
  1. General information
  2. Process technology
  3. Device
  4. Stages of work
  5. Advantages and features
  6. Varieties
  7. Criterias of choice
  8. Where could I buy
  9. The best biological treatment plants
  10. Installation and maintenance

Rating of the best biological treatment plants for 2025

Rating of the best biological treatment plants for 2025

One of the most important engineering systems in the house to ensure a comfortable stay is sewage. Only if it is available, it is possible to install and operate a kitchen sink, modern household appliances, a washing machine or a bathroom. However, not every country house or cottage has the ability to connect to a centralized sewer network. At the same time, the solution options in the form of a cesspool or a metal barrel are completely irrelevant due to the reasons for causing irreparable harm to the environment, a short service life and unaesthetic performance.

Forgetting about outdated methods of getting out of an unpleasant situation allows the use of a biological treatment plant (SBO), which, thanks to bacteria, allows you to process sewage to a safe level. The resulting water can be watered plants or used for other technical needs.

This review will help you navigate among the models of the best manufacturers on the domestic market in order not to make a mistake when choosing the best device for your home or site.

General information

A biological treatment station is an autonomous complex device for receiving wastewater, processing it with the help of active microorganisms and discharging purified water through a distribution well with a drainage pump into the ground, ditch or special tank.

Effluent contaminants can be organic or inorganic. They include:

  • compounds of acetone, benzene, glucose, ethanol, etc.;
  • proteins, carbohydrates, fats;
  • nitrogen and chloride compounds;
  • potassium;
  • calcium;
  • phosphorus;
  • surface-active substances (surfactants), sulfates, phosphates, etc.

When decaying, organic compounds fall out in the form of putrefactive sediments, emitting a characteristic sewer odor.The biological method is designed to remove organic matter by forced aeration by colonies of aerobic microorganisms at a high level of oxygen saturation of wastewater.

Biotreatment stations are used:

  • with a high level of groundwater;
  • with low water resistance of the soil.

Installation locations:

  • country houses;
  • roadside cafes;
  • baths and saunas;
  • small cottage and country settlements;
  • small airports;
  • recreation centers;
  • warehouses.

Process technology

A variety of microorganisms - bacteria, viruses, algae, fungi, protozoa, etc. - feed and receive energy from organic compounds contained in wastewater. Thus, they break down organic matter into simple elements - methane, water, carbon dioxide, hydrogen sulfide.

In a nutrient medium, colonies of microorganisms grow and self-renew, and in the case of an excess of “food”, they multiply beyond the norm. When they die, they sink to the bottom and, together with the excess, are removed from the tank.

Thus, the main component of biological treatment is the specific biocenosis of microorganisms that process pollution.

To increase the activity of processing, a number of conditions are required:

  • absence/presence of oxygen;
  • a certain temperature level;
  • acid-base balance.

Bacteria are used in SBO:

  • aerobic;
  • anaerobic.

Their main types and characteristics are presented in the table:

The need for oxygen for liferequirednot required
Life temperature range, deg.9 - 299 - 37
Acid-base balance, pH5,0 - 7,06,0 - 8,0
Types of bacteriapseudomonas (80% activated sludge) - process alcohols, fatty acids, aromatic carbohydrates, paraffins and other organic substances;hydrolytics (the first stage of methanogenesis) - break down proteins, fats, cellulose compounds, starch to form glycerol, fatty acids, amino acids, peptides, mono- and disaccharides;
nitrifying - oxidize nitrogen compounds;acidogenic (second stage of methanogenesis) - processing of intermediate products of hydrolysis by butyric, acetone-butyl, propionic, alcoholic fermentation;
sulfur bacteria and thionic bacteria - process reduced sulfur compounds;heteroacetogenic (the third stage of methanogenesis) - the transfer of organic acids (butyric, propionic) into acetic acid;
filamentous - oxidize carbon compounds;methanogenic (completion of anaerobic purification) - the formation of biogas by processing hydrogen, carbon dioxide and fumes, acetate, methylamine, methanol.
cellulose-decomposing - process cellulose fiber.


The complex includes a chain of various equipment. The final modification is determined by the needs of the customer. Regardless of the type, the composition includes several chambers or modules in which polluted effluents are neutralized. As a rule, a standard device consists of the following main components:

  • reservoirs (receiving, secondary clarifier, outlet);
  • well;
  • distributor;
  • silt accumulator;
  • pumps and compressors;
  • gratings are mechanical;
  • biological filters;
  • disinfectants;
  • pipelines.

