
  1. Symptoms of the disease, how to identify the disease
  2. Prevention is better than cure
  3. Home remedies for powdery mildew
  4. Fighting Powdery Mildew - When Nothing Helps
  5. Plant protection chemicals
  6. Biologicals
  7. Conclusion

Ranking of the best powdery mildew remedies for 2025

Ranking of the best powdery mildew remedies for 2025

Powdery mildew of ornamental and agricultural crops is a collective term for various types of pathogens responsible for the development of white, flour-like spots on the leaves of infected annual and perennial flowers, trees and shrubs. From the article you can learn about the best fertilizers in the fight against powdery mildew.

Symptoms of the disease, how to identify the disease

Fungi from the Erysiphales group, including Golovinomyces cichoracearum, Erysiphe azaleae, or Podosphaera pannosa, infect various perennials and annuals. The disease affects asters, azaleas, mallows, and other plant species popular and readily grown by amateur gardeners.

It's worth knowing that, unlike most fungal infections, powdery mildew doesn't need rainy, humid weather to thrive. To protect the garden from them, you need to be vigilant even on sunny, hot days.

The disease is easy to recognize because it leaves visible traces in the form of a white flour-like coating on the aerial parts of plants - leaves, stems, buds and fruits.

If you do not fight in a timely manner, this can lead to:

  • drying plants;
  • distortion of shoots, leaves and fruits;
  • freezing in winter;
  • to weaker flowering and fruiting;
  • growth retardation and death.

Important! The wind blows the dew spores to other plants in the garden, and the white bloom is just the beginning. Over time, if you do not use fungicides, it will darken and begin to form the fruiting bodies of the fungus (similar to black balls). This is the mold's way of infecting plants the next spring.

A fungus such as powdery mildew not only spreads easily, but also infects flowers, fruit trees, shrubs, and vegetables. It is important to inspect the plants in the garden and immediately begin to fight this disease.

Plants that are often attacked by the disease:

  • fruit trees - apple, pear;
  • fruit bushes - strawberries, raspberries;
  • vegetables - carrots, tomatoes, lettuce, parsley;
  • trees - birches, oaks, poplars, maples, willows;
  • shrubs - roses, hydrangeas, viburnum, lilacs;
  • creepers - ivy, honeysuckle;
  • flowers - asters, dahlias, yarrow, carnations, marigolds, peonies, violets, daisies, rudbeckia.

Important! The disease affects lawns and appears even on weeds (goldenrod, plantain).

Where and how does powdery mildew occur?

Mycelium overwinters in buds, on shoots and fallen leaves around. In spring, spores are formed that affect leaves, less often shoots or flowers, become infected at low humidity, when there is a large temperature difference between day and night. A white powdery coating is visible on the affected areas. The disease spreads rapidly; low temperatures and prolonged rainfall do not stop it.

Spores overwintering in fallen leaves and shoots infect leaves in spring, and then move on to stems and fruits. Light green or light yellow spots appear on the upper side of the leaves, and a slight white, gray or purple coating is visible on the lower side of them. In conditions of high humidity, the disease develops rapidly, and new infections occur within 3-5 days. Infected parts quickly die.

In different cultures, the disease manifests itself in different ways. On the young leaves of the apple tree, a powdery coating is visible, and on the fruits it is red. In gooseberries and currants, the disease manifests itself at the ends of the shoots in the form of a white coating. In peaches, it appears on the lower part of the leaves and the tops of the shoots. Strawberries affected by powdery mildew have a gray coating on the underside of the leaves. Diseased leaves die.

Flower disease symptoms

The disease affects all parts of the flowers, but most easily appears on the upper side of the leaves as yellow, brown, or purple spots.On their underside, in wet weather, a delicate white or purple coating can be seen, as a result of which the leaves die. The most susceptible to damage: geranium, pansies, buttercup, poppy, anemone, chrysanthemum.

