
  1. Why does my mouth smell
  2. Folk remedies
  3. How to find the reason
  4. Treatment of halitosis
  5. Rating of the best mouth odor remedies
  6. Useful tips for prevention

Ranking of the best mouth odor remedies for 2025

Ranking of the best mouth odor remedies for 2025

Bad breath can spoil the impression in a few minutes. Anyone can face this problem, regardless of age and status. This medical condition is called halitosis. We will talk about the best remedies for bad breath below.

Why does my mouth smell

In the morning, almost all adults can develop a bad smell from the mouth. This occurs due to a decrease in saliva secretion and a violation of the self-cleaning of the oral cavity.

In some people, the symptom is combined with a taste and coating on the tongue.

In the elderly, an unpleasant odor appears during the day, even with good hygiene. This is due to diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and a decrease in saliva production.

This situation in humans leads to the multiplication of microorganisms, and their accumulation on the gums and tongue.

Therefore, in a person who rarely brushes his teeth, halitosis is constant. It may appear due to problems in the oral cavity. For example, inflammation of the gums or tonsils, carious teeth or periodontal disease.

The symptom appears due to bad habits and dietary habits. In smokers, a persistent odor is difficult to remove even with the help of effective means. It can be a sign of a chronic disease of the nasopharynx and parasitic infections.

Some people are gluten intolerant, lactose intolerant, and have diabetes. Metabolic diseases can cause an unpleasant smell of rotten fruit and acetone from the mouth.

Sometimes bad breath manifests itself in destructive processes in the lungs. It can be severe pathology or infected sputum.

There is the concept of "imaginary halitosis", associated with great concern for bad breath. This condition occurs with neurosis and increased anxiety.


How to determine if your breath smells

Signs of stench include unpleasant sensations in the mouth: dryness, burning, and more.

To fix the problem, you need to understand the mechanism of the problem.

The mouth is a place where many microorganisms, bacteria and fungi live. Living organisms feed and excrete waste products. The more plaque on the teeth, the better the bacteria feel. They release sulfur compounds. This gives rise to a sharp, repulsive odor.

The same thing happens with inflammation of the tonsils with angina. If the snag is in a specific disease, then rinsing and chewing gum will only help for a while.

Halitosis is very common. It can disturb constantly or occur periodically. For example, on an empty stomach or after a meal.

A person rarely feels when he has bad breath. The body is so arranged that the sense of smell works on inspiration. The scents are different when you inhale through your nose and exhale through your mouth. The olfactory nerves transmit a signal to the cerebral cortex only during inhalation.

But you can still try to do it. This test is easy to do at home.

  • If you exhale sharply into folded palms, it will immediately become clear whether your breath is fresh or not.
  • Lick your wrist and wait a few seconds, then sniff. That characteristic spirit, if there is one, will clarify the situation.
  • You can take a spoon and hold it several times over the tongue, everything will immediately become clear.
  • Ordinary gauze will help to assess the freshness of breath. It must be folded in several layers, wipe the surface of the tongue and smell.

What is mouth odor

The smell can suggest the cause of the appearance.

  • Sour is found in gastritis with high acidity. It begins at the beginning of the disease, when there are no other signs yet.
  • Gorky speaks of a disease of the liver and gallbladder.
  • Hydrogen sulfide spirit appears during the decomposition of protein substances. It indicates digestive problems and gastritis or stomach ulcers.
  • The smell of ammonia appears with a disease of the genitourinary system or kidneys.
  • Putrefactive is noted in dental diseases.
  • The smell of feces occurs with dysbacteriosis.
  • After drinking alcohol, a repulsive "ambre" of fume is felt.

Halitosis in children

In infants, the oral cavity smells of a pleasant milky aroma. This smell happens in a child up to a year.

At 2-3 years old, bad breath in children indicates poor oral hygiene. Already at this age, the baby should learn to brush his teeth.

At 4 years old, halitosis is associated with a large amount of protein and carbohydrate foods and an excess of sweets.

