Houseplant owners often face such a problem as midges. These insects harm vegetation and create an unpleasant environment in the house. But they can be dealt with using specially designed tools or using folk methods. In the article, we will consider drugs that are designed to kill midges in indoor flowers.
Varieties of midges

Among domestic flower midges, there are several varieties, such as:
- Drosophila, an insect that outwardly resembles an ordinary fly only of a small size, this species feeds on plant sap, microorganisms, and rotting residues, is found in cyperus, callas, violets, orchids, but can also start in other plants;
- scyriades or the so-called mushroom mosquito, outwardly really resembles a black mosquito, the root system becomes their victims, they compact the earth by blocking the supply of oxygen to the root system, most often scyriades will settle in the roots of violet, ficus, aloe or Decembrist;
- whitefly, reminiscent of a small moth, the insect sucks the juice from the leaves, while, like aphids, it secretes a sticky liquid that is a source of food for mushrooms that continue to destroy vegetation further, fuchsia, pelargonium, balsam, roses - not a complete list of flowers that attract the attention of whiteflies ;
- podura or springtail, feed on microorganisms, as well as decaying organic matter, live on wet ground, in pallets, as well as at the foot of plants, that is, in places where water collects, springtail sizes are from 1 to 2 mm, but despite this, insects are very fast and bouncy, the appearance of podura indicates that the plants suffer from excess fluid;
- thrips, midges are black, gray or brown, insects are very mobile and constantly move from flower to flower, regularly laying their eggs on the leaves, the hatched larvae immediately begin to feed on the juice of the plant, thus harming it, that thrips have started, say the spots that appeared on the leaves, outwardly resembling strokes, and white larvae around them, as well as midges flying around;
- scale insects, parasites with a high reproduction rate, favorite habitats are vegetation with smooth and hard leaves, it is difficult not to notice its appearance, since after infection, convex or flat oval-shaped shields appear on the surface of the leaves, with a light brown tint;
- the spider mite is a red spider and is the most common among pests, the main sign of the appearance of this parasite is the formation of a thin transparent web on the flowers, the appearance of thin punctures can also be seen on the leaves, dry, poorly ventilated rooms contribute to the rapid reproduction of the spider mite, infection of plants with a mite leads to the fact that the leaves become pale, turn gray, and then dry up and fall off;
- leaf aphid, has a miniature size and can be red, green, brown, yellow or black, prefers soft, tender foliage, young shoots and buds, is especially dangerous for weakened or only transplanted flowers, they weaken growth and contribute to their rapid withering;
- mealybug, outwardly resembles small pieces of cotton wool, it is difficult to notice their appearance, since the parasite hides in the axils of the leaves, it is dangerous for all indoor vegetation.
Almost all midges prefer to settle where it is humid and rotting organic matter is present.
The reason for their appearance
The appearance of pests contributes to improper care. Among the main mistakes that houseplant owners make are:
- The acquisition of a new flower without inspection, that is, it is often possible to buy a plant with pests that have already settled, which will subsequently infect those nearby. Unfortunately, parasites are not always noticeable immediately, but within two weeks they will definitely show themselves. It is best to transplant the flower after the purchase by thoroughly washing the root system.
- The use of organic fertilizers as top dressing, such as humus, sugar, tea and coffee residues, and yeast. Of course, their use provides plants with all the necessary nutrients, but at the same time, the process of decay begins in the soil, which is an ideal breeding ground for various parasites.
- Soil transfusion, frequent and abundant watering is not beneficial, especially if the pot does not have drainage. Do not water indoor flowers abundantly, even if it is very hot.
- The use of contaminated land, pests can be in any soil, therefore, before planting a plant, the soil should be disinfected.
Open windows are another common cause of midges. Therefore, it is impossible to completely eliminate the appearance of parasites. You can only periodically take preventive measures and prevent the reproduction of insects.
So, the prevention of the appearance of midges is an integral part of plant care. The list of such measures includes:
- Humidity control of both air and soil.If the room is dry, then the air should be moistened, and if it is too humid, it should be dried, it is also necessary to regularly ventilate the rooms.
- Moderate watering, abundant moisture should be completely excluded, since it not only contributes to the development and reproduction of pests, but also has a bad effect on the growth and development of vegetation.
- Drainage must be of high quality so that the liquid at the root system does not stagnate.
- Loosening the soil in order for the plant to grow and develop properly, the roots need oxygen, it is also detrimental to pest larvae. The top layer should be loosened to a depth of 3 to 5 cm.
- Quarantine, it is recommended that only purchased plants be placed in a separate room for about 30 days. During this time, if there are pests in the soil, they will make themselves felt, and it will be possible to deal with them, avoiding infection of other flowers.
- Cleansing, it is necessary to regularly clean the fallen leaves to avoid rotting.
- Constant inspection for possible pests.
- Periodic steaming of the soil with boiling water and the use of a solution of potassium permanganate.
- Mixing soil with marble chips, ash or coarse sand.
Such preventive measures will help to avoid the appearance of pests in indoor plants, but they should be carried out regularly.
Folk remedies for midges
If the midges just appeared and did not have time to do much harm, then you can use folk methods. They are completely safe and allow you to use them even in the presence of small children and pets. Folk methods include the use of substances such as:
- garlic, it is placed in a pot or chopped cloves are laid out on the surface, you can also use garlic infusion, they are periodically sprayed with plants;
- potassium permanganate, or rather its solution, with which the soil is watered and flowers are sprayed;
- ash, an old proven remedy that insects do not like, it is enough to scatter it on the surface with a thin layer, and not a single insect will do;
- matches, another old pest control method, for this you need to take five matches and place them in the ground with sulfur heads down, after that the earth is poured with warm water, you need to change matches daily;
- citruses, or rather, their crusts are taken and placed in flower pots;
- dill, it is laid in the area of \u200b\u200bthe root system;
- tobacco, pre-infused and the resulting liquid is treated with flower leaves.
All these products are absolutely safe for both flowers and their owners. You can use them regularly.
Types of professional tools

