
  1. Types of sports supplements
  2. The benefits and harms of protein
  3. Ranking the best proteins in 2025
  4. Conclusion

Review of the best whey proteins in 2025

Review of the best whey proteins in 2025

Do you want to gain muscle mass or, conversely, lose weight? In this case, sports nutrition will become your indispensable assistant. To get the same amount of nutrients that are contained in sports nutrition, you need to eat about 4 kilograms of beef and half a dozen chicken eggs daily - hardly anyone will master such a diet.

The main advantages of using protein nutrition include good digestion, absorption and saturation with protein and useful micro and macro elements, as well as convenience and ease of use. There is a wide variety of sports supplements, and some of them are made from chemical compounds. In this article, we will focus on natural products of animal or vegetable origin - proteins.

Types of sports supplements


This is a protein that is slowly absorbed by the body, of a complex chemical composition, which is found in milk and its derivatives. It is in the form of calcium caseinate (a compound of calcium salts with casein). It is used not only in the food industry, but also in medicine, dermatology, and even in the production of glue, paints and plastics. The main difference from other types of protein is its slow absorption over many hours. For this reason, it is preferable to take casein before bed. The cocktail is made on the basis of water, but longer absorption will occur when diluted with milk.


Beef protein is made from bovine meat by hydrolysis. The advantage of the finished product is the low content of fats and cholesterol, as well as the complete absence of gluten and lactose. It contains a large amount of creatine, an amino acid involved in energy metabolism.

The animal supplement is absorbed within half an hour, and the cellulose microfibers reduce appetite, which can be used to correct weight. Best taken in the morning on an empty stomach or in the morning. If you use it before training, then this should be done an hour before the start. The disadvantage of beef protein is the high cost, due to the feedstock.


Egg supplement is obtained from whole eggs, which go through several stages of processing:

  • Filtration through ceramic membranes;
  • Pasteurization - the destruction of bacteria occurs due to short-term exposure to high temperatures;
  • Drying, at this stage the raw material is isolated, dried and then crushed.

The protein is 100% albumin, and the yolk contains 7 amino acids. To gain muscle mass, an egg supplement can be consumed at any time of the day. This product is completely digested by the body and gives a feeling of fullness for a long time.


It is a product of deep processing of soybeans. By properties, it is close to whey, but the difference lies in the absence of lactose in its composition and the possibility of use by vegetarians. It also strengthens bone tissue and lowers blood cholesterol levels.

The protein content is about 94%, which allows you to quickly build and repair muscles, and also increases physical activity and endurance. Soy mixtures should be taken at the rate of 2 grams per 1 kilogram of body weight. The best time to take it is immediately after physical exertion, and on non-training days, it is taken between meals throughout the day. For best results, should be taken with casein or whey protein.


The mixture is obtained from whey, which is formed during the production of cheeses at the stage of milk fermentation. There are several types of whey mixtures, the differences of which are based on production methods:

  • Concentrate. The protein content is between 30 and 80%. This is due to the fact that as a result of production, the filtration phase takes place on membranes, on which a mixed protein mass settles. This is the cheapest whey protein option and is also high in fat and lactose.
  • Isolate. Approximately 90-95% consists of the main component.The content of fats and harmful lactose is practically excluded. This type of mixture for athletes is obtained by the ion-exchange filtration method. Complete assimilation occurs within 1.5 hours.
  • Hydrolyzate. It is the most protein-rich form of protein. Passing through the stage of hydrolysis in the production of protein, large protein compounds are broken down into smaller ones, due to which rapid and complete absorption in the digestive tract occurs. By taste, you can determine whether the protein contains small protein fragments in sufficient quantities, if not, then it will be bitter.

The benefits and harms of protein

Very often, protein is confused with anabolics and considered harmful. But in fact, proteins have nothing to do with steroids. Steroids help to build muscle very quickly and achieve a sculpted body, but at the same time they have an extremely negative effect on the human body, up to death. After all, protein is a product of natural origin, and steroids are chemicals. Everything is clear with steroids, now let's take a closer look at the positive and negative aspects of taking sports supplements.


