
  1. What is thermal water, and what is it like
  2. The benefits of thermal water
  3. How to choose
  4. Weakly mineralized thermal waters
  5. Highly mineralized thermal waters
  6. Isotonic water
  7. Other thermal waters

Ranking of the best thermal waters for the face for 2025

Ranking of the best thermal waters for the face for 2025

Thermal water is a healing elixir that came to us from the bowels of our planet. Mentions of its healing properties can be found in many legends. They tell about miraculous healing after bathing in a thermal spring. Since ancient times, the places where hot waters come to the surface have been considered places of power, which are protected to this day. Currently, sanatorium and spa complexes have grown around them, and their water resources are used for medical and cosmetic purposes.

What is thermal water, and what is it like

To begin with, let's figure out which waters are called thermal, and what is their uniqueness and usefulness. Thermal is called underground water that comes to the surface and forms a geothermal (warm) source, or as they are also called, terms. Its main difference from mineral and artesian waters is that when it comes to the surface, it has a temperature above +20º. In addition, the terms are very rich in minerals, which made them indispensable in the treatment of various diseases, and their use for medicinal purposes is devoted to a whole section of medicine - balneology. In comparison with mineral waters, which simultaneously contain no more than 6-7 types of salts, in thermal water their number can reach up to 15 or more. The method of application also differs: the first are used inside, the second - more often externally. It is with external use that their use for cosmetic purposes is associated. Due to the high content of minerals and their salts, they are an excellent supplier of useful components to the dermis.

Before talking about the usefulness of thermal water and the features of its use for cosmetic purposes, let's find out what types it is and what is their difference. First of all, they are usually classified according to the amount of salts dissolved in it (the level of mineralization). On this basis, distinguish:

  • isotonic;

They are characterized by neutral and close to neutral pH. The content of mineral salts in them is within 10,000 mg/l, which is almost the same as in human cells. Thus, it is closest to our internal environment.This look is suitable for all skin types.

  • hypotonic (low-mineralized);

The salt content in them is low and very low - up to 500 mg/l. Suitable for sensitive and damaged skin, because. do not cause irritation, but rather soothe them.

  • hypertonic (highly mineralized);

Differ in the increased concentration of minerals and their salts (more than 1500 mg/l). Suitable for oily and tight skin.

In addition to the level of mineralization, classification is carried out by composition - depending on the predominant mineral, they distinguish:

  • sodium bicarbonate (or sodium bicarbonate);
  • sulfate-bicarbonate;
  • sulfuric;
  • sodium;
  • with a high content of selenium, etc.

Each of them, due to the different concentration of a particular component, has a different effect. Let's take a look at some of them:

  • sodium (Na) is involved in maintaining the water-salt balance, regulates cellular hydration. It is Na ions that are responsible for the delivery of nutrients to cells.
  • potassium (K), together with the previous component, maintains the acid-base balance, and in conjunction with chlorides, normalizes the water-salt balance.
  • sodium bicarbonates (Na2NSO3) are indispensable in eliminating oily sheen and maintaining the cleanliness of pores. They prevent clogging of the sebaceous glands, dry acne.
  • selenium (Se) is a good antioxidant, which is necessary, first of all, for aging and sensitive skin. Selenium acts at the cellular level protecting against the harmful effects of the environment. It is able to quickly soothe irritations and relieve redness, so products with a high content of it are simply indispensable on sunny summer days.
  • sulfur (S) and zinc (Zn) are simply necessary for oily and problem skin.A high concentration of sulfur promotes detoxification, eliminates oily sheen, promotes regeneration. in addition, sulfur and zinc have an antibacterial effect, thereby reducing the number of comedones and blackheads.
  • silicon (Si) is a necessary component for improving blood circulation, because it strengthens the capillaries. In addition, silicon helps fight the negative effects of the external environment and the effects of free radicals.

The benefits of thermal water

The beneficial effect of thermal water as a cosmetic product stems from its natural origin and rich mineral content. As mentioned earlier, in cosmetology, it is used externally. Consider the main functions and methods of using this cosmetic product. So, thermal water:

  • refreshing.

This refers to its spraying on the face, body, hair during the day. This is especially useful on hot days when the skin is overheated, or vice versa, in winter during the heating period, when the air in the rooms is very dry.

  • soothes.

Due to its special mineralogical composition, it is able to relieve irritation (after shaving, hair removal, diapers, etc.), redness caused by exposure to the sun or cosmetic effects. Some varieties are able to relieve redness caused by allergic reactions.

  • sums up the stage of cleansing and saturates with a useful complex of minerals.

In this case, the use of thermal moisture additionally saturates the epidermis and deeper layers with microelements.

