Rating of the best thermometers for aquariums for 2025

Rating of the best thermometers for aquariums for 2025

In order to maintain a healthy metabolism in aquarium fish, the owner needs to constantly monitor the temperature of the water. Most ornamental fish are cold-blooded, which means that the internal temperature of the body depends on the conditions of the external environment. The body of fish is used to functioning relatively normally only in a certain temperature range, so a deviation from the desired values ​​​​(excessive overheating or, on the contrary, cooling of the water) negatively affects the health of the inhabitants of the aquarium. Improper temperature levels can also lead to lack of growth, cardiac or respiratory paralysis, and there the death of the fish is just around the corner. It is possible to control the temperature in an artificial reservoir using a special thermometer.

Aquarium thermometer - general information

The modern market for technical devices for keeping ornamental fish can offer several types of thermometers. They differ from each other in terms of functionality and design.

Internal Models

These samples are placed directly into the water and give information about temperature changes. The simplest model is the liquid one, which functions by raising/lowering the mercury column as the heating/cooling parameters change. Such thermometers are attached to the inner wall of the aquarium by means of a special suction cup. Their main advantage is low cost, and some measurement error is considered a disadvantage.Internal models also include electronic thermometers with a remote sensor. They are characterized by the high accuracy of the information provided, however, the price for them is somewhat more expensive than for alcohol products. The temperature sensor in electronic models operates on the basis of a thermistor placed in a separate hermetically sealed capsule. Due to the ability of the thermistor to quickly change its resistance with temperature changes, the electronic processor is able to permanently monitor and process information coming from the sensor, displaying it in the form of numbers on the screen.

External Models

These thermometers do not need to be immersed in water in order to obtain data on the latter. They also do not need to be cleaned often, they do not take up much space inside the aquarium, and have an extended service life. Aquarium thermometer-sticker functions due to the properties of a special paint that changes color when heated. The device is fixed on the outer wall of the aquarium, respectively, it can also respond to changes in air temperature near the artificial reservoir. Another name for such models is thermochromic thermometers.

Models with remote sensor

Another representatives of devices with extended functionality and service life. Their advantage is that it is possible to observe the change in temperature indicators remotely, because the display is connected to the sensor itself by means of a wire of practically any length. The sensor (having a high level of sensitivity) is placed directly into the vessel, and the information display device is placed in any place convenient for the owner. In addition, with the help of these products it is also possible to control changes in the temperature of the soil in the vessel.It is no secret that the temperature of each soil layer differs by about 1 degree Celsius. If the soil at the bottom of the aquarium is not warm enough, then such a situation can harm the root system of algae in the aquarium and adversely affect the health of bottom dwellers.

Practice shows that today there are many devices with which you can control the temperature in a vessel with water. If the aquarium contains unpretentious breeds of ornamental fish, then the temperature can also be measured with an ordinary alcohol thermometer. If the inhabitants of the aquarium are with demanding and rare species, and the conditions for their maintenance must be maintained as accurately as possible, then the owner is unlikely to do without an electronic thermometer. Especially if he wants to get offspring from his pets.

Aquarium thermometer - detailed classification

Glass immersion samples

These thermometers are the most common and they are attached inside the aquarium to its wall with a suction cup. They look like conventional thermometers for measuring air temperature, but in the measuring column there is an alcohol solution with paint, and not mercury. Such samples are considered quite accurate (more precisely, only electronic or mercury ones). They must be placed in a place convenient for visual observation, preferably in the corner opposite from the location of the heater, approximately in the middle water layer. Glass measuring products can have the following versions:

  • Thin - the most popular and traditional option;
  • Submersible products with a weighting agent - when the suction cup is detached, they will still remain in working order and will float on the surface of the water;
  • Mini-models for nano-aquaria - with their help it is very difficult to "overload" the appearance of an artificial reservoir, they are almost invisible and do not block the panoramic view;
  • Thin curved - they are attached to the edge of the vessel, which eliminates the possibility of the device floating when the suction cup is detached.

IMPORTANT! The main disadvantage of all glass models is the suction cup made of rubber / silicone, which over time will lose its elasticity and hold on to the glass walls worse. Also, large inquisitive aquarium inhabitants will always try to rip or break a glass thermometer by attacking it.