Flowers susceptible to mold:

  • asters;
  • begonia;
  • zinnias;
  • dahlia;
  • buttercup;
  • Violet;
  • phloxes;
  • lupine;
  • larkspur;
  • rudbekia;
  • astilb;
  • anemones;

Prevention is better than cure

Effective removal of powdery mildew from the garden is possible with fungicides and preventive spraying is key here.

Powdery mildew and downy mildew are fungal diseases that are common and infect a very wide range of plants, from those growing in greenhouses, fields, gardens, to potted (indoor) plants grown at home. And as previously mentioned, these mushrooms do not bypass even ordinary weeds.

Important! Preventive measures will help protect the garden and garden from this disease, so it would not be right to ignore them.

Helpful Hints

  • when creating a new crop, choose resistant varieties to various kinds of fungal diseases;
  • avoid over-fertilization, especially with nitrogen fertilizers;
  • pay attention to the distance between bushes, trees providing access to light and air;
  • protect the leaves from moisture, water the plants only from below, preferably in the morning or evening;
  • remove weeds from the crop, they are often inhabited by fungi that spread crops;
  • use horsetail preparations for strengthening. Strengthening the cells and structure of the leaves makes it difficult for fungal spores to penetrate;
  • noticing signs of powdery mildew, you must immediately remove the leaves and flowers and burn them.

Home remedies for powdery mildew

  • Cutting off powdery mildew.This is the first and necessary action in the fight against powdery mildew. Removed leaves are best burned to prevent further spread of the fungus.
  • Milk and whey. It is necessary to mix a liter of skimmed milk with four liters of warm water. The resulting solution is sprayed onto plants under control every other day for two weeks. The soil around the plants is also sprayed.
  • Baking powder. For 5 liters of warm water, you need to take 3 packets of baking powder, 3 tablespoons of rapeseed oil and 3 drops of dishwashing liquid. Sick plants are sprayed once a week with this solution. This method is more effective than milk.
  • Garlic. To do this, 10 cloves of garlic are crushed and poured with a liter of boiling water. The night rests. The liquid is then mixed with 3 tablespoons of rapeseed oil and 4 liters of water and sprayed onto the plants every 3-4 days.
  • Nettle dung - Of course, you can prepare it yourself, but there is often a short period of time when the nettle is usable. You can also buy ready-made nettle extract, which is completely natural and without chemical additives. Fights powdery mildew on ornamental crops, vineyards, fruit trees and vegetables.

Fighting Powdery Mildew - When Nothing Helps

When powdery mildew has a very strong command of ornamental and vegetable crops, there is nothing better than the use of chemicals.

Commercially available drugs, properly used and dosed, are not harmful to humans. With the correct timing of spraying, no traces are left on the fruits during harvest. Sulfur or copper fungicides are most effective.

The fight against the fungus consists in choosing the right preparation, but not for the fungus, but for the plant on which it manifested itself.Preparations useful in this fight will be, among other things: Thiovit Jet it can be used to grow, for example, onions, carrots, lettuce. Dew Bottle for protection, ornamental crops, strawberries, peppers, eggplants, currants, gooseberries, blueberries, Topas 100 EC will help in the fight against powdery mildew when it attacks grapes, apples and pears, strawberries and cucumbers, Scorpion 325 SC is suitable for fighting mold when growing tomatoes, cucumbers or carrots.

One possibility is to use innovative methods to stimulate the natural resistance of plants. Numerous scientific studies have established that the effect of fertilizers on reducing pests is due to the presence of certain minerals (Si, Ag, Cu and Zn) and carboxylic acids, such as formic acid. Therefore, it is recommended to choose fertilizer elements that support the natural resistance of plants and at the same time significantly affect the structure of plant tissues, for example, Mg, K, P, Ca. The occurrence of gray mold, cross black or powdery mildew can be reduced by introducing colloidal silver products into a fertilizer and protection program. Nanoparticles additionally provide better oxygenation of plant cells, activate vital processes such as photosynthesis, respiration, absorption and transport of nutrients in the plant, and stimulate plant defense mechanisms.