At the age of 5-6, the smell from the mouth indicates the development of pathological processes. At an early stage, it is easier for the pediatrician and dentist to identify the disease and prescribe treatment. It is necessary to consult a doctor in time.

Halitosis in a child of 10-11 years old is associated with malnutrition and disruption in the body. In this case, you need to visit a doctor as soon as possible.

Folk remedies

Chewing gum and mints only relieve heavy breathing for a short time. There are remedies that work for quite a long time.

  • Green tea, which contains beneficial trace elements. They have a positive effect on the condition of the gums and bacteria. When drinking tea, it is better to replace sugar with honey.
  • Well helps with the problem of ginger tea. Ginger reduces dry mouth and stimulates saliva production.
  • Fresh parsley helps to cope with a heavy smell. It is a natural chewing gum substitute. If you chew a little grass, your breath will become fresh.
  • Tea from oak bark, chamomile and currant leaves. If you drink tea during the day, the stench will noticeably decrease or completely disappear.
  • A very effective way is to rinse your mouth with wormwood infusion. It can be alternated with rinsing with mint and chamomile.This procedure is useful for strengthening the gums.
  • Means based on salt, soda and iodine have a disinfectant, antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effect. If you rinse with this solution twice a day, after a few procedures the problem will disappear.
  • Walnuts and sunflower seeds also get rid of bad breath. This is an excellent source of energy. It keeps the body in good shape between main meals.
  • Oil solutions are an effective way against halitosis. They heal the oral mucosa. Essential oils of cinnamon and tea tree have a noticeable effect. They reduce the number of harmful bacteria that provoke the release of sulfur compounds.
  • An excellent way to combat halitosis is coffee beans. If you chew them, after a few minutes the breath will become pleasant.
  • If the smell appeared due to diseases of the stomach or intestines, activated charcoal helps to improve the situation. 4 tablets in the morning on an empty stomach and 4 tablets at bedtime. Before use, it is better to consult a doctor.

Of course, no matter what means are used, without eliminating the underlying cause, it is impossible to get rid of halitosis once and for all.


How to find the reason

It is possible to understand that the origin of the smell is microbial by sowing a swab from the throat and nose. The study will show the number of microorganisms and help, if necessary, choose the right treatment.

If a disease of the gastrointestinal tract is suspected, consultation with a gastroenterologist and FGDS is recommended.

If the liver is affected, the situation will be clarified with the help of a biochemical blood test for liver enzymes, bilirubin, alkaline phosphatase and gamma-HT.

You can control the risk of diabetes by taking a blood glucose test.

To determine the cause, you need to visit a dentist, endocrinologist and otolaryngologist.

Treatment of halitosis

Lifestyle, nutrition and hygiene skills play an important role in the elimination of halitosis. Treatments are not medicines. They can be bought not only in pharmacies, but also in hardware stores and cosmetics stores. These drugs are available in abundance on the Internet and online stores. These include:

  • toothpastes;
  • conditioners;
  • balms;
  • sprays;
  • gels.

How to choose

  • Pay attention to composition. Some components can harm the mucosa if the product is often used.
  • It is necessary to determine the volume of the drug, taking into account the budget.
  • Choose a manufacturer of your choice.
  • It is advisable to consult a doctor in case of serious health problems.

Rating of the best mouth odor remedies

Low cost rinses


The drug contains triclosan, which prevents the development of harmful microorganisms. The complex of components and essential oils fights inflammation of the gums and helps to strengthen them. Eliminates heavy breathing.

Production - Russia. The price is from 80 rubles.

rinse aid Fluorodent
  • effective;
  • qualitative;
  • does not contain alcohol;
  • cheap;
  • pleasant aroma;
  • large volume.
  • no.

forest balm

The product protects against bacteria and plaque. Removes plaque residues at the gum line, from the surface of the tongue and teeth. The rinse aid has a pronounced mint taste, does not contain aggressive components and alcohol. Blocks the pathogenicity of active microbes. Gives a long-lasting feeling of freshness.

