Rating of the best tablets from lamblia for 2025

Giardia are the simplest parasites that disrupt the full functioning of the internal organs of a person, thereby worsening his general condition. As a rule, infection occurs as a result of the penetration of Giardia spores (cysts) into the body through the oral cavity. As a result, the patient begins to secrete a large number of cysts along with the masses of feces. In turn, these spores, after isolation, also remain viable outside the human body. Although this disease (giardiasis) belongs to the “forgotten” category (its foci appear mainly in third world countries where the level of hygiene is extremely low), it is quite simple and easy to get infected with it. The infection can be transmitted through vegetables / fruits, the fruits of which have been inseminated by parasites.Another way of infection can be swimming in an open reservoir with an unfavorable epidemiological situation, or the elementary use of dirty water for drinking. Among other things, carrier animals are also capable of infecting humans.

IMPORTANT! Giardiasis is often easily confused with other diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. The patient can be treated for a long time for disorders in the natural bacterial flora, various allergies and dermatitis, while Giardia cysts continue to disrupt the functionality of the body, poisoning it with their toxins. Therefore, it is important to correctly and timely determine the symptoms of this disease and undergo high-quality medical treatment.

Treatment with medicines - the main stages

For an adult with acute form such a disease, the treatment consists of a small number of steps - the patient is placed in a hospital under the constant supervision of a specialist doctor. In the process of observation, the patient takes the prescribed drugs under the strict supervision of the doctor.A special control scheme is needed because the acute form has the character of a protozoal infection, to eliminate which strong drugs with many contraindications are used and which contain highly active and toxic substances. After the parasites are removed, it will be necessary to restore the functions of the body. For this, restorative therapy is used using more gentle medications, however, this process can take several months.

At chronic form giardiasis, the first step is to prepare the patient for taking antiparasitic agents. This is due to an urgent need, since there is a possibility of an allergic-toxic reaction to drugs or an exacerbation of the disease itself. In this regard, the chronic form is cured in three stages:

  1. Preparatory - at this stage, it is necessary to strengthen the functions of the digestive organs, reducing the number of parasites in the patient's body, by taking energy sorbents. In case there are prolonged constipation, laxatives are prescribed;
  2. Direct treatment - it is aimed at the elimination of pathogenic microorganisms. Usually this stage takes place in two courses of taking medications (with a break of a week), after which the parasites must be removed from the human body;
  3. Restorative - at this stage, there is an increase in the protective functions of the body, the state of the digestive tract normalizes, the natural balance necessary for the intestinal microflora is restored.

It is worth noting that if the digestive organs work flawlessly, then the preparatory stage can be skipped and immediately proceed to drug treatment.Diagnosis and treatment are carried out by doctors with the specialty of a gastroenterologist or infectious disease specialist.

Compliance with the diet during the preparation stage

This stage can last from 21 to 28 days - everything here will depend on the level of poisoning by the toxins of the parasites of the organism itself and the severity of the pathologies of the digestive organs.

Both in adults and in children, the healing process begins with strict adherence to the rules of nutrition. The patient needs to reduce the amount of food consumed, which contains a lot of carbohydrates, and, on the contrary, increase the intake of protein foods. This is due to the fact that Giardia parasites feed on carbohydrates. You should also stop taking milk sugar (lactose) and dairy products containing it. But through the intake of protein-containing food, it is possible to significantly slow down the development of lamblia cysts in the patient's body. Among other things, nutritionists advise diversifying the patient's table with berries and juices, along with fermented milk products. Thus, an acidic environment will be created in the intestines that can suppress the reproduction of parasites. The meal itself should take place in the order of taking small portions, but 5 to 7 times for 24 hours. With this mode, the outflow of bile will be accelerated, and this will negatively affect parasitic microorganisms.

In addition, the diet should be replenished, if possible, with dietary fiber - for this, the patient must absorb at least 30 grams of bran per day. These food components are almost not digested, however, they are a nutrient medium and a source of strength for the intestinal microflora. According to the medical standards used in the Russian Federation, a patient with giardiasis is shown diet No. 5, which is prescribed to patients with diseases of the hepatobiliary system.

Products recommended for a person with identified Giardia:

  • Greens, various fruits/vegetables;
  • Bread made from coarse flour;
  • Sour cream, curdled milk and kefir, as well as other fermented milk products with a low percentage of fat content;
  • Various cereals on the water (oatmeal, buckwheat and rice);
  • Low-fat varieties of fish / meat;
  • Sweet marshmallow and honey with marmalade.

When following a diet number 5, you should refuse the following foods:

  • Fatty varieties of fish / meat;
  • Rich meat broths;
  • Lard and lard, butter and margarine;
  • Various legumes and dishes based on them;
  • Eggs;
  • Smoked products;
  • Sweets and ice cream, cakes and pastries;
  • carbonated water;
  • Mushrooms (any kind)

IMPORTANT! To achieve the full effect of the treatment, this diet must also be followed for some time after recovery.

