The human body is our property. And no one would like to share it with various kinds of parasites. But these harmful organisms enter the human body quite easily, and getting rid of them is not easy. Sometimes even to understand that the cause of anxiety and malaise lies in the appearance of parasites is impossible. In this case, the person will not receive the right treatment and will not achieve recovery. What are the best pest control products? We'll tell you below.
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Each parasitic infection has its own non-specific symptoms. About 15 parasitic infections are common in Russia. The most common symptom that suggests the presence of parasites is itching in the genital area or anus. It is necessary to think about the appearance of “tenants” in your body if the weight decreases sharply with a normal diet. But very rarely there are cases when there is a rapid weight gain due to a constant feeling of hunger. Very often, a sign of the appearance of parasites can be a breakdown, decreased performance, and drowsiness during the daytime. Frequent sharp pain in the abdomen may be a sign of the presence of roundworms or tapeworms that settle in the small intestine. The presence of parasites fills the human body with waste and toxic substances, which negatively affects the nervous system and, as a result, causes depression and irritation.
Grinding of teeth during sleep is often attributed to the signs of the appearance of worms. This is due to the lack of vitamin B12 production, which tenses the jaw muscles. When the body is infected with parasitic infections, the work of the gastrointestinal tract also worsens, which leads to the appearance of early wrinkles, acne, rashes and other skin diseases. Of course, not all of these symptoms can indicate the presence of parasites, which is why they are called nonspecific, they can also be signs of the presence of chronic diseases.
The main cause of parasitic infection is dirt.It can be both dirty hands and poorly washed vegetables and fruits. Contact with an infected person is also one of the main causes of infection. And it is not necessary that the contact will go directly through contact, you can get infected by exchanging clothes. The use of infected meat that has not undergone a good heat treatment gives a high risk of parasites in the body. Very rarely, you can get infected through insect bites.
A parasitic infection is treated by a general practitioner. To do this, you need to pass the appropriate tests. Along with antiparasitic drugs, vitamins and a complex of enzymes can be prescribed to improve digestion. It is better not to self-medicate.
This drug is available in the form of tablets and suspensions that taste good. It is possible to use from 6 months, as well as pregnant women under the supervision of a doctor. It has an effect on mature helminths and on developing forms. Not active with larvae in the migratory stage. It blocks the intestinal musculature and thereby removes parasites from the body. It is used in the treatment of enterobiasis, ascariasis, necatoriasis and ankylostomiasis. It can also be used as a prevention of these diseases. Contraindicated in persons with renal insufficiency and myasthenia gravis. After taking pyrantel, headaches, dizziness, abdominal pain, nausea, diarrhea, allergic reactions in the form of redness and itching may occur. After taking it, you need to pass a second analysis of feces and scraping.
The average price is 60 rubles.
Produced in the form of tablets, in a package of 2 pcs. The active substance is levamisole. Effective in the treatment of ascariasis, necatoriasis, ankylostomiasis. The action of the drug is based on the muscular blockade of helminths, stopping their vital activity and, as a result, removing them from the body. Available in two dosages - 50 mg and 150 mg. Children are allowed only the minimum dosage. The drug is taken once, the dose depends on the age and weight of the child. The best effect will be observed if you take the pill in the evening, after eating. Also, this drug is prescribed as an immunomodulator for viral infections, but in parallel with it, it is necessary to use antiviral drugs and antibiotics. During pregnancy, this drug is contraindicated. During lactation, admission is allowed, only if breastfeeding is stopped for the period of treatment.
The average price is 80 rubles.
It is produced in the form of tablets with the active substance peparazine adipinate. In the package: 6 and 10 tablets. Effective for ascariasis and enterobiasis. Causes paralysis of the neuromuscular system of helminths, followed by their removal from the body. Admission to children from 1 year is allowed, as well as admission during pregnancy and lactation. During the treatment period, you do not need to follow a special diet, and it does not require special preparation. The duration of treatment for ascariasis is 2 days, and for enterobiasis - 5 days.When using this drug, hygiene standards should be observed and underwear should be carefully ironed and steamed.
The average price is 30 rubles.
The drug is available in capsules that contain a powder of plant origin. It consists of extracts of cloves, centaury ordinary and yarrow. Yarrow promotes the removal of worms from the body, centaury promotes the restoration and healing of the body, and cloves act as a prophylactic. This herbal preparation removes from the body not only adult helminths, but also their eggs. It also helps to remove toxins from the body, improve the condition of the skin and hair. Since the drug consists only of plant components, there should be no allergic reactions from it. Application is possible from the age of 3, the course of treatment depends on the age of the person, usually 10-30 days. The average price is 1000 rubles.