Digital self-adhesive samples

The size of such models can be completely different, but they always represent an elastic plastic substrate, on one side of which an adhesive is applied for fastening to the aquarium wall, and on the other side a thermochemical paint is applied, depicting a temperature scale. Depending on the change in the temperature of the surface where the thermometer is fixed, the painted scale will change its color. The biggest advantage of this model is its original appearance and long service life. This model is preferable to use in vessels with large cichlids (a popular breed of ornamental fish). The measurement accuracy of such products is not of particular quality, due to the fact that the device is glued to a glass surface that is in contact not only with aquarium water, but also with the surrounding air. Therefore, it is necessary to place this device in a place where there are no direct ultraviolet rays and there are no heating devices nearby (radiators, batteries, heaters, etc.).Small disadvantages include the fact that it will not work to re-glue this thermometer to another place - the color scale will certainly get damaged, therefore, the initial location should be chosen very carefully.

IMPORTANT! Self-adhesive models are installed only on the outside of the vessel.

Electronic samples

These products are the most accurate among their counterparts and have many additional useful features (for example, light and sound notification of critical changes in temperature values).

There are two types in total:

  • With a remote liquid crystal display - they consist of a temperature sensor that must be immersed directly in water and a base case. On the case there is a screen that displays temperature readings. The sensor is mounted inside the vessel on a silicone suction cup, and is connected to the base body by means of a wire. The case can be placed in any convenient place so that it does not block the aquarium panorama.
  • Waterproof submersible with liquid crystal display - these products have a waterproof housing and an integrated temperature sensor. Such a device is installed inside an artificial reservoir, by analogy with alcohol models, it uses the same principles of fastening by means of a silicone suction cup. Their main advantage is that the design does not provide for any wires. The disadvantages can only be attributed to a very high cost, in comparison with all other types of thermometers. It is also worth mentioning that periodically it will be necessary to replace the batteries in the device (AAA batteries).

General Tips for Placement of Thermometers

In order to obtain the most accurate indicators, when placing thermometers in an artificial reservoir, certain conditions must be observed. For example, it is strictly forbidden to place any kind of thermometer in the immediate vicinity of a lamp or heater. Submersible fluid models need only be attached to the inside of the aquarium wall so that they reach the middle water layer. Most types of aquarium heaters have a built-in device for measuring temperature fluctuations. However, these data may have a large error. Accordingly, the presence of a stand-alone device will become a justified necessity in order to achieve the goals of complete temperature control. Professional aquarists suggest using at least two models of thermometers in order to have a better idea of ​​current temperature readings. These indicators, first of all, directly depend on the power of the heater and the volume of the vessel, so the readings of one device may not be enough. This can be arranged as follows: place a glass liquid thermometer on the lower level, and fix the glued device, on the contrary, closer to the water surface. Through this simple scheme, it is possible to control temperature changes as closely as possible, and maintaining proper values ​​will keep the inhabitants of the aquarium healthy and even contribute to the treatment of sick fish.

The need for constant temperature control

There are several reasons why temperature should be controlled as closely as possible:

  1. Too cold water will make fish, especially heat-loving ones, lethargic, slow down their metabolism, and lead to illness;
  2. Because of too warm water, the fish also get sick, the organs and their systems stop working normally;
  3. It is important to avoid sudden temperature changes. Even short-term temperature fluctuations adversely affect its inhabitants.

For both fish and plants, these factors can be fatal if a certain threshold is exceeded. Some types of underwater animals and varieties of aquatic flora are not so fastidious, but they also have their limits.

Difficulties of choice

The main criterion for choosing a thermometer for an aquarium is internal or external. As it is easy to understand by the names, some are placed inside, others are outside. But there are other parameters that take into account:

  • Type - determines the technology by which measurements are taken. This means that it has an impact on accuracy, on safety, on cost and on durability.
  • Hull - depending on what the structure is made of, it will be strong or brittle, resistant to sea salts or suitable only for fresh water.
  • Accuracy is determined by the fluid, which is used as the primary identifier for temperature gradients. In some cases, measurements with an error within one degree are sufficient, and sometimes it is necessary to determine the water temperature down to tenths of a degree.
  • The presence of a weighting agent determines the ability of the thermometer, even if it comes off, to float vertically and not sink. An important option, without which the thermometer, having lost the attachment point, will not only cease to cope with its functions, but may also be damaged.

