
  1. Properties of cleansing tablets
  2. What is included
  3. How to apply
  4. How to choose a product for the care of removable dentures
  5. Rating of the best tablets for cleaning dentures
  6. Conclusion

Ranking of the best denture cleaning tablets for 2025

Ranking of the best denture cleaning tablets for 2025

Cleaning removable dentures is one of the main steps in oral care. Since over time, bacteria accumulate on the material from which the device is made, as a result, inflammation and infection of the gum tissues are possible. In addition, the use of the right products will help maintain the condition of artificial teeth in perfect condition for a long time. Best and most effective when cleaning removable devices, special tablets “work”. Since pharmacies offer a large selection of drugs from different manufacturers, it can sometimes be difficult to sort out.

Properties of cleansing tablets

To clean dentures, many different products are produced, which differ in the form of release and purpose. These are special pastes, gels, foams, toothbrushes. For deep cleaning, special ultrasonic baths are used.

Often, mechanical cleaning with a toothbrush is not enough to remove small pieces of food. Cleansing tablets are a relatively new product on the market that have gained popularity among owners of removable devices.

Regular use of the drug helps:

  • prevent the formation of plaque and the appearance of bad breath - most patients complain about this problem;
  • clean hard-to-reach places (due to the design feature);
  • avoid inflammation and dental diseases;
  • return the original color to the crown, which darkens over time after frequent use of coffee, wine;
  • taking care of removable structures with the help of tablets is a salvation for smokers,
  • since nicotine plaque is removed in the solution;
  • prevent food particles from sticking to the surface;
  • dissolve the remains of fixing creams or gels;
  • prevent drying and maintain the elasticity of the prosthesis material, which helps the structure to fit snugly and ensures wearing comfort;
  • oils in the composition facilitate addiction when wearing structures, soften the mucous membrane, and prevent chafing;
  • protect metal parts from corrosion.

According to dentists, for high-quality care of removable systems, it is necessary to combine mechanical cleaning with a special paste, toothbrush, floss, and chemical cleaning using tablets.

What is included

Depending on the manufacturer, cleansing tablets contain various combinations of chemicals combined with refreshing or whitening additives:

  • oxidizing agents loosen and help remove plaque;
  • chelates break down organic compounds on the surface of the structure;
  • carbonates are used in effervescent tablets;
  • active oxygen is used as a disinfectant component;
  • dyes are usually blue;
  • sodium perborate whitens crowns.

As refreshing additives, extracts, menthol or eucalyptus oils are usually used.

How to apply

Usually cleaned with a brush and floss, the prosthesis is placed in a solution (1 tablet per 150 ml of water) for 20 minutes. Depending on the brand, the amount of water, the preparation and the time for cleansing may vary, so read the instructions carefully.

After the prosthesis must be thoroughly rinsed to remove the remnants of the product, dry.
Do not use tablets if you notice cracks or chips on the surface of the prosthesis. In this case, you can only aggravate the situation.

How often to apply

Cleaning with tablets at home should be done at least 2 times a week. This will ensure high-quality removal of bacterial plaque, elimination of the causes of the appearance of an unpleasant odor. It is also not worth using tablets too often, as the material of the crowns can be damaged.

And in order for the prosthesis to last a long time, it is necessary from time to time to give it to the dental clinic for professional cleaning.

How to choose a product for the care of removable dentures

It is unlikely that anyone knows better than doctors all the nuances of using certain prostheses and care products for them.Looking at the clinical picture, a professional doctor can suggest the most effective drugs. It is also worth carefully studying the components. Despite the fact that most drugs are positioned as hypoallergenic, no one has canceled individual intolerance.

For complex care, it is advisable to use products from one manufacturer (paste for mechanical cleaning and tablets). However, the patient will have to determine the ideal remedy through trial and error. You should always carefully consider the list of contraindications. In addition, each drug must first be tested for an allergic reaction. There is no single remedy suitable for everyone, if one patient does not get enough, then another from the same mixture may experience side effects, or moreover, individual intolerance.

