
  1. Description
  2. Rating of quality weed control
  3. How to choose a drug and avoid mistakes when choosing

Ranking the best weed killers for 2025

Ranking the best weed killers for 2025

Weeds take away nutrients from vegetables and other cultivated plants, so the question of how to deal with weeds is always relevant. I want to get rid of weeds and grass forever, not only in the garden and on the lawn, but also at the fence and on the tile. Consider popular models of products that can be used at home, recommendations for use and what to look for when choosing a product.


The grass must be destroyed, and the sooner you start to eliminate it, the less harm it will do to vegetables and berries in the beds. There are several approaches to the fight: some choose proven products on the market (herbicides), others try new products, others prefer folk recipes or do-it-yourself ones. Grass is not as harmless as it might seem at first glance. There are plant species that not only cause discomfort to planted crops, but can also be harmful to human health. These include hogweed, ragweed, etc. Therefore, getting rid of such “pests” is an important part in planting and caring for plants.

There are 3 main methods of struggle:

  1. Mechanical (weeding). A reliable method, it requires a lot of physical and time costs.
  2. Chemical. The soil is treated with special solutions. Prevents the emergence of new shoots, but in most cases it must be applied to the "empty" land, not yet sown with cultivated plants.
  3. Mulching (covering the soil with a layer of sawdust, sand or peat). Any material can be used. In addition to providing protection from grass, it also retains moisture in the soil, thereby preventing plants from drying out.

Next, we consider in more detail the chemical method of struggle.

The first herbicides appeared in the early 19th century. And since then they have firmly entered our lives.


  • effectively cope with the most persistent herbs;
  • they can handle large areas;
  • in most cases do not accumulate in the soil and do not harm the environment;
  • it is possible to pick up for certain crops or weeds.


  • if the dosage is not observed, it is possible to harm the desired plants or the environment;
  • do not affect the seeds (therefore, it is necessary to process before the appearance of seeds);
  • toxicity (precautions must be observed, work with gloves, mask and goggles).

Classification by type of impact:

  • continuous action (this type acts on all types of weeds). The most effective, but at the same time, when it hits a cultivated plant, it also causes its death;
  • selective action (on a certain group).

Classification by the nature of influence:

  • contact (they burn the leaves and after that the plant dies);
  • systemic (penetrate the root system, thereby causing the death of the grass).

We occupy a place (do not let the earth be empty)

If you do not want to plant beds or have already harvested, the ground can be planted with green manure. These are unpretentious herbs that will help to cope with unwanted weeds.

Main types:

  • mustard (yellow and white) effectively fights nematodes and blooms beautifully;
  • clover, vetch: bloom beautifully almost all summer, a great option for lawns;
  • sunflower, lupine: their root system loosens even clay and hard ground.

It is necessary to maintain the cleanliness of the land from weeds, to prevent the grass from growing. You need to process during their growth. Be sure to follow the dosage. If there are a lot of “pests”, and they could not be removed at one time, re-treatment is necessary. It should be borne in mind that for greater effectiveness, you need to alternate drugs and not use the same one several times in a row. This will reduce its efficiency.

Rating of quality weed control

The TOP includes the best and most effective drugs according to buyers. The review, reviews and descriptions of drugs were taken as a basis. The rating is divided into subcategories based on the soil area (maximum and minimum width of the plot).

For small areas

Preparations allow you to care for plants in areas up to 1.5 acres. They can be used for a summer residence, a garden or for a kitchen garden.

"Deimos + Miura" 45 ml + 12 ml

Preparation with the function of double protection against weeds. Average price: 220 rubles.

"Deimos + Miura" 45 ml + 12 ml
  • effective against more than 90 types of weeds;
  • completely decomposes in the soil;
  • safe for cultivated plants.
  • long-acting (completely die only after a month);
  • not compatible with other drugs.
Active substancedicamba acid, quizalofop-P-ethyl
Volume (kg)0.1
Preparative formwater-soluble concentrate, emulsion concentrate


Principle of action: it is absorbed into the stems, penetrates the root system, and the plant dies. Active ingredient: isopropylamine salt. Pests will completely die in 20-25 days. The product decomposes in 30 days, but after a few days you can plant plants in the ground, the drug in the ground will not harm them. Optimal for the price.
Price: 14 rubles.