  • Helps maintain the right level of moisture.

It is important to remember that thermal water itself is not a moisturizer. After spraying it on a cleansed face, the moisture must be strengthened, "seal" with a cream. Spray onto the face from a distance of at least 20 cm.Then, if the face is without makeup, it can be driven in with soft patting movements of the fingers. After that, most manufacturers recommend blotting the remnants of the product with a napkin to avoid a feeling of tightness and apply the usual cream.

  • Helps fight excess sebum.

If there is such a problem, you need to pay attention to the mineral composition of the product. In this case, bicarbonates, zinc, calcium, sulfur will help.

  • fixes and refreshes make-up.

This use case is suitable when dry powder is used. Thermal water gives a more vibrant and radiant look when using powder. Also, spraying "thermal water" during the day will refresh your makeup. It is important to remember that with this application, the spray should be as fine as possible and no closer than from a distance of 40 cm, and the cosmetics should be waterproof.

  • for masks.

Another quite useful way to use the product is to dilute dry masks with it and then spray the mask applied to the face to prevent it from drying out.

How to choose

Having understood a little about the varieties of thermal waters, we will find out how to choose the right one. The choice of such a cosmetic product depends on the type of skin and its problems. As mentioned earlier, for a fatty type, a highly mineralized product is suitable, for a dry and sensitive type, with a low content of minerals, isotonic water is suitable for everyone. Each mineral or their compounds contributes to the elimination of specific problems. In the presence of foci of inflammation (pimples, acne, etc.), you need to pay attention to the presence of sulfur and zinc in the composition, for age-related fading skin, antioxidants - selenium are needed. In addition, the high selenium content helps combat the negative effects of sun exposure.For dry, lifeless and prone to allergic skin rashes, a low-mineralized product is needed that will maintain the necessary level of moisture in the epidermis without irritating it.

Also, when choosing such an interesting cosmetic product, you need to pay attention to the packaging. Ideally, it should be sealed. For example, most well-known manufacturers pour warm spring water into metal spray bottles. It is in such packaging that the product will retain its useful properties for as long as possible and will not contain harmful preservatives.

Weakly mineralized thermal waters


The source of thermal water AVENE is located at the foot of a mountain range at an altitude of 350 meters in the picturesque natural park of Hauts-Languedoc in France. The combination of the mild climate, the proximity of the Mediterranean Sea and the Atlantic Ocean made this area unique, and the water from the source is unique in composition and properties.

AVENE water is low-mineralized (266 mg/l), pH 7.5. The composition is dominated by calcium, magnesium, sodium ions, sulfates, bicarbonates. In addition, the composition contains a lot of silicon (10 mg / l), with the presence of which a softening effect is associated. The product is aimed at owners of sensitive, prone to irritation and allergic reactions of the skin. It perfectly copes with irritations of various origins - after epilation and shaving, after sunburn, it is even suitable for relieving redness in babies after diapers.

Packed in metal bottles of 50, 150 and 300 ml. They are equipped with a spray nozzle that is flexible and produces a wide, fine jet.However, due to such a dense coating, the consumption of the product increases significantly.

The cost is from 295 rubles. for 150 ml.

AVENE thermal water
  • feeling of freshness after application;
  • keeps the skin moisturized in a room with dry air;
  • relieves redness and inflammation;
  • helps fight puffiness under the eyes;
  • does not pinch;
  • suitable for children;
  • does not contain preservatives;
  • smooth and pliable spray gun;
  • 3 volume options.
  • in some cases, the sprayer does not work well - spray is too coarse;
  • Expensive if you don't buy on sale.

La Roche-Posay Thermal Spring

The source of La Roche-Posay is located in the French city of the same name in a picturesque area. The water from this spring has been used for medicinal purposes for several centuries. The first mention of the healing properties of the source of this area dates back to the 14th century, and at the end of the 19th century it received official recognition.

The most important difference between La Roche-Posay thermal water and similar products is its high selenium content (0.06 mg/l). As you know, selenium is a powerful antioxidant that protects the epidermis from the aggressive effects of the external environment, has a strong anti-inflammatory effect, and accelerates regeneration. In addition to selenium, calcium bicarbonate, silicon, zinc, and copper are present in the composition. Due to its special composition, low mineralization (440 mg/l) and neutral pH (7.0), the product is suitable for those with sensitive skin prone to rashes and allergic reactions.

On sale it is found in the volume of 100, 150 and 300 ml. Packaged in a metal spray bottle.

The cost is from 290 rubles. for 100 ml.

