An increase in heart rate is called tachycardia. In a healthy state of the heart, the number of contractions is up to 90 beats per minute, everything above is a deviation from the norm.
Every person experienced the state of rapid heartbeat - even with slight physical exertion, the heart rate increases.
But in some cases, tachycardia may indicate serious diseases of the cardiovascular system. In order not to worsen the general condition, you should visit a doctor who will prescribe the necessary medications.
We will review the most popular drugs for the treatment of tachycardia in 2025, according to users and doctors, and also consider their advantages and disadvantages.
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Violation of the correct heart rhythm can be recognized by several symptoms. The most important thing is an increase in heart rate, and there may also be an unpleasant sensation in the chest, in the region of the heart. With a sharp manifestation of tachycardia, many patients report dizziness, difficulty in breathing, feelings of nausea and even vomiting.
If this disease is caused by a sharp physical load or emotional outbursts, then in such cases it is not always necessary to use medications. It is enough to try to calm down, take a break from physical activity, perform slow inhalation and exhalation. This type of tachycardia is called physiological and does not require treatment with special drugs.
But when certain heart diseases served as an increase in the pulse and there are no necessary medicines nearby, it is worth resorting to several folk remedies that will help to slightly reduce the heart rate. After all, untimely medical care can lead to disastrous consequences. Consider ways to provide quick assistance with pathological tachycardia.
The first thing to do is to take a horizontal position of the body. The load on the heart will decrease slightly and a decrease in heart rate is possible.Unbuttoning or removing any restraining clothing that can make breathing difficult, fresh air will also help.
With the normalization of breathing, performing calm slow breaths and exhalations, the heart rate should decrease or even return to normal.
There is also another simple but effective way: putting your fingers on the corners of the eyes from the side of the nose and holding them in this position for a while. In a short period, the result will be noticeable.
From herbal preparations, you can try to drink a decoction of motherwort, chamomile or valerian. But it is worth remembering that you should not drink hot drinks, it takes time for them to cool. Hot liquid can further provoke an increase in heart rate.
The simple methods listed above can slightly reduce symptoms and bring a person to life. But in severe and severe cases of tachycardia, you must always carry the necessary medicines with you. This applies to those cases when the symptoms are not caused by a physiological, but by a pathological state of health.
The choice of medication does not depend on the desire of the patient. All medicines are prescribed strictly by the attending physician after a thorough examination, listening to the symptoms and examinations. Self-medication can lead to negative consequences and more serious treatment.
You can buy medications for the treatment of tachycardia and arrhythmia at the nearest pharmacy or through an online store. The cost of goods through the second option is usually less and with multiple orders it will be much cheaper.
The site often contains the same drug, but from different manufacturers.To choose a better option, it is better to read the opinions and reviews of previous buyers.
Also on the site there is a complete instruction about the product, with which you can find out about all the contraindications and side effects, the country of origin, the dosage and the number of tablets in the package. Before buying, check with the seller for expiration dates.
After a complete selection of medicines, all products are added to the basket. To place an online order, the buyer enters the necessary data and waits for delivery at a convenient place and time. Buying goods through an online store is very convenient, especially when there is no time to run around pharmacies.
An antiarrhythmic drug is available by prescription. It is used for paroxysmal supraventricular tachycardia and arrhythmia. The release form of the drug is tablets.
It is not prescribed for allergies to the main and auxiliary components, lack of potassium and magnesium, sinus bradycardia, lactase deficiency, thyroid disease. During the period of bearing a child or breastfeeding, it is also better to stop using Amiodarone. Before use, you should familiarize yourself with the list of adverse reactions.
The drug may affect the ability to drive a vehicle, so during the course of treatment, you should stop driving and working with increased danger.
The instructions describe the scheme and dosage of administration, but it is better to use the prescriptions of the attending physician.
The cost of Amiodarone from the Belarusian manufacturer is 150 rubles per package with 30 tablets.
Like many drugs to improve the functioning of the heart and cardiovascular system, it is available only with a prescription.
It is recommended for high blood pressure, impaired cardiac circulation, heart failure and tachycardia as a result of diseases.
There are contraindications, which can be found in the instructions. Side effects are also described that should be studied before taking the drug: mental disorders, dizziness, numbness in the arms and legs, nausea, vomiting, skin rash and other reactions are possible.
Not recommended for pregnant, lactating and minors. The medicine interacts with other therapeutic agents, so before purchasing it is worth familiarizing the doctor with all the medicines used.
A package with a dosage of 5 mg costs 170-180 rubles.
The drug is intended for the treatment of diseases of the heart and blood vessels, including arrhythmia and tachycardia. But do not lose sight of the fact that for some heart ailments, pills are contraindicated, so you should carefully read the instructions.
When taking the drug, allergic reactions, worsening of appetite, fainting, convulsions, and even disruption of the liver may occur. Detailed information can also be found in the abstract.
The tablets interact with other medications and can also affect concentration, so driving and doing dangerous work is not recommended.
Since the medication passes into breast milk, you should switch to artificial feeding for the duration of the course. May be given to pregnant women if no alternatives are available.