  • non-toxic to humans, bees and various animals;
  • convenient to use (sold in ampoules);
  • dangerous for fish;
  • dangerous for trees and other crops.
Active substanceisopropylamine salt
Volume (ml)5

Excellent student, 2 ml

It affects cereal annual and perennial weeds, quickly penetrates into the root system, and after 2 weeks the plants die. Contained in the soil for another 1 month, prevents new growth. For horticultural crops is not dangerous. Country of origin: Russia. Cooking recipes (depending on the crops being processed) are described in detail in the instructions. Cost: 15 rubles.

Excellent student, 2 ml
  • prevents the growth of new weeds within a month after application;
  • can be combined with crop microfertilizers;
  • Sold in convenient packaging (2 ml).
  • does not work on all types of weeds.
Active substanceChizalofop-P-ethyl 51.3 g/l
Volume (ml)2

Herbicide Miura

Post-emergence herbicide begins to act after 7-10 days. One ampoule is enough for 100 square meters. It is used to get rid of grass vegetable crops. Means of delicate influence on cultures. Manufacturer: August. Price: 20 rub.

Herbicide Miura
  • safe for cultivated plants;
  • price.
  • only effective against grassy weeds.
Active substance125 g/l quizalofop-p-ethyl
Volume (ml)4
Weight, kg)0.05

Purebred 10 ml

It is used for grass and dicotyledonous weeds. They will completely die in 3 weeks. Contains the properties of a herbicide and a desiccant (dehydrates weeds). Sprayed with a spray bottle. For land under cultivated plants, it should be used in the post-harvest period. The preparation is accompanied by step-by-step instructions for use, where it is prescribed how to prepare the preparation yourself for various crops. Has full functionality. Cost: 20 rubles.

Purebred 10 ml
  • two principles of action (dehydrates and kills);
  • suitable for paving slabs, grass near the fence and on the paths.
  • it is not recommended to use on beds (only for tiles, fences, on lawns, in a cemetery).
Compoundglyphosate acid
Volume (ml)10
Best before date 2 years

Strizh 9 gr

Suitable for any kind of grass, including nettle, couch grass, thistle.Safe for crops (for beets, potatoes, carrots). It starts working in 2-3 days. Price: 22 rubles.

Strizh 9 gr
  • suitable for any herbs;
  • packaging allows use in small areas;
  • does not pollute the soil (completely decomposes into natural substances).
  • within a week after application, you can not loosen the ground.
Compoundisopropylamine salt
Packagewater-dispersible granules
Hazard Class 3 (moderately dangerous)


Suitable for lawns, eliminates clover, dandelions, etc. Completely the plant dies after about 3 weeks. Average price: 26 rubles.

Lintur from weeds
  • after application for another 8 weeks prevents the emergence of new shoots;
  • non-toxic to humans, animals and bees.
  • not effective against weeds in the generative phase;
  • not intended for hot climates and alkaline lands.
Compoundisopropylamine salt
Packagewater-dispersible granules
Hazard Class 3 (moderately dangerous)


One bag is enough for 100 square meters. Effective after watering or after rain. It is used against loach, thistle, milkweed, etc. Cost: 40 rubles.

weed hacker
  • convenient method of application (granules dissolve in water);
  • suitable for use on lawns.
  • ineffective in dry and cold weather;
  • ineffective after seed formation.
Active substanceclopyralide
Volume2.5 g
Packagewater soluble granules

For large areas

Tornado Extra 900 ml

Fights a wide variety of weeds. For the effectiveness of the action, the drug must get on any part of the plant (not necessarily on the leaves).It is not effective in the soil, after application, cultivated plants can be planted. Cost: 1390 rubles.

Tornado Extra 900 ml
  • plants die completely within a week;
  • sowing and planting crops can be done immediately after processing.
  • price.
Active substanceglyphosate acid
Volume (ml)900
Packing (cm)9x24x9

Agrokiller 500 ml

Made in Russia. Destroys most known herbs, including cow parsnip. Cost: 670 rubles.

