
  1. Top best remedies for the Colorado potato beetle
  2. Outcome

Rating of the best funds from the Colorado potato beetle in 2025

Rating of the best funds from the Colorado potato beetle in 2025

Spring has come, and with it the time of worries in the beds. Unfortunately, pest control joins the usual procedures for caring for vegetation. One of the brightest representatives of these is considered to be the Colorado potato beetle, it is not easy to beat it, but the whole crop can suffer because of it. Each gardener has his own methods, but the most relevant and effective is the use of various poisons, which we will discuss in this review.

Top best remedies for the Colorado potato beetle

Before characterizing a particular pesticide, it is necessary to clarify that they are classified according to different criteria. For example, all poisonous agents are divided into specialized and universal.Specialized ones are designed to fight a beetle in a specific phase of life (eggs, larva or a full-fledged beetle), while universal ones provide for a fight regardless of the shape and age of the beetle.

Depending on the method of application:

  • on potato tubers before planting;
  • spraying the plant.

According to the effect on the Colorado potato beetle:

  • systemic ones enter the plant, which then becomes life-threatening for the beetle;
  • contact substances poison the pest directly upon contact with the leaves or stem;
  • intestinal - poison through food.

In addition to other ways to deal with beetles, poisons differ in accordance with the active substance that is part of it. Consider each of these substances in order to better understand which of the presented poisons is suitable in a given situation.

  • Neonicotinoids. This is a class of substances that block the transmission of nerve impulses. They are dangerous to insect life, but not to mammals. They are used in systemic poisons. One of the positive characteristics is stability in light, hydrolysis.
  • Pyrethrins. This is a biological substance. But at temperatures above 250 With its action weakens or completely disappears.
  • Phosphorus compounds. Poisonous substances of this class perform their task well, but it is likely that the beetle may develop immunity.
  • Avermectins. These are neurotoxic poisons, the strength of which depends on the ambient temperature, the higher it is, the stronger the substance.

For the best result, it is necessary to alternate these substances, since very often the Colorado potato beetle develops adaptation.

There are many agents on the market to combat the Colorado potato beetle based on the listed compounds, this review presents a rating of quality agents.

Tool nameActive substanceVolumeAverage price, in rubles
Coradoneonicotinoids10 ml60
Commanderneonicotinoids1 ml20
spark triple effectneonicotinoids10.6 g40
bisonneonicotinoids1 ml8
Prestigeneonicotinoids60 ml350
Tabooneonicotinoids10 ml135
Aktaraneonicotinoids1.2 ml40
Killerpyrethrin1.3 ml35
tanrecneonicotinoids1 ml12
Cuts "Zaman"neonicotinoids10 ml60

The table below shows that the market is saturated with various means, and we will consider the productivity of each of them in more detail.


Means "Corado" is designed to combat the Colorado potato beetle and aphids. It is sold in a small bottle, which is packed in a cardboard box.

According to the instructions for 1 weave, 1 ml of a substance is needed, which are diluted in 10 liters of water. In this scenario, this is a fairly economical poison, especially when you consider that it lasts for 3-4 weeks after the day of spraying. Spraying, by the way, is best in the morning or evening.

When using it, it is also worth observing safety precautions, despite the fact that the substance is designed for insects, a consumer who does not follow the instructions can also experience a negative effect.

The manufacturer claims that it kills pests by almost 100% and is resistant to various weather conditions, including rain. The full effect of the impact of "Corado" is achieved in 3-4 days. Although, the first "fruits" of using this tool can be seen already in the first hour.

Means "Corado"
  • not expensive;
  • economical;
  • resistant to weather conditions;
  • deal with pests effectively.
  • possible addiction of the Colorado potato beetle to this remedy;
  • instructions must be strictly followed.

"On the spot"

The remedy for the Colorado potato beetle "On the spot" is also suitable for combating aphids and whiteflies. In addition to the toxic effect, it promotes plant growth, because it also contains minerals.

"On the spot" is sold in ampoules packed in bags, the volume of bottles is 1 ml or 10 ml. In one liter of water, 1 ml of the substance is diluted and then another 4 liters of water are added to this solution. This volume is calculated for 100 m2. More detailed instructions are located on the packaging. Its observance prevents negative effects on humans, but is still harmful to bees and fish.

The agent acts on pests through the intestines, as it accumulates in the plant after spraying. It is valid for 30 days, after which it is completely neutralized. Its operation is not affected by weather conditions and temperature. The result can be seen within half an hour. "On the spot" is suitable for all stages of the life cycle of the Colorado potato beetle, except for eggs.