The cost of goods with a dosage of 150 mg - from 340 rubles.
Another Hungarian-made prescription medication is intended not only to normalize the rhythm, but is also used for chronic heart failure.
The main contraindications are lack of potassium, magnesium and calcium, some heart diseases, obesity and others. The full list is given in the abstract.
Like many medicines, there are a number of side effects. Among them are nausea, vomiting, visual disturbances, headaches, disorientation (in people of retirement age).
The instructions describe drugs that cannot be used with Digoxin or there is a need to adjust the dosage.
It is also worth noting that this medication is used among pregnant and lactating women with extreme caution.
The average price of a package (depending on the manufacturer) of 50 pieces with a dosage of 0.25 mg is 50 rubles.
Vacation in a pharmacy only with a prescription from the attending physician. It treats angina pectoris, lowers blood pressure, and also restores other types of rhythm disturbances.
Of the main contraindications: pregnancy and breastfeeding, minors, heart attack, bradycardia, ERW syndrome, heart failure and some other heart diseases.
The instructions describe possible side effects. A detailed description of all possible reactions is described in the annotation. The required dosage and duration of the course of treatment is selected by the attending physician, the instructions describe the recommended doses.
The Russian manufacturer produces Verapamil with a dosage of 40 mg in a package containing 50 tablets. You can buy a product at a price of 40 rubles.
The drug from the Latvian manufacturer is produced only by prescription of the attending physician. The main indications for use are supraventricular, paroxysmal types of tachycardia, as well as SVC.
The use of the drug has a positive effect on the circulatory system and heart function.
Before using Etatsizin, you should carefully read the instructions, as the drug has contraindications. A few of them are certain heart conditions, allergic reactions to any of the components, kidney and liver diseases. Also, you can not use tablets during pregnancy and during breastfeeding, children under 18 years of age.
The drug can affect concentration and attention, so you should limit driving a car or working with increased precision.
A package of Etatsizin with a dosage of 50 mg costs more than 2000 rubles.
The drug is sold without a prescription. It is intended not only to restore the heart rhythm, but also compensates for the lack of potassium and magnesium. Panangin is also effective in ischemia and heart failure.
The main contraindications are renal failure, excess potassium or magnesium, acid-base balance disorders.
While taking the drug, side effects are possible in the form of vomiting, nausea, dizziness and even convulsions. Therefore, before use, a doctor's consultation is necessary.
The tablets are intended for people over 18 years of age. Do not affect driving and concentration.
The Hungarian manufacturer produces a package with 60 tablets inside, the cost of goods is from 530 rubles.
The prescription drug improves the functioning of the heart, normalizes the heart rhythm, and is used for supraventricular and paroxysmal tachycardia.
Contraindications include severe heart failure, malfunctions of the liver and kidneys, the presence of an allergy to any constituent substances, and children's age. It is also not advisable to use the drug during pregnancy and lactation or under the strict supervision of a doctor.
While taking the medicine, dizziness, double vision, impaired coordination, and the appearance of a sinus type of tachycardia are possible.
Allapinin is produced in Russia. The instructions describe a detailed scheme for taking the tablets. A package of 30 pieces with a dosage of 25 mg costs from 640 rubles.
Tablets with a dosage of 20 mg are used to lower blood pressure and, as a result, increased heart rate. It is also often used for preventive measures against a heart attack. The drug is sold by prescription only.
Like all medicines, Betaxolol has contraindications and side effects. The first includes individual intolerance to the constituent components, bradycardia, adrenal tumor, heart failure, children under 18 years of age.
Adverse reactions can occur from the digestive, nervous, respiratory, cardiovascular and endocrine systems. There may also be problems with vision and skin.
The packaging contains instructions for use, but the treatment and regimen of the drug must be approved by the doctor.
The cost of tablets for oral administration is from 550 rubles.
A prescription drug from a French manufacturer is prescribed for angina pectoris, heart failure, arrhythmia and tachycardia.
Do not use with low blood pressure, allergies to the components of the drug, heart attack, pregnancy and breastfeeding, lactase deficiency and several other diseases. Before use, you should carefully read the instructions, as the medicine can not be used with certain drugs.
Like most medicines, Coraxan is not prescribed to minors.
When taking the medicine, there may be adverse reactions from the side of vision, the musculoskeletal system, the digestive and nervous systems. In the absence of side effects, driving a vehicle is not prohibited, since Coraxan does not affect reactions and attentiveness.
The average price of a package of 56 tablets with a dosage of 7.5 mg is 1100 rubles.
Unfortunately, various heart diseases are quite common diseases. Most often, patients experience a violation of the rhythm of heart contractions. Many factors influence the work of the cardiovascular system: ecology, busy work schedule, severe and frequent stress, personal problems, and even heredity.
To improve your condition or defeat the disease, you should consult a doctor in a timely manner at the first symptoms. This rating represents the most popular medicines for heart tachycardia, which are recommended by highly qualified specialists in the field of cardiology. Most patients express their positive opinion and a noticeable effect after the courses of treatment.
In order not to harm your health and not aggravate the condition even worse, all medications should be purchased after a thorough examination by a specialist and examinations.