Stages of work

  1. Wastewater enters the first module, which acts as a sump. There, substances with a low density form a film on the surface, and with a high density they precipitate as a precipitate.
  2. Then, with the help of pumps, the initially purified liquid is fed into the second module with microorganisms, the vital activity of which is supported by the oxygen supplied by the compressor. This is where the pollutants begin to decompose.
  3. In the third module, the sludge is separated from the liquid and directed to a separate collection compartment - the silt accumulator. At the same time, the purified water goes into the drainage well for use on the farm when watering plants, washing cars or filling barrels.

Advantages and features

The main advantages of SBO are:

  • high level of purification up to 98%;
  • the possibility of reusing water for technical needs and irrigation;
  • complete elimination of unpleasant odors;
  • long service life;
  • installation in a territory with a high level of groundwater;
  • simple maintenance;
  • independence from weather and climatic conditions.

During operation, avoid contact with:

  • aggressive detergents that cause the death of bacteria;
  • non-degradable solid waste (mushrooms, vegetable residues).


By degree of efficiency

  1. Models of accumulative type with one filter. Effluent is collected and odors are conserved. Due to low performance, such devices are not popular among users.
  2. Chamber products with several filters (or one to five). The efficiency is 9o-99%.
  3. Hybrid stations combining the advantages of accumulative and chamber structures.

According to body material

  1. Plastic.
  2. Fiberglass.
  3. Made of durable steel.
  4. Concrete.

By place of installation

  1. Underground - equipment is located underground.
  2. Ground - a tank is installed on the surface, and pipes are laid underground.

Body Orientation

  1. Vertical.
  2. Horizontal.

Based on electricity

  1. Volatile - with the obligatory connection of equipment to electric current networks.
  2. Non-volatile - without mandatory connection to the power grid with independent movement of drains due to the slope.

Criterias of choice

Experts advise what to look for in order to avoid mistakes when choosing:

  • the required degree of equipment productivity, depending on a large or small family, per person 200 liters per day;
  • the volume of drains and salvo discharge - with the right selection, you can use any plumbing;
  • the type and amount of contaminants to be treated;
  • required level of efficiency;
  • the likelihood of clogging;
  • condition of permanent or non-permanent residence;
  • the material and shape of the hull structure must withstand the pressure of the soil;
  • soil freezing depth and groundwater level;
  • stability in the ground and the presence of hooks;
  • the complexity of the electrics and the number of modes are more reliable simple models;
  • alarm equipment;
  • installation technology - the depth of the tie-in of the inlet pipe, the use of special equipment, the removal of purified water;
  • service methods - self-pumping, inviting a service engineer, calling a vacuum cleaner;
  • the cost of the model and turnkey installation.

Where could I buy

Popular SBO models are available from dealers or specialized stores. The best budget news from the best manufacturers are always available there, you can see and touch it with your hands, study the descriptions and compare the characteristics. Managers will give recommendations and advice - what are they, which company is better to buy, how to choose, how much it costs.

If there is no decent choice in the place of residence, a suitable station is available for ordering online in the online store. In advance, you can familiarize yourself with the model range, see photos and user reviews.

The best biological treatment plants

The rating of quality products is based on the opinions of buyers who installed them in their summer cottages or country houses. The popularity of the models is due to efficiency, daily output, reliability, economy and cost.

The review presents ratings among the best universal stations and models recommended for use in high water tables.

The best industrial and settlement treatment facilities


The system is a wastewater treatment plant with gravity or forced drainage. GRINLOS aeration units are modular and designed for deep wastewater treatment. Assume installation for a group of cottages, a commercial or industrial facility in the absence of a centralized sewerage system.

Models of the PROM series are designed for a different number of users, the maximum figure is 300 people. The marking on the body of the septic tank will allow you to choose the appropriate system.

With similar parameters, you can choose a septic tank with a different height of the body and the method of discharge of wastewater: gravity or forced.

The case is made of high-quality polypropylene, characterized by sufficient thickness and relatively light weight. This makes it possible to obtain a structure that is resistant to chemical and mechanical damage, while the installation of such a cleaning system is greatly simplified.

Additional structural strength was achieved due to the cylindrical shape of the septic tanks, which provides additional resistance to compression.

Multi-stage modern treatment technology allows you to clean wastewater by 99%.

