Pimples are a lot of trouble. Affected areas of the skin on the face and body spoil the aesthetic appearance of a person, leading to feelings and stress, and this may also indicate diseases of the internal organs. To avoid such problems, it is advisable to start treatment in a timely manner. The best manufacturers offer effective acne pills. We will figure out how to choose a quality medicine, how much it costs, which company is better. The rating of the best-selling acne pills in 2025 with a description of the advantages, disadvantages, contraindications will help in this.
To imagine how to choose the right acne pills, it is appropriate to consider three important points:
Acne can appear not only in adolescence, but also in adulthood. Their varieties:
This is not just a cosmetic defect, but a skin disease provoked by excessive secretion of sebum, followed by clogging of pores and intensive reproduction of bacteria in them. As a result, inflammation appears, which needs to be noticed in time and treated. Factors leading to the appearance of these unwanted rashes on the face and body:
There are several types of medicines:
Their action:
In addition to a positive result, negative side effects are possible in the form of dryness, burning, itching, peeling of the skin, disorders of the gastrointestinal tract.
When choosing tablets, it is important to remember what to look for so that the medicine allows you to get the desired result:
By destination There are three groups of drugs:
By price drugs can be divided into two groups:
Inexpensive drugs can be quite effective for acne on the face, on the back. They are distinguished by the best value for money, due to which this category of medicines is affordable, at the same time it gives good treatment results. Most often, these are cheaper analogues of expensive domestic drugs.
Expensive - fast-acting pills that can eliminate the symptoms of even severe cases of the disease, accompanied by the formation of scars, scars. Most often, these are products of popular companies that have proven themselves on the positive side.
Reviews buyers who have coped with the disease or are disappointed with the medicines, it is advisable to study first of all when choosing. It is best to use the recommendations of friends and review sites on the Internet, which describe specific cases of using drugs in similar cases.If most of the reviews left on a medicine are negative, it is hardly appropriate to purchase it in order to avoid undesirable consequences.
A few tips for choosing:
We offer a rating of the best pills for acne on the face and body for women and men, according to popularity among buyers. These drugs from the best manufacturers of medicines are trusted by millions of people who are faced with the problem of acne.
An effective synthetic antibacterial agent from the tetracycline group is prescribed for severe inflammation of the skin on the face and body for adults and children over 8 years old. The elimination of acne is achieved due to a fairly rapid absorption and transportation through the blood vessels and complete withdrawal along with waste products. The effectiveness of the drug is due to the impact on protein synthesis, which leads to a reduction in the number and suppression of the activity of microorganisms.As a result, the number of inflammations on the skin is reduced and the appearance of new ones stops. The course of treatment is only 5-7 days, during which it is necessary to take probiotics and drink more fermented milk products to restore the intestinal microflora. The package contains 20 tablets.
Average price: 29 rubles.
Semi-synthetic antibiotic from the tetracycline group with the active ingredient minocycline. Kills many types of microorganisms that cause inflammation in the deep layers of the dermis. In severe acne, it is used as an additional therapy. Among the main contraindications:
Possible side effects from the respiratory, genitourinary, digestive, musculoskeletal systems, skin, hearing organs. Allergic reactions in the form of urticaria are not uncommon. However, according to the reviews of people taking it, the likelihood of negative consequences is quite low.
When taken simultaneously with oral hormonal contraceptives, it reduces the contraceptive effect. A convenient schedule for taking pills: once a day, one capsule for 6-12 weeks, depending on the degree of acne. To maintain the natural intestinal microflora, it is advisable to drink probiotics at the same time or after the course of treatment.
Average price: 650 rubles.
Capsules with isotretinoin - the strongest substance containing vitamin A, used to eliminate the symptoms of severe acne, has a toxic effect, so special care must be taken when using it. More than 25 years on the Russian market, during this time it has proved to be a powerful weapon in the fight against the most severe forms of the disease with scarring, when there is no way to cure other drugs. Doctors prescribe this drug with caution because of its striking power and many side effects that affect almost all body systems.