Play the role and dimensions of the thermometer. The smaller the aquarium, the more compact and light the thermometer should be. It is important that it is attached without difficulty, does not provoke difficulties during operation, and does not create threats.

Most pet stores have a limited selection of aquarium equipment.To find a wider range, you need to visit some large store. In different stores, prices for the same goods can vary significantly from each other, so it is worth visiting several stores and asking the price. Also, it is worth considering the possibility of ordering equipment on the Internet, as soon as the question of what kind of equipment and what models are required is resolved. Large firms engaged in online trading, as a rule, offer a huge selection and complete the order in 1-2 days. Usually, they advertise in aquarium magazines. Although it is possible to order equipment online, some items are best purchased somewhere nearby. These are breakable objects, such as glass immersion thermometers. Equipment that is required urgently is also better to purchase in your area. If the intention to buy the equipment is quite serious, do not hesitate to ask the store staff to demonstrate it in action so that they can evaluate its work and learn how to use it.

Rating of the best thermometers for aquariums for 2025

Budget models

3rd place: Self-adhesive thermometer 18-34 degrees TPH-1162

Self-adhesive thermometer 18-34 degrees TPH-1162 is a thermometer specially made in the form of a sticker, which is designed to measure the temperature in a container for keeping ornamental fish. The thermometer has a special moisture-resistant adhesive layer for placement on any smooth surface. It is necessary to stick strictly in a vertical position for the correct display of temperature.Self-adhesive thermometer has 2 color temperature scales: 1) from +18 to +34 degrees Celsius; 2) +64 to +93 degrees Fahrenheit.
Temperature readings are displayed on the scale with rectangles of three colors (brown, green, blue). The current temperature is located in the green rectangle, and if there is no green color on the thermometer, then the current temperature is calculated as the arithmetic mean between the values ​​on the blue and brown rectangles. The recommended cost for retail chains is 116 rubles.

Self-adhesive thermometer 18-34 degrees TPH-1162
  • Easy installation;
  • Visually understandable scale;
  • Color differentiation.
  • The impossibility of changing the place of initial installation.

2nd place: "Triol 110*12mm, thick Laguna"

Alcohol thermometer for measuring the water temperature in the aquarium. Dimensions: length 11 cm, width 1.2 cm. Alcohol thermometers installed inside the aquarium are mounted on a suction cup, which is already included with the thermometer. It is necessary to mount the suction cup with a thermometer on a clean, flat surface, free from plaque, algae and other substances. The presence of foreign deposits will not allow the suction cup to fit snugly against the glass surface and, therefore, the thermometer will not be securely fixed. Subsequently, it may fall off. It is necessary to place the thermometer in a place accessible for visual observation, while not obstructing the panorama of the aquarium. It is clear that while enjoying the view, the thermometer, at least, should not interfere with the view, while there should be the ability to easily control the temperature.At the same time, the thermometer should be located in a place where there is a small flow of water (for example, next to a sponge), but not close to the heater. If you place it in a part where there is a very small flow of water or a stagnant part in general (which is bad in itself), then you can get the temperature of exactly that part of the water, which may have nothing to do with the general temperature of the aquarium water. If you place the thermometer close to the heater, it will show the temperature of the heater or the temperature of the water just heated by the heater. Considering that there is a temperature difference between the upper and lower layers of water in the aquarium, you need to place the thermometer in the middle layer. The recommended cost is 188 rubles.

Triol 110*12mm, thick Laguna
  • Mobility of placement;
  • Comfortable installation;
  • Sufficient accuracy.
  • The suction cup will loosen over time.

1st place: "Ferplast BLU glass for Aquariums 15cm"

The Ferplast BLU 6811 glass thermometer is designed to measure the water temperature in an aquarium and is attached using special suction cups. It is so thin and practical that it is almost completely invisible. Supplied complete with a suction cup for mounting on the wall of the aquarium. Dimensions: 0.7 x 15 cm. The thermometer shows the temperature clearly. Takes up little space, does not attract aggressive attention from the inhabitants of the aquarium. Holds tight, does not interfere with snails. The recommended cost for retail chains is 188 rubles.

