
  1. Sharpening stones in detail
  2. Grinding stones of domestic production
  3. Chinese stones
  4. best selling whetstones
  5. Outcome

Rating of the best sharpening stones for knives for 2025

Rating of the best sharpening stones for knives for 2025

Knives that are regularly used on the farm are subject to blunting. In order for the device to cope with its direct duties with high quality, it is necessary to sharpen it. Regardless of the frequency of use of the device, sharpening is necessary. Even if we are not talking about a household knife for cutting food, but about a souvenir product.

In addition, when cutting with a blunt tool, the processed material or products are damaged. Often, when the owner discovers a kitchen (or working) appliance in a blunt state, a decision is made to take it to the master sharpener. Due to the availability of specialized sharpening products on the market, it has become unnecessary to carry the device to the master. The whetstone will allow you to easily bring the kitchen tool into proper condition.

Sharpening stones in detail

The most common types of sharpeners:

  • Based on synthetic materials;
  • Based on natural materials;
  • Made from silicon;
  • Made from aluminum oxide;
  • Equipped with diamond coating.

Also, these tools are divided into 2 categories according to the principle of operation:

  1. water types.
  2. Oil types.

Top selling brands are based in the following countries:

  1. USA;
  2. RF;
  3. PRC;
  4. Japan.

Asian products are the most popular due to their impressive grit characteristics and overall performance. On the market, the user will find copies at a price of 110 rubles. There is no upper cost limit for such products; the highest quality models, of course, have a more impressive price tag. An inexperienced buyer is advised to pay attention to goods in the range from 3 to 6 thousand rubles.

Products for sharpening are often found in the sections of universal tools. With the help of this device, household-type cutting objects are sharpened. The advantage of a home sharpening tool is that the user independently adjusts the degree of sharpness of the object being processed. In addition, it is not required to make a trip to the workshop and pay money for a simple operation.

When choosing this tool, it is worth considering the graininess indicators. This characteristic is responsible for the intensity and aggressiveness of the action when processing the cutting tool. When choosing an instance with a large fraction, traces of processing (scratches, potholes) will remain on the processed object.This option is suitable for items whose appearance does not need to be kept in its original form.

A fine fraction will provide a stronger quality, but will require more time to work. In addition, an inexperienced user will have to get used to the fine fraction, show restraint when sharpening. Experts in this field advise to acquire devices of both small and large fractions. In this case, it is allowed to start processing with a coarse, large version, and finish with a small one to bring the object to the most optimal state.

The index of the fraction of the tool is called grit and is measured in grits. A larger number corresponds to a smaller fraction and vice versa. For example, a product with an indicator of 120-130 grit is suitable for rough work. At the same time, specimens with a grain size of 1000-8000 grit are considered professional and allow you to do accurate sharpening in exchange for time costs.

Grinding machines are divided into 2 main categories:

  1. natural type.
  2. synthetic type.

The first type implies a mineral base. The best-selling subspecies in this category are Arkansas and Japanese. It is divided into 3 categories of density (soft, medium density and hard).

The synthetic category is made from high strength materials bonded by heat treatment. They are divided into 3 subcategories (diamond type, water, ceramic). Synthetic products offer a long service life.

Also, the water type of sharpeners belongs to the synthetic category. Such products are based on carbide and silicon oxides (as well as chromium and aluminum oxides). The peculiarity of the manufacture of this product lies in the fact that the production excludes constituent elements that differ in size.Due to this, the product shows the most effective sharpening result.

In the production of wet sharpeners, different binder materials of the constituent particles are used. It is important to know that the type of binder will affect the hardness of the final product. For example, a ceramic bond will give a hard sharpener texture, unlike Bakelite.

Also, the rules for using water stone require that it be soaked before work is carried out. When calculating the soaking time, it is based on the graininess of a particular instance. For a large fraction, 5 minutes is enough, and for a small fraction, 15 minutes will be required. It is necessary to evaluate the readiness of the device for use by the intensity of the appearance of bubbles on the surface of the water. When the bubbles stop appearing, it is allowed to start sharpening.

After carrying out this procedure, the user will find a water mass on the surface of the tool. This is necessary to ensure the most effective sharpening, and also prevents the appearance of multiple stone marks on the metal surface.