Production - Russia. The price is from 140 rubles.

conditioner Forest balm
  • natural ingredients;
  • pleasant aroma of herbs;
  • refreshes;
  • comfortable cap;
  • economical.
  • a slight burning sensation is felt.


SYNERGETIC is made up of natural ingredients. The rinse provides a feeling of cleanliness and takes care of the health of teeth and gums. The aroma of lime and mint creates a feeling of coolness. The preparation contains an extract of chamomile, calendula, yarrow, sage and aloe vera, as well as vitamins A, C, E. The complex of essential oils of bergamot and geranium gives freshness. The drug does not contain fluorine, dyes, chlorhexidine, alcohol.

Production - Russia. Price - from 199 rubles

rinse aid Synergetic
  • inexpensive;
  • pleasant aroma;
  • refreshes;
  • natural.
  • effective.
  • fast consumption.

Average cost rinses


Rinse Listerine "Green tea with mint flavor", bactericidal and bacteriostatic effect in it appears due to essential oils. The drug fights against the formation of plaque, which is the main cause of gum disease. The rinse contains natural green tea extract. This contributes to a pronounced bactericidal effect.

Listerine contains fluoride, which helps protect teeth from cavities. Use the drug should be 2 times, morning and evening.

Made in Italy. Price from 330 rubles.

rinse aid Listerine
  • effective;
  • pleasant aroma
  • inhibits the development of microbes;
  • quickly eliminates unpleasant odors.
  • not detected.

Closeup Cool Kiss

The new Closeup Cool Kiss prevents the growth of bacteria that cause bad breath. A pleasant burst of freshness is given by mint with notes of citrus.The drug has a complex effect. Production - the Netherlands. The price is 215 rubles.

Closeup Cool Kiss conditioner
  • pronounced aroma;
  • economical consumption;
  • qualitative;
  • refreshing.
  • sharp, caustic.

Colgate Plax

Colgate Plax Fruit Fresh with natural fruit extract fights harmful bacteria. The composition contains sodium fluoride, which protects against caries. The drug does not cause burning. The feeling of freshness lasts for a long time. The spray does not contain alcohol.

Production - China. The price is 245 rubles.

Colgate Plax mouthwash
  • fruity aroma;
  • suitable for children;
  • effective.
  • amateur taste.

High cost rinses

Rinse Halita

Dentaid Halita reduces the intensity of the development of VSS-bacteria - microorganisms that release volatile sulfur compounds and are the cause of halitosis. It is also used to get rid of a heavy spirit after eating, smoking, taking medications, hormonal changes in the body. Protects gums from inflammation. An excellent composition contains chlorhexidine and cetylpyridine. Zinc lactate traps volatile sulfur compounds. The product contains a high concentration of xylitol to normalize the acidity of the oral cavity. Does not contain alcohol.

Production - Spain. The price is 890 rubles.

Halita conditioner
  • very efficient;
  • qualitative;
  • great flavor.
  • no.

Extra whitening

EMRA Extra Whitening Rinse protects against plaque, tongue and bacteria. It helps keep fresh breath for a long time. The composition of the product includes coconut oil, which strengthens the immune system, reduces the risk of diseases of the teeth and gums.Tea tree oil restores gums. Bamboo charcoal eliminates toxins. Production - Russia. The price is from 1000 rubles.

extra whitening rinse aid
  • effective;
  • antibacterial;
  • healing;
  • strengthening gums and teeth;
  • unusual design
  • the taste is not for everyone.

Rapid 25

Rinse Rapid 25 is an effective antibacterial agent. Does not contain alcohol. Reduces inflammation and bleeding gums. Removes plaque. Helps to get rid of heavy odor. Preventing the appearance of bacteria for 12 hours. This keeps your mouth clean and reduces gum inflammation and bleeding. It has a pleasant taste and aroma of grapefruit. Production - Italy. The price is 1450 rubles.

conditioner Rapid 25
  • effective;
  • does not cause burning;
  • does not require dilution with water;
  • pleasant aroma.
  • expensive.

