
  1. What is a facial tonic
  2. What are they needed for
  3. Kinds
  4. How to apply
  5. Features of care for problem skin
  6. Rating of the best acne toners for 2025
  7. Inexpensive
  8. Up to 1500 rubles
  9. Professional
Rating of the best acne toners for 2025

Rating of the best acne toners for 2025

Thanks to daily facial care, you can keep it young and fresh for a long time. To do this, there are many different procedures, ranging from salon to simple ones that you can do yourself at home. As for home care, it includes regular rubbing of the face with special tonics, which are selected depending on the type of epidermis and the problems with it. Among these tonics, not the last place is occupied by those designed to combat acne, since people of all ages face this problem. Below we will consider what tonics are, how to select them, use them, and which ones, according to consumers, can be called the most effective in the fight against acne.

What is a facial tonic

So, the tonic is a transparent liquid, the composition varies depending on the qualities that it is endowed with. The properties of the product can also be determined by the shade that it has, for example, bluish indicates that the components contribute to deep cleansing. Pink means that the composition is endowed with substances that help relieve irritation and inflammation.

What is the difference between tonic and lotion?

Often, users confuse tonic and lotion, since both products cleanse the dermis of impurities and normalize pH. But despite this, there are some differences between the means, in contrast to the tonic lotion:

  • designed for final cleansing, as it is able to remove impurities that milk, lotion or foam could not cope with;
  • thanks to the components included in the list, it has a tonic and moisturizing effect;
  • is a multifunctional tool, as it can not only cleanse, but also normalize the tone of the face, provide a matting and anti-aging effect;
  • are alcohol-free, which makes them more gentle on sensitive skin.

Tonics, as a rule, have a more delicate effect, especially on problem areas of the dermis.

What are they needed for

Cosmetologists recommend not to exclude this stage of facial care from everyday life, since a properly selected product will allow:

  • Cleanse the skin more deeply, since after washing off the makeup with any of the products, a small amount of grease and dirt still remains.
  • Restore healthy complexion. Daily use of cosmetics, even if it is professional, leads to the fact that the face acquires a dull shade, becomes faded, the natural glow disappears, and problem areas become visible. In order to avoid such problems, cosmetologists recommend using tonic products daily, the components of which nourish, accelerate recovery and relieve irritation from the epidermis.
  • Normalize the pH balance, its change occurs due to daily exposure to UV rays, water, stressful situations and other factors. And the list of components of tonics includes substances that block the effects of harmful factors and restore the pH balance.
  • Strengthen the effect of nourishing, moisturizing and rejuvenating serums and creams. Due to deep cleaning, the active components of these funds are better absorbed and their effectiveness increases.

The results from regular use of the tonic will be noticeable in a month.As a result, fine wrinkles will become invisible, excess dryness and oiliness will get in, the color will become even and saturated.


Tonic is selected depending on the characteristics and type of dermis:

  • Oily, this type has a corresponding shine caused by the release of sebum. It also causes the make-up to smudge pretty quickly after application and needs to be reapplied on a regular basis. The product for the normalization of fatty secretions is used before bedtime, as well as immediately before applying cosmetics. These tonics are based on matting and moisturizing ingredients.
  • Sensitive, prone to irritation and inflammation. The composition of tonics for this type includes various herbs that have anti-inflammatory properties and have a softening effect. These include chamomile, rose, cornflower and many others.
  • Dry, with such visible peeling and increased irritability. The composition of tonics for this type of epidermis includes ingredients such as glycerin, proteins, oils of vegetable origin, which prevent dryness. The drug should be used up to two times a day. But if, in addition to the natural predisposition to dryness, there are additional factors that provoke it, then it is worth using the liquid up to 3 times a day.
  • Problematic, combines several areas, each of which has a specific problem. For example, the nose and chin have oily skin, the forehead is dry, and blackheads and pimples are present on the cheekbones. Compositions for the treatment of such a dermis include astringent exfoliating components, such as zinc, salicylic acid, oils with a calming effect.
  • Normal, in this case, the owners of such a dermis need to maintain its balance, protect it from harmful external influences. Healing herbs should be included in tonics.