Preparations used at the preparatory stage

Before the start of the main stage of the fight against the disease, the following energy sorbents should be taken:

  • "Smecta" - the drug is made on the basis of natural ingredients and contains aluminum and magnesium salts. It binds and removes excess hydrochloric and bile acids, as well as toxins and gases from the gastrointestinal tract. This remedy stands guard over healthy cells of the gastrointestinal mucosa and counteracts cytotoxins, preventing possible complications. By itself, the remedy does not eliminate parasites, but cleanses the body of the toxins they produce, significantly reducing their numbers. The drug has no special contraindications - it is allowed to be taken by newborn babies, and pregnant and lactating women;
  • "Enterosgel" - this drug can be compared with a "reasonable sponge", because the size of the molecules of active substances is equal to the size of the molecules of toxins.The drug cleanses the body of heavy metals, allergens, alcosthetics and other foreign substances, as if "absorbing" them. It normalizes the functioning of the digestive system, contributing to its regeneration, as well as local strengthening of the immune system. The medicine is safe and has no side effects. But still it can not be used in conjunction with other drugs, because it reduces the effectiveness of the latter. Some variations of "Enterosgel" include sugar and in this arrangement it is not recommended for infants, nursing mothers and pregnant women.

If at the preparatory stage the patient has problems with the stool, then he needs to use drugs with the presence of lactulose in its composition. It can be "Duphalac" or "Normaze" - they are completely harmless and not dangerous for newborns, pregnant or lactating women.

If a patient has problems with the outflow of bile, you must immediately undergo a diagnosis (ultrasound) from a gastroenterologist in order to identify the causes of the pathology.


Treatment of lamblia in conditions of impaired functions of the gastrointestinal tract

In this case, the following rules must be observed:

  • If you experience pain under the ribs on the right, you need to take vegetable fats in the amount of at least 80 milligrams every 24 hours. Along with this, prokinetic drugs (for example, Domperidone) should be included in the list of medications taken in order to establish an antiemetic effect (dosage: 5-10 milligrams half an hour before meals). Further, cholecystokinetics can be used, which eliminate bile stasis. For these purposes, a solution of magnesium sulfate, or xylitol, or sorbitol is perfect in a dosage of 2-3 tablespoons 2-3 times a day.
  • If problems arise with the functionality of the sphincter that regulates the passage of digestive juices and bile into the jejunum, it is required to limit the intake of vegetable fats to 40 milligrams per day. At the same time, the use of choleretic drugs is prohibited. Accompanying pain will help relieve: "Trimedat", "Gimekron", "Duspatilin" and "No-Shpa" and other antispasmodics.

In addition, the patient may be shown enzyme drugs - Pancreatin, Festal, Creon, together with the hepatoprotectors Gepabene, LIV-52, Legalon and Karsil. The first group is assigned according to the results of fecal analysis, and the second - in case of detection of chronic lesion with giardiasis of the liver.

Destruction of parasites in giardiasis

IMPORTANT! It is always worth remembering that if giardiasis is found in a child, then with a probability of 99% the rest of the family living with him will be infected with it!

For the treatment of giardiasis, the following medications are indicated:

  • Nitroimidazole group - "Ornidazole" and "Tinidazole". Not so long ago, Metronidazole was removed from this group due to the development of resistance to its effects in modern parasites;
  • Nitrofuran group - "Nifurtel" and "Macmirror". Furazolidone was excluded from this group, because it provokes a lot of side effects in both children and adults, in addition, parasites have developed immunity to it;
  • Benzimedazole group - "Albendazole".


In addition to the main drugs, Enterol can be used. This medicine is a probiotic based on Saccharomyces bouvardia and is perfect for complex treatment. In addition, it enhances the effect of antiparasitic drugs.

"Ornidazole" can have different names - "Dazolic", "Tiberal", "Ornisnid".It can be produced both in powders for injection and in tablet form. Especially for women, a form of vaginal suppositories is provided.

An approximate treatment regimen with Ornidazole

Tablets are taken once a day. The dosage will depend on the weight of the patient - up to 35 kilograms - 0.04 grams per kilogram, over 35 kilograms - 3 tablets at bedtime. If desired, the tablet can be crushed for ease of drinking. The effectiveness of treatment is 90%.

An approximate treatment regimen with "Tinidazole"

Adults take 4 tablets once every 24 hours, and children are prescribed 50 milligrams for every kilogram of weight. Efficiency is 77%, therefore, if positive results are not achieved within the prescribed period, the course of treatment must be repeated.

The rather high percentage of recovery from Giardia is explained by the following properties of the above-mentioned drugs:

  • Their active components are quickly excreted from the body through the work of the kidneys, so they practically do not give side effects;
  • Medicines are directly aimed at the elimination of bacteria and parasites, which are responsible for the occurrence of intestinal infections;
  • They are quite effective against Helicobacter pylori, successfully resist Candida fungi, which often inhabit the intestinal cavity with giardiasis.

