
  1. Theodolites and their types
  2. Varieties of designs of theodolites
  3. The main differences between a level and a theodolite
  4. Special theodolites
  5. Choosing theodolite wisely
  6. Rating of the best theodolites for 2025
  7. Instead of an epilogue

Rating of the best theodolites for 2025

Rating of the best theodolites for 2025

A theodolite is a special measuring device that is necessary for calculating horizontal / vertical angles. The scope of its application is quite wide: it is construction work, and topographic survey, and geodetic surveys. With the help of a theodolite, the exact characteristics of the angles in degrees / minutes are determined.

Some models of this device can be equipped with a rangefinder, which allows the device to additionally calculate the distance to the object. On the basis of a similar design, other devices were created, specially adapted for non-standard shooting conditions, in which the use of only the basic configuration becomes ineffective.

Theodolites and their types

According to their accuracy, these devices can be divided into three main categories:

  • Technical;
  • Accurate;
  • High precision.

Technical may give a measurement error of approximately 60 seconds. Despite this rather high value, in some applications it will not play a big role, especially in applications where high accuracy is not so important. General construction work on the construction of less critical structures (outbuildings of low height) can serve as an example here.

Accurate theodolites give an error when measuring no more than 10 seconds. They are the most sought after devices on the market today.

High precision devices give an error of less than 1 second. Such equipment is the most expensive and is used for super-critical measurements. Its use is still extremely exclusive and is not often used in everyday life. Such equipment is used by various research institutions.

Varieties of designs of theodolites

The theodolite was invented relatively long ago (1875), but along with technological progress, its design is constantly being improved.Depending on the design, the measuring instruments under consideration are also divided into three types:

  • laser;
  • Electronic;
  • Optical.

Laser devices were invented the latest and are considered the most progressive. They are armed with a laser beam that visually highlights the mark on the object being measured. The operator sets the setting of such a theodolite in a special way so that the beam passes through two points. At this time, the device itself calculates the angle of inclination along which the laser passes. The main disadvantage of such devices is the extremely limited range, because as the distance increases, the laser beam will scatter. The main area of ​​application of such theodolites is the construction of load-bearing columns and the construction of bridges.

Electronic The instruments are equipped with a liquid crystal display and are equipped with a sensor system. Upon completion of how the operator sets the device to the points between which you need to measure the angle, the device will independently determine the slope and display its numerical value on the display. The advantage of such models is the improved visualization of measurement values, since the operator does not need to carefully look at the scale.

Optical theodolites were the first to be invented. Their principle of operation is based on the use of a sighting tube, which has a scale applied to the lens. According to this scale, orientation is carried out according to the dimensions of the angle between several horizontal / vertical points of the measured object.

The device of the simplest theodolite

Although optical devices are the simplest, working with them is much more difficult than with electronic or laser ones. The reason for this is that most of the measuring work is carried out directly by the operator.

An optical theodolite consists of:

  • Special stand;
  • Protective case;
  • sighting tube;
  • Guidance adjustment screws;
  • Cylindrical level;
  • Plumb (akin to ordinary construction);
  • Microscope for the report.

The body of the device is fixed on a special stand. It has a sighting tube, which is combined with a microscope for a report. The tube is movable and is needed to aim the object of measurement. The device is also equipped with two types of levels - a plumb line and a cylindrical level. The first is needed to set a direct level vertically, and the second - horizontally.

The sight tube is needed to monitor an object that is at some distance from the device. The tube can give an increase in the range of magnification from 15 to 50. The higher the magnification given out by the tube, the more accurate the device. A special lens is inserted into the eyepiece of the tube, which is equipped with a measuring grid. The grid is firmly drawn on the glass and is not erased even with time. In some expensive devices, it is simply engraved.

This grid is used by the operator to orient the device during setup. Its main purpose is to set points on the object under study vertically/horizontally. However, before proceeding with the study of the object, the operator needs to level the device using a level and plumb line. After all, even with small distortions in the installation of the device, you can get completely inaccurate values.

Levels are responsible for the correct position of the device for subsequent measurements. Cylindrical levels are considered more accurate; in budget models they are round.When using a round level to correctly set the device, you must try to install it in such a way that the air bubble is located exactly in the center of the saucer. In this case, it is necessary to adjust the length of the tripod legs with the help of screws. It is considered a big mistake to neglect such an adjustment, and instead place objects unreliable in terms of stability (pebbles, tiles, etc.) under the supports.

The heart of the optical theodolite is the microscope. It has a large degree of magnification and is equipped with a special dividing grid, on which a scale is applied. It is this scale that indicates degrees with minutes. More modern and expensive models, in addition, can still show not only minutes, but also seconds. The scale is called a limb. It determines the exact slope between two desired points that have been set using the telescope.

The main differences between a level and a theodolite

Often, these two devices are easy to confuse, because they look almost the same. However, some of their design features, as well as areas of application, allow them to be clearly separated into two different camps. Firstly, levels are designed to detect vertical elevations, and theodolites are needed to calculate angles. Secondly, although both devices in their design have almost the same measurement system and grid, according to which the operator selects points, but with a level such a tube moves only horizontally, and with a theodolite it can rotate both vertically and horizontally. planes.