The compounds themselves can be divided according to their properties. So, tonics are:

  • Cleansing, designed for delicate peeling. They remove the upper stratum corneum, and saturate the lower one with useful substances, which also contribute to the restoration of the dermis. As a rule, the list includes fruit acids and salicylic acid, as well as medicinal herbs and essential oils that promote rapid skin regeneration.
  • Refreshing, they include herbal extracts that relieve irritation and restore the natural complexion, as well as help reduce puffiness under the eyes. After using such products, the dermis becomes fresh and healthy, and such compounds also prevent premature aging.
  • Calming, unfavorable external factors affect everyone, and this significantly affects the face. External irritants cause dryness of the dermis, premature appearance of fine wrinkles and rashes. Among the components of soothing tonics, essential oils of rose, tea tree, as well as aqueous solutions of trace elements are distinguished.
  • Moisturizing, fluid is required by all skin types. The list includes vitamins A, B, E, they soften the keratinized layer of the epidermis, and herbal decoctions have a moisturizing effect.
  • Anti-aging, such have a tightening effect, it is achieved due to the fact that the structure includes hyaluronic acid, elastin, collagen and amino acids. Vitamins, minerals and herbal extracts are also present.

Another type of tonic, which will be discussed in the article, is designed to fight acne and is not only a cosmetic, but also a therapeutic drug. Pimples are the result of clogged pores and acid and alkaline imbalance. The main task of such a preparation is deep cleaning, which does not allow the accumulation of fats and normalizes the pH balance. Among the components of such tonics there is alcohol, it has a drying and antiseptic effect, and medicinal herbs that relieve inflammation.

How to apply

Regardless of which tonic is used, in order to get the desired result, it is important to use it correctly. Beauticians recommend:

  • Use cotton pads, the material from which they are made perfectly absorbs and holds back dirt. For application, just a couple of drops are enough, which are applied to the center of the disc. Next, wipe the face from the nose or chin along the cheekbones towards the ears and from the center of the forehead to the temporal lobes. Efforts should not be made, since the penetration of the substance will be deeper if applied with light massage movements, similar to stroking.
  • For sensitive epidermis, it is best to use not disks, but masks with a tonic applied to them; they can be made from napkins, fabric or gauze. To achieve the effect of moisturizing, softening or cleansing, it is necessary to apply such a mask on the face for about 20-30 seconds.

To get the appropriate result from a particular product, cosmetologists recommend using it not only after removing makeup, but also before applying it. Tonics do not require rinsing, as they do not leave a greasy sheen and dirt, and they also enhance the effect of creams and nourishing masks.

Selection Tips

When choosing a tonic for the face, it is worth considering some tips that apply to all available types:

  • purchase tonics suitable for the type of facial skin and for the corresponding problems;
  • carefully study the composition, it should not include chemicals;
  • the alcohol content must not exceed 50%;
  • the goods must be certified;
  • expiration date must not be exceeded.

You should know that there are no universal means, there are only neutral ones, but they do not have the proper effect, that is, the user will not receive the expected effect.

Features of care for problem skin

Faced with problems that have arisen on the skin, cosmetologists recommend:

  • cleanse the dermis, wash your face twice a day using foam, lotion or gel, then wipe your face with a tonic;
  • to even out the tone, use scrubs that do not contain coarse abrasive particles, but they should not be used more than twice a week;
  • moisturize, even oily problem skin requires moisturizing, but preparations with a light texture that do not clog pores are suitable for this.