Doctors recommend carefully studying the composition of the tablets before you start using them. In this they will be helped by the instructions for the drug, which indicate side effects and contraindications. Most pills are considered hypoallergenic, but the human body is unpredictable and can produce an individual reaction. In addition, the compatibility of tablets for the care of removable dentures with drugs taken by the patient for chronic diseases should be taken into account.

Another important point for the patient is the right choice of oral care products, that is, toothpaste, rinse or protective ointment. When using a partial denture, it will be better if all products are from the same brand.

Dentures come with a cost, and the price of denture care tablets also has a downward impact on the budget, so it should be taken into account.It will help in this case to calculate the cost of a dose per use, usually one or two tablets. Thus, it is possible to calculate which package will be more profitable.

Listen to the recommendations of experts to get away from the consequences.

Precautionary measures:

  1. No need to try to dissolve and swallow the medicine. This can cause burns of the mucous membrane of the stomach and intestines.
  2. The strictest ban on rinsing the mouth with a cleansing solution.
  3. Do not use the remedy if there are allergic reactions to one of the components.
  4. Do not use the tablet if there is damage to the mucous membrane.
  5. Do not use the product if the expiration date has passed. There should be a separate container for the preparation of the product, not used for food products.
  6. After removing the prosthesis, it is necessary to hold it under running water.

Rating of the best tablets for cleaning dentures

Corega Tabs Dental White

GlaxoSmithKline specialists have developed a series of preparations for delicate care of dentures and oral cavity. In addition, the well-known brand offers several types of creams that can be used to securely fix removable systems in the oral cavity. Corega Tabs Dental White, judging by the feedback from patients, does an excellent job of maintaining the original color of the dentures. If they become dirty or a stain appears on the artificial tooth, then the tablets will help return it to a snow-white shade. This tool is ideal for eliminating bacterial plaque. Corega is available in two types of packages - a small one for 30 tablets, and a large one for 72 pills.

The approximate cost of one package is from 250 rubles.

Corega Tabs Dental White Tablets
  • copes with the task of maintaining the original color of prostheses;
  • eliminates bacterial plaque.
  • not detected.

Protefix ("Protefix")

On the Internet you can find many positive reviews about this tool. The main advantage of users is that Protefix eliminates contamination even in the most secluded places that may be in the oral cavity. Also, the tablets help to eliminate bad breath due to additional components in the composition - peppermint and ordinary.

Protefix tablets have proven their effectiveness in such a matter as cleaning the prosthesis from the remnants of food stuck between the teeth, microbial plaque and stone dangerous to the enamel. If artificial teeth have darkened from nicotine, strong black tea or coffee, wonderful pills will help restore the original color. In addition to the fresh smell from the mouth, which will appear thanks to the tablets, the prosthesis will be covered with a protective film and saved from damage that may occur during cleaning.

Dentists recommend using these pills at least twice a day. You can purchase the product, packed in 32 or 66 tablets. They are carefully protected by a foil blister. A small package with 32 pills will cost the patient 200 rubles, while it is much more profitable to buy boxes of 66 pills, their price is 350 rubles.

Protefix tablets
  • eliminate pollution even in the most secluded places of the mouth;
  • contribute to the elimination of unpleasant odors.
  • not detected.

Lacalut Dent ("Lacalut Dent")

The drug has positively proven itself due to the property of restoring the whiteness of artificial teeth. Two more advantages of tablets are the qualitative elimination of pigment and accumulated plaque. Tablets serve as a disinfectant, give a pleasant smell to the mouth, eliminate organic residues.The elements present in the composition are mint, citric acid and sodium perborate. The latter has bleaching properties and gives the water a pleasant blue tint.

The product is available in the form of effervescent pills, the main purpose of which is to eliminate unwanted plaque and food debris. When dissolved in water, effective substances appear that gently clean the surface of the removable structure, while disinfecting it.
The standard box of Lakaluta contains 32 tablets.

