
  1. Causes of the disease
  2. Types of virus and types of papillomas
  3. Ways to remove papillomas
  4. Overview of quality remedies for papillomas
  5. Conclusion

Rating of the best remedies for papillomas for 2025

Rating of the best remedies for papillomas for 2025

Benign formations, similar to warts and oblong moles, are formed on human skin due to the activation of the papillomavirus. Neoplasms in appearance have the form of papillae of different sizes, from light milky to dark brown, can occur on any part of the skin, are localized singly or in clusters of several pieces. To completely get rid of the problem, you need to consult a doctor, after a series of tests, a comprehensive treatment will be prescribed to eliminate the root cause. Pharmacies offer a large list of drugs that get rid of visible growths on the skin. Based on consumer feedback, the article compiled a rating of the best remedies for papillomas for 2025.

Causes of the disease

HPV (human papillomavirus), getting on the skin, into the internal organs, through various transmission routes provoke the appearance of formations on the dermis. Often HPV, living in human cells, can be inactive for a long time. Some external, internal adverse factors provoke their activity and, as a result, the appearance of growths.

Provoking factors:

  • exhaustion of the body by work or training;
  • lack of vitamins, in particular: D, C, K, iron;
  • hormonal disorders, very often: menstrual irregularities;
  • occupational costs: health workers; hairdressers; cleaners: the entry of the virus from the skin into the deep layers of the dermis, with an accidental cut, will provoke the rapid appearance of papilloma;
  • immunodeficiency: HIV, viral infections.

Transmission routes

This disease appears equally often in men and women. Less common in children, but also occurs. The virus is transmitted in several ways, on which it depends exactly where the neoplasms will be formed.

Transmission routes:

  • with unprotected intercourse, then later, papillomas appear in intimate places, infection through kisses, anal, genital contacts is also possible;
  • through the birth canal from mother to child, it is worth noting that during pregnancy, the protective functions of the body decrease, the virus appears on the skin very rapidly;
  • household way through personal hygiene products, including soap, towel, shower;
  • skin lesions: abrasions, scratches, sores - an open entrance for the virus.

When shaving, epilation, mechanical damage to the skin, for example, squeezing out acne, self-infection is possible, that is, spreading the infection to different parts of the body, including the genitals.

The incubation period from HPV ingestion to the formation of growths is from two weeks to three years, the time increases if the infected person has strong immunity, on the contrary, with reduced protective functions, as well as the presence of provoking factors, the dermis will show the disease very quickly.

Types of virus and types of papillomas

The attending physician, according to the tests, will determine which of the 27 types and 170 species the patient's virus belongs to. Depending on the risk of oncology, the treatment of the disease is prescribed, as well as the elimination of growths on the dermis.


  • High risk of malignant tumor formations: HPV with indices 70; fifty; 31; 33; eighteen; 64; 39; 68; 16; eighteen; 59. The most dangerous strains - cancers, often appear in the form of flat papillomas, similar to a frequent allergic rash. Strains 16 and 18 provoke uterine cancer. It is strictly forbidden to fight the disease on your own.
  • Low cancer risk for the human body: 72; 73; 3; eleven; 6; 13; 72; 73; 51; 61; 40 - 44; provoke condylomas of the cervix, the doctor will recommend removing such growths as soon as possible.
  • Medium risk: 45; thirty; 35; 56; 58; 52. Thanks to immunostimulating therapy, formations of this type can be stopped from developing into a malignant form.

A non-oncogenic group is also determined, having strains: 20 - 24; 26 - 29; fifteen; 17; 7; ten; 14 - 15; 12; 19. These markers provoke formations that look like uneven gray warts.

Strains with a low, medium degree of possibility of oncology provoke the appearance and spread of formations of various types.

The papilloma virus is densely distributed among people, according to WHO, almost 90% of the world's population are carriers.

Types of skin papillomas

Papilloma - consists of connective tissue with passing vessels, which, if damaged, cut, can bleed, disturb in every possible way - pinch, ache, pulsate. A neoplasm can change shape, structure, increase in size, become darker or, on the contrary, fade. It also happens that even without treatment, the process can dry out, fall off - this does not mean that the disease has gone without a trace, but only requires additional attention. The highest concentration of the virus inside the growth appears six months after infection.

Types of papillomas on the skin:

  • filiform;
  • plantar (palm) warts;
  • flat warts;
  • genital warts;
  • vulgar warts are common.

The clinical picture, pathology and possible causative diseases are described in the photo (comparative table)


The elongated shape of small papillae, which often become inflamed, are clustered in long threads (hence the speaking name - filiform papillomas) indicate the manifestation of HPV, which appeared due to a hormonal disorder. Often found in older women, men, pregnant, lactating, adolescents of transitional age. They are localized mainly in the armpits, neck, chest, places most prone to sweating. A large number of warts of this kind is the first call to visit a therapist. Often, warts appear simultaneously with rectal polyps, grow from benign to malignant formations.

Vulgar papillomas are clustered in small numbers or singly, more common in children, located on the fingers, palms.

