Since ancient times, people have been able to swim, then a harsh life adapted them to this. Often, our ancestors caught fish in the water, and this had to be done using a variety of methods, for example, catching up with them by swimming with a spear, there were no fishing rods familiar to us then. But time passed, representatives of the human race moved from the caves to cozy houses with TVs, the Internet and other delights of civilization. All food can be bought at the store, including fish. But if you need it, you can catch it with a fishing rod. The very need for the ability to swim is gradually fading away, but many are still learning this valuable skill, because it is not known how fate will turn out. And, perhaps, at some point a person will be forced not to live, but to survive, as his ancestors did before. But it is often difficult for parents to teach their children to stay on the water only with their instructions, however, not everyone wants to hire a coach for them or send them to a swimming club, for many of them such expenses are unbearable.In such cases, sinking toys help to explain to children how not to drown in water.
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In short: these are toys that are placed in closed bodies of water, such as swimming pools. Often these are fish, seaweed or some other representatives of marine flora and fauna. Their base is usually made of plastic, some elements can be made inflatable to make it more fun for a child to play with them. Some of them glow underwater, which makes the process of catching them underwater extremely interesting. Others, when wet, can stick to smooth walls.
It still remains unclear to many parents how exactly such devices should be used, because in their childhood they never encountered them.A much more familiar remedy in such cases seems to them to be armlets, which physically will not allow their child to drown. But here it should be noted that sleeves and diving toys are not mutually exclusive, all this is useful for teaching children to dive in water. But specifically the latter are needed in order to:
So what are the best sinking toys right now? It is important to note here that this article will consider the most popular goods of this type in Russia from different price categories, and models glowing under water will be separately identified as a separate subspecies of these products.
We can safely say that when choosing such products, this product should not be overlooked, because it may well compete for the title of favorite among its counterparts. It is important to say right away that this is a whole set that includes six jellyfish, three of which have blue heads, and the other three are green. We are also pleased with the work of the designers who gave the jellyfish such funny facial expressions that will almost certainly amuse the kids. The heads of the products are strong and made of plastic, while the body, on the contrary, is soft, made in yellow and orange colors. In terms of size, the product is quite compact, only 13x3 cm, and it weighs 100 g, thereby not causing difficulties for children when interacting with it. The product is used to train scuba diving skills, improve diving techniques and improve the ability to navigate underwater. The use of such jellyfish is recommended in the bathroom or pool. Jellyfish cost 650 rubles.
The next offer includes three products, but this time it's colorful squids. Moreover, the combination of colors in the products is very unusual: orange-blue, green-red, blue-green, the colors are cheerful, so those who will splash around with them in the bathroom will surely like it. The design plane of this proposal is also valuable, which makes it safe to use. With these squids, you can spend hours having fun exploring the underwater expanses of a bath or pool, scattering them along the bottom of which, you can teach your child to navigate underwater, as well as develop their hand-eye coordination. The product has an age limit and can only be used after reaching the age of three. Squids weigh 130 grams. They should be stored and used at temperatures above 0 degrees Celsius. And they cost 698 rubles.
You can not ignore this interesting proposal. This time we have special fish designed for diving training. The set contains three products in different colors: yellow, red and blue. Their bright color allows you to see them well under water, which means that such a device is very convenient for underwater orientation, because of this they are even recommended by swimming coaches. It is worth highlighting the fact that these multi-colored fish do not emerge after being immersed in water, which is especially valuable for goods of this type. Interesting and detailed products.They have a mouth, eyes, fins can be distinguished, which will help to give children a basic knowledge of the appearance of fish. The price of the goods cannot be called low, the fish will cost customers 1560 rubles.
