Flatulence - increased gas formation in the human gastrointestinal tract. Bloating is seen in both healthy people and patients with chronic diseases. Analyzing the rating of the best remedies for flatulence and gas formation for 2025, after receiving a doctor's advice, you can choose popular drugs according to the main criteria (active ingredient, price, form of release).
In the intestines of an adult healthy person, for the normal functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, there are 170-250 ml of gases. During the day, 0.2-2.5 liters of gases are produced, which come out 5-15 times. It consists of the following elements: nitrogen (10-91%), methane (55-59%), hydrogen sulfide (25-28%), carbon dioxide (45-50%), oxygen (8-10%), ammonia.
A large amount of gases is in the bubbles, which are surrounded by a layer of mucus. This foam surrounds the mucous membrane of the colon, reduces the ability to absorb water, vitamins and trace elements, reduces the activity of enzymes during the digestion of food.
Flatulence is manifested by such symptoms:
There are two reasons for the increase in gases in the digestive tract.
The process of swallowing air that occurs:
Gas bubbles are formed during the digestion of food, drinks:
In young children, swallowing air is associated with the immaturity of the nervous and digestive systems, a poorly formed swallowing reflex (in premature babies). For the prevention of colitis, it is necessary to keep the child in an upright position after eating for several minutes, do gymnastics, stroke the abdomen, follow the diet of a nursing mother.
In pregnant women, increased gas formation is manifested against the background of a change in hormonal levels (the first months of pregnancy), displacement of internal organs due to an enlarged uterus (at 8-9 months). It is worth paying attention to the diet, increasing physical activity (special gymnastics, hiking, swimming pool).
Flatulence is often an additional symptom in diseases:
There are several types of flatulence that occur under the influence of external (exogenous) and internal (endogenous) factors.
Nutritionists advise adjusting the list of products, daily routine. Eliminate foods that stimulate the formation of gases:
Eat 5-6 times a day in small portions, chewing thoroughly, without talking.
Quit smoking, chewing gum, increase physical activity.
Add to diet:
Consult with your doctor - treat the underlying disease, normalize the intestinal microflora.
Medicines can be classified according to the following characteristics:
According to the active substance, they distinguish:
Substances have a large surface area with a porous structure. Absorb and release gases. They can remove useful substances from the body - vitamins, minerals, enzymes. Appointed for a short period.The peculiarity of the use of enterosorbents: take separately from medicines and food, on an empty stomach (2 hours before meals, 2-3 hours after meals). Suitable for adults and children, have few flaws. Available in the form of tablets (activated carbon), powders, pastes.
Preparations with the active substance simetic. The mechanism of action is based on the destruction of the shell of gas bubbles, the release of gases and the decrease in the volume of foam. Take during the course recommended by the attending physician. Available in various forms: drops, tablets, capsules, syrups. Suitable for small children and pregnant women.
Enzymes help break down proteins, fats, carbohydrates in the stomach and large intestine. Helps to get rid of the feeling of fullness in the stomach when overeating. They are an additional medicine in the treatment of various diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.
Drugs that improve the motor function of the gastrointestinal tract. The active ingredient is domperidone (Motilium) or itopride (Ganaton). Assign with bloating, pain, heartburn, belching.
Medicines are prescribed to relieve pain, spasms with increased gas formation and stretching of the walls in the intestine. They are prescribed by the attending physician in the treatment complex as an additional remedy (No-shpa, Papaverine, Neobutin).
The amount of gases in the human digestive system depends on the microflora (the presence of beneficial, pathogenic bacteria). There are pro- and prebiotics.
Probiotics (useful bifido- and lactobacilli, non-pathogenic enterococci) are used during the treatment of infectious diseases, when prescribing a long course of antibiotics, to prevent dysbacteriosis. Beneficial bacteria in the human body perform the following functions:
Prebiotics are food additives (carbohydrates) that serve as a nutrient medium for the growth of beneficial microorganisms (probiotics). Taken to enhance the action in combination with the right bacteria. A large amount of the necessary carbohydrates is found in vegetables, fruits: watermelon, bananas, tomatoes, garlic, grapes.
Available in 3 forms:
The duration of probiotic use depends on the diagnosis. To get the best result, you should consult a doctor, read the instructions for use. For diarrhea, probiotics are consumed 4-7 times a day for 5-7 days.For the treatment of chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, bacteria are taken 3-4 times a day for up to 18-21 days. Popular complexes are Lineks, Bifiform.
To get rid of bloating and gases, traditional medicine recipes are used. Plant substances with essential oils have a good effect on flatulence. In mild cases (overeating), recipes for decoctions, infusions with medicinal chamomile, mint, fennel seeds, caraway seeds, which you can cook with your own hands, will help get rid of gases and bloating.