This herbal preparation is available in granules. It consists of wormwood, tansy, yarrow and hill hodgepodge. It is a strong anti-lamblia drug.It can also be used as a preventive measure. Tansy extract will have an effect on giardia, opichostria and roundworm. Thanks to the yarrow, the healing of the gastric mucosa will go on, it will also be an analgesic and healing agent. Wormwood will expel tapeworms and roundworms. In addition, it stimulates appetite, improves the flow of bile. Taking this drug is allowed from a year. The course of treatment for any type of parasite is 7 days. For the best effect, the manufacturer recommends that adults increase the course to 2 weeks or repeat a weekly course after a week of break.
The average price is 350 rubles.
"Troychatka" is available in capsules containing tansy extract and flowers, aspen extract and fragrant cloves. This complex of herbs creates unfavorable conditions for parasites and thereby expels them from the body. This drug is considered the most effective among biologically active food supplements. And it has quite a few positive reviews. The use of 6 capsules per day for adults creates a rather unfavorable environment for parasites. Children this drug is allowed from 3 years. Pregnant and breastfeeding - only after consulting a doctor. The course of treatment is usually 2 weeks according to a special scheme described in the instructions. In addition to fighting parasites, this drug is useful in raising immunity, with acne and age spots. The average price is 300 rubles.
This drug contains a large amount of herbal products that contribute to the removal of parasites from the body and create an unfavorable environment for their habitat. Most useful against roundworms (roundworms, tapeworms). It also actively cleanses the intestines of toxins and toxins, normalizes the functioning of the liver and gastrointestinal tract. It is used not only as an anthelmintic drug, but also for allergies, migraines, urinary tract diseases, viral diseases and to boost immunity. Reception is allowed from the age of 14, during pregnancy and lactation is prohibited. It is used in between meals. For the best effect, the granules must be dissolved under the tongue. For a complete recovery, you need to go through 3-4 courses lasting 7 days, with breaks of 3-4 days.
This homeopathic remedy is made from the Chernobyl plant. It is prescribed for bruxism, itching in the anus, pain in the abdomen. The course of treatment is 3-4 weeks, repeated admission is possible. It has no contraindications, except for sensitivity to the granule component. Acceptance as a prophylactic is allowed. Side effects from taking this drug were not found. The average price is 150 rubles.
Produced in the form of tablets. It has an effect on intestinal and tissue parasites, on larvae and adult helminths. Reception along with fatty foods enhances the effect of the drug by 5 times. It is allowed to use the drug from the age of 2, during pregnancy, admission is allowed only as a last resort. It is also possible to prescribe to children from 1 year in a single dose of 200 mg. People with liver disease should be careful when taking this drug. The dosage of the drug and the duration of treatment depends on the type of parasites. During treatment, laxatives and foods that help loosen the stool should not be used, because. this will contribute to the rapid removal of the drug from the body. With a single dose of the drug, treatment is recommended to be repeated after 3 weeks. When taking albendazole in high doses, frequent headache, nausea, abdominal pain and dizziness are observed.
The average price is 500 rubles.
In this drug, the active ingredient is mebendazole. Produced in the form of tablets. This is a broad-spectrum drug, most effective against enterobiasis, ascariasis, teniasis, stongyloidiasis and mixed helminthiasis. Children, taking this drug is allowed from 3 years. When treating with Vermox, no special diet is required.The course of treatment is usually three days, and in order to avoid reinfection, the manufacturer recommends repeating the course after 2-4 weeks. During pregnancy and lactation, the use of this drug is contraindicated. Also, it should not be used in people with Crohn's disease, liver failure and ulcerative colitis. When taking this medicine, you may experience drowsiness, headache, itching, hives, hair loss, abdominal pain, vomiting. After taking the drug, it is forbidden to drink alcohol and fatty foods.
The average price is 100 rubles.
Non-native medicine is widely used in the home. This option is suitable for both treatment and prevention. The most common folk remedy for parasites are pumpkin seeds. They can be consumed both without the peel, and grains crushed in a blender along with the peel. Seeds should be consumed in the morning on an empty stomach. A decoction of tansy herb is popular, for this a tablespoon of dried grass must be poured with a glass of boiling water and let it brew. Consume on an empty stomach. Also, tansy is part of many preparations for parasites. Many folk recipes include garlic. It can be eaten with cloves, decoctions and tinctures can be prepared from it. Ginger also creates an unfavorable environment for the life of parasites. It can be brewed with lemon, marinated and eaten raw. Raw onions and tinctures from it also help in the fight against parasites.
When the first signs of parasites appear, before consulting a doctor, you can use folk remedies or take a herbal preparation that will not adversely affect health. Taking potent drugs should not be started without consulting and prescribing the attending physician and passing tests.