In addition to recommendations on what to do, there are those that talk about what not to do. To get rid of acne and greasy shine that has appeared, it is recommended:

  • stop washing with hot water, it provokes the expansion of pores;
  • do not use soap with alkali, it increases the acidity of the dermis;
  • do not use scrubs with coarse particles, as they provoke the production of sebum and the appearance of acne;
  • remember that alcohol dries the skin, and this also leads to the production of fat;
  • use sunscreen, although ultraviolet dries the skin, it also weakens its protective properties;
  • do not use scrubs when acne is in the acute phase, as this will provoke more inflammation;
  • do not pop pimples.

If you follow simple rules of care, you will be able to maintain a normal pH balance and avoid the spread of acne, as well as eliminate their appearance.

Rating of the best acne toners for 2025

A wide range of products of this type, presented on store shelves, often makes it difficult for customers to choose. In order to alleviate it, you can always use the recommendations of friends, use the help of a beautician or get acquainted with the ratings of products that are presented on the Internet.


"Propeller" Turbo Active Tonic
votes 0

Turbo Active "Propeller", Russian-made, contains an active complex that helps reduce the activity of the sebaceous glands, as well as soothes and tones the dermis. It is used as a prevention of inflammation and as a care for problem skin, does not require rinsing. Azeloglicina, present among the components, has an anti-inflammatory effect, prevents acne, and also helps to even out complexion. Zinc PCA, which is also present among the components, helps to cleanse pores, eliminate greasy shine and prevent the growth of bacteria that contribute to acne. If necessary, "Propeller" is used daily in the morning and evening. The drug is suitable for use from 14 years of age.

"Propeller" Turbo Active Tonic
  • price;
  • well absorbed and does not require rinsing;
  • has anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties;
  • reduces the production of subcutaneous fat;
  • narrows pores;
  • does not stick after application;
  • cleans well.
  • small volume;
  • high consumption;
  • contains alcohol;
  • not very pleasant smell;
  • bad cover;
  • allergic reactions are possible.

Green Mama "Sea Garden"
votes 0

The Russian company Green Mama produces the Sea Garden cleanser. It contains fruit acids, vitamin C, glycerin and allantoin. Essential oils of mint and grape seed act as additional ingredients. Ideal for daily use both morning and evening. Suitable for use by persons over 25 years of age.

Green Mama "Sea Garden" tonic
  • price;
  • perfectly cleanses;
  • eliminates the rash;
  • copes with inflammatory processes;
  • no film is formed after application;
  • removes shine;
  • no alcohol in the composition;
  • Available in various pack sizes.
  • packaging with a dispenser is not convenient;
  • does not have a pleasant aroma;
  • causes addiction.

votes 0

The Polish brand JOYSKIN produces a tonic that is perfect for daily use. The tool nourishes and moisturizes the skin while preventing the appearance of rashes in the form of acne. The drug is based on substances such as allantoin and panthenol, which fight the appearance of various rashes. Also, the components contribute to the natural formation of a barrier from exposure to sunlight. Tea tree extract helps to eliminate inflammation, and aloe vera is responsible for restoring natural water balance. The drug can not be used to remove makeup, it can cause a burning sensation.

Joyskin tonic
  • price;
  • economical consumption;
  • has a moisturizing and disinfecting effect;
  • environmentally friendly composition;
  • smells good;
  • convenient packaging.
  • Doesn't work well with blackheads.

Organic Zone OZ!
votes 0

The Russian brand Organic Zone presents the user with a wonderful tonic for problem skin. The drug has a slight exfoliating effect, helps to even out the tone of the face, eliminates fine wrinkles and fights acne. Users also note that with regular use, the skin becomes more elastic and toned, the pores narrow, and the face acquires a natural shade.

Organic Zone OZ!
  • price;
  • compound;
  • health effect;
  • recovery;
  • fight against breakouts.
  • no.

Garnier Skin Naturals Pure Skin Active
votes 0

A wonderful tonic from the famous brand Garnier, endowed with a pronounced matting effect, in case of its regular use. Skin Naturals fights various types of rashes, has antiseptic properties due to salicylic acid and zinc included in the composition. Regular use of the drug helps to narrow the pores and reduce the secretion of subcutaneous fat. And the phytocomplex included in the composition is responsible for cell regeneration, skin smoothing after acne and drying of existing acne. The result can be seen a week after use.