Remedy for the Colorado potato beetle "On the spot"
  • promotes plant growth;
  • effectively fights pests;
  • economical;
  • not expensive;
  • universal;
  • weather resistant.
  • within 30 days after spraying it is impossible to harvest;
  • harmful to bees and fish.

"Spark Triple Effect"

The Spark Triple Effect tool is currently not popular among users, but its effect is no worse than others. It contains insecticides from the neonicotinoids class, which contributes to effective pest control, as well as independence from the weather.The active substance negatively affects fish and bees, and this should be taken into account when using, so as not to cause unwanted harm.

It is produced in the form of a tablet, which dissolves in one liter of cold water, after which another 900 ml is added. Such a solution is designed for a plot of 2 acres in size.

The finished solution is sprayed onto the plant, then penetrates the stem and leaves, subsequently poisoning the Colorado potato beetle through the intestines. The poisoning effect on the larvae works immediately, and it will take about 14 days to destroy all the beetles. Although, the substance itself is in the plant for 30 days and that is why it cannot be used 40 days before harvest.

Be sure to follow the instructions on the back of the package.

"Spark Triple Effect"
  • effectively destroys pests;
  • quick effect;
  • economical;
  • universal.
  • can not be used 40 days before harvest;
  • can not be used during the flowering period;
  • the next use is possible no earlier than 45 days later.


The remedy for the Colorado potato beetle "Zubr" is produced in Russia and, perhaps, this had a positive effect, since the features of potato growth are more predicted.

There are different versions of this tool on the market. Volume from 1 to 10 ml in liquid form. 1 ml of the substance is initially diluted in 200 g of water, and then another 10 liters of water are added. This solution is designed for 1 acre of land.

The finished liquid is sprayed onto the leaves and stem of the potato according to the instructions. The poison penetrates the plant, and subsequently the Colorado potato beetle dies by eating the poisoned greens.Death occurs from a violation of the transmission of a nerve impulse, this effect is achieved with the help of the active substance that is part of the Zubr - imidacloprid.

Thanks to this method, any changes in the weather are not terrible, because the poisonous agent is inside the plant for 30 days. This, by the way, is both an advantage and a disadvantage. On the one hand, any “newly arrived” beetle will immediately be poisoned, and on the other hand, such a crop cannot be harvested until the substance is completely neutralized.

Like any other poison, the Zubr tool requires strict adherence to instructions when using. You can not use it without protection and during the flowering period. More detailed instructions can be found on the packaging.

Remedy for the Colorado potato beetle "Bison"
  • valid for 30 days;
  • does not depend on the weather;
  • effectively;
  • low price;
  • 1 ml of funds is enough for 1 weave.
  • you can not harvest until the deadline has passed;
  • dangerous for bees and fish.


"Prestige" - a remedy for the Colorado potato beetle, intended for processing tubers before planting. It is sold in a small jar of 60 ml, which is packed in a cardboard box. An instruction manual is provided that describes the use in detail. In addition to eliminating pests, "Prestige" is designed to combat diseases (common scab, blackleg, rhizoctoniosis, wet rot).

The tasks set determine the composition of the means under consideration. It includes:

  • pencecuron;
  • imidacloprid.

The manufacturer promises that this tool will not only provide relief in pest control, but also increase the resistance of potatoes to various kinds of diseases, as well as improve the yield.

The agent is diluted in water in a ratio of 10 per 100 ml, and this solution is designed for 10 kg of potatoes. It is suitable for other plants as well.

This method helps to fight the Colorado potato beetle regardless of the weather, and at the same time it can be used once or twice per season.

Before use, you must read the instructions.

"Prestige" - a remedy for the Colorado potato beetle
  • effectively fights the Colorado potato beetle;
  • designed to fight disease;
  • does not depend on the weather;
  • easy to apply.
  • expensive;
  • makes it difficult to plant potatoes.


The toxic substance "Taboo" is intended for processing potato tubers before planting. You can buy it in different volumes, but in this case, consider a 10 ml ampoule. This product is diluted in water, strictly following the instructions, and sprayed on potatoes. This ampoule is designed for 125 kg of potatoes.

The active substance is an insecticide, and from this the drug has the following features:

  • causes lethal paralysis in pests by blocking nerve impulses;
  • resistant to weather conditions and temperatures;
  • dangerous for fish and bees.

Although, given the method of processing, the last two features can not be considered for this drug.

The manufacturer promises that "Taboo" has its effect within 45-50 days. This is most favorable during the initial growth, when the influence of the Colorado potato beetle on the yield is most sensitive.

In order to bypass all possible negative consequences, it is necessary to follow the attached instructions.

