
  1. Skin itching: what is it, causes
  2. Symptoms
  3. Medical therapy
  4. The best remedies for itching

Rating of the best remedies for itchy skin for 2025

Rating of the best remedies for itchy skin for 2025

One of the most common reasons for seeking medical advice is itchy skin. It is very irritating, reduces the ability to work, creates discomfort, sleep disturbances. Itching occurs most often due to fungal infections or an allergic reaction. The TOP of the most effective remedies for skin itching will help solve this unpleasant problem.

Skin itching: what is it, causes

Skin itching can simultaneously act on the nerves and irritate, but if you managed to satisfy this annoying need even for a minute, a feeling of pleasure appears.Let's see what characteristics medicine and physiology will give to skin itching.

A strong desire to scratch the skin appears due to the fact that blood rushes to the receptors in the upper layer of the skin. Irritation of receptors can be facilitated by acids, toxins or hormones contained in the blood. Excess release of any compounds is usually a response to a disease or an event. Depending on this, groups of factors that can cause itching are distinguished.

Signs of itching can appear in anyone, regardless of gender or age. Its occurrence can be a wide range of different factors that are associated or not associated with the course of the disease.

Itching of the skin is a symptom that can be accompanied by a huge number of external signs indicating various types of pathologies. To determine the etiological factor from which such a sign follows, and to give an accurate diagnosis, it is necessary to conduct an instrumental laboratory examination.

The cause of itching determines the tactics of therapy, but for most cases, conservative methods are sufficient.


Itching of the skin is mainly caused by the course of various diseases, therefore, in addition to the main symptoms, other signs of skin lesions can be observed. Such specific clinical manifestations include:

  1. The appearance of red spots on the skin, often with a clear border. They are often blistered and protrude above the surface of the skin. In certain diseases, several zones of redness can merge into one.
  2. The skin is flaky, and peeling scales cause serious discomfort.
  3. There is a burning sensation.
  4. Due to constant scratching, wounds and scratches appear in problem areas, as well as characteristic rashes.
  5. In places of bursting bubbles or abscesses, crusts form.

These clinical manifestations are often symptoms of liver disease. But there are other signs that signal problems with the liver:

  1. Strong gas formation.
  2. Disorders of bowel movements, expressed in diarrhea or constipation. There may be an alternation of both.
  3. Urine becomes dark in color, and feces, on the contrary, become discolored.
  4. The skin and mucous membranes turn yellow.

Often itching appears without any rash. In such cases, you can pay attention to the bitterness in the mouth, as well as general malaise.

If the occurrence of the problem was influenced by physiological causes, for example, pregnancy, then the list of additional signs can be replenished with the following:

  1. Sleep disturbance or lack thereof.
  2. A state of irritability.
  3. Depression.
  4. Feeling emotional and physical discomfort.

It is necessary to pay attention to the fact that all the above factors are only the main signs that accompany the appearance of itching of the skin. All symptoms are strictly individual. There are exceptions when, in addition to the main symptom, no signs are noted. This happens with diseases of the hematopoietic system or mental disorders.

Medical therapy

In the event that drugs cannot be dispensed with, antihistamines become the basis of treatment, as the main means of regulating the irritability of nerve endings by reducing the amount of free histamine.Antihistamines are considered type 1 histamine receptor blockers, and there are several classes of them.

The first one is very well known. This class includes drugs such as Tavegil, Diazolin, Suprastin, Diphenhydramine. Their action in modern conditions is considered rude, and the drugs themselves are outdated, because they have side effects: sedation, drowsiness. But, oddly enough, these side effects for those suffering from chronic pruritus can even be useful, since the drugs have an effect on muscarinic cholinergic receptors.

For patients with pronounced neurosis, insomnia and severe irritability, who are exhausted from itching, such side effects can be a salvation, as they will bring relief by helping to calm down and make it easier to fall asleep.

I would like to recall that each drug first receives an international non-proprietary name or INN. The following lists the most popular commercial names, the first of which is the name of the original medicinal product under which it was marketed.

The best remedies for itching

The inclusion or non-inclusion of individual drugs in the rating, as well as the sequence of presentation of information, is not intended to create advertising or anti-advertising, it is due to current clinical guidelines. The sequence in which drugs are listed on popular pharmaceutical sites is also taken into account.

2nd generation antihistamines

The basis for the treatment of severe chronic itching are second-generation antihistamines that do not have a sedative effect, since they do not have the ability to penetrate the structures of the nervous system.


A drug that is very popular. It can be prescribed in various dosage forms and for internal use - in the form of tablets and drops, and for external use - in the form of a gel. The use of this drug is allowed even for infants.