Consider another product for underwater play. These are multi-colored petals made of light, soft material, while in the lower part there are weighting balls, thanks to which the petals are located vertically in the water. There are three of these items in the set. But how do you use this item? The answer is banal simple: as underwater algae. You can scatter them, for example, in a pool or in any other closed body of water, after which they will help you navigate underwater by their location. You can also train in catching such algae. However, it is important to note that this product can be used after reaching the age of six. You will have to pay 1020 rubles for it.
The next model is slightly different from the previous proposals in that it is neither a plant nor an animal, but a convenient ring, which makes this product universal, because it can be used both outdoors and playing in the water, you can also catch it under water. And the low weight allows even the smallest athletes to throw it effortlessly over long distances.The usefulness of these rings lies in the fact that they develop coordination of movements, accuracy, general physical form. They are also easy to see due to the brightness of their color. The product is not subject to fading in the sun. The material for it was chosen the safest, namely, PVC. Its size is 160 mm. It is impossible not to mention the fact that this is a proposal of domestic production. And it costs a modest 630 rubles.
Another great set for those who like to swim underwater, but this time we have formidable sharks. But you can be sure that they will bring a lot of joy to the little ones who will have the opportunity to swim with them. These sharks can also be used to improve the diving skills of those who use them. This set contains four predators 13x3 cm in size. The sharks are made of ABS plastic, a very elastic material that can withstand small impacts well. The minimum age for a child to use this product is three years. It is made in China, but do not be afraid of this, delivery goes through online stores throughout Russia. You will have to pay 1000 rubles for this lovely set of sharks.
Another unusual option for those who primarily want to contribute to the development of their children, since they do not have such a fun design as the above models. But on the other hand, these five sticks are made of materials that do not contain harmful chemical compounds and allergens. Also, the product boasts its lightness and hygiene. Having sunk to the bottom, the sticks stand upright and do not float to the surface. All these advantages of the product contribute to the adaptation of children playing with it in the aquatic environment, simplify learning to interact with objects in the water. Sticks are made of pvc and cost 1190 rubles.
And the first product from this category is a funny duck from the TM Bondibon series “Playing in water”, specially designed for educational games. Its body is translucent, under water it has a light inside, which greatly facilitates underwater orientation. The fins and mouth, in turn, have a yellow color, the little ones can be amused by his large joyful eyes. The body is made of plastic. The product requires 3 AG13 batteries, which are already included in the kit. The minimum age for using such a thing is six years, and its price is 548 rubles.
Another glowing option that completes our list of the best products for 2025. This turtle will not leave any child indifferent, which is facilitated by its cheerful purple-green design and huge funny eyes. The proposal has built-in weights, so it definitely won’t pop up with one. It can be fun to get it out of the water, for which you have to dive, you can arrange swimming speed competitions with it. The colors of this model are bright and saturated, so it is clearly visible under water. It is impossible not to say that it glows only when it comes into contact with water, which saves the charge of the light bulb. The cute turtle costs only 389 rubles.
Having dealt with the assortment, we will decide where they can be purchased. After all, this question worries potential buyers no less. Firstly, such products can be purchased on the usual Internet sites such as Yandex Market, OZON, Wildberries, AliExpress, where you can find almost any product, including such educational devices. But there are more specialized stores for such products. For example, Igrolandia, which produces children's toys. There is everything that children can like, from airplanes to diving toys we need. The company specializes primarily in sales in Moscow, but there is delivery to other cities. You can also note the Sports Swimming store, but here the situation is different. This is a sports equipment store, which also includes the fish we need and algae that stick to the bottom. Delivery is also available throughout Russia.
At the end of the article, it is important to give one valuable piece of advice: do not chase low prices, a much more correct decision would be to choose a quality product, which may be much more expensive, but it will also last longer, while cheap analogues will have to be changed several times a year . And this does not mean at all that the price ceases to be an important evaluation criterion. It's just that the quality of the product, the materials from which it is made, what range of functions it has is much more important. It is worth choosing products not with a wallet, but with a heart. Such a choice will always be more correct. The same goes for diving toys. Choose products wisely!