Phosphite-type chemicals are another group of fertilizers that stimulate plant defense mechanisms.In the case of fungal diseases of carrots and parsley, as shown by the situation in previous seasons, very good effects in reducing the severity of the disease and stopping the disease process were demonstrated by fertilizers that maintain protection and stimulate plant resistance and stimulate immune mechanisms. Very good effects have been noted with Phosphiron Mg containing active magnesium phosphide. These drugs act as a powerful nutrient to supplement phosphorus and magnesium deficiencies. They increase the resistance of plants to adverse weather and habitat conditions, stimulating their defense mechanisms. In addition, the activity of phosphite is associated with the structure of the molecule itself - it is poorer in one oxygen atom, which gives increased mobility in the plant and soil. Phosphites act fungistatically on the pathogen. They retard the growth of the fungal cell and slow down the formation of spores, which causes the pathogen to release stress metabolites (numerous chemical compounds). Stress metabolites are recognized by the plant, which secretes increased amounts of antibodies and strengthens the physical structure of the membrane and cell wall. The plant then reacts with an accumulation of phytoalexins (immune organs), which causes an immune system response. Infected cells are forced into apoptosis (cell death in a multicellular organism). The introduction of these fertilizers undoubtedly supports the protection, stimulates life processes and, above all, activates the defense mechanisms and improves the health of the plantations.

Downy mildew control

It is not easy to fight the disease, so it is better not to let it into the garden. The basic rule is that organic plant residues must be carefully removed and disposed of.If the crops were previously contaminated with fungi, these residues must not be put on the composter under any circumstances. Crops should also be systematically weeded and avoid watering with a sprinkler system. The drip system is better, the leaves of the plants do not need to be soaked. A good way to avoid fungal diseases is to water with horsetail or manure from onion leaves. Means for preventive spraying from downy mildew - indispensable Avgust Chistotsvet.

If the crop is affected by powdery mildew, spraying with plant protection products is necessary. And here, too, the right remedy must be chosen for the particular species, not the pathogen.

Plant protection chemicals

Processing should begin with the appearance of the first spots on the leaves and petioles and continue until harvest. For chemical protection against powdery mildew, systemic preparations containing bupirimate can be used. It is also worth considering contact and systemic preparations containing pyraclostrobin and boscalid. Such preparations can be used as a preventive measure or after the first symptoms of the disease are detected, but no later than 14 days before harvest. From the 10 leaf phase to the beginning of the phase when the roots begin to expand, a maximum of two treatments can be performed.

Thiovit Jet

Fungicidal remedy for various kinds of diseases, powdery mildew, as well as ticks. Combines the properties of fungicide, acaricide and microfertilizer. The drug was developed jointly with a Swiss company and is effective.

weight - 30 g;

country of origin - Russia.;

brand - AVGUST.;

preparative form - water-dispersed granules.;

price - 28 rubles.

Thiovit Jet
  • affordable price;
  • convenient packaging;
  • excellent adhesion;
  • good contact action;
  • high efficiency;
  • the duration of the drug is up to 10 days;
  • not phytotoxic;
  • effective in the fight against powdery mildew, spider mites;
  • suitable for fruit trees (apple, pear), shrubs (currant, gooseberry), roses and grapes;
  • has fungicidal and acaricidal action;
  • simple application.
  • not compatible with agricultural chemicals;
  • it is forbidden to use during the flowering of plants;
  • quickly washed off by precipitation.

Dew bottle

A fungicidal agent in the fight against powdery mildew is used to protect, prevent and treat crops. Recommended for protection against diseases of berries (gooseberries, raspberries, currants, honeysuckle). An effective drug for gray rot, anthracnose.

volume - 10 ml;

packaging - on a blister;

preparative form - liquid;

price - 66 rubles;

country of manufacture - Russia.

Dew bottle
  • affordable price;
  • simple application;
  • efficiency;
  • moderate consumption of the drug;
  • good contact action.
  • ineffective in cool and damp weather;
  • work only with precautions.


