a snack. These desserts will not only save time, but also saturate the body with calcium and protein. Unfortunately, there are many unscrupulous manufacturers on the market who add a large amount of preservatives, stabilizers and thickeners to their products. Accordingly, the benefits of such a treat are minimized. In order not to harm your body, it is important to choose the right cheese.
The editors of "", based on the high ratings of customers, have compiled a rating of the best brands of glazed curds, which are distinguished by a safe composition and good taste.
The Chudo trademark, registered in 1998, is owned by Wimm-Bill-Dann. Are puddings produced under the Chudo brand? yoghurts, smoothies and curds. Natural ingredients are used for production.
The dessert with vanilla, which comes in a bright package and has a pronounced taste of vanilla and cottage cheese, got into the rating. The filling is very tender and homogeneous, topped with fragile and thin chocolate. The product is quite high-calorie - 411 kcal. BJU content: 10.7 g, 26 g, 32 g. The composition includes: fat-free cottage cheese, flavoring, sodium analgin, starch, butter, lecithin, cocoa butter and powder, sugar, cocoa butter substitute, vegetable fat. Average price of goods: 25 rubles.
The company was founded in 1995 by 3 doctors: Leonid Mikirtumov, Boris Alexandrov and Yuri Izachik. The main idea of the founders was to create healthy, healthy and environmentally friendly food products. The company is among the top 5 national producers of dairy products. RostAgroExport has 3 regional plants in Russia: in Kaliningrad, Moscow region and Saratov, where it manufactures over 250 types of products sold under various brands. Below are the most popular curds from RostAgroExport.
RostAgroExport, weighing 45 g, available in 4 versions. According to buyers, the best of them are delicacies:
Desserts are covered with dense dark brown chocolate, made on the basis of cocoa butter substitutes. The filling is a viscous, but at the same time, delicate texture. Consumers note a pronounced vanilla flavor and a very sweet filling. Shelf life at temperatures from +2 to +6°C should not exceed 21 days. The composition of vanilla delicacy, in addition to cottage cheese and flavoring, includes: butter, lecithin, cocoa powder, granulated sugar. Dessert with boiled condensed milk consists of cottage cheese, flavoring, emulsifiers, oils (palm kernel, refined, creamy), sugar, cocoa powder, water, milk powder and antioxidants. The average price is 19 rubles.
RostAgroExport offers 2 types: classic and with the addition of boiled condensed milk. The product is packaged in a sealed brown foil wrapper. Cottage cheese dessert with the addition of cookies is very similar to the famous Potato cake. Buyers note its excellent taste. The product is covered with dark chocolate made from cocoa powder, sugar, lecithin, flavoring and cocoa butter substitute (palm oil is also added to the cheese with condensed milk). The chocolate icing adheres tightly to the filling, but cracks a little. The filling has a non-uniform consistency: pieces of biscuits and butter may come across.
The curd mass consists of: cottage cheese, butter, sugar, soy lecithin, biscuits, water, soda, salt, sorbic acid, milk powder, milk fat replacer. The maximum shelf life at temperatures from +2 to +6°C is 15 days. The nutritional values of the classic cheese and dessert with the addition of condensed milk are as follows: BJU: 7 g, 25.6 g / 25 g, 40.4 g / 32 g. Calorie content - 420 kcal / 380 kcal. The average cost is 19 rubles.
The Fit & Sweet brand produces natural desserts with a low calorie content and a high protein content. There is no sugar in the products; instead, sweeteners isolated from natural raw materials are used.
Consumers singled out 3 cheesecakes from the Fit & Sweet company: with strawberries, chocolate and coconut. The energy value of a dessert with strawberries and chocolate is 92.83 kcal, BJU: 12.25 g, 3.1 g, 3.57 g. Coconut-flavored treats have a lower calorie content - 90 kcal. The amount of proteins is 12 g, fats - 3 g, carbohydrates - 3.5 g. Shelf life - 30 days at a temperature of -20°C, 7 days at a temperature of +2 to +7°C.
The composition of the product includes skimmed milk and cottage cheese, flavorings, soy lecithin, sucralose, cocoa butter, natural dye, cocoa mass, agar-agar, gelatin, erythritol and milk protein. Cottage cheese delicacies have a delicate filling covered with dense dark brown chocolate. Buyers highlight the excellent taste and naturalness of the ingredients.Average price: 240 rubles per pack. The package contains 5 cheeses.
The brand was registered in 2016, owned by RostAgroExport LLC.
The following branded cheeses were included in the rating of the best:
The delicacy is made from natural cottage cheese. Also included: butter, sunflower and palm oil, sugar, sugar substitute, cocoa butter and powder, emulsifiers, flavoring, dye, milk and whey in dry form. Additionally, in the product with condensed milk there is boiled condensed milk, in cheese-souffle - egg white, agar-agar and also boiled condensed milk. The product is packed in foil paper. The filling is a delicate texture of white color with a creamy taste, topped with a homogeneous and dense chocolate. The curd product bites and cuts well and easily, the coating does not crumble. The cost of cheese curds: from 16 to 45 rubles, expiration date: 21 days.
The trade mark "Svitlogorye" is owned by LLC "Russian Milk". The joint stock company was founded in 2003. Its main activity is the production of high-quality dairy products and semi-finished products. The assortment includes more than 200 items of goods, for the manufacture of which natural, farm milk is used.
Buyers select 3 curds from TM "Svitlogorye":
Curd dessert is securely packaged in foil paper, which is easy to open. The texture of the filling is sticky and viscous, has a pleasant milky tint. Buyers note the sweet and pronounced sour-milk taste. The general composition includes: flavor, cocoa powder, granulated sugar, cottage cheese, cocoa butter substitute, lecithin, butter. Vanilla dessert in caramel glaze also contains milk powder and natural dye. Product shelf life: 30 days at +4°C. The average price is 30 rubles.
