
  1. Structural properties
  2. Synthetic models and their features
  3. Tape products and their marking
  4. Textile slings: types and classification
  5. Rejection rates
  6. Terms of Use
  7. Rating of the best textile slings for 2025
  8. Instead of an epilogue

Rating of the best textile slings for 2025

Rating of the best textile slings for 2025

Any operation for lifting loads, especially in an industrial enterprise, rarely does without the use of slings, i.e. special devices for moving / lifting loads. Chain and rope samples have existed for a long time, but textile ones are a relative innovation. They are widely used in lifting operations up to ten tons. Most often they are used in the automotive and agricultural sectors. Slings with little functionality can also be found in gardening, and it is especially convenient to use them when transporting fragile and expensive objects, as well as when the surface of the load is freshly painted.

Structural properties

The basis for this type of slings was a reinforced synthetic fabric that can withstand a lot of weight and which includes the following materials:

  • Terylene;
  • Polyester;
  • Lavsan;
  • polyester;
  • Polyamide.

When transporting such a product, it is convenient to roll it up into a roll, which does not take up much space. Depending on the type of product used, the number of layers in the tape can vary from one to four. The difference in the color of the tape will mean its maximum load capacity, which quite reaches 10 tons. During use, the products may stretch, however, after removing the load, they return to their original dimensions. At the same time, they can be equipped with overhead covers in order to avoid being damaged by the sharp edges of the submerged object. Each device must be marked with the name of the length, date of issue, load capacity and serial number. If such information is missing or not readable, then such a model cannot be taken into work.

IMPORTANT! To accommodate all the necessary information, only fabric tags are used, because when using metal tags, there is a risk of damage to the product!

Due to the fact that the level of production of high-strength synthetic fibers has gone far ahead, the use of powerful textile slings has become an affordable tool for small businesses and ordinary citizens. These devices are gaining more and more popularity among lifting products in our time. Their increased load capacity, lightness and flexibility help to solve various tasks when lifting / moving objects that were previously considered simply unrealistic.

Textile models are made from woven textile tape in various variations. The technology of their production and use is regulated by the following regulatory documents of the Russian Federation:

  1. Guiding documents No. 24-SZK-01 of 2001 - "General purpose cargo textile slings and requirements for their safe use and operation";
  2. Safety Rules No. 10-382 of 2000 - "Rules for the safe use and installation of cranes."

Most often, slings are made on the basis of polypropylene, polyamide or polyester. Each of these materials has its own distinctive properties and qualities, specially adapted to work with a specific cargo category and in certain environmental conditions.

Guiding documents strictly establish temperature limits for the operation of textile models, namely: “Products whose tapes are made of nylon fibers can be used to move goods heated to a temperature of no more than +80 degrees Celsius, and slings with tapes made of polyamide, lavsan , polyester or polypropylene - no more than +100 degrees Celsius. At the same time, the ambient air must be at a temperature not lower than -80 degrees Celsius. The work of textile slings outside the specified temperature conditions is not allowed.

A distinctive feature of the products under consideration is that they have a certain resistance to chemical, slightly aggressive elements. At the same time, the tape should have a uniform structure, not have any defects, such as: burns, cuts, non-uniform length / thickness. The threads used for sewing the tape must be made of the same material as the tape base. The weaving of the edges of the tape should be done in such a way that the processes of unraveling or, even more so, tearing are completely excluded. In order to protect the tape from abrasion, its edges can be equipped with protective crimps, which will provide additional protection, but will not counteract the elastic stretch of the sling when loaded.

Textile Sling Basics

In their manufacture, methods are used called “textile loopback sling (STP)” and “textile ring sling (STK)”. In both cases, both the loop and the ring are created by stitching the ends of the tape sections, in accordance with the established technology. Thus, it is possible to define three main types of looping at the ends of the STP-type tape:

  • Flat loop - it is formed by stitching the tape unfolded in the absence of the twist parameter;
  • Twisted loop - it is formed by stitching the tape from the unoccupied end, which is previously turned 180 degrees so that the wrong side of the tape lies on the front side of the other side (according to the principle of "Mobius strip");
  • Folded loop - it is created by double folding the ribbon part of the tape forming the loop.