It is recommended to use for eczema, itchy dermatoses, urticaria, insect bites, as well as for mild burns. It has antipruritic and antiallergic effects. Since the gel does not contain hormones, its use does not cause side effects at all.

The drug is applied to problem areas 2-4 times a day. Its effect is felt within a few minutes, the maximum efficiency is reached after 1-4 hours.

Important! With severe itching, the drug is recommended to be used only as directed by a doctor.

  • adults should use the drug for no longer than 30 days;
  • highly effective;
  • pleasant neutral smell, without fragrances;
  • easy to apply;
  • quick relief;
  • it is allowed to prescribe to infants from the second month of life.
  • causes dry mouth;
  • pupils dilate;
  • the heart rate increases.
  • other side effects anticholinergic action.


A popular antihistamine for dealing with allergies. It is included in the Russian list of drugs necessary for life, approved by the Government of the Russian Federation. Loratadine relieves the course of seasonal exacerbations and reduces the symptoms of allergic reactions.

The drug is available in two forms - syrup and tablets, the main active ingredient of which is loratadine.

The tablets, in addition to loratadine, contain sodium croscarmellose, calcium stearate, lactose, polyvinylpyrrolidone and potato starch. Tablets of different pharmaceutical companies differ in composition, shape and color, as well as in the type of packaging. Both regular tablets and effervescent tablets are available, which dissolve in water.

The syrup contains, in addition to loratadine, citric acid, purified water, sorbitol and flavors. Its packaging and composition also varies from manufacturer to manufacturer.

The drug is produced by several domestic pharmaceutical companies, so the rules for its storage may vary. You can buy it at any pharmacy without a prescription. After purchasing Loratadine, you must carefully read the instructions for use to learn how to properly store the drug.

  • low price;
  • high European quality, as it is included in the list of essential medicines.
  • headache.


Erius can rightfully be considered a safe modern drug that is approved for use by children from the age of six months. It belongs to the group of drugs that block receptors, so it does not have a hypnotic or sedative effect. Erius significantly alleviates the condition not only with skin itching, but also with all kinds of allergic edema, and the effect after its use has a long duration. The drug has proven itself in the treatment of classic allergic diseases - Quincke's edema, conjunctivitis, urticaria or allergic rhinitis.

Erius is produced in two forms - syrup and tablets.
Taking this drug with strict adherence to the indicated dosage does not affect the decrease in attention while driving a car or working with moving mechanisms. The maximum allowable daily dose is one tablet.

  • good efficiency;
  • high quality;
  • causes very few side effects.
  • if the dosage is exceeded, dry mouth, a feeling of severe fatigue and headaches appear;
  • reception is contraindicated for pregnant and lactating women.


A French-made drug from the well-known company Sanofi-Aventis. Allegra is a new generation antihistamine drug with a complete absence of side effects observed during the use of earlier drugs and alpha-blockers. A positive effect is noticeable after an hour, and its duration after a single dose lasts 24 hours. The drug is not addictive and does not require an increase in dosage, no matter how long it takes. Allegra is prescribed for chronic itching of various forms, chronic urticaria, allergic rhinitis.

When prescribing the drug, care must be taken for people with hepatic or renal insufficiency or pathologies of the cardiovascular system. Allegra is considered to be effective in relieving both symptomatic prurigo and prurigo.

  • a small number of contraindications;
  • fast action;
  • convenient regimen - one tablet per day;
  • prolonged action.
  • has side effects: nausea, diarrhea, headaches, dizziness, drowsiness, muscle pain, cough;
  • contraindicated in children under 12 years of age, pregnant and lactating mothers, people with high sensitivity to the main components.


The drug is produced by the Czech company Zentiva, the package contains 7 tablets of 5 mg. Zodak is used for both acute and chronic pruritus, it can be prescribed for almost any allergic disease - from Quincke's edema to urticaria. Does not cause side effects - dry mouth, drowsiness, changes in pupil size, urinary retention.

The scheme of application is usual - one tablet once a day. For the treatment of a small child, it is possible to prescribe the drug in the form of drops.

  • the ability to selectively block histamine receptors without causing undesirable side effects;
  • convenient regimen - once a day;
  • long-term effect of a single dose;
  • ideal for compliance.
  • some increase in appetite;
  • headache;
  • increased fatigue.

Preparations for external therapy

The use of topical preparations will have a positive effect only in the presence of itchy dermatosis with an altered condition of the skin - the formation of papules or tubercles, blisters, vesicles or vesicles filled with transparent contents that cause severe itching. These elements are considered primary.