Thirdly, when working with a theodolite, its operator does not need anyone's help. All you need is good visibility so that he can fix points on the object being measured.When working with a level, an assistant is required to hold the leveling rod in a vertical state. In this case, the assistant must be in the line of sight of the sighting tube.

Special theodolites

During its evolution since its invention in 1875, the theodolite has proven itself to be an almost universal device that allows you to measure angles in various conditions. However, at the moment there are designs that are designed for highly specialized use. For the most part, on such models, the work of the operator is significantly facilitated.


This device is gyroscopic and is designed for tunneling and orientation in the development of mines. At the same time, by means of a gyrotheodolite, it is possible to make references (topographic) to objects on the ground. Among other parameters, the azimuth of the direction is also determined. In fact, such a device can be called a hybrid of a gyrocompass and a theodolite.


It is also called a phototheodolite. It combines the functionality of both measuring equipment and cameras. When the user fixes the angles of interest on it, it is possible to capture the object of measurement with all the data received. But the main purpose of these devices is to fix the coordinates of the angles of various flying equipment during the appropriate tests. Despite the development of digital technologies, they still prefer to use film photography in such devices, considering it to be of better quality and more reliable.

Choosing theodolite wisely

Before purchasing this device, you should take care of some criteria (according to the degree of their need), which will affect the cost of the device:

  • The level of permissible error (for general construction works of a low number of storeys, it is the least important);
  • The degree of protection of the components from dust and moisture (in areas with a temperate climate without sharp temperature changes, this parameter can even be neglected, due to the complete vacuum isolation of the sighting tube);
  • Type of future measurements (we are talking about multifunctional or highly specialized devices);
  • Total weight (it will play a big role if you need to use the equipment on long walks);
  • Shock resistance margin (mostly for expensive theodolites, for which the slightest shaking of the body can lead to distortion of the measurement data).

Regarding the choice of the type of measurements - the choice will be between the varieties of theodolites. For example, laser and electronic are much easier to work with, they are more accurate, but they do not like bad weather. And an optical theodolite will require more concentration and meticulous work from the user, but it can be used even at -30 degrees Celsius.

Rating of the best theodolites for 2025

Popular optical theodolites

3rd place: 3T5KP UOMZ

The easiest to use and most popular model. It is adapted to work both in the conditions of the Siberian cold and in the conditions of the African heat. Despite its optional "fineness", it is quite capable of making fairly accurate measurements necessary for general construction work. The device itself is quite calm about a long period of conservation, after which it works no worse than after the moment it was released directly from the factory. It is a Russian development.


Horizon accuracy, sec.5
Vertical accuracy, sec2.4
The smallest observation distance, m1
Maximum approximation, multiplicity30
Lens diameter, mm40
Scale division, seconds1
Weight, kg4.5
Temperatures for work, gr. Celsius-40 to +50
Price, rubles16500
  • The device is not afraid of bad environmental conditions;
  • The scale is applied to the lens by engraving;
  • Affordable price for an accurate measuring instrument.
  • The device is absolutely dependent on the careful actions of the operator.

2nd place: RGK TO-15

This device is a cheaper analogue of the domestic 4T15P, but this does not mean a deterioration in its functional properties. It is intended for the main types of geodetic works, general construction works, and can also be used in the field of cadastral measurements. Thanks to the stable tripod, it can be mounted on almost any surface. The drive screws move extremely smoothly, which allows you to achieve the best measurement results.


Horizon accuracy, sec.15
Vertical accuracy, sec.2
Magnification, multiplicity28
Lens diameter, mm73.4
Scale division value30/2
Field of view angle, gr4
Weight, kg3
Temperatures for work, gr. Celsius-30 to +50
Price, rubles60000
  • Low weight;
  • High horizon level;
  • Application of optical centering.
  • Poor standard equipment (for example, the lack of a cover for transportation).

1st place: UOMZ 3T2KP

Lightweight and compact instrument, suitable for long field surveys. It can be used both for determining role geodesic concentrations and for astronomical and geodetic studies. Its compensator has a self-leveling function, which allows you to increase the installation point on tripods.Additionally, a light range finder is installed, which significantly expands the functionality of the device.


Horizon accuracy, sec.2
Vertical accuracy, sec2.4
The smallest observation distance, m1
Maximum approximation, multiplicity30
Lens diameter, mm40
Scale division, seconds1
Weight, kg4
Temperatures for work, gr. Celsius-40 to +50
Price, rubles95000
  • Ultra-precise lens;
  • Drawing a scale as an engraving;
  • Model completeness.
  • Too high price for an optical device.

Popular electronic theodolites

3rd place: Condtrol iTeo 5 2-2-014

This electronic device is extremely easy to operate. Despite belonging to an electronic device, it is equipped with a laser plummet, which ensures a clear and correct installation of the device. Screw regulators allow for smooth adjustment to the object. The LCD screen displays the exact numerical values ​​of the adjustment made.