Garnier Skin Naturals Pure Skin Active
  • price;
  • mattifies;
  • refreshes;
  • cleans pores;
  • has an antibacterial effect
  • among the components alcohol and chemical elements.

votes 0

BIELENDA DR MEDICA ACNE is produced in Poland and contains panthenol, vitamin B3, mandelic acid. This combination helps to eliminate excess fat, oily sheen, eliminates acne, restores the natural water balance, tightens and makes the dermis of the face elastic.With regular use, the result will not keep you waiting.

  • price;
  • volume;
  • consumption;
  • aroma;
  • soothing and moisturizing effect;
  • has an anti-inflammatory effect;
  • cleanses pores;
  • natural ingredients.
  • no.

Eveline Cosmetics Pure Control
votes 1

The manufacturer Eveline Cosmetics releases Pure Control soothing tonic, which is a universal remedy for dealing with problem skin. You can use the drug daily in the morning and in the evening, does not contain parabens and alcohol. Among the components, zinc and biological sulfur are isolated, which prevent the growth of bacteria, regulate the functioning of the sebaceous glands, and thus prevent the development of acne. Suitable for use by people over 18 years of age. Cucumber extract moisturizes, refreshes, slightly brightens and fights the effects of acne changes. Allantoin and D-panthenol fight redness and irritation of the skin, the delicate texture does not overdry or clog pores, and therefore it is ideal for makeup base. The composition contains hyaluronic acid, which fights age-related changes.

Eveline Cosmetics Pure Control
  • budgetary;
  • removes redness and inflammation;
  • soothes;
  • no alcohol and parabens;
  • refreshes and does not dry;
  • great for regular use;
  • eliminates oily sheen.
  • quickly consumed;
  • has a peculiar smell;
  • awkward packaging.

Up to 1500 rubles

ELIZAVECCA Hell Pore Clean UP Aha Fruit Toner
votes 0

Hell Pore Clean UP Aha Fruit Toner is produced by the popular Korean cosmetic company ELIZAVECCA, it is used not only at home, but also in salons.The fruit acids included in the composition help to get rid of acne, black spots, restore the water balance of the dermis and gently cleanse the upper stratum corneum. Also, the drug has anti-inflammatory properties, smoothes fine wrinkles, slowing down the natural aging process.

ELIZAVECCA Hell Pore Clean UP Aha Fruit Toner
  • price;
  • gently exfoliates;
  • pleasant aroma;
  • restores water balance;
  • slows down the aging process.
  • not identified.

Clean Face Mild Toner The Face Shop
votes 0

Clean Face Mild Toner from the Korean company The Face Shop is an emollient that is suitable for problematic and combination skin. The drug is based on green tea extract, the component perfectly copes with existing inflammatory processes and has antibacterial properties. Regular use of Clean Face Mild Toner allows you to get rid of redness, blackheads, oily sheen and excess subcutaneous fat. Users also note that the product does not dry or tighten the dermis, and the face looks fresh and rested.

Clean Face Mild Toner The Face Shop
  • price;
  • efficiency;
  • safety;
  • nice smell;
  • has a slight matte effect.
  • no.

ARAVIA Professional Glycolic Tonic
votes 0

Cosmetics from the Russian brand ARAVIA are very popular. Among the manufactured products is the Professional Glycolic Tonic, designed to care for the dermis prone to oiliness, dryness and acne. The composition is based on fruit acids, they provide gentle facial care, restore pH, slow down the spread of bacteria and enhance the process of cell regeneration.Constant use promotes the production of collagen and elastin, which increases the elasticity of the dermis and slows down aging.

ARAVIA Professional Glycolic Tonic
  • affordable cost;
  • natural ingredients in the composition;
  • relieves puffiness;
  • tightens the skin;
  • has antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties.
  • no.