Plantar papillomas are often confused with large corns, especially at the initial stage, when there is still only a seal. Over time, the neoplasm coarsens, a high rim appears, and during movement it causes pain, a feeling of pulsation, similar to sensations from a foot spur. Self-removal by cutting can lead to the rapid multiplication of the virus, the addition of secondary infection.

Ways to remove papillomas

Together with immunomodulatory, antiviral drugs, the doctor will prescribe local ointments or gels to eliminate the neoplasm. Thanks to an integrated approach, it becomes possible to “lull” HPV for a while until provoking factors appear. Additional measures are minimally invasive therapy, the most popular of them are:

  • Laser coagulation - laser scarless removal of warts does not cause pain during and after the procedure. The method also works on sensitive areas of the body. At the same time, tissue coagulation and disinfection of the affected area occur.
  • Electrocoagulation will ensure the removal of small papillomas. The hook of the device cuts off the growth under the root, cauterizes the leg.
  • Radio wave method - there is an almost painless dissection of tissues. Due to the precision of the impact, HPV does not spread to healthy skin.
  • Cryosurgery is a method of removing warts by freezing with liquid nitrogen. The tissue is destroyed, and after some time it dies. Of the minuses of this method, one can distinguish - swelling of the treatment site, a change in skin color to unnaturally white. However, the side effect will soon pass.

Of the folk methods of treatment, it is worth highlighting the celandine, it is on its basis that many cosmetics are prepared to eliminate papillomas.Remove single growths with juice, generously lubricating the affected area. It is strictly forbidden to use the folk method on mucous membranes and in the intimate area. On the delicate dermis of the face, scars and burns may appear, so you should take precautions - dosage, frequency of application. The best area for exposure to celandine is the palms, fingers, and feet.

Before using a topical or internal preparation for papillomas, it is necessary to consult a dermatologist, or the attending physician, for a subsequent referral to a doctor of a subspecialty.

Overview of quality remedies for papillomas

For skin treatment, pharmacies and shops offer a huge selection of cosmetic and medical preparations, which are available in various forms - gels, liquids, creams. Medicines have a different composition, duration of treatment and end result. They are divided into those that can be used on the face, intimate area, mucous membranes, and those that are only suitable for eliminating formations on the arms and legs. Rating of quality drugs, compiled on the basis of customer reviews and according to doctors. It will help you avoid mistakes when choosing, understand what remedies are, and also tell you where to buy inexpensive drugs.


Sani Skin

The advantage of this drug over analogues is in the scale of application. The cream is used to eliminate growths in different parts of the body, including the face, intimate places, and mucous membranes. Ease of use at home, placed it in the most popular models. In addition to a 100% guarantee that the papilloma will dry out, Sani Skin does not leave spots and scars or any damage.The main component is castor and tea tree oil, salicylic acid, capable of leaving a burn on the delicate dermis at a high dosage, or an increased frequency of use. 1260 rubles for 2 bottles of 15 ml.

Application: apply the gel on a clean, dry affected area, do not rinse. Repeat, until you get the result, no more than three times a day.

Sani Skin
  • good composition;
  • effective;
  • functional.
  • price;
  • small volume;
  • leaves burns.

Clareol by Evansy

Clareol gel refers to drugs for cosmetic and medical purposes. The medicine dissolves papilloma cells, warts, condylomas, while not violating the integrity of the dermis. This quality is important if the gel can be used on the face and décolleté. The cream has a chemical composition, and a number of contraindications, therefore, before use, you must obtain the approval of a doctor. The drug comes with complex therapy in the fight against Bowen's disease, as well as bowenoid papulosis. During use, it is important to protect healthy skin from contact with the product, in order to avoid burns. Allowed from 18 years old. The price of the Russian medicine is 1295 rubles.


  • skin wounds;
  • tissue inflammation;
  • pregnancy, lactation;
  • sensitivity to components.

Method of application: without rubbing, distribute a drop of the product around the entire perimeter of the focus. Do not rinse, apply until the papilloma falls off.

Clareol by Evansy
  • functional;
  • performs its functions;
  • does not spread.
  • price;
  • burns and stings the skin;
  • a number of contraindications, only from 18 years.


The cosmetic ointment of this manufacturer is an effective herbal medicine for papillomas, allergic rashes, and warts. The active substances of celandine and makley have antimicrobial, healing ability.They are also known for their antitumor activity. They have a gentle and most delicate effect on the process, because of which the treatment can take up to a month. Due to the natural composition, which includes oils, herbal extracts, the ointment can be used by all categories of people, except for pregnant and lactating women. The price is from 350 rubles. It is possible to purchase through the online store.

Method of application: 3-5 times a day, the medicine is applied in a thin layer to the diseased area of ​​​​the dermis. Do not rinse, do not rub, warm. A month later, the ointment should be replaced with an analogue. Store in a cool place.

ointment Marislavna
  • active in tumors, burns;
  • suitable for children;
  • price.
  • specific smell;
  • not a quick effect;
  • not suitable for pregnant women.