  • Easy to use, to prepare a portion of the product, it is enough to dilute the dry powder in water or milk;
  • Almost 100% absorbed by the body;
  • Suppresses the desire to eat, by saturating the body with amino acids and lowering sugar levels;
  • Helps increase energy and stamina;
  • Has a longer shelf life than dairy products;
  • It is safe for health if the dosage and rules of use are observed;
  • Helps to normalize insulin levels;
  • Usually proteins are made with various flavors, from which you can choose the flavor you like;
  • It contains all the amino acids necessary for the body;
  • Helps to achieve the desired muscle mass in a short time.


  • Protein supplements are almost 100% protein and do not contain other nutrients, trace elements and vitamins. But some manufacturers specifically add these elements to the powder.
  • If the dosage is exceeded, the protein negatively affects the functioning of the liver and kidneys. Therefore, if you have diseases of these internal organs, it is better to refrain from using sports nutrition.
  • When taking protein, digestive disorders can occur, especially for people suffering from lactose intolerance. True, at present there are special additives that do not contain this component in their composition;
  • The constant use of protein is far from cheap, so not every athlete can afford to take the powder all the time.

Ranking the best proteins in 2025

Among the huge number of sports supplement manufacturers, it is quite difficult for a beginner to find the right protein for himself, and we decided to make a list of the best whey proteins in 2025.

Ultimate Nutrition Prostar 100% Whey Protein

Nutrition has long carved a niche in the list of the best manufacturers of sports nutrition. Nutrition Prostar is a whey isolate that, in addition to protein, includes calcium, sodium, iron, vitamin A, cholesterol, and a small amount of carbohydrates and fats, 2 g. and 0.5 gr. Accordingly, with the expectation of one portion of the powder.

How to use: 1 to 3 times a day, depending on the frequency of physical activity. One portion of the powder is placed in a container with a measuring spoon, then 240 ml of milk or water is poured, to make it thicker, you can reduce the amount of liquid. Then beat with a blender for better mixing.

Ultimate Nutrition Prostar 100% Whey Protein
  • Variety of tastes;
  • Effective muscle growth;
  • It dissolves well in liquids.
  • High price;
  • Not all tastes are good.

R Line Whey

R-Line Whey is designed to compensate for the lack of protein during enhanced training. In the case of a deficiency of this substance, the processes of recovery and growth of muscle tissue slow down, and the athlete's performance decreases. Products are made by ultrafiltration method, which favors rapid absorption.

One serving of R-Line products contains amino acids and carbohydrates (moreover, two types with different absorption rates) in a ratio of 5 to 1, as well as 2 g of fats, calculated per one serving of the product - 45 g. In addition to the main components, the mixture is enriched with mineral and vitamin complex. To prepare a cocktail, you need to mix the measured portion with 300 ml of milk, or optionally with water. It is recommended to take 1 hour before training.

R Line Whey
  • Price;
  • Mixes easily.
  • Chemical aftertaste in some flavors;
  • Very sweet, needs to be diluted more.

Myprotein Impact Whey Protein

The manufacturer guarantees that Myprotein Impact Sports Blend will provide your body with the high amount of protein you need for all-day activity. One serving contains 21 grams of protein, 1 and 1.9 grams of carbohydrates and fats. Energy value - 103 kcal. It also contains glutamine and BCAAs in the amount of 3.6 and 4.5 grams, respectively, which helps to quickly gain muscle mass.

This supplement is best taken within an hour of a workout by dissolving the powder in your favorite drink.It can also be consumed throughout the day to replenish protein deficiency.

Myprotein Impact Whey Protein
  • Excellent taste;
  • Easy to mix;
  • High quality;
  • Variety of flavors.
  • Price.

Geneticlab Nutrition Whey Pro

The protein mixture from the manufacturer Geneticlab contains all the necessary amino acids and useful vitamins and supplements. The manufacturer has its own pharmacological laboratory, which ensures high quality products and regulates the composition of the protein. The energy value of one serving is 121 kcal. A 30-gram serving contains 3 grams of fat and carbohydrates, as well as 22 grams of protein.

The method of application does not differ from the rest of the rating participants. 2 portions of the powder are taken with a measuring spoon, shaken, you can shake it with a shaker and after a few minutes it is advisable to shake it again. It is better to take during intense exercise and as a supplement to the diet in the usual mode.