Ferplast BLU glass for Aquariums 15cm
  • Ultra-thin body;
  • Does not attract aggressive attention from the inhabitants of an artificial reservoir;
  • Strong suction cup.
  • Not detected.

Middle price segment

3rd place: "LY-304 glass thin with BARBUS suction cup in blister"

A good model of a thermometer made in a glass flask and using an alcohol solution with paint to display temperature indicators. It is very easy to mount on the wall of the aquarium, the suction cup is made of high quality silicone and is able to firmly hold the thermometer on the wall. The case is thin, the scale is noticeable. The recommended cost for retail chains is 273 rubles.

LY-304 glass thin with suction cup BARBUS in a blister
  • Well-known brand name;
  • Quality workmanship;
  • Bright and intuitive scale.
  • Not detected.

2nd place: "Aquarium thermometer on a suction cup (thick) ТН-01"

The Aqua Reef thermometer is designed to measure the water temperature in an aquarium. The body of the product is made of high quality glass. As an indicator of temperature, alcohol with an admixture of a red dye is used. The thermometer is attached to the wall of the aquarium on a flat surface with a suction cup and must be submerged in water for at least half of its length. The recommended cost for retail chains is 300 rubles.

Thermometer for an aquarium on a sucker (thick) ТН-01
  • Well-known and high-quality brand of the manufacturer;
  • Adequate cost;
  • Easy installation;
  • Durability of operation.
  • Not detected.

1st place: Tetra thermometer, TH 35, from 20-35C

TetraTec TH35 thermometer (glued to glass). This precise liquid crystal model is produced in two versions. Attaches to the outside of the aquarium glass. Accurately measures water temperature in the ranges of 20 - 35°C (model TH 35) and 20 - 30°C (model TH 30). It is characterized by easy-to-read readings of the device and a compact, pleasant design. The recommended cost for retail chains is 377 rubles.

Thermometer Tetra, TH 35, from 20-35C
  • Increased accuracy of readings;
  • Easy installation process;
  • Small cost.
  • Not detected.

Premium class

3rd place: "Gerkyless thermometer-hygrometer"

A wonderful device for the home, which combines several functions. The humidity and temperature sensor is located on a long cable. Its length is 1.5 meters, which is suitable for the deepest aquariums. The cable is connected to the liquid crystal display. The screen is also quite large and the numbers are clearly visible (Screen size 35.7 x 16.8 mm). The whole device weighs only 25 grams (without batteries). For power, you need to install 2 batteries of 1.5 volts (included). Using the device is very simple, after turning on the display, it will immediately begin to show temperature and humidity. Temperature measurement accuracy ± 1 degree, humidity measurement accuracy ± 5%. The recommended cost for retail chains is 590 rubles.

Gerkyless thermometer-hygrometer
  • High accuracy of readings;
  • Possibility of use both in an aquarium and in a terrarium;
  • Availability of additional features.
  • Not detected.

2nd place: JC AQUARIUM thermometer with remote probe

The technical thermometer for measuring the average temperature range is powered by 2 button batteries. The probe practically does not give an error in temperature measurement, as it has an ultra-sensitive temperature sensor.
Ideal for temperature monitoring in aquariums, nurseries, incubators and liquids.The recommended cost for retail chains is 600 rubles.

Thermometer JC for AQUARIUM with remote probe
  • Very accurate probe;
  • Two button cell batteries included;
  • Multifunctionality.
  • Not detected.

1st place: "Hailea 01F electronic high precision"

Digital thermometer for accurate measurement of the water temperature in the aquarium. The suction cup allows you to fix the thermometer outside the aquarium, the other two suction cups are used to fix the sensor and cable on the inner wall. The cable is 95 cm long. Measuring temperature range: -10°C to +50°C, Varta battery included for immediate use. The recommended cost for retail chains is 779 rubles.

Hailea 01F electronic high precision
  • High measurement accuracy;
  • Two batteries included;
  • Quick start.
  • Too high cost.


Of course, now almost all modern aquarium heaters have a temperature controller. But the accuracy of the readings there is usually even less than in the cheapest thermometer. Yes, and reinsurance, in order to avoid getting "fish soup" or hypothermia of eggs with larvae due to a broken thermostat, will not be superfluous. You just need to take a look, passing by, at the aquarium thermometer, and in case of incomprehensible readings, it will be possible to save all the inhabitants in time!

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