LOS GREENLOSS have ISO 9001 certificates, and have also successfully passed the quality and safety examination.

Technical specifications:

Number of users, pers.30-300
Processing volume, cubic meters/day6-100
Volley discharge, l1500-10000
  • High cleaning efficiency, wastewater treatment degree - up to 90%;
  • Ease of installation;
  • Service life of systems - 50 years;
  • The shape of the cylinder provides high structural strength;
  • Body material - wear-resistant polypropylene;
  • Low operating costs due to the thoughtful design of the VOC;
  • Quality assurance and safety, confirmed by certificates.
  • No.

Eurolos Ecoprom

This line of autonomous septic tanks is designed for wastewater treatment on a village scale. In the model range, you can choose a cleaning system designed for a different number of users: from 40 to 200 people. Such sewerage treatment facilities are also designed for deep biological treatment of domestic and similar industrial wastewater from commercial facilities.

The maximum indicator of the processing volume is 40 cubic meters / day.

The septic tank is a horizontally mounted cylinder, internally divided into 7 chambers, which communicate in series with each other.

You can choose a system with a different method of water discharge: gravity or forced. The latter, with similar data, will cost a little more.

Installation of the system provides for installation on a reinforced concrete slab or on sand.

Common parameters:

Number of users, pers.40-200
Processing volume, cubic meters/day8-40
Volley discharge, l1600-6000
Eurolos Ecoprom
  • Own production with a delivery time of 1 week;
  • UV disinfection provided;
  • Service life - at least 50 years;
  • A multi-stage cleaning system is used;
  • The cylindrical shape is an additional guarantee of strength.
  • Not marked.


This biological autonomous sewage system can be installed both for one house or cottage, and for cottage settlements. The model range is represented by VOCs, designed for a different number of users, from 1 to 65. Just like the analogues presented above, wastewater treatment systems are produced with a different discharge method: by gravity or forcibly. For convenience of choice, the manufacturer has provided the appropriate abbreviation in the names of cleaning stations.

The cleaning systems are made in the form of cylinders, their number can vary according to the required processing volume and the number of users.

The structures are equipped with lugs, which makes it easy and reliable to install the cleaning system.

Main parameters:

Number of users, pers.1-65
Productivity: l/day600-12000
Volley discharge, l250-2400
  • The shape of the cylinder and the provided stiffening ribs ensure the wear resistance of the structure, not subject to compression;
  • You can choose the method of diverting water;
  • High degree of purification - up to 98%;
  • The cleaning process is carried out without the use of chemicals.
  • Not marked.

TOP 4 best universal biological treatment plants

Unilos "Astra"

Brand - Unilos (Russia).
Manufacturer - SBM-Group LLC (Moscow)

Models of domestic production for wastewater treatment in cottages, country houses, holiday villages. They can be used in houses intended for permanent residence of up to 150 people, with a daily water consumption of up to 30,000 liters and a burst discharge of up to 4,600 liters. The discharge of purified water is carried out either forcibly by means of a pump into a reservoir or soil, or by gravity into a reclamation ditch, a drainage well or a filtration field. For the manufacture of the case, an integral three-layer polypropylene is used. The compressor is set to a constant mode of operation, which allows to increase the service life and comfortable conditions for bacteria. Manufacturer's warranty - 10 years.

Price - from 96,000 rubles.

Biological treatment station Unilos "Astra"
  • high efficiency up to 95%;
  • the presence of an additional filter with a disinfectant;
  • long service life up to 50 years;
  • compact dimensions;
  • complete water tightness and tightness;
  • optimal temperature regime (15-17°C) with the exception of the possibility of freezing of purified water at the outlet to the storage tank or filtration field;
  • without the need for additional filters.
  • energy dependence;
  • there are restrictions on recyclable substances;
  • professional service required.

Mini-review of Unilos Astra:

Eurolos Bio

Brand - Evrolos (Russia).
The manufacturer is Eurolos LLC (Moscow).

A wide range of products of European quality to provide coarse mechanical and deep biological treatment of sewage. Discharge is carried out directly into the ground. Productivity is up to 4 cubic meters per day (for 20 people), salvo discharge - up to 1100 liters.