Grinding stones of domestic production

Products in this category are products whose price is in equal proportion with quality. Products made in Russia are not subject to additional taxes, unlike foreign ones, which allows manufacturers to produce high-quality devices at reasonable prices.


Manufacturer Petrograd offers a wide range of silicon carbide sharpeners. In the presence of a model of various hardness indicators, the grit value of these products is comparable to Japanese specimens and meets the world requirements for such devices. Available for sale at an average price of 1770 rubles.

grindstone Petrograd
  • brand reputation;
  • Product quality;
  • Availability in stores.
  • Expensive.


“I have been using products from Petrograd for a long time, I have no complaints. The granularity of the devices is at the level, they serve for a long time. If you do not neglect the storage rules, there will be no problems in operation (you need to wrap the device in a napkin before putting it in the box). The only question is the price, although the devices are of high quality, there are still no less solid specimens on the market at a more affordable cost. I recommend it to anyone who is looking for a domestic sharpener of good quality!”


The St. Petersburg manufacturer offers grinding tools of good quality at reasonable prices. The products of this company are available in stores, so there will be no problems with the purchase (it is also possible to purchase through online services). The company is notable for the fact that in addition to the production of devices, it is also engaged in the full service of these. Available for sale at an average price of 540 rubles.

grinding stone Grinderman
  • Adequate cost;
  • Proper quality;
  • Brand reputation.
  • Not found.


“I have at my disposal several devices from this company, the experience of using it is strictly positive. For this price, the company offers quite solid stones, so you can buy with a margin. The grit values ​​correspond to the requirements for processing cutting tools without impressive thinning. I recommend it to anyone who is looking for a sharpening machine at an adequate price!”


The company manufactures devices based on abrasive synthetic materials. Products are made of silicon carbide, sold at a price of 1450 rubles. It is often found on sale, the grit indicators correspond to the requirements for processing household knives and cutting tools.There are enough positive reviews about Gritalon on the net, so this is a good option to buy, given the similar price.

grinding stone Gritalon
  • Positive feedback online;
  • Product quality;
  • The quality of manufacturing materials.
  • Not found.


“I have been using products from Gritalon for more than a few years, my impressions are only positive. For an adequate price, the user will receive a quality tool that will last an impressive period. It is important to comply with the storage requirements, the device must be wrapped with paper or a cloth napkin so that the textured surface does not clog with plaque. Otherwise, the efficiency will drop by an order of magnitude. I recommend it to anyone who is looking for a solid domestic whetstone!”

Chinese stones

Products from China have earned a reputation for reliable sharpeners for regular use. Among such products, high-quality fine-grained tools are often found. Like domestic products, these pieces offer solid quality at an affordable price.

Ganzo Spep1500

This double-sided copy from a Chinese manufacturer has a grit of 1500 grit and is designed for sharpening knives, scissors. The copy is completed with a plastic stand, the dimensions are compact. It belongs to the bar form factor, it is often available for sale, reviews about the product are mostly positive. Available at an average cost of 362 rubles.

whetstone Ganzo Spep1500
  • Acceptable price;
  • Positive reviews;
  • Stand included.
  • Small size.


“Great copy for my money, I use it as an auxiliary.I use it to refine after a point on a tool with a large fraction. Only the small size confuses, it is often inconvenient to process. Would recommend to anyone who is looking for an inexpensive Chinese-made sharpener!”

Easy House one-sided

This device belongs to water, so the buyer will have to take into account the requirements for the operation of such tools. The water type, by definition, is single, which affects the cost (cheaper than double ones). In the manufacturer's assortment of models of various grain sizes, it is recommended to consider the purchase of both a large fraction and a fine one (for more efficient and faster processing). The size of the grindstone is 180 x 60 x 14 mm with a weight of 0.4 to 0.5 kg. These copies are sold on a rubber stand at a cost of 443 to 1328 rubles.

whetstone Easy House one-sided
  • Complete with rubber stand;
  • Convenient form factor;
  • Acceptable price.
  • Not always found on sale.


“The devices from this company are of good quality, with proper handling they last a long time and without any complaints. I use a pair of sharpeners from this company (coarse and fine grit) to sharpen knives quickly and without obvious thinning of the blades. Would recommend to anyone looking for a solid grindstone!”

myvit diamond

Myvit is well known and has a strong reputation. The diamond type is highly efficient and low maintenance. Unlike the water type, diamond does not need to be soaked in water, just moisten before starting work. This type shows excellent results on tools like an ax or a pruner (effective in rough handling).