Geneticlab Nutrition Whey Pro
  • Let's dissolve well;
  • High protein content;
  • Absence of antibiotics and toxic substances;
  • Good taste;
  • High price.

Cult Whey Protein 80

Protein 80 is a Belarusian sports nutrition from Belfitnessproduct. Budget whey protein with 26.5 g of protein per serving of powder, and an energy value of 130 kcal. The composition includes 3 g of carbohydrates and 5 g of fat, as well as the elements necessary for the body - potassium, sodium and iron. Approximately 26 servings per 900 gram pack of whey protein concentrate. Shelf life up to 9 months, which indicates the presence of only natural ingredients in the composition.

The method of preparing a cocktail is simple: mix 3-5 tablespoons of powder in a shaker and pour juice or milk, or water. Best taken in the morning or after a workout. Suitable as a snack during a long break between meals, for example on the road.

Cult Whey Protein 80
  • Good price;
  • Pleasant taste;
  • It dissolves well in water.
  • If the cocktail is not drunk immediately, grains are felt.

SynTrax Whey Shake

In the production of Whey Shake, only non-denatured raw materials are used. This means that the protein does not undergo degradation under the influence of chemicals and elevated temperatures, as a result of which it loses most of its useful properties. A serving of the powder is 30 grams and contains 3 grams of carbohydrates and 1.5 grams of fat. Calorie content - 120 kcal. It also contains useful trace elements up to 15% of the normalized daily intake.

To prepare, mix one serving of protein with liquid, shake well and drink. For those who need a reduced dose of protein, take 15 grams. It is recommended to take in the morning. The package contains powder for 76 servings.

SynTrax Whey Shake
  • Variety of tastes;
  • Efficiency;
  • Compound.
  • High price.

XXI Power Whey Protein

A domestic manufacturer of sports supplements produces whey protein with an 80% protein content. One serving, in addition to vitamins and minerals (approximately 10% of the daily value), contains 16 grams of carbohydrates and 22 grams of protein. Aspartame is used as a sweetener.

Preparation of the solution: take 40 grams of powder and dilute with 200 ml of milk or water, there is no measuring spoon, so approximately 4 tablespoons.Consume between meals or before and after exercise in the gym.

XXI Power Whey Protein
  • Affordable price.
  • Salty taste;
  • No measuring spoon
  • Low content of vitamins.

Pure Protein Whey Protein

The whey protein of the domestic manufacturer Pure Protein is a concentrate and consists of 80% protein. The composition includes wheat germ, as well as fructose and sweetener - sucralose. The nutritional value of one serving is 129 kcal, with protein - 21 g, and fats and carbohydrates 2.6 g and 3 g each. One serving is 30 grams, a pack is enough for 76 meals. It is advisable to take 2-3 times a day, between meals or with reference to training.

ure Protein Whey Protein
  • Does not contain aspartame;
  • The composition does not contain heavy metals and harmful chemicals;
  • Good price;
  • Taste;
  • Solubility.
  • The protein content does not correspond to the indicated composition on the package;
  • It is not well received by everyone.


When buying protein, be sure to pay attention to its composition and the amount of fat and carbohydrates. In quality products, this figure should not exceed 3-4%. For better absorption, the presence of dietary fiber will be an advantage. Some manufacturers offer multicomponent sports nutrition, which ensures that the body is saturated not only with protein, but also with useful elements and vitamins. Also keep in mind the important point that you will drink a cocktail every day, so you should approach the choice of taste thoroughly.

comparison table

BrandThe weightPrice
Ultimate Nutrition Prostar 100%2.27 kgfrom 1190 to 3099 rubles
R Line Whey1.0 kgfrom 760 to 1330 rubles
Myprotein Impact Whey Protein1.0 kgfrom 1400 to 1790 rubles
Geneticlab Nutrition Whey Pro 1.0 kgfrom 1040 to 1512 rubles
Cult Whey Protein 800.9 kg1899 rub
SynTrax Whey Shake2.27 kgfrom 2100 to 2999 rubles
XXI Power0.8 kg794 rub
Pure Protein Whey Protein2.1 kgfrom 1760 to 2449 rubles
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