The design includes three chambers and a biofilter placed in the bioreactor.With constant circulation, wastewater is regularly biofiltered to achieve high efficiency in the range of 92-98%. The anaerobic action of bacteria ensures continuous operation for two to three weeks without additional feeding of new microorganisms. Drains with paper, vegetable waste, detergents are accepted. The sludge with the addition of bacteria must be pumped out every five years. The special device of system of ventilation allows to eliminate all unpleasant smells. The cylindrical shape ensures even distribution of ground pressure with increased durability. Failure of work is excluded due to the autonomous non-volatile operation of the product.

Price - from 81,200 rubles, installation cost - from 23,000 rubles.

biological treatment plant Eurolos Bio
  • high degree of purification up to 98%;
  • simple maintenance;
  • offline work;
  • effective neutralization of unpleasant odors;
  • wastewater pumping is not required;
  • the possibility of processing wastewater with various contaminants;
  • small dimensions;
  • reasonable average price.
  • periodically pumping is required;
  • decrease in efficiency when the power is turned off for a long time.

Review of "Eurolos Bio":


Brand - Topas (Russia).
Producer - GK "TOPO-ECO" (Moscow).

A model range of innovative cast structures with a three-fold degree of sewage treatment for the arrangement of cottages, holiday villages, technical premises. The use of equipment and materials from well-known European companies (Leister, Bosch, Metabo, Wegner) determines the impeccable quality of the local treatment system. It is possible to choose among a large range of standard models, as well as order non-standard products for individual projects.Installation is possible in sandy or clay soils, as well as in deep freezing ground. Working resource up to 50 years with proper operation.

Modifications are determined by marking:

  • Long - with an elongated neck;
  • Pr - with a built-in pump for forced output;
  • Us - reinforced structure withstanding the additional load of soil pressure;
  • Us Long - for in-depth installation.

Technical specifications:

Number of conditional users, pers.4 - 150
Volley discharge, l175 - 4500
Productivity, m3/day0,8 - 24
Drainageself-flowing, forced
Inlet Height standard/deep (0.4 - 1.4 m)
Weight, kg215 - 3330

Price - from 120,500 rubles.

biological treatment station Topas
  • high efficiency up to 98%;
  • for seasonal and permanent residence;
  • without the need for pumping out with a sewer;
  • no unpleasant odor;
  • processing of any household waste;
  • the possibility of discharge into a drain or ditch;
  • high strength;
  • simple installation without concreting;
  • compact dimensions;
  • inexpensive service;
  • long work without drains.
  • overpriced compared to other manufacturers;
  • faster wear of the membranes due to the constant switching on / off of the compressors;
  • energy dependence.

Autonomous sewerage "TOPAS":

Greenlos Aqua

Brand - Greenlos Aqua (Russia).
Producer - LLC "Innovative Ecological Equipment" (Moscow).

A model range for the processing of domestic wastewater from a small enterprise or a country house with the possibility of daily service from three to 12 users. Depending on the model, productivity is from 0.6 to 2.5 cubic meters. m / day, volley discharge - 150 - 700 liters, which ensures the connection of the main plumbing devices.The body is made of durable polypropylene, resistant to crushing and providing a long service life of up to 50 years. The design is made in the form of a cylinder, the neck is located on top. Inside, with the help of partitions, four chambers are created, interconnected by technological holes and branch pipes. Drainage of treated effluents is carried out directly into the soil.

Price - from 103,900 rubles.

biological treatment plant Greenlos Aqua
  • high recycling efficiency up to 99%;
  • structural strength;
  • low operating costs;
  • long service life;
  • maintaining performance in the absence of drains;
  • without the need to add biological products;
  • ease of installation and maintenance;
  • low noise level;
  • minimum energy costs.
  • there are restrictions on the substances to be purified.

About Greenlos Aqua 3:

TOP 3 best SBOs for high groundwater levels

BIO-S Comfort

Brand - BIO-S (Russia).
The manufacturer is EcoGidroStroy LLC (Lobnya, Moscow region).

A wide range of products for creating an autonomous sewage system in a cottage village or a country house that meets the needs of specific people. The cylindrical polypropylene body, reinforced with metal rings, has high strength and evenly distributes the load of the soil. The high efficiency of multi-stage biological treatment allows the removal of purified water without any unpleasant odor directly to the relief. Technological equipment and instruments are placed inside the tank and protected by special partitions. Removal of silt and dirt from the working compartments is carried out no more than once every two years.