Fungicide for powdery mildew and rust. It has preventive, curative and eradicating actions. Stops the growth of the mycelium of the powdery mildew pathogen 2-3 hours after treatment. It is quickly absorbed by plants, which reduces the risk of being washed away by rain.

volume - 10 ml;

packaging - on a blister;

preparative form - liquid;

brand - AVGUST;

country of manufacture Russia;

price - 125 rubles.

  • efficiency;
  • moderate consumption;
  • prevention and treatment;
  • helps to slow down the growth of powdery mildew pathogen mycelium;
  • well absorbed;
  • effective in the fight against powdery mildew, spider mites;
  • suitable for fruit trees (apple, pear), shrubs (currant, gooseberry), roses and grapes;
  • has good adhesion, which reduces the risk of being washed off by rain.
  • a little expensive.

August Pureflower

Systemic fungicide for powdery mildew. The drug is in the form of a spray, ready to use, convenient and effective in the fight against gray mold and stains.

volume - 700 ml;

brand - AVGUST;

country of origin - Russia;

price - 309 rubles;

preparative form - liquid (spray).

August Pureflower
  • convenience and ease of use;
  • protection from 4 to 5 weeks;
  • non-toxic to plants;
  • the product is resistant to precipitation after two hours after treatment;
  • penetrates deeply within 2-4 hours from the moment of application;
  • suitable for flowers, ornamental plants, fruit trees;
  • the drug is ready for use.
  • no.

Double garden protection

Avgust Topaz + Biotlin, a complex remedy of a domestic manufacturer against powdery mildew and aphids, is intended to protect berry bushes (black currant and gooseberry).

volume - bottle 10 ml + 9 ml;

preparative form - liquid;

country of origin - Russia;

price - 170 rubles.

Double garden protection
  • affordable price;
  • moderate consumption;
  • convenient packaging;
  • good adhesion and contact action.
  • no.

Green Belt Forecast

A systemic powdery mildew remedy that has a protective effect against powdery mildew.

Volume - 10 ml;

Preparative form - liquid;

Country of manufacture - Russia;

Price - 109 rubles.

Green Belt Forecast
  • affordable price;
  • convenient packaging;
  • high efficiency;
  • suitable for different cultures;
  • the drug is active for 3-5 weeks.
  • the drug is ineffective in cool weather and in conditions of high humidity.


Fitosporin-M OZHZ

Biopreparation for protection of plants from diseases. A versatile and effective remedy that is suitable for the treatment and prevention of diseases (fungal and bacterial). In addition, the tool shows good results in the fight against late blight, root rot, scab, black leg, rust and others.

Weight - 10 gr;

Packing - package;

Price - 20 rubles;

Country of origin - Russia.

Fitosporin-M OZHZ
  • price;
  • ease of use;
  • universality;
  • recommended for prevention and treatment;
  • the drug is not phytotoxic;
  • the remedy is enhanced with the elixir of fertility;
  • products can be eaten on the day of processing.
  • organic preparation;
  • harmless to bees.
  • no.


Phytopreparation for garden and indoor crops, has a protective effect against diseases and pests. The product contains natural rapeseed oils, it is environmentally friendly and non-phytotoxic.


Volume - 350 ml;

Packing - a bottle of thick plastic;

Preparative form - liquid;

Country of manufacture - Russia;

Price - 273 rubles.

  • universality;
  • high efficiency;
  • based on natural ingredients;
  • inhibits the development and growth of pathogens;
  • protects horticultural and indoor crops;
  • oily consistency of the product;
  • evenly covers the surface;
  • contributes to the death of pests.
  • no.


A beautiful garden, a summer cottage is the dream of every gardener and gardener. Growing delicious fruits and vegetables with your own hands is a goal to strive for.Tips and recommendations in the article on the choice of chemicals and biological products will help you achieve your goal, and the right drugs will help you effectively deal with diseases and pests. Happy summer and good harvest!!!

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