The rating also included cottage cheese sticks in caramel glaze with vanilla flavor. Their calorie content is 419 kcal. The product contains 8 g of proteins, 34 g of carbohydrates and 27.2 g of fat.
Cottage cheese curds are very convenient for snacking on a trip: one package contains 6 pieces of desserts, each of which has an individual wrapper. The filling has a delicate creamy taste, its texture is uniform and moderately dense. The sticks include the following ingredients: cottage cheese, butter, sugar, cocoa butter substitute, milk powder, cocoa powder, beta carotene, natural flavor, caramel. Shelf life: 30 days at temperatures from +2 to +6°C. Average cost: 97 rubles.
Brand "Mi-Shu!" belongs to the Belarusian enterprise "Polotsk Dairy Plant". The production facility has been manufacturing and selling dairy products since 1940. The composition excludes artificial additives, only natural ingredients are used.
The product is wrapped in bright packaging made of metallized polypropylene, in the form of a candy. The dessert is covered with a thick layer of brown glaze, inside there is a pleasant, homogeneous filling. Mi-shu can be purchased with the addition of cocoa and vanilla. In chocolate cheese, calorie content 404 kcal, BJU: 10.4 g, 26.1 g, 34.9 g. Vanilla dessert, calorie content 420 cal, contains BJU - 10.4 g, 28.2 g, 31.7 g. A dairy product is made from cottage cheese, sweet butter, sugar, flavoring, cocoa powder, soy lecithin and cocoa butter substitute for frosting. The average price of curds: 33 rubles.
The Tvorobushki trademark, registered in 2012, belongs to the Dairy Business company. The company is engaged in the manufacture of dairy products in its own factories, using traditional recipes.
The advantage of tvorobushki is convenience: there are 6 curds in a common package, each of them has its own wrapper. The dessert is available in milk and dark chocolate (with vanilla). The filling is quite sweet, homogeneous, does not contain small particles. The chocolate coating is dense, does not crumble when biting. The filling includes the following products: cottage cheese, butter, sugar, cocoa powder, natural vanilla extract. Chocolate is made from vegetable fat, cocoa powder, sugar, flavoring and soy lecithin. Per 100 g of the product, the amount of fat is 21 g, proteins - 9 g, carbohydrates - 32 g. Calorie content 353 kcal. Average cost: 129 rubles. Expiration date: 21 days.
Kozelsky dairy plant was founded in 1977. For 43 years, the plant has been manufacturing dairy products that do not contain chemical additives, are distinguished by excellent taste and naturalness.
Kozel glazed desserts are available in 4 types. Customers singled out the delicacy in milk chocolate with condensed milk. The advantage of this product is naturalness. The composition includes: cottage cheese, butter, cocoa powder, cocoa butter, natural and powdered milk, sugar, flavoring, powdered sugar and emulsifier lecithin.
Also, the dessert has a low calorie content - only 287 kcal, and a high protein content - 14 g. The amount of carbohydrates in the product is 33.2 g, fat - 11 g. The dairy product is characterized by a homogeneous filling and a thick layer of glaze. Average price of goods: 22 rubles.
The trademark was registered in 2002. The owner company is Danon. Under the Prostokvashino brand, dairy products are produced, which are manufactured at factories located throughout Russia.
Prostokvashino curds are available in 4 types:
The composition, in addition to natural cottage cheese, contains: coconut, palm and butter, flavors, sugar, Stabisol food additive, confectionery glaze, stabilizers, emulsifiers and antioxidants. The curd mass has a delicate, creamy and homogeneous texture. It tastes good and is very sweet. The chocolate coating is soft, dark brown in color. Average price: 28 rubles.
The brand belongs to Aleksandrov Boris Yurievich, one of the founders of RostAgroExport.The trademark was registered in 2006 to create premium dairy products.
A huge range of glazed curds with different fillings and chocolate is available for customers, each of which is highly appreciated by buyers. In the rating, we describe the curd product with vanilla in milk chocolate. The dessert consists of a dense, delicate filling and tightly fitting light brown chocolate with a matte surface. It has excellent taste and good composition. The delicacy is made from cottage cheese, butter, sugar, grated cocoa, cocoa butter, whole milk powder, soy lecithin and natural flavoring. B.Yu. Alexandrov has a low calorie content - 288.1 kcal. The content of BJU is as follows: 10.6 g, 11.3 g, 36 g. The product is packed in foil and cardboard paper. Shelf life - 15 days. The average price is 70 rubles.
The Vkusnoteevo brand belongs to the agro-industrial holding Molvest, founded in 1992. Products are manufactured at the Voronezh Dairy Plant. The manufacturer carefully monitors all stages of the products, so it is of high quality and excellent taste.
Consumers highly appreciated the premium glazed vanilla dessert from Vkusnoteevo. Its advantage is a completely safe composition: cottage cheese, natural vanilla extract, sugar, butter, cocoa powder and cocoa butter. Curd mass has a white color with a slight yellowish tinge.Its texture is very soft and viscous, it tastes sweet with light notes of vanilla and sourness. The filling is covered with smooth dark brown chocolate. It does not crumble, but melts very quickly, which is not a minus, as this only confirms the absence of harmful additives. The energy value of the product is 337.9 kcal. The dessert contains 25.4 g of carbohydrates, 8 g of protein and 16 g of fat. Shelf life: 15 days at temperatures from 0 to +4°C. Average price: 32 rubles.
The review presented the best curd glazed curds in a different price range. To eliminate errors when choosing, carefully study the composition of the product. Enjoy your meal!