Technical specifications:

Number of conditional users, pers.1 - 100
Volley discharge, l200 - 3100
Productivity, l/day.500 - 20000
Drainageforced, forced
Height, m2,0 - 2,6
Diameter, m1,2 - 4,0
Weight, kg100 - 850

Price - from 87,500 rubles.

biological treatment station BIO-S Comfort
  • high efficiency with the possibility of using treated water for technical purposes or diverting it to water bodies or to relief;
  • durable cylindrical body with the exception of breakdowns and deformation;
  • absence of unpleasant odors;
  • long service life up to 50 years with preservation of integrity and original properties;
  • compact dimensions;
  • practical and easy installation;
  • minimum maintenance;
  • affordable cost.
  • high sensitivity to volley discharges.

BIO-S Comfort installation:


Brand - PEGAS (Russia).
Producer - PEGAS ENGINEERING LLC (Moscow region, Ruza).

Domestic models for creating comfortable living conditions in places where there is no centralized sewerage system. The body of the plastic container with a thickness of 0.8 cm is made of durable polypropylene. Inside the tank is divided into a five-section settling tank, through the chambers of which sewage passes in series. Bacteria are loaded into the biological section installed at the top of the structure. The intake of settled water from the third chamber is performed by a circulation pump, which sprays it over the bioload to saturate the wastewater with oxygen. Post-treatment at the overflow to the fourth chamber is performed by the MATALA biofilter. For maintenance, it is enough to pump out the receiving chamber once every two years.

Technical specifications:

Number of conditional users, pers.3 – 15
Volley discharge, l180 – 800
Productivity, cubic meters / day0,6 – 3,0
Drainageself-flowing, forced
Weight, kg120 – 255

Price - from 104,000 rubles.

biological treatment plant PEGAS
  • high efficiency (98%);
  • good performance;
  • the possibility of dumping onto a terrain or into a ditch;
  • elimination of unpleasant odors;
  • minimum operating costs;
  • infrequent service;
  • available accessories;
  • durability.
  • overpriced.

Septic tank PEGAS:


Brand - Tver (Russia).
Producer - Trade House "Engineering equipment - Septic tanks" Tver "(Moscow).

A large line of autonomous sewage systems, numbering over 40 models with a capacity of 0.35 to 200 m3 per day and a burst discharge of up to 500 liters. Products are produced in basic configuration for temporary or permanent use by a total number of up to 30 users. In addition, it is planned to manufacture large-scale structures that provide the integration of various structures, where more than 1500 users are located. The full cycle of processing is carried out within the system without the need for additional investments. Installation depth from 2.0 meters.

The modification is identified by a marking indicating special operating and installation conditions:

  • P - polypropylene housings with gravity drainage and installation of inlet pipes at a level of 0.3 m from the surface;
  • PN - installation of a system of pumps for forced withdrawal;
  • PM - increased depth of nozzle entry from 0.6 to 1.0 m due to the use of "rib extension" technology;
  • NP - placement of the inlet pipe at a level of up to 1.4 meters, equipping with an additional module with stiffeners for the pump (fecal);
  • NPN - equipment of two chambers for fecal pumps.

Cost - from 86,900 rubles, installation price - from 18,300 rubles.

biological treatment station Tver
  • a large range of models with the ability to choose a station for one or two people;
  • versatility of use;
  • high efficiency;
  • without unpleasant odors;
  • energy independence;
  • compact dimensions;
  • ease of installation and maintenance;
  • excellent anti-corrosion properties;
  • long service life.
  • with light weight, the need for additional fastening.

Mounting Tver-P:

Installation and maintenance

With a competent approach to the process, taking into account the necessary requirements, the installation of a biotreatment station can be done independently with your own hands. There are many step-by-step instructions on the Internet that provide for the following steps:

  1. Selection and coordination of the installation site and excavation of the pit, corresponding to the dimensions of the structure. Determination of the location of the insulation to protect the structure from damage and extend the service life.
  2. Installation of a concrete slab at the bottom of the pit and installation of a station on it. Fastening the body with straps or clamps. Placement at the top of the design of the cleaning system.
  3. Connection of branch pipes with the implementation of drainage.
  4. Filling the tank with water and backfilling the empty space with soil.

How to install SBO yourself:

For a long service life and trouble-free operation, proper care and maintenance of the system is required:

  • timely pumping of sediment and excess sludge;
  • regular replacement of filters and other consumables;
  • control of operability of electrical equipment;
  • cleaning pumps and filters from plaque and dirt;
  • flushing the tank in case of long-term operation.

Happy cleaning. Take care of yourself and your loved ones!

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