Loops in truss products are more subject to mechanical wear than other elements, because they directly interact with the hook of the lifting device. In order to prevent early failure of the product due to premature wear of the loops, they are sheathed with a special protective fabric. Depending on the location of the tapes during stitching and the formation of loops, it is possible to distinguish an additional number of types of textile slings. For example, in order to create comfortable conditions when hanging branches on the hook of a lifting device, as well as to increase the overall service life, links from detachable / one-piece fragments can be used. Such links are integrated at the bottom, as well as staples or hooks. Accordingly, it is possible to produce slings with many branches and which are perfect for handling large loads, as well as loads of significant weight (when installing anchor points). Calculations for multi-branch models are carried out under the condition that the excess of the angle between the branches should not exceed 120 degrees. For products with 3 or 4 branches, the design load is made in such a way that the supported load must be kept in weight when one of the branches breaks through.As well as for all nominal versions, the margin of safety in terms of its coefficient for each individual branch (in relation to the breaking load) should not be less than 7 units.

Synthetic models and their features

There are a lot of advantages in this category of loading devices, even if we take them in comparison with other types of ropes. These may include:

  • light weight;
  • Unpretentiousness in transportation;
  • Flexibility/elasticity - it is possible to work with fragile, easily damaged and freshly painted objects;
  • Can be operated in a wide temperature range from +100 to -80 degrees Celsius (and even in a humid environment);
  • Products are resistant to wear;
  • There are no metal parts in them, which reduces the risk of damage to both the load and the sling itself;
  • Ease of use.

However, a number of shortcomings exist in these seemingly universal devices;

  • They are extremely unstable to heterogeneous loads - during use, it is forbidden to make sharp jerks and lifts of objects;
  • Not resistant to UV rays - storage is allowed only in a place protected from direct sunlight;
  • The textile base is poorly able to withstand extremely aggressive chemicals (acids and alkalis).

In any case, fabric slings and hoists are widely used in the industrial sector. They have become indispensable assistants in the transportation of wooden, glass and plastic objects. They are used for unloading tankers, barges, transcontinental ships, as well as for the installation of engineering structures. The main thing when working with this type of devices is to correctly select their specific type for a particular task, in accordance with the recommendations of state regulatory documents.

Tape products and their marking

These devices must be completed without fail with a passport for the goods, an information tag is sewn onto the finished sling. The label contains the following information:

  • Name of the manufacturer, its trademark and address;
  • Sample type and its symbol;
  • Load capacity, possible loads depending on lifting methods;
  • Total length;
  • Date and time of issue;
  • Serial number in the nomenclature system of the manufacturer;
  • Description of technical conditions and standards in which the sample is produced.

IMPORTANT! The color of the tag and the marking color are determined by the design documentation of the manufacturer. It is applied with indelible ink on a special tag, while the color of the inscription should not match the color of the sample itself, and the inscriptions should be easy to read. However, marking can also be applied directly to the tape, but only in places that are not subject to abrasion.

Textile slings: types and classification

Depending on the number of attached branches, loop and ring patterns may receive specific designations:

  • 1 branch - 1st;
  • 2 branches - 2ST;
  • 3 branches - 3ST;
  • 4 branches - 4ST.

The carrying capacity of each product can be determined visually, based on its color (in tons):

  • Orange - 10;
  • Blue - 8;
  • Brown - 6;
  • Red - 5;
  • Gray - 4;
  • Yellow - 3;
  • Green - 2;
  • Purple - 1.

Rejection rates

Before using rafters, they must undergo a visual inspection regarding the presence of possible damage.During the inspection, close attention should be paid to the quality of the seams and hooks, staples and tapes, as well as link elements and their attachment points.

Slings that:

  • They do not have a tag or information stamp, or the information on them is unreadable;
  • There are nodes on the carrier tapes;
  • There are transverse tears or incisions;
  • There are longitudinal breaks or cuts if their total length exceeds 10% of the entire length, or a single break exceeds 50 millimeters;
  • There are bundles (local) of the tape, except for the places where the ends of the tapes are sealed, in general, more than half a meter at one extreme or more than two seams inside (with a breakthrough of 3 or more line seams);
  • There are local delaminations of the tape in places where tape ends are closed with a length of more than 20 centimeters at the extreme or more than two internal seams (when three or more line seams break through), or there is a detachment of the tape end or tape stitching in the loop area for a length of more than 10% of the thickness stitching the ends of the tapes;
  • There are thread breaks along the surface with a total length of more than 10% of the total width of the tape, which were formed by mechanical friction against the sharp edges of the unloaded object;
  • There is destruction of tapes from exposure to chemically aggressive substances (petroleum products, solvents, acids and alkalis), which exceeds 10% of the length of the width or length of the product, or there are single destructions of more than 50 millimeters of length and 10% of the width;
  • There has been swelling of tape threads from the warp with a diameter of more than 10% of the width (including through holes with a diameter of more than 10% of the width) as a result of interaction with sharp objects;
  • There are holes burned through from contact with splashes of molten liquid metal with a diameter of more than 10% of the width or more than three pieces with a distance between them of less than 10% of the width, regardless of the total diameter of the holes;
  • There is a complete bundle of tape threads;
  • There are traces of contamination (soil, oil products, resins, paints, cement) along the length of more than 50%.