Grind 4-5 peppermint leaves, pour a glass of boiling water (200 ml). Insist for 15-20 minutes. Drink 3-4 times a day, 50-60 ml after meals. For taste, you can add 0.5 tsp of honey if there is no allergy.
1 tsp dill seeds pour 200-250 ml of boiling water, let it brew for 50-60 minutes. Strain through a sieve, consume 25-30 ml 5-6 times a day.
Fennel seeds are used in recipes for excessive gas formation:
Mix 3 tbsp. l. chamomile flowers, cumin and bird cherry fruits, blueberries (leaves, fruits) in one container. 1 tbsp herbal collection pour 200-260 ml of boiling water. Insist under the lid for 10-15 minutes, strain through a sieve. Take 3-4 times a day for 2-3 tablespoons.
The purchase of medicines must be made after consultation with a family doctor, a gastroenterologist, who can correctly determine the cause of excessive gas formation, relieve symptoms, and prescribe a course of treatment.
The selection of funds for bloating in the rating was carried out according to information from pharmacies, taking into account customer reviews, price, and the number of products sold.
Defoamer. The active substance - simethicone, is chemically inert, is not absorbed into the blood, does not remove minerals, vitamins with prolonged use. It is prescribed for flatulence, poisoning with detergents, before examination of internal organs (X-ray, ultrasound). Release form - capsules, emulsion, sachets, drops (for children). Producer - Berlin-Chemie / Menarini, Germany. Cost - from 295 rubles. (25 capsules) up to 561 rubles. (drops 50 ml).
Enterosorbent. The active substance is colloidal silicon dioxide. Assign for diarrhea, intoxication of adults and children, allergic, dermatological manifestations. Produced in the form of a powder for the preparation of a suspension, in vials and sachets. The required amount of powder depends on body weight. Producer - Polysorb MP, Russia. Cost - from 165 rubles. (bottle 12 g) up to 377 rubles. (bank 50 g).
Enterosorbent. The active substance is polymethylsiloxane polyhydrate (organic silicon polymer). Manufacturer: Silma TNK LLC, Russia. The release form is a paste with a neutral taste for adults, with a sweet one for children. Assign for poisoning, allergies, treatment and prevention of infections. Take 1-2 hours before meals, medications. Cost - 406-457 rubles.
The drug consists of pancreatic enzymes (pancreatin, amylase, lipase, protease). It is prescribed for chronic pancreatitis, gastritis with low acidity, after operations, to improve digestion in old age. Available in capsules. Producer - Abbott Laboratories GmbH (Germany). The price depends on the dosage, the number of capsules in the package (from 297 rubles to 1483 rubles).
Probiotic, contains bifidobacteria and vitamins B1 and B6 (powders, chewable tablets). To improve immunity, prevention, treatment of flatulence in children and adults.Available in hard capsules, for children from 3 years old - chewable fruit tablets, powders with orange-raspberry flavor - for children from 1 year old. The manufacturer is Ferrosan (Denmark). Price: from 515 rubles. up to 697 rubles (depending on the number of capsules, tablets in a pack).
Combined drug. Consists of: simethicone (antifoam), alverine (antispasmodic). Assign with increased gas formation with pain, diarrhea, nausea, constipation, before research (X-ray, ultrasound). Produced by Maioli Spindler Laboratories, Italy. Release form - hard capsules. Price - 650-760 rubles.
Probiotic, contains 3 types of bacteria (lacto-, bifidobacteria, enterococci). Assign in the treatment, prevention of dysbacteriosis in adults, children (from birth). Dosage forms of release: capsules, sachets and drops (for children). Capsules are taken after meals with 100-150 ml of water. For people who cannot swallow the capsule whole, for children under 3 years old, the contents of the capsule are poured into a spoon, mixed with 3-5 ml of water. Producer - Lek dd, Switzerland. Prices from 328 rubles. (7 capsules) up to 688 rubles. (32 capsules).
Enterosorbent. Consists of silicon dioxide, microcrystalline cellulose, fillers, disintegrants. Assign as an additional remedy for poisoning, infections, helminthiasis, hepatitis. It is a source of dietary fiber (cellulose). Produced by Vneshtorgfarm, Russia. Cost - 170-280 rubles.
Combined preparation: simethicone (antifoam), fennel essential oil. Indications - gas formation, bloating, colic. Available in capsules. Take 1 capsule 3-5 times a day until the symptoms disappear. Produced in Russia, Evalar. Price - 215-243 rubles. for 25 pieces.
Bloating can occur even in healthy people in isolated cases, after overeating. For the correct selection of medicines, it is necessary to consult a nutritionist, gastroenterologist, who will select effective drugs. A wide range of products with different active ingredients will help with acute or chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.