Low cost sprays

AltaiBio Spray "Refreshing Mint"

The drug gently freshens breath, reduces bad smell and removes the aftertaste after eating, smoking. The spray effectively moisturizes the mucous membranes of the larynx.

Production - Russia, price - 120 rubles.

AltaiBio Spray "Refreshing Mint"
  • qualitative;
  • compact;
  • comfortable;
  • pleasant aroma.
  • no.


Spray perfectly moisturizes the mucous membrane of the mouth. Compact and handy. Destroys an unpleasant smell from a mouth after meal, tobacco, alcohol. Menthol makes the breath fresh and cool. Olive and parsley extracts fight tooth decay and inflammation in the gums. Reduce the number of harmful microorganisms. Xylitol prevents bacteria from multiplying. Does not contain alcohol.

Production - Russia. Price - 170 rubles

  • compact;
  • Beautiful design;
  • refreshes;
  • effective.
  • no.

Medium Cost Sprays

Green Story "Winter Freshness"

Freshener-spray "Winter freshness" is necessary for business communication, an important meeting and a date. Permanently eliminates bad breath after eating, drinking and smoking. Compact and easy to use. Has a mint flavor. Eliminates unpleasant odors after eating, smoking and drinking. It is necessary for an important meeting, business communication or a date.

Production - Russia. The price is 190 rubles.

Spray Green Story "Winter freshness
  • compact;
  • more efficient;
  • economical consumption;
  • refreshing.
  • no.

Spray «Tambu Sun»

The herbal composition of the spray is used as a prevention of diseases of the upper respiratory tract and to maintain oral hygiene. The composition includes a healing extract of Tambukan mud. Linden boosts immunity. Mint, sage and chamomile refresh and keep you comfortable for hours.

Production - Russia. The price is 320 rubles.

Spray «Tambu Sun»
  • natural;
  • medical;
  • eliminates odor;
  • effective;
  • pleasant taste.
  • no.

Aloe Fresh

A practical freshener that is effective against bad breath by neutralizing the bacteria that cause a heavy breath in the mouth. Fresh mint aroma. The antiseptic properties of tea tree oil, grapefruit seed extract and aloe vera make this spray more effective.

Production - Italy. Price - 415 rubles

Spray Aloe Fresh
  • effective;
  • refreshing;
  • compact.
  • caustic.

High cost sprays


Miradent Halitosis Spray acts on sulfur compounds produced by microorganisms. The composition contains useful substances.

Xylitol prevents the development of caries. Essential oils freshen your breath. The small spray can is convenient to carry around, and the built-in mechanism helps to spray on the back of the tongue. Does not contain alcohol.

Production - Germany. Price - 550 rubles

Spray Miradent
  • effective;
  • fragrant;
  • compact;
  • freshens breath.
  • price.

Lion Nonio

Long acting drug. Deletes a raid and destroys an unpleasant smell. Refreshes instantly. It has a mint and citrus aroma. Polyglutamic acid reduces dryness. It has a positive effect after smoking, eating, during business meetings. The composition contains alcohol.

Production - Japan. The price is 607 rubles.

Spray Lion Nonio
  • compact;
  • effective;
  • refreshing.
  • small volume.
  • contains ethanol.

Useful tips for prevention

  • Eat more vegetables and fruits. They clean plaque from the surface of the teeth.
  • Drink more pure water. Water provides a high dissolving power of saliva and flushing of microorganisms.
  • Stimulate salivation. Chewing some seeds and fruits with essential oils, such as mint, cloves, or coriander, can help.
  • Eat probiotics. Live bacteria not only reduce the number of germs in the mouth, but also improve bowel function. Therefore, yogurt or kefir should be present in the daily diet. It is better if they are without preservatives and dyes.
  • Use chewing gum. If it is impossible to do without chewing gum, then it must be without sugar. Experts recommend chewing it for no more than 10 minutes.
  • Take good care of your mouth.
  • Timely treat diseases of internal organs.

Eat right, follow the rules of hygiene and use special products, then the problem of bad breath will not be so relevant.

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