Agrokiller 500 ml
  • destroys hard-to-kill weeds;
  • does not have soil activity;
  • effective over a wide temperature range.
  • reduces efficiency if after application it rains or the plants are watered;
  • price.
Active substanceglyphosate acid
Volume (ml)500
Packing (cm)7.5x18x7.5

Avgust Deimos 90 ml

For processing areas not intended for sowing. Effective against more than 100 types of weeds. It has a high rate of penetration into the root system. Cost: 389 rubles.

Avgust Deimos 90 ml
  • completely decomposes in the soil during the growing season;
  • low toxicity to humans and non-toxic to bees.
  • not suitable for sowing soils;
  • 3 days after application, it is not recommended to work on the treated area.
Active substancedicamba, dimethylamine salt
Quantity (ml)90
Fluid flow 20 ml / 3 l of solution per 100 sq.m.

"Hurricane Forte"

Destroys most known types of herbs, including cow parsnip. Apply from spring to late autumn. Cultivated plants should be covered with a screen before processing. Cost: 1350 rubles.

"Hurricane Forte" from weeds
  • decomposes into natural substances in the soil;
  • destroys a large number of harmful plants.
  • during the week it is impossible to loosen the soil;
  • price.
Compoundglyphosate acid, K-salt
Quantity (ml)1000
Package size (cm)6.5x23x13.5
Fund consumption10l/10 acres

Lapis lazuli

Effective for grass on potatoes. Provides protection for 2 months after use. The cost is 200 rubles.

Lapis lazuli from weeds
  • high ability to penetrate into the root system;
  • ease of preparation of the solution and its use;
  • protects against re-sprouting for 2 months after use.
  • can accumulate in the ground;
  • price.
Active substancemetribuzin
Quantity (gr)20
Release formpowder

Ground 250 ml

Destroys both the aboveground and underground parts of most known weeds. Completely the plant dies in 15 days. Does not adversely affect cultivated plants. Manufacturer: Green Belt. Russia. Price: 287 rubles.

Ground 250 ml
  • does not have a negative impact on the environment;
  • can be used in crop rotation;
  • does not accumulate in the ground.
  • It is recommended to apply only in the evening or in calm weather.
Active substanceGlyphosate
Quantity (ml)250
Consumption80/120 ml per 10 l

#Stop_weed (Zontran, KKR) Oktyabrina Aprelevna

Effectively fights grass in the fields of potatoes and tomatoes. Blocks its spread for a long time. Producer: Oktyabrina Aprelevna. Cost: 67 rubles.

#Stop_weed (Zontran, KKR) Oktyabrina Aprelevna
  • has an organic composition;
  • effective against 50 types of weeds;
  • safe for cultivated plants.
  • It is recommended not to loosen the soil for 30 days.
Active substancemetribuzin
Quantity (ml)5
SafetyGrade 3 (moderately dangerous)

How to choose a drug and avoid mistakes when choosing

The criteria for choosing drugs for each buyer are different, for some it is the price, for someone the advice of sellers is important, and for someone the popularity of models.

Main criteria:

  1. Price. For small areas, the cost of preparations is small, but if taken for large areas, then the price may vary depending on the manufacturer. You can choose inexpensive (budget) drugs, the composition in all is almost the same.
  2. The best manufacturers. This group of products has a lot of competition. All manufacturers have drugs that meet the necessary safety parameters, so which company is better to buy will depend on your preferences and the product line presented by the seller.
  3. Usage. When choosing, it is important to take into account the time of work (some preparations must be applied in the spring before sowing, and some can be used until autumn) and the place of spraying (beds, lawn, tiles) for each work site there are separate solutions.
  4. Where could I buy. The purchase can be made in a regular store, or ordered online in an online store. It is better to compare how much the drug costs from different sellers and choose the best option. The main thing is to carefully read the description of the goods, and check the expiration dates and tightness of the packaging before buying.

The article examined the main methods of weed control, types of drugs, and their characteristics.Now, it will not be difficult to determine which one is better to buy, the main thing is to select the drug according to your parameters and requirements for the result. Don't spread weeds over a large area, and eradicate them before they start producing seeds.

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