Secondary morphological elements, different from the primary ones, are traces of scratching, crusts, wounds with suppuration, etc. They arise as a result of scratching on the skin, which remains practically unchanged, thus violating the integrity of the skin and threatening to attach a secondary infection.The main objectives of the use of external agents for severe chronic itching are to reduce the intensity of itching, drying, antibacterial and disinfectant action. We offer to consider the most famous drugs.

Losterin, zinc-naphthalan paste

A product in the form of a cream, which is perfect for daily care of problem skin. It is based on a natural oil compound - deresined naftalan, and contains urea, salicylic acid, zinc oxide and additional components. Due to the presence of urea, Losterin is able to penetrate deep into the epidermis and produce a stronger exfoliating effect. Also, the drug has a long-term analgesic, antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, vasodilating effect.

Salicylic acid does not allow microorganisms to develop, and panthenol, vitamin E and a complex of fatty acids present in the composition regulate the water and lipid balance, providing a trophic effect. The drug is approved for long-term use, taken 2-3 times a day.

Losterin, zinc-naphthalan paste
  • lack of toxicity;
  • easily tolerated;
  • sold without a doctor's prescription;
  • in complex therapy with antihistamines, it reduces the sensitivity of skin receptors, is able to increase the reflex threshold of itching;
  • does not allow secondary infection to join, helps to get rid of dryness, the appearance of cracks due to frequent scratching.
  • individual reaction to naftalan or perfume composition. When the skin smells of oil, others are not very comfortable.

Ichthyol ointment, paste, cream (ichthammol)

In dermatology, ichthyol ointment is very popular. The drug is available in the form of an ointment, paste or cream, the most effective concentration is 10% or 20%.Provides effective assistance in the fight against itching - reduces skin sensitivity, gives antimicrobial, antistreptococcal and antistaphylococcal effects. The drug has been successfully used to treat neuralgia and various forms of arthritis, in addition to the problem of itchy skin.

The agent is applied, without rubbing, on the surface of the skin with a thin layer 2-3 times a day. At night, it is allowed to close the treated area of ​​​​skin with a bandage.

Ichthyol ointment, paste, cream (ichthammol)
  • allowed to apply to pregnant and lactating mothers;
  • Ichthyol is usually well tolerated;
  • the drug is highly effective;
  • cheapness.
  • a peculiar smell;
  • use is contraindicated in case of personal intolerance.


Ointment, successfully used to combat itchy skin. Lorinden is very effective for dandruff, dermatitis and seborrhea. The drug is hormonal, in connection with which there are a lot of contraindications, and is released strictly according to the prescription, so a consultation with a dermatologist is necessary. The volume of the tube is 15 mg, the ointment is very economically consumed, practically odorless.

The ointment is applied in a thin layer to the affected areas of the skin 1-2 times a day. The drug does not affect the condition of the hair. After the disappearance of itching, it is recommended to continue using the ointment for 3-4 days. The course of treatment should not exceed 21 days.

  • rapid disappearance of itching;
  • combined composition;
  • the ability to regulate the work of the sebaceous glands.
  • dry skin, burning sensation may occur.


Liquid alcohol topical product with a pleasant minty aroma due to the cooling properties of mint oil contained in the composition.The composition of Menovazin, in addition to mint oil, includes two components - procaine and benzocaine, which act as a local anesthetic. When applied to the skin, such a composition acts in a complex way. Menthol pleasantly cools, has an effect on the nerve endings, has a distracting effect, reduces the sensation of itching.

Anesthetics act as painkillers, penetrate shallowly into the skin and affect the transmission of nerve impulses. But at the same time, Menovazin is not absorbed into the blood.

  • low price;
  • nice smell;
  • good anesthesia;
  • quickly absorbed;
  • helps with itching, bites, scratches, neuralgia, arthritis.
  • there are contraindications: hypersensitivity, violation of the integrity of the skin, inflammatory skin diseases at the site of the intended application;
  • not very convenient bottle;
  • with frequent use, side effects such as slight dizziness and a decrease in blood pressure may occur;
  • Pregnant and lactating mothers should be careful when using.

Itching of the skin causes tangible discomfort and provokes its irritation. Strong and frequent scratching can lead to the formation of microcracks, through which pathogenic microbes freely enter the body and cause a secondary infection that increases itching. You can get rid of it quickly and easily by using special ointments, which are selected strictly individually, taking into account all the symptoms.

Treatment is prescribed by a doctor after a thorough examination and passing the necessary tests. Only in this way will it be possible to choose the right treatment regimen and get rid of itching forever.

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