IMPORTANT! It must always be remembered that self-treatment, even with highly effective drugs, does not always lead to positive results, even if the dosage indicated in the instructions for use of the medicine is observed. Treatment and its process are prescribed and controlled only by a specialist doctor !!!

Treatment of giardiasis in children

Fundamentally, the process of treating a childhood disease is not much different from adult procedures: you will have to go through the same stages (preparatory, basic, strengthening), except that the dosage of drugs will be much less. The most popular medicines for the destruction of Giardia in children are Ornidazole and Tinidazole. The first can be given even to babies, and the second - starting from the age of 12. Additionally, you can use "Albendazole" - it helps a lot with worms and it is allowed to give it to children starting from 2 years old.

IMPORTANT! Parents should remember that five days after the start of the use of antiparasitic drugs, a small patient may feel unwell. This is due to the fact that the dead parasites will release a large amount of toxins inside the body when they die, which enter the bloodstream. Malaise can be relieved by taking anti-allergic, diuretic and laxatives.

The positive effect of treatment in children usually begins to appear on the 9-10th day after the start of therapy. The signs of this are:

  • The disappearance of a rash on the skin;
  • stop coughing;
  • Normalization of breathing;
  • Reduction of lymph nodes.

However, upon completion of the course, it is worth doing tests for the presence of Giardia in the child's body and making sure that they are completely destroyed.

Rating of the best tablets from lamblia for 2025

For adults

3rd place: "Tiberal"

This drug has not only antimicrobial, but also antiparasitic effects. Effectively stops giardiasis, by influencing the DNA of the simplest organisms, destroys their genetic program, which means the death of the parasite. Consumed in blocks for one to two days. The active substance is ornidazole.

Manufacturer countryTurkey
Release formTableted
Active substanceOrnidazole
Price, rubles720
  • Tablets do not need to be crushed;
  • 3-time reception after a meal;
  • The dosage is easily calculated depending on the weight/age of the patient.
  • Long course of treatment.

2nd place: McMiror

The drug is very popular, judging by the frequency of its prescription. It practically does not have side effects (not to be confused with contraindications!), does not have a negative effect on the liver, and successfully fights giardiasis. Can be used in combination with other drugs.

Manufacturer countryItaly
Release formCapsules, cream
Active substanceNifuratel and nystatin
Price, rubles750
  • Universal (also fights salmonella and shigellosis);
  • Almost no side effects;
  • Is popular.
  • Contraindicated in pregnant women.

1st place: "Tinidazole"

These tablets are used in case of detection of complications caused by giardiasis (for example, disorders of the urinary system). Used for adults and older children. Active substances perfectly cope with various microorganisms and various helminths.

Manufacturer countryRussia
Release formTableted
Active substanceCrospovidone and magnesium stearate
Price, rubles70
  • Multifunctionality;
  • Has excellent pharmacokinetic properties;
  • The composition contains several active substances at once;
  • Affordable price.
  • Contraindicated in children under 12 years of age.

For kids

3rd place: Pirantel

Even a single dose of this drug will destroy most of the Giardia in the body.The composition contains laxative components, so the simultaneous use of laxatives is not required. Available in the form of suspensions and tablets. Perfectly absorbed by the child's body.

Manufacturer countryRussia
Release formTablet and suspension
Active substancePyrantela pamoate
Price, rubles33
  • Variability of the release form;
  • Combined direction of action;
  • Low price.
  • Decreased appetite;
  • In children under 3 years of age, it can cause a gag reflex.

2nd place: Vermox

The drug perfectly defeats not only Giardia, but also other helminths. Pharmacokinetics consists in the disruption of metabolic processes in parasites, the gradual inhibition of their vital functions, which ultimately leads to their death. The composition includes a special insulin ingredient, which allows the use of the medicine for children with hereditary diabetes mellitus.

Manufacturer countryRomania
Release formTableted
Active substancemebendazole
Price, rubles90
  • Budget price;
  • Extended functionality;
  • Increased completeness.
  • Minor side effects in the form of mild dizziness and nausea.

1st place: "Nemozol"

The best and most effective remedy for giardiasis today. It can be used almost without restrictions by both children and adults. Successfully fights against adult Giardia and cysts. It has a wide range of applications: from mixed helminthic invasions to liver echinococcosis.

Manufacturer countryIndia
Release formTablet and suspension
Active substanceAlbendozol
Price, rubles200
  • Democratic price;
  • Versatility and efficiency;
  • The presence of many auxiliary substances in the composition.
  • Almost none (very few side effects).


The destruction of Giardia is a long and difficult process (at least a month). Always, before starting the main course, you should prepare the patient's body, having passed the preparatory stage. At the same time, self-medication should be excluded as a 100% negative way, and all medications used, their dosage and frequency of use should be prescribed by a specialist doctor. At the end of the drug course, it is necessary to consolidate the result with the help of rehabilitation therapy. The completion of treatment should be a negative test for the presence of Giardia in the body. Separately, it is worth recalling that all the drugs listed in this article are prescription drugs and are sold in pharmacies only with a prescription from the attending physician.

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