Taboo from the Colorado potato beetle and wireworm
  • effective in the fight against Colorado beetles;
  • not expensive;
  • economical;
  • designed for a large number of potatoes;
  • does not depend on weather and temperature changes.
  • many consumers are afraid to spray poison on potato tubers for fear of negative effects.


Insecticide "Aktara" was developed by Swiss manufacturers. To date, it is considered the best remedy, as it has overcome the addiction of the Colorado potato beetle to the substance.

It is produced in plastic ampoules with a volume of 1.2 ml. The active substance is initially diluted in 1 liter of water, and then another 9 liters of water are added. The resulting solution is sprayed on the ground part of the potato, according to the instructions. The poisonous substance penetrates the plant and after about half an hour you can see the effect.

Its action is designed for 28 days, after which it is completely neutralized. There is another way to use "Aktar" - spraying the substance under the roots, in which case its effect increases by 2-3 months. The manufacturer claims that one treatment may be enough for the entire season. But in fact, the lack of an addictive effect is controversial, as user opinion is divided.

In addition to pest control, this tool contributes to the favorable growth of the plant.

Insecticide "Aktara"
  • designed for various pests;
  • not expensive;
  • considered one of the best on the market;
  • promotes the growth of potatoes;
  • easy to apply.
  • hazard level can reach 2, depending on the concentration;
  • harmful to bees and fish;
  • it is possible to encounter a craft.


Despite the fact that the packaging says "from the Colorado potato beetle", "Killer" is a complex tool that kills different types of pests.

This substance is released in volumes of 1.3 ml and 10 ml. But, regardless of the chosen packaging, it is diluted in water, according to the instructions and sprayed on the site.The active substance is most active in the first hours and affects the Colorado potato beetle at all stages of its life (from eggs to a mature beetle). This effect lasts for 3 weeks and, according to the manufacturer, does not depend on weather conditions and ambient temperature.

There are two ways to use the "Killer":

  • treatment of tubers before planting (1.3 ml ampoule per 100 m2);
  • spraying the ground part (10 ml per 25 kg of potatoes).

In general, this is a worthy tool for pest control, as evidenced by many positive reviews.

Killer from the Colorado potato beetle
  • fights many pests;
  • several processing methods are provided;
  • high efficiency;
  • economical;
  • fast action.
  • may cause resistance to the substance;
  • hard to find for sale at the moment.


One of the most popular remedies against the Colorado potato beetle is Tanrek. Among consumers, he has earned a fairly positive reputation for himself.

It contains an insecticide that acts systemically, penetrating inside the plant and poisoning pests through the intestines, blocking nerve impulses, which contributes to paralysis. The effect is noticeable already in the first day.

The substance is diluted in water, in accordance with the detailed instructions on the packaging and sprayed on the area where potatoes grow. Very simple application, the main thing is to strictly follow the instructions for breeding and using.

The tool has a good property - it is independent of weather conditions, it is not washed off by rain and temperature fluctuations also do not affect the effect.

  • systemic impact;
  • not washed off by rain
  • effectively fights pests;
  • kills not only the Colorado potato beetle;
  • quickly cope with the task;
  • budgetary;
  • long-term impact.
  • re-treatment for the season is required;
  • does not kill beetles found in the ground.

Cuts "Zaman"

The company Rubit presents its remedy for the Colorado potato beetle "Zaman", in a rather original design, not familiar to the average statistical consumer.

This substance can be purchased in different forms - granules or liquids. But granules are considered the most effective, so we will pay more attention to them.

The active ingredient is imidacloprid, a class of neonicotinoids. It has the following general characteristics:

  • resistant to weather conditions;
  • efficiency does not change when the ambient temperature changes;
  • the third class of danger;
  • dangerous for bees and fish.

Each package contains 80 granules, which are used in strict compliance with the instructions on the package. The application is quite simple, does not require compliance with all points. This will help to avoid a negative impact on a person or other consequences.

In general, the opinion of users is positive, that is, the tool copes well with its task.

Cuts "Zaman"
  • effective;
  • budgetary;
  • quick result;
  • simple use.
  • strict adherence to the instructions is necessary;
  • dangerous during flowering.


After analyzing the best remedies for the Colorado potato beetle, we can say that the best of them use the same active substance, from the class of neonicotinoids. This means that their effect should be similar and have similar consequences. To avoid the latter, strict adherence to the instructions is required.

To achieve the best result, it is necessary to use different active substances (not brands!). When choosing a remedy for the Colorado potato beetle, carefully read the composition and compare with the one used for this.

The tips listed in this review and the rating of drugs from the best manufacturers will help you choose the best of the best.

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