If folk remedies do not help, then you can always use professional remedies for the destruction of flower midges. These drugs are produced in the form of:
- Aerosol, sprayer, spray, products released in this form are the most simple and popular. Suitable in cases where midges have appeared from the street and have not yet had time to lay larvae. In order for them to work, you should spray them indoors and wait about an hour, after which you need to open the windows and ventilate the room. Then it remains only to collect the dead insects from the surfaces and throw them away. It is important to remember that such funds are not safe and should be used with caution, observing all safety measures.
- Granules, dry particles of various sizes, which are scattered on top of the soil or mixed with it when planting, in accordance with the volume indicated on the package. When in contact with moisture, they create a protective barrier that repels midges and other parasites.
- powder to obtain a solution, it is diluted in accordance with the instructions, the tool helps to destroy not only winged, but also any other types of pests. The preparations are used both for watering and for spraying flowers.
The results after using these types of products will be noticeable after the first application. And in some cases, reuse is not even required.
Rating of the best remedies for midges in indoor flowers for 2025
On the shelves of stores you can find a huge amount of funds to combat flower midges. But among the presented goods, users distinguish those that, in their opinion, can be called the most high-quality and effective.
Means for solutions
The substance is an excellent assistant in the fight against domestic flower pests. The drug negatively affects the nervous system of insects, which contributes to their rapid destruction. Aktara dissolves in water and is applied under the root system or on the leaves by spraying. It is most effective to use as a solution for irrigation, as it perfectly destroys the larvae deposited in the ground. After use, it retains its effectiveness for two weeks. The composition is non-toxic, which means that it does not harm the root system of plants.

- effective remedy for insect control;
- the result after use is noticeable very quickly;
- safety;
- long period of action;
- wide scope.
Fufanon Nova
Fufanon Nova, a medicinal product used when pests appear. Suitable for processing a variety of cultivated plants, including indoor ones. Manufacturers recommend using the product only in the absence of children and animals in the room and preferably in a respirator. And after the end of the procedure, you need to wash your hands, take a shower and change clothes. The container from under the solution or filled with it should be stored in an inaccessible, dark and dry place. It is impossible to mix the composition with others. It is necessary to prepare the composition exclusively in accordance with the recommendations indicated by the manufacturer on the package.
Fufanon Nova
- the effectiveness of the drug;
- wide application;
- lasting result;
- if the proportion is observed, the liquid is harmless to flowers.
- requires careful adherence to security measures.
Fitoverm is a widely used agent, belongs to biological ones and is suitable for combating not only flower midges, but also other harmful parasites. The composition differs in that it does not have a cumulative effect, that is, it does not accumulate in fruits, flowers, soil and inflorescences. A non-toxic drug is capable of 100% destroying some groups of insects. It is necessary to process plants only in a well-ventilated area away from children and animals. After the procedures, you need to change clothes and take a shower, and keep the container with the composition away from children and animals. Do not mix with other drugs.