La Roche-Posay Thermal Spring thermal water
  • the highest selenium content in comparison with similar products;
  • pronounced refreshing effect;
  • soothes redness and irritation;
  • tones and mattifies;
  • fine spraying;
  • can be used to fix makeup;
  • does not sting eyes;
  • affordable price in comparison with analogues.
  • does not cope with strong irritations.

Medlinfarm Paratunka

Paratunka is a sanatorium-resort area in Kamchatka with a group of springs, the temperature of which reaches 92ºС. Cosmetic water Paratunka from Medlinfarm is produced from raw materials from the Sredne-Paratunka springs. They are characterized by a temperature of 55 to 82ºС. According to their composition, they belong to sulfate nitrogen-siliceous, the total mineralization reaches 1100 mg/l, due to which they are classified as low-mineralized. The pH level is alkaline. The manufacturer positions the product for daily use for all skin types, but primarily for sensitive. It refreshes, removes the feeling of tightness and dryness, removes discomfort after exposure to wind, sun or dry air.

Cost: from 370 rubles. for 100 ml.

Medlinfarm Paratunka thermal water
  • unique composition - high content of nitrogen and silicon;
  • relieves itching, redness and irritation, even of allergic origin;
  • due to the high content of silicon, it has anti-inflammatory and regenerating properties;
  • a large amount of nitrogen promotes collagen synthesis.
  • expensive.

Planet Spa Altai with allantoin

Planet SPA Altai is a series of cosmetic products for SPA procedures from the Altai company "Two Lines".The production of cosmetic products of this company is based on a combination of natural ingredients from Altai and advanced technologies.

Thermal water Planet SPA Altai is a mineral water with a mineralization level of 5.5 mg eq / d3 and pH 8.3. Sulfates and chlorides of calcium, magnesium, sodium predominate in its composition, as well as boron, zinc and other minerals in small amounts. In addition, it is enriched with allantoin, sodium hyaluronate and colloidal silver. Regular use of the Planet SPA Altai product helps to maintain the water balance of the skin, soothes it. Allantoin acts as an antioxidant, hyaluronic acid moisturizes, colloidal silver acts as a conductor of useful components into the deeper layers of the skin, and also has an antibacterial effect.

The product is packaged in a 130 ml metal bottle with a dispenser. The spray is large.

Cost - from 170 rubles. for 130 ml.

Planet Spa Altai with allantoin thermal water
  • does not require blotting with a napkin;
  • effectively refreshes and moisturizes;
  • enriched with hyaluronic acid, allantoin, colloidal silver.
  • does not meet all the stated requirements;
  • coarse spray.

Belita-Vitex Raphy Saint-Simon Thermal line

The basis for the Thermal line from Belita-Vitex is water raw materials from the source Raphy Saint-Simon Est, located in the French Alps. Water belongs to low-mineralized, calcium, magnesium, sodium, potassium ions, as well as bicarbonates and sulfates predominate among the active ingredients. The manufacturer does not indicate the exact level of mineralization and pH, so it is difficult to determine what type of skin the product is designed for.Packed in a 150 ml metal bottle.

The cost is 145 rubles. for 150 ml.

Belita-Vitex Raphy Saint-Simon Thermal line thermal water
  • tones and refreshes;
  • saves on hot days or in winter in a room with dry air;
  • can be used on hair to relieve static.
  • large and uneven spatter;
  • the smell of gas when spraying;
  • ineffective.

Highly mineralized thermal waters

Vichy Eau Thermale

Vichy water is produced from water raw materials obtained from the Lucas spring, located in the center of France on the territory of a protected area. The source was formed in the bowels of an extinct volcano at a depth of 4 km, its temperature is 140ºС. Such unique conditions for the origin of the source, and its filtration through the deep layers of the earth's interior, enriched Vichy water with a huge amount of useful components. Due to this, it belongs to the highly mineralized hydrocarbonate (5200 mg/l). It contains 15 minerals and microelements, among which the most magnesium, potassium, silicon, calcium and sodium bicarbonates, fluorine, lithium, boron, etc. Due to its close to neutral acidity (6.8), regular use helps to normalize the pH of the skin, even after aggressive treatments. In addition, the product accelerates tissue regeneration. Although the manufacturer indicates that this product is suitable for all types, it is of great benefit to oily skin, because. successfully dries inflammation and removes oily sheen.

The product is packaged in a metal spray can.There are 3 volume options - 50, 150, 300 ml.

The cost is from 260 rubles. for 50 ml.

Vichy Eau Thermale thermal water
  • volcanic origin;
  • has a softening and moisturizing effect;
  • tones;
  • evens out the color
  • does not wash off or lubricate makeup due to a very fine spray;
  • helps fight oily sheen;
  • dries up inflammation.
  • sprays coarsely;
  • can provoke irritation and dryness, if you do not get the remnants wet with a napkin;
  • expensive.