It is also forbidden to use products with damage and defects of metal elements (carbines, clips, pendants, brackets, links, hooks), namely with:

  • Cracks of any size and location;
  • Wear of the bearing part of the surface or in the presence of dents that will lead to a decrease in the cross-sectional area by more than 3%;
  • Destruction of fasteners or threaded connections.

To prevent objects from falling out during lifting and transport by cranes, some special requirements must be observed:

  • The tying of the cargo object must be carried out without twists and knots;
  • It is necessary to use special gaskets or covers when transporting goods that have sharp corners (channels and angles, boards and double containers) in order to provide protection between the object and the sling;
  • When moving loads with irregular geometry, the location of the center of gravity must be taken into account, and the load must be brought in such a way as to exclude the possibility of it falling out when lifting;
  • The binding of the object should take place in such a way that during the subsequent movement, the loss of its individual parts is excluded, while ensuring its stable position;
  • The ends of the multi-branch sling, which are not used for hooking, must be strengthened so that when lifting the load with a hook, it is impossible for it to touch these unused ends with objects encountered.

In any case, it is the responsibility of every owner of a lifting device to ensure that the slings are in good condition, especially during storage and during use, which is carried out through the necessary supervision, maintenance and inspection.

Terms of Use

In order to prevent damage to the load, as well as to ensure the proper safety of workers, the rules for the use of slings must be strictly observed. For example, before loading begins, it is necessary to calculate the number of hooks needed to secure the object, and pay special attention to the fact that the angle of each branch cannot exceed 120 degrees. It is always worth remembering that the loading of different materials has its own characteristics. Synthetic tape must be fastened very carefully in order to prevent objects being moved from slipping off. At the same time, when lifting, the tapes must necessarily be in a straightened position, while the possibility of their twisting should not be allowed at all. In cases where a load with sharp edges is to be moved, textile slings are used with extreme caution, because any cut or breakthrough will quickly render them unusable. This is especially true for belts with a low load capacity, the width of which is less than 50 millimeters.

Possibility of repair

Unfortunately, none of the types of slings is repairable. If defects are found during the inspection, they must be immediately taken out of use. This is especially true for alkaline / acid burns, various melting and charring (in any parts), cuts / tears / jams.Operation also stops immediately upon detection of deformation of the fittings, stitch breaks, wear or elongation of the tape itself beyond the limits set by the manufacturer.

Rating of the best textile slings for 2025

Lower price segment

3rd place: "ROMEK STP 2000000012339"

The product is perfect as a screed device when moving loads of various types. The sample can be compactly folded, does not take up much space and is not demanding on storage conditions. Produced in Russia and complies with standard regulatory documents. The purple color of the base means the possibility of lifting loads up to 0.5 tons. Own weight does not exceed 300 grams. The total length is declared by the manufacturer at 3 meters. Retail price - 215 rubles.

ROMEK STP 2000000012339
  • Budget price;
  • Quality performance;
  • Small own weight.
  • There is no additional protection.

2nd place: "STP 2.0/3000 SF 5:1, 50 mm 7930092360313"

Another worthy representative of the Russian manufacturer. It is also designed to help in the transportation of various goods, and the manufacturer claims that the applied innovative synthetic fiber technology greatly facilitates the workflow, and the sling itself is slightly subject to deformation (stretching) after a long time of operation. Its own weight is slightly more than half a kilogram, and the green marking color indicates a load capacity of two tons. Applied type of execution – loop. Retail price - 415 rubles.

STP 2.0/3000 SF 5:1, 50 mm 7930092360313
  • Loop type clutch;
  • Resistant to deformation after a long time of operation;
  • Innovative fiber technology.
  • Not detected.

1st place: "ROMEK STP 2000000008295"

This textile device has earned excellent reviews in terms of fixing and lifting loads with various dimensions. The model is made on the basis of a durable synthetic thread, which indicates the ability to withstand powerful weight loads. Warehousing and storage is not particularly difficult. According to the yellow color markings, the sample is able to withstand loads with a total mass of three tons. Own weight does not exceed 800 grams. The total length of the product is three meters, which allows it to be used on loads with irregular geometry. Country of origin - Russia. The retail price is set at 630 rubles.

ROMEK STP 2000000008295
  • Able to work with loads with irregular geometry;
  • Adequate price;
  • Reliable synthetic fibre.
  • Protective pads are missing.