Holy Land, Alpha-Beta and Retinol Prepping Lotion
votes 0

Alpha-Beta and Retinol Prepping Lotion is a professional tonic from the Israeli manufacturer Holy Land. The preparation is based on natural acids and plant extracts that help cleanse pores, even out skin tone and smooth fine wrinkles. It has a light peeling effect, which helps to cleanse the dead skin particles and improve metabolism.

Holy Land, Alpha-Beta and Retinol Prepping Lotion
  • natural ingredients;
  • noticeable effect of use;
  • multifunctionality;
  • tightens the skin and removes fine wrinkles;
  • improves metabolism;
  • eliminates puffiness.
  • expensive drug.

CosRX 2 in 1 Poreless Power Liquid
votes 0

The Korean brand CosRX produces an effective remedy for combating black dots, various rashes, including those caused by puberty in adolescents. A universal remedy can be used at any time of the day, suitable for oily and problematic dermis. Poreless Power Liquid regulates the production of sebum, tightens pores, relieves irritation, nourishes and moisturizes the dermis of the face at the cellular level. The composition of Poreless Power Liquid includes vitamins, oils and extracts, minerals, amino acids, antioxidants, as well as macro and microelements.This combination allows you to get the maximum effect from the tool.

CosRX 2 in 1 Poreless Power Liquid
  • natural, safe;
  • narrows pores;
  • universal;
  • has antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties.
  • expensive.

SKINDOM Purifying Trouble Control Toner
votes 0

SKINDOM is a popular Korean brand whose products are used not only in the country of origin, but also in Russia. Purifying Trouble Control Toner is designed to help fight breakouts, redness and acne. Chamomile, which is part of the composition, has a drying effect, allantoin, white quince bark, witch hazel and aloe vera have an antibacterial effect on the epidermis. After application, the drug does not need to be washed off, suitable for use before bedtime or before applying makeup.

SKINDOM Purifying Trouble Control Toner
  • natural substances;
  • active hydration;
  • quick result;
  • Suitable for all skin types.
  • the shelf life is quite short.

Comodex, Christina
votes 0

The Christina brand launches Comodex therapeutic tonic, it helps to cleanse fat accumulations and cope with makeup removal. Comodex has an invigorating and cleansing effect, perfectly fights rashes, eliminates inflammation. All this is achieved due to the fact that among the components there are ethyl alcohol, camphor, citric acid, extracts of eucalyptus spherical leaves, fruits (berries) of Tasmanian pepper, and menthol.

Comodex, Christina
  • acceptable cost;
  • cosmetics belongs to the pharmacy;
  • pronounced effect of use;
  • does not dry out;
  • restores natural water balance.
  • not identified.

Dr.Kadir B3 Treatment Tonic For Problematic Skin
votes 0

Israeli brand Dr. Kadir produces professional cosmetics that are popular all over the world. B3 Treatment Tonic For Problematic Skin is an antiseptic preparation that effectively fights inflammation and restores the functioning of the sebaceous glands. The composition includes alcohol, panthenol, aloe extract, farnesol, niacinamide, SD-40 alcohol 10%, active ingredients, and castor oil. B3 treatment tonic for problematic skin is suitable for both adults and teenagers. With regular use, the dermis acquires a healthy appearance, becomes elastic and fresh.

Dr. Kadir B3 Treatment Tonic For Problematic Skin
  • does not dry;
  • effectively copes with inflammation;
  • restores and moisturizes the epidermis;
  • cleanses pores;
  • natural ingredients;
  • There is a slight matte effect.
  • unfortunately not always available.

Acne toners should be in the cosmetic bag for everyone who has problems with the skin of the face. As a rule, the formulations are therapeutic and contain only natural ingredients. Before purchasing, you should familiarize yourself with them, as sometimes an allergic reaction may occur. It is not difficult to choose a drug, the main thing is to take into account what properties it is endowed with. And then you can consult a beautician or read user reviews on the Internet.


