Unfavorable weather conditions contribute to the constant wetting of shoes. This negatively affects her condition. And even if it is of the highest quality, the wear process will still be significantly accelerated. In addition, a humid environment is favorable for the development of fungal diseases, the first sign of which is the appearance of an unpleasant odor. Many people use heaters as dryers, but this only harms the condition of the shoes. And under normal conditions, the drying process can take up to several days. What then to do? A quality shoe dryer will help solve the problem. This invention has become widespread and is now used in almost every home. Small, lightweight devices have a whole host of useful features that can vary depending on the manufacturer's technologies. In order to decide which product to give preference to, you should understand the features of the work and the structure of each variety.
Now the market represents two types of shoe dryers, which have a different shape, but the same principle of operation: hot air flows from the dryer, due to which the drying and ventilation process is carried out.
Each type has a number of pros and cons, so you need to decide in advance on the tasks for a future purchase.
Often the thought arises: why spend money on a dryer if you can use paper in the old fashioned way and leave your shoes near the heater? In this case, the 3 main advantages of the drying device should be pointed out:
Home methods will not be able to give the highest quality result, so you should think about acquiring such technologies.
Every device, even the simplest one, can be dangerous if handled incorrectly. Therefore, there are a number of rules that should be observed:
Each dryer is accompanied by instructions, which should be carefully read before use.
Appearance and operation of devices may vary. It all depends on the model and purpose. It is recommended to decide in advance on the purpose for which the acquisition is carried out.
According to the scope of use, the following units are distinguished:
However, any of the above devices can be used to dry hats or gloves for a short time.
The type of heating determines directly the scope of use. Any option provides a number of features and rules for operation.
The drying process is carried out using heating elements or under the influence of hot air. Among the advantages of the first option are:
Now on the market you can find a wide variety of colors, shapes and sizes. However, with constant use, for the most part, such devices do not last long, especially if the manufacturer is unreliable.
The principle of operation of structures equipped with a fan is the same as that of a hair dryer. Heated air is supplied by means of a stand and tubes. You can place such a device both on the floor and on the wall. Any type of shoe dries fairly quickly due to exposure to hot air from the inside.
Nevertheless, it is worth remembering that this type of heating often carries a danger for some types of shoes. Constant exposure to hot air can cause the material to dry out, leading to surface cracks. To avoid negative consequences, you should carefully calculate the drying time and check the condition of the boots every half hour.
Usually this type of heating can be found in rugs. Its main feature is absolute security.In addition, more than one pair of boots can be placed on such a “platform”. There are also some additional benefits:
The design of the device provides for frequent transportation. There are simply no drawbacks, except for the fact that some models have a short cord.
This type of heating not only helps to remove moisture, but also destroys bacteria, which relieves the feet of unpleasant odors. Shoes do not deform, which is achieved due to the special shape of the product. Ultraviolet rays act locally. This allows you to absolutely secure a person. Double insulation minimizes the chance of a short circuit or fire. Excellent effect on fur and skin, because. heating temperature is low. Often used for drying due to excessive sweating of the legs.
But despite all the advantages, you should pay attention to a number of disadvantages: the choice of models is scarce, and the price is quite high. In addition, many manufacturers produce fakes, where instead of ultraviolet lamps, ordinary LEDs are installed that glow in blue.
Different models have different types of power supply. You should choose the one that will be more convenient to use under the right conditions. Among the main ones are:
The choice should be approached responsibly, because the buyer risks not only throwing money away for nothing, but also ruining expensive shoes.
Now there are models that have additions to their main functional set. These include:
It is these features that make a universal device out of an ordinary device. Brand units have in their arsenal the function of protection against overheating, automatic temperature control, built-in timer.
The main advantage of the presented model is the affordable price. Now there is an opinion that Chinese manufacturers produce low-quality goods, but this is far from the case. The model with the effect of UV radiation deserves attention.At the end of drying, any shoes will please with the result. In addition, the smell of sweat completely disappears. This is achieved through rapid drying, which negatively affects pathogens. Simply put, the device perfectly removes fungal formations. Most buyers appreciate the performance of this device. Although the model is budgetary, it nevertheless allows you to take care not only of the dryness of the shoes, but also of the safety of the legs. Dryer design is standard. The dimensions of the heating elements are average, and the process itself takes place in a short time. The maximum temperature does not exceed 70 degrees. The device does not emit any odors during operation, which is ensured by special plastic.
The shoe dryer, equipped with UV LEDs, operates at a heating temperature of 60 degrees. Despite the high temperature, the shoes are not damaged. Heating elements with their appearance resemble computer mice.
This device is suitable for lovers of skiing. Any sports equipment dries in just a few hours. The device significantly saves time and protects health. In addition, the design provides a built-in timer and even provides the ability to charge devices via USB.
The purpose of the device is universal. Belongs to the middle price category.The device is represented by an electric mat, from which heat emanates and drying is carried out. The functionality is quite varied. Often the rug is used for other purposes: for heating limbs or as bedding for animals. In addition, it is possible to dry small clothes. It is worth remembering that the device does not turn off by itself. Those. it will work until it is removed from the network. The material is durable and pleasant to look at, which makes the rug itself neat and attractive. On average, drying takes no more than 3 hours. There is no emission of unpleasant odors. The procedure is carried out at a temperature of 38 degrees, which guarantees not only comfort in use, but also safety.
This model occupies a leading position in terms of ease of use and compactness. The manufacturer is Russian, the product belongs to the budget, but at the same time effective designs. Drying is gentle, due to the presence of a special heat-radiating coating. This approach allows you to save the original shape of the shoe. The undoubted advantage of the device is its ability to dry not only overall shoes, but also smaller sizes. Warm air is distributed evenly, which guarantees safe heating. Most buyers praise the presented model. The complete set is standard: 2 heating elements and a cable connecting them. Huge power values are not observed, which indicates a small power consumption. However, it takes a little time to dry. The compactness of the device makes it mobile.
This model is very popular in Russia. It is especially popular in autumn and spring. The final result can be seen after 6-7 hours. The device works at a temperature of 50-60 degrees. The dryer reaches such values in 10 minutes.
Timson products are aimed specifically at the sports sector. Most models, like this one, are equipped with an antifungal component. It is thanks to this introduction that the sneakers after several hours of drying will not only look, but also smell like new. The complete procedure takes 4 to 6 hours.
The device sterilizes shoes and destroys unpleasant odors. There will not even be a hint of a fungus if you constantly use this device. The cost here is absolutely justified by the result. Most buyers call Breeze an indispensable assistant for the whole family.
This product is the best according to buyers in 2025. Drying takes 15 minutes, after which the machine turns off automatically. For this reason, it does not need to be constantly monitored.The destruction of the fungus is explained by the fact that during drying, all pathogenic microbes simply die. Judging by the reviews, electricity consumption is small. The design is compact, so it does not take up much space.
Acquaintance with the characteristics of a future purchase is the main and most important stage. It will also be useful to consult with experts.
Specialty stores are the most reliable suppliers, so it is recommended to purchase in such places. In addition, there the seller is obliged to present a certificate of quality at the first request.This will confirm that the product is really of high quality and meets the declared characteristics.