Isotonic water


The source of Uriage-les-Bains is located in the mountain range of the French Alps. It is noteworthy that it originates in glaciers at an altitude of 1600 m above sea level, then it is filtered through rocks, being simultaneously saturated with micro and macro elements, and comes to the surface.

In terms of its composition and level of mineralization, Uriage water is as close as possible to physiological body fluids. Uriage is natural isotonic water, its pH is 6.77, the mineralization level is 11000 mg/l. In the composition, sodium, calcium, chlorine, magnesium, sulfates and bicarbonates have the highest concentration, copper, zinc, manganese, and silicon are also present. Thanks to the ingredients present, regular use of Uriage water helps to maintain a normal level of water balance. Calcium and magnesium have a calming effect, zinc is antibacterial. In general, Uriage water softens the skin, enhances its antioxidant protection.

The manufacturer offers 3 options for the volume of bottles - 50, 150 and 300 ml.

The cost is from 260 rubles. for 50 ml.

Uriage thermal water
  • the only isotonic among analogues;
  • effectively soothes irritations and relieves redness;
  • after use, there is a feeling of freshness and moisture;
  • dries up inflammation;
  • mattifies.
  • in some users it causes a feeling of tightness, or it stings.

Other thermal waters

This item contains products in which the manufacturer did not indicate the level of mineralization.

Kora water of the Pyrenees

The Kora brand is produced by the domestic company Fitoprom. The company has its own research laboratory, which develops unique patented recipes. The production uses water from a warm spring located in the Pyrenees mountains in France. A distinctive feature of this product is the presence in its composition of prebiotics and postbiotics from planktonic bacteria. In addition to them, there is a complex of minerals available for assimilation: silicon, magnesium, zinc, selenium, iron, etc. The manufacturer recommends using the product in the presence of dryness, peeling, rosacea. Its use is effective in the presence of age spots, the first signs of wilting. It is worth noting that this brand has another water - Brittany, which belongs to isotonic in its properties.

The packaging is a bottle made of durable plastic with a sprayer.

The cost is from 335 rubles. for 125 ml.

Kora water of the Pyrenees
  • has a moisturizing and tonic effect with proper subsequent care;
  • helps to fight peeling and redness;
  • fine spraying;
  • suitable for refreshing make-up.
  • the level of mineralization is not indicated;
  • wasteful expense.

I am the

Ya Samaya is a young and dynamically developing cosmetic company.Thanks to its own laboratories and the use of advanced scientific technologies, the company's products not only meet international standards, but also meet all the requirements of a modern consumer.

The raw material for water-spray from the Ya Samaya brand is the water of the warm springs of Tuzla in Turkey. According to the manufacturer, their product should refresh and tone the skin, relieve dryness and tightness. Its use helps to eliminate irritation and redness after exposure to wind or sun. Unfortunately, in reality, it's not quite like that. Most users note only a slight positive effect from the use of this product. It is a little refreshing on a hot day or in a dry room, and helps to combat minor skin dryness. At the same time, the manufacturer does not indicate the general mineralization and ionic composition, which makes one wonder if this is really thermal water.

Available in two volumes - 50 and 150 ml.

The cost is 195 rubles. for 50 ml.

I am the most thermal water
  • 2 volume options;
  • refreshes;
  • relieves dryness.
  • large drops;
  • stings eyes;
  • mineralization and ionic composition are not indicated.


The geothermal source from which the raw materials for Librederm cosmetic products are extracted is located in a picturesque and ecologically clean mountainous area in Scotland. The isolation of the territory and the special terrestrial rocks through which water is filtered were reflected in its composition. Magnesium, potassium, sodium, calcium are released from the active ingredients.

The manufacturer recommends using its product to refresh and moisturize the skin of the face, neck, and décolleté.Its use is especially useful in rooms with dry air (for example, during the heating season), after sunbathing. The micro and macro elements included in the composition regulate the water balance, retain moisture, improve the conductivity of useful components during further care.

The cost is from 250 rubles. for 125 ml.

Librederm thermal water
  • refreshes and saturates with moisture;
  • relieves tightness after washing;
  • does not irritate sensitive skin;
  • suitable for all types.
  • the spray gun does not give a fine spray;
  • not suitable for spraying over makeup;
  • one volume option (125 ml);
  • the manufacturer does not indicate the level of mineralization.

Summing up the rating, I would like to draw attention to the fact that thermal water is only an additional stage of care. All its useful properties will appear only if the recommendations for use and proper subsequent care are followed.

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