DobroVit Pappiloblock

Papilloblock cream with a gel texture of domestic production removes papillomas from the root, destroying its beginning and structure. Prevents the reproduction of bacteria, the spread of HPV to healthy areas of the body. Favorably affects the quality of the skin - softness, smoothness. The main composition of the cream is natural: burdock juice, propolis, St. John's wort, garlic concentrate, celandine, leaves of trees and shrubs. The price for a container of 50 g is about 600 rubles. Available to order online. Use in children is allowed, pregnant women should consult a doctor.


  • dries up papillomas, warts of various types;
  • heals microtraumas of the dermis;
  • mucous membranes are not processed.

Mode of application:

Apply cream-gel generously on the growth, including the base. Leave, do not rinse. Apply twice a day.

DobroVit Pappilobloc
  • performs its task;
  • children allowed;
  • wide functionality.
  • the gel is not suitable for allergy sufferers;
  • during use, pain, burning may occur;
  • price.

medical supplies


The drug - the solution from papillomas has an oily texture. Under the action of active substances - phenol + metacresol, the treated formation darkens and after 2-4 days it dries up and falls off. It also helps to get rid of condylomas, warts. The application procedure should be taken carefully, as the drug can leave serious burns on healthy skin. Consumers give advice: before using the product, lubricate the area of ​​\u200b\u200bhealthy skin near the affected zinc ointment. Do not use for the treatment of children under 7 years of age, and do not use Verrukacid on the mucous membranes and corners of the lips. The manufacturer is Russia. The price is from 210 rubles. Comes with an applicator.

Indications for use:

  • all types of warts;
  • genital warts of the skin;
    dry corns;
  • keratomas;
  • papillomas.

Mode of application:

For external use only.
The drug is applied directly to the affected area with a thin point object (applicator, stick), so that the product does not get on the healthy dermis. Large affected areas are lubricated alternately, with breaks for drying 3-4 times in a row. In case of removal of keratinized warts or keratomas, the rough layer should be removed first.

Important! Genital warts are removed by the drug exclusively in clinical conditions.
After use, pink spots remain on the treated area, which are aligned with the main skin tone after 1-2 years.

  • performs all tasks;
  • price;
  • wide functionality.
  • Strong smell;
  • spreads;
  • bad, uncomfortable applicator.


The best Swiss manufacturer of medicines for neoplasms, the drug has earned its demand for fast action, wide functionality, after using the solutions there are no relapses. Mummification of growths during use provides the effect of oxalic, nitric, acetic acid. The treated neoplasm loses fluid, changes color to brown and disappears after 3-5 days. Suitable for influencing benign growths: flat and simple warts; nevus non-cellular; condyloma. Do not apply to the face, genitals, colloidal scars, malignant tumors. The treatment area in total should not exceed 3 cm 2. Price: 1040 rubles for 5 ampoules of 5 ml. Sold in pharmacies.


In addition, to the application of the drug 2-3 times a day, the process is smeared with alcohol to dry, after washing, taking bath procedures.

  • effective means;
  • functional;
  • does not harm healthy skin.
  • price;
  • not suitable for mucous and oncological formations;
  • redness, burning.


This is a whole complex of preparations - suppositories, an immunomodulator, gels, which are based on natural ingredients. Exposure to ointment at an early stage, until the papilloma has increased to a size of 0.3 cm, is the right way to a quick cure. Moreover, if HPV manifested itself in two or three places on the body, treatment with a gel on an extract of potato tops will be enough to eliminate papillomas after 5 days without recurrence. The action of the medicine is based on cauterization and falling off of the process. The procedure is carried out 2 times daily, generously lubricating the affected area of ​​the body.In addition to the destruction of papilloma, the drug causes the body to produce interferon, works to improve the resistance of the immune system. Effectively fights HPV, tick-borne encephalitis, herpes, cytomegalovirus. Only for small neoplasms, prevention. Suitable for people over 18 years old. Price: from 138 rubles for 3 g, 1000 rubles for 30 g.

Contraindications: pregnancy, first 3 months; kidney disease; allergy to components. It is forbidden to use from build-up on the eyes.

Panavir has the following actions:

  • antiviral;
  • drying up;
  • painkiller;
  • bactericidal.

Apply by applying to the skin, without rubbing, every 2-3 hours, the duration of treatment is up to 10 days. It is desirable to consult a doctor.

  • wide application;
  • quick effect;
  • painlessly.
  • many contraindications;
  • price;
  • high frequency of use.


HPV is not just a disease that you can close your eyes to. Some growths, without timely intervention, develop into malignant tumors. Using the photo in the article, you can easily diagnose papilloma on the body, however, the identification of the strain and the prescription of drugs must be entrusted to a dermatologist. HPV is an insidious disease that often has no symptoms, so the appearance of any type of papillomas is the first call to go to a therapist. Local drugs are able to stop the aesthetic part of the disease. When choosing a remedy, you should pay attention to the personal tolerance of the components, ease of use and contraindications. Both medical and cosmetic products are equally good at getting rid of papillomas.

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