- affordable cost;
- lasting result;
- 100% effect;
- ease of use;
- non toxic.
The tool is produced in tablets, one is enough to get 10 liters. solution.Suitable for controlling midges and other household pests. It is recommended to use the composition immediately after dilution of the tablet. The leaves and stem are evenly moistened with the resulting mixture; according to the manufacturer, it fights 52 types of parasites. The product is not storable and must therefore be used immediately.
- price;
- efficiency;
- long-term result;
- does not harm plants;
- ease of use.
- the resulting solution is not subject to storage.
Granular insecticides
Available in granules that dissolve in water at room temperature. It copes well with soil pests and their larvae. Also effective in the fight against ants and wireworms. The result remains for a long period, it is possible to use it as a prophylactic, in this case the substance is applied during the transplantation of flowers.

- price;
- the result is stored for a long time;
- rapid destruction of pests;
- easy to use;
- multifunctional use.
Green Belt Spark STICKS 10 pcs.
Green Belt Spark is used not only as a pest control agent, but also as a top dressing and protection of flowers. To achieve the result, it is necessary to place the sticks between the walls of the pot and the flower, the main thing is to place the product at the same distance from each other. The upper part of the sticks should be slightly below the ground surface, the amount of the drug spent depends on the volume of the pot. The composition of the sticks includes nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium, they dissolve within 6-8 weeks, and the death of pests occurs about a week after their use.

Green Belt Spark STICKS 10 pcs.
- tool functionality;
- safety;
- long period of action;
- price.
Grom-2 is produced in microgranules and is used to kill ants and midges. It fights not only with visible insects, but also with their larvae deposited in the ground. The granules do not require dissolution and are ready for use, they are applied to the soil after removing the top layer 2-3 cm deep, then sprinkling it back on the scattered grains. The granules are stored in a cool place away from pets and children.

- insignificant price;
- a wide range of applications;
- ease of use;
- high level of efficiency;
- practicality;
- suitable not only for home flowers.
The tool with high efficiency is suitable for processing not only flowers, but fruit and vegetable crops. It copes well with both adult pests and their larvae. Parasites disappear 48 hours after use, and the granules also have a protective effect, which reduces the risk of pests in the near future. The composition dissolves quickly and does not accumulate, does not harm plants and microorganisms living in the soil. Manufacturers recommend using the drug once a season.

- price;
- functionality;
- universality;
- availability;
- effectiveness;
- ease of use.
Aerosol products
Dichlorvos Neo
A spray that is popular in the fight against indoor pests. The composition belongs to moderately hazardous substances. Qualitatively fights not only with domestic flying pests, but also with ants, cockroaches and even bedbugs. Shake the can before use, spray at a distance of up to 20 cm from the object.It is recommended to use in well-ventilated areas in the absence of children and animals.
Dichlorvos Neo
- price;
- Areas of use;
- 100% result;
- does not spoil the flowers;
- easy to use.
- protection required during use.
A spray that is effective in controlling flying insects. Suitable not only for the fight against midges, but also against mosquitoes, fleas, ants and even cockroaches. Because of its functionality, Raptor is very popular among users. The composition is safe for people and animals, but the can should still be stored out of the reach of children, in a cool place away from sunlight.

- simple and easy to use;
- economical;
- quick result;
- safe;
- patented.
Bona Forte
Bona Forte has an unusual, but very effective composition, which is based on Dalmatian chamomile. Aerosol is an excellent solution in the fight against flying pests. Suitable for the destruction of insects both indoors and outdoors. Contact with young inflorescences and buds should be avoided, it must be applied in the shade, avoiding direct sunlight on the treated areas. Store in a dark cool place out of the reach of children.

Bona Forte
- quick result;
- wide area of use;
- does not injure vegetation;
- not limited in use.
There are quite a lot of means to combat house flies, in addition to professional preparations, you can use folk methods, but they are more suitable at the initial stage of infection.Preparations should be chosen taking into account their danger to humans and plants, and their effectiveness in combating emerging pests.