Patients with acne on the face take a smaller dose of medication than those who have pronounced acne on the body. The drug acts as it accumulates in the body. It should not be allowed to overdo it in order to avoid undesirable health-threatening consequences. During the application, it is necessary to periodically take tests for quality monitoring by the attending dermatologist. The course of treatment until complete recovery usually lasts 16-24 weeks. In the vast majority of cases, a single course of treatment is sufficient. In case of rare relapses of the disease, repeated application is required. Among the side effects:
The package contains 30 capsules in three blisters, ten pieces each.The dosage is prescribed only by a specialist, in each individual case it is individual, depending on the patient's state of health, the presence of chronic diseases, and mental stability. Not taken concomitantly with an antibiotic.
Average price: 1870 rubles.
A popular retinoid with a high content of isotretinoin, successfully regenerates tissues, relieves inflammation, leads to a decrease in the size of the sebaceous gland ducts, resulting in a decrease in the intensity of sebum secretion. It has a detrimental effect on a number of pathogenic microorganisms. It is prescribed for severe forms of acne with scarring. Contraindicated in liver failure. Concomitant use with vitamin A and antibiotics should be avoided. For a complete cure, the first course is carried out for 16 weeks, after a week of break - repeated. At the beginning of therapy, a dermatologist may prescribe moisturizing ointments, lotions, lip balms to avoid excessive dryness of the skin and mucous membranes.
Some side effects, in particular, a decrease in night vision acuity, may persist for some time after the end of the drug, it is advisable to remember this in order to avoid driving a car, being in busy places at night. Tablets are prescribed only in cases of formation of nodular cystic forms of acne. Women of childbearing age should not take the drug to avoid problems with reproduction.
Average price: 1440 rubles.
One of the best blockers of the sebaceous glands, which allows you to get rid of acne on the face, scars, scars, red spots after acne in one course for 12-16 weeks. In the absence of contraindications, this remedy reliably cures acne in any degree of severity. The only serious disadvantage is the suppression of UV protection, and therefore it is better not to go outside in hot sunny weather so as not to get an instant sunburn. Reviews also show that patients taking these tablets for a long time experience dryness of the mucous membranes of the nose, lips, eyelids, which can be corrected with moisturizing preparations for external use.
Positive dynamics becomes noticeable after the first two weeks. Next comes the rapid cleansing of the skin, the cessation of the production of a large amount of sebum, the formation of black spots and inflammation of the epidermis. It is imperative to comply with the daily and cumulative dose of the drug in order to avoid undesirable consequences up to serious poisoning of the body. It has a lasting result that lasts for many years. Buyers of this medicine note a complete recovery.
Average price: 1476 rubles.
One of the safest and most reliable contraceptive drugs for the treatment of late acne after the age of 20 in women.It is prescribed after examination and all necessary tests only by a dermatologist. During the reception, it is not recommended to take other contraceptives. The downside is that the result will have to wait at least a year, constantly taking the medicine. Among the few side effects in some patients are:
In general, the drug is safe, and can be prescribed to any woman without fear of negative consequences for childbearing and other body systems. The package contains 20 tablets.
Average price: 52 rubles.
Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug with a contraceptive effect. It affects the hormonal background of a woman's body, being an artificial blocker of male androgen hormones in the blood. It is unacceptable to become pregnant within three months after taking the drug. As a result of treatment, after 8 weeks, a positive trend is observed:
The more severe the degree of the disease, the longer the treatment should be with a larger dose of the drug. After cancellation, the result is stored for a long time.
Average price: 1990 rubles.
Each acne medicine has its pros and cons, before choosing which one is better to buy, it is advisable to consult a doctor to find effective safe pills. A review of the best, according to buyers, is designed to help make a choice in order to avoid mistakes when eliminating a serious problem and achieve healthy skin without inflammation.