On average, the cost of one package is 400 rubles.

Lacalut Dent tablets
  • delicate cleansing;
  • whitening properties;
  • disinfection.
  • not detected.

Fittydent ("Fittydent")

The manufacturer considers their product to be unique because the tablets are able to remove everything superfluous from dentures, including fixing glue, which is usually not water-soluble and is not subject to other oral care preparations. Customers who choose Fittident are usually very satisfied with the whitening properties as well as the freshness of their breath.
The main advantage of the drug is the ability to completely eliminate all the remnants of the fixing agents with which the prostheses are attached. Its whitening ingredients effectively fight coffee and cigarette stains.

If the buyer wants to purchase the product, then the price for a package containing 32 pills will be approximately 300 rubles.

Fittydent ("Fittident") tablets
  • remove all residues of fixatives;
  • components effectively fight plaque from coffee and cigarettes.
  • not detected.

Dentipur ("Dentipur")

For indecisive clients who find it difficult to decide on the processing of dentures at home, it is recommended to use German tablets from Dentipur, which are distinguished by a rather pleasant price - 140 rubles 30 pieces. Possessing antiseptic properties, whitening effect, fast-dissolving and softening plaque.

Dentipur ("Dentipur") tablets
  • antiseptic properties;
  • whitening effect;
  • in the composition of fast-dissolving and plaque-softening molecules.
  • not detected.


Chinese cleaner for dental prostheses "Yakelin". The solution copes with full or partial constructions without problems. Effectively kill harmful microorganisms from surfaces, while eliminating unpleasant odors. There is no abrasive material in the composition, they remarkably remove plaque, formed stones and plaques that have appeared. The end result is clean, fragrant dentures. The use of the tablet is supposed to be no more than once a day.

The cost of a pack with 30 tablets will be 350 rubles.

Y-Kelin tablets
  • no abrasive material;
  • excellent for removing plaque.
  • use no more than once a day.

president dental

This remedy is presented in the form of effervescent capsules. A highly effective remedy eliminates the appearance of microbial plaque on dentures and organic residues. After dissolution in water, active oxidizing agents with antimicrobial properties are released.
Do not worry about the resulting color. Thanks to their greenish color, they do their job perfectly.Able to remove stones from hard-to-reach areas of the oral cavity without leaving stained marks on the surface. They give a light refreshing mint flavor, leaving the material in its original form.

The package contains 32 pills, the cost is 350 rubles.

President denture tablets
  • eliminates the appearance of microbial plaque on prostheses;
  • able to remove stones from hard-to-reach areas.
  • not detected.

Dontodent Intensive

pharmacists presented tablets, the components of which are able to have an antimicrobial effect, remove stubborn plaque and old stains. The mint extract contained in the composition freshens the breath.

Active oxygen molecules contained in the composition have the ability to destroy the formed hard plaque, as well as similar deposits with food residues. Effectively cope with any coloring pigments, returning the previous whiteness. Their regular use helps protect the oral cavity from inflammatory processes, eliminate excess odors, which will increase the service life.

Despite numerous positive reviews, the use of pills has contraindications with adverse consequences. To avoid unpleasant situations, you need to carefully study the attached annotation before use. Poor cleaning of the prosthesis will lead to overdose symptoms.

Dontodent Intensive tablets
  • destroy the formed hard plaque;
  • cope with any coloring pigments;
  • helps protect the oral cavity from inflammatory processes.
  • change in the sense of taste;
  • the presence of irritation and itching in the area of ​​​​contact between the gums and the prosthesis;
  • redness of the mucous membrane;
  • restlessness and burning in the mouth.


Modern dentistry uses different preparations to work with prostheses. Regular care will prevent the appearance of plaque and tartar, as well as remove the likelihood of contamination. The product will have a good appearance with a long service life. You need to try to use the pills, adhering to strict rules, without provoking adverse effects. You can buy pills in a network of pharmacies or in special chain stores.

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