Horizon accuracy, sec.5
Available zoom, magnification30
Required batteries, W1
Weight, kg.4.8
Image of the sighting tubedirect
Lens diameter, mm45
Value of division30+/-4,5
Tripod thread, (ratio)2020-05-05 00:00:00
Price, rubles60000
Condtrol iTeo 5 2-2-014
  • Excellent visualization of measurement results;
  • Acceptable weight for transportation by road;
  • Enhanced body protection.
  • Poor tolerance to low temperatures.

2nd place: RGK T-20

The device has a built-in slope calculation sensor, which allows obtaining high-precision data during measurements. The design uses optics akin to photographic, which makes the operator's work much easier.Backlit keyboard of the electronic counter makes it possible to work in dark conditions. The device is delivered exclusively in a case, which makes its transportation very convenient.


Required voltage, V1x4
Maximum accuracy, inches20
Zoom magnification, magnification30
Weight, kg4.8
Minimum distance to the object, m1.3
Tripod thread2020-08-05 00:00:00
AdditionallyProtection against moisture and dust according to article IP 45
Price, rubles63000
RGK T-20
  • Work from autonomous power sources (AA batteries or nickel-metal hydride (Ni-Mh) batteries);
  • Equipped with a special system of dust and moisture protection;
  • Increased focusing potential at the center due to the use of high-quality lenses.
  • Applicable only for accurate research, for ordinary research is not needed at all.

1st place: RGK T-05 (with verification function)

The big pluses of this measuring device are its ability to illuminate the sighting scale threads and the display itself, and at the same time it can independently center the laser plummet. The electronics used in the device will not allow you to doubt the quality of measurements of both horizontal and vertical angles. The entire system can be powered by a rechargeable battery.


Required voltage, V1x4.8
Maximum accuracy, inches5
Zoom magnification, magnification35
Weight, kg4.5
Minimum distance to the object, m1.3
Tripod thread2020-08-05 00:00:00
AdditionallyMoisture/dust protection IP 45
Price, rubles72000
RGK T-05 (with verification function)
  • The apparatus independently verifies the measurements made;
  • Rugged housing;
  • LCD screen protection.
  • Operation is limited to a rechargeable battery (not suitable for long walks).

Popular laser theodolites

Currently, it is simply unrealistic to purchase a laser theodolite without the function of a laser level. This high-precision equipment is immediately equipped with many functional responsibilities and is designed for multi-purpose use. Indeed, why use a laser for only one purpose, when it can be used for a wide range of jobs? Therefore, at the moment, these devices are called laser levels on online trading platforms. Such a circumstance should not mislead a potential buyer, because with the help of such a device it is possible to make all kinds of necessary measurements.

3rd place: DeWALT DCE089D1G

This device immediately forms 2 bright and one horizontal laser line simultaneously in two projections. The laser beam can be directed both automatically to the desired object, and reconfigured manually. The pendulum (level) is automatically blocked during transportation in order to avoid the calculation of unnecessary indicators.


Required voltage, V1x10.8
Number of beams, pcs3
Ability to direct beams, degrees360
Range with receiver, m60
Range without receiver, m35
Laser class2
Price, rubles455000
  • Quality assembly;
  • Possibility of automatic alignment of laser dots;
  • Affordable price for a laser theodolite.
  • Spontaneous operation of the pendulum blocking function is possible.

2nd place: VEGA TEO20B

These theodolites are used to measure vertical/horizontal angles in any precision residential construction where long distances are not important. The accuracy of the theodolite leaves much to be desired - only 20 seconds, however, as a level, it is perfect for calculating height levels.


Angle measurement accuracy
Angle unitsDegrees/minutes/seconds or gons
Dust and moisture protection classIP54
BacklightThere is
Displaydouble sided
Sensitivity of the cylindrical level30"/2mm
Round level sensitivity8"/2mm
Laser plummet accuracy±0.8/1.5 m
Working temperature-20° - +50°C
BatteriesNi-MH rechargeable battery / alkaline batteries
Working hours20 hours
Price, rubles60000
  • Advanced functionality;
  • Ability to work at low temperatures;
  • Small price for a laser device.
  • Reduced accuracy.

1st Place: KaiTian 5 Lines 6 Points

This device is not very expensive, but is extremely popular among Russian users and is fully consistent with its purpose. They take measurements both in horizontal / vertical planes - like a theodolite, so it can be used as a laser level.


Measuring model5 lines
Laser wave, nm635
Partnometer, point6
Voltage, in3.7
Operating temperature, degrees Celsius-10 to +30
Laser direction, degrees360
CompletenessCarry case
Price, rubles40000
Kaitian 5 Lines 6 Points
  • Excellent price/quality ratio;
  • Acceptable operating temperatures;
  • Low energy consumption.
  • Nickel-metal hydride battery that quickly becomes unusable.

Instead of an epilogue

Any measuring equipment is always a complex technical product. Therefore, it should be purchased only from manufacturers that are trustworthy on Internet sites. Repairing a theodolite is far from an easy task, especially when its main working parts are damaged, for example, a lens, rotary mechanisms, electronic sensors. This shows that before buying, you need to carefully approach the choice of a supplier and enlist certain guarantees on his part.

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