It is important to consider that an inexperienced user runs the risk of damaging the cutting tool when working with a diamond tool. Such instances require skill, it is important to calculate the pressing force. This type is recommended for strictly advanced users.

The grit of these stones ranges from 400 to 100 (customer's choice), which is coarse enough for household knives, but suitable for work tools (garden tools). With a size of 15 x 62 x 25 mm, the weight is 70 grams, the cost is in the range from 285 to 850 rubles.

grindstone Myvit diamond
  • Undemanding;
  • brand reputation;
  • The quality of manufacturing materials.
  • Not suitable for kitchen knives.


“I use these stones for sharpening secateurs and axes, there are no problems. Before processing it is recommended to moisten the device. Great option for thick metals. I recommend it to anyone who is looking for a machine for rough sharpening!”

best selling whetstones

This category contains the best-selling copies from various countries and price categories.

Bison 35715-02_z01

An instance with a grit value of 300 and cells for collecting sawdust. It does not require special skills in handling and care, it is available for sale at a price of 205 rubles. Equipped with diamond coating, use for scissors is allowed.

grindstone Zubr 35715-02_z01
  • brand reputation;
  • Acceptable cost;
  • The quality of manufacturing materials.
  • Rough processing of thin metals.


“I use this copy as an additional one. For the money, it does a good job, although the processing is rough. Would recommend to anyone looking for an affordable sharpener!”

Tuotown1000/3000 gr.

Water stone with 1000 and 3000 grit.Thoughtful form factor prevents accidental sharpening defects. The specimen is double-sided, equipped with a rubber stand. Available at a price of 1790 rubles.

whetstone Tuotown1000/3000 gr.
  • Delicate processing;
  • Complete with rubber stand;
  • Thoughtful form factor.
  • Expensive.


“Great sharpener, shows good results when used correctly. I recommend it to anyone who is looking for a stone for sharpening household knives!”

Hatamoto Ht0960

The Japanese manufacturer offers a choice of 1000 and 3000 grit stones on 2 sides. Designed to be processed first on the 1000 grit side and then finished on the 3000 grit side. Available at a price of 2840 rubles.

whetstone Hatamoto Ht0960
  • Quality of manufacturing materials;
  • Thoughtful device;
  • Positive reviews online.
  • Expensive.


“An expensive stone, but the quality shows solid. It is convenient to start and finish sharpening with the help of 2 sides with different fractions. I recommend it to anyone who is looking for a quality stone for sharpening household cutting tools!”


The most recommended sharpeners for household (kitchen) knives are water-based. In addition to an order of magnitude superior process speed (relative to other types), these stones provide delicate processing of the cutting tool. It is important to consider the material of manufacture of the knife. If the device is made of metals that are vulnerable to rust, it is worth considering other types of sharpeners. When using a non-aqueous variety of stone, sharpening will take longer, but the blade of a knife (not resistant to corrosion) will last longer.

Speaking about the grit value of a stone for household knives, it is recommended to consider specimens with an indicator of 1500 grit or more.A large fraction can damage the integrity of the blade, especially with frequent use.

The sharpener should be maintained with an eye to the features of the type of stone:

  1. Water type implies the presence of a vinyl box. These boxes prevent the evaporation of moisture, which favorably affects such sharpeners. Also, the content of water stone at low temperatures is unacceptable. If you break this rule, the stone will certainly burst.
  2. Sharpeners of a different type are recommended to be kept in conditions that exclude the formation of abundant dust. For this, a box that closes securely is suitable. If such a sharpener is exposed to dust contamination, the particles will clog and the tool will lose its effectiveness. It is not recommended to allow the stone to come into contact with other surfaces, before placing it in the box, it is necessary to wrap the tool in paper. Wrapping in a cloth napkin is also allowed.

The modern market offers an abundance of grindstones, it is not uncommon for an inexperienced user to get lost when choosing. In order not to make a rash purchase, it is necessary to take into account the parameters of grit and material of manufacture, as well as the form factor of the product and dimensions. Stones with a strong reputation will last an impressive time if the user does not neglect the basic rules for maintaining the sharpener.

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