Middle price segment

3rd place: "SEVZAPKANAT STP 5tn/2m 4631152172091"

An extremely durable specimen that can reliably ensure the delivery of bulky goods. In case of special need, it can be rolled into a ring and used as a loop. The production is based on a heavy-duty peninsular textile tape with a width of 150 millimeters. The special elastic structure makes it easy to move any kind of objects, including freshly painted ones. Its own weight reaches 1.3 kilograms with a length of 2 meters. Hitch type - loop, maximum load capacity - five tons (red color). The country of origin is the Russian Federation, the recommended retail price is 720 rubles.

SEVZAPKANAT STP 5t/2m 4631152172091
  • Versatility and multifunctionality;
  • Loop type hitch;
  • Ability to work with freshly painted objects.
  • Not detected.

2nd place: "TOR STP 4.0 t 3.0 m 120 mm 11643"

The manufacturer positions its device as being particularly durable and directly suggests using it exclusively in the industrial sector, that is, for installation and construction work. The textile tape has an additional stitching, which provides it with increased strength, while the properties of flexibility and elasticity do not decrease. The fixation of the load is provided at a qualitative level, the model stably resists possible working deformations, and quickly returns to its original dimensions. Has protection against slightly aggressive chemical environments. Country of manufacture - China. Its own weight is 2.2 kilograms, with a length of 3 meters. The maximum load capacity is set at 4 tons, the recommended retail price is 910 rubles.

TOR STP 4.0 t 3.0 m 120 mm 11643
  • Highly specialized application in construction work;
  • Reliable cargo fixation;
  • Inexpensive price.
  • Protective covers are not included.

1st place: "Gigant STP-4/4"

This sling fully complies with all modern quality standards: it has a special seam that increases strength, the width of the fabric itself is also expanded, and a strong textile base is used in the composition. It can be used in all industries - from domestic to industrial. Proven even when towing heavy wheeled vehicles. It can work at temperatures from -60 to +100 degrees Celsius. The kit comes with special pads designed to increase traction. The Russian manufacturer claims an extended service life.Its own weight is 2.3 kilograms with a length of 4 meters. The total load capacity is 4 tons. The recommended retail price is 1200 rubles.

Gigant STP-4/4
  • Wide range of applications;
  • Numerous strength additives;
  • Small injury risk.
  • Not found.

Highest price segment

3rd place: "Argos STP-5.0-5.0 UT000005558"

A fairly simple premium model that doesn’t really have any advantages and additional options, with the exception of carrying capacity and 100% quality. Able to perform any work - from domestic to construction and installation. Easy to handle and easy to store. The main difference is the extended technical specifications, of which the own length is 5 meters, and the maximum load capacity is set at around 5 tons. Own weight is 5 kilograms. The country of origin is Russia, the declared cost for the retail network is 2100 rubles.

Argos STP-5.0-5.0 UT000005558
  • Protective pads for hinges;
  • Extended specifications;
  • Versatility.
  • Not installed.

2nd place: "ROMEK STP 2000000008455"

Another powerful product from a Russian manufacturer, directly designed for rigging the movement of goods, which means that it can be used for port cargo operations. It has an increased length of 6 meters and the highest load capacity among possible textile slings - 10 tons. Own weight is also not small - 9 kilograms with a length of 6 meters. At the same time, it is easy to fold and transport, has its own anti-slip protection. The recommended retail price is 6500 rubles.

ROMEK STP 2000000008455
  • Extended power parameters;
  • The presence of its protection;
  • Adaptability to heavy rigging work.
  • High price.

1st place: "T-Max 8cm x 20m, 7950kg W0693"

The most high-tech example among the lines presented in the rating, because it has a special option to withstand dynamic jerks, which means almost complete durability. Able to pull heavy equipment from completely hopeless off-road. Wear and resistance to aggressive environments have been increased to extreme levels. It can be used as a sling, rigging and even a winch cable. Its own weight is 5.5 kilograms with a length of 20 meters. The maximum load capacity is 8 tons. The country of origin is China. Retail price - 7500 rubles.

T-Max 8cm x 20m, 7950kg W0693
  • Versatility;
  • High power;
  • Multitasking.
  • Not found.

Instead of an epilogue

Knowledge of the properties, technical characteristics and features of textile slings will certainly ensure the integrity and safety of the transported cargo to their owner, and will also be able to create comfortable and safe working conditions for operators. Today's market is able to provide a wide range of these devices at relatively low prices. At the same time, if some additional characteristics are not indicated on the sling tag, then it is always better to seek advice from a qualified consultant than to purchase a tape at random and risk the safety of the cargo. At the same time, it should be noted that most of the goods on this market are Russian-made.

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