
  1. How to give
  2. Possible side effects
  3. Is it possible to do without drugs
  4. TOP innovative drugs for cats from walking
  5. Summarizing

Rating of the best remedies for walking cats for 2025

Rating of the best remedies for walking cats for 2025

Spring or any other period of sexual activity of non-neutered / non-neutered cats and cats is a turbulent time not only for the animals themselves, but also for their owners. Animals become more excitable and restless, and their endless guttural screams will drive anyone crazy. Cats mark territory, cats roll on the floor and purr invitingly.

There are two ways to stop this phenomenon: the best option is sterilization or, as an alternative, but temporary solution, hormonal drugs in the form of tablets or drops.
For lack of opportunity, or perhaps due to lack of desire, you can pick up a remedy for walking a pet.

How to give

Injections from walking are preferably entrusted to a veterinarian. The interval between them is quite long.
Giving drops is much easier. A pipette is attached to the bottle, and the right amount of liquid is drawn into it. Some drops drip on the cat's nose, and she licks them herself. Others should be applied to the root of the animal's tongue. The main thing is to fix the body well and, gently pressing on the lower jaw, quickly pour the medicine into the mouth.

In order to give the pills, you will need the help of a second person: one should hold it, and the other should make sure that the cat takes the medicine. However, there is one wonderful way to give the drug to even the most recalcitrant animal: dip the pill in sour cream, yogurt or other tasty product, open the pet's mouth, fix and push the pill down her throat. For this purpose, you can use tweezers.

As the tablet enters the animal's mouth, squeeze its jaws, and then carefully and gently stroke the throat of the pussy. This must be done in order to make sure that the pet has swallowed the remedy and will not spit it out.

Possible side effects

After taking hormonal drugs in cats and cats, craving for the opposite sex weakens or estrus stops (in cats). But, despite the high price justified by the quality, there are often side effects:

  1. Lethargy, depression and lethargy.
  2. Excess weight, the cause of which is increased appetite.
  3. The likelihood of developing cancer or diabetes of any type.
  4. Defeat, as well as disruption of the endocrine, as well as the excretory and genitourinary systems.
  5. The risk of developing a tumor of the mammary glands in cats and other dangerous neoplasms.

Is it possible to do without drugs

Has your pet's sexual activity peaked? It should be remembered that "folk" methods - dousing the animal with cold water, smearing intimate places or muzzles with irritants, attempts to drink herbal infusion, do not work. They can be regarded as a mockery of a pet, but not a complete method. The owner will lose the trust of the pet, which, in turn, from such "methods" will only increase the stress state.

The best option is to isolate the animal in a room that is safe for him. A cat that is in a state of sexual activity is not recommended to be picked up and caressed frequently. The activity of the animal is only welcome, and it should be developed and encouraged in every possible way: to play with the pet - let him run after a string, a ball, sunbeams or a laser pointer. The pussy will get tired and go to bed, and this will save her, as well as the owner, from unnecessary torment.

Those who live in a private house should stop their pet's attacks on the street during the walk. A cat in heat will definitely be overtaken by a cat, and she will return home already pregnant. As for the "walking" cat, he, without hesitation, will run away in search of a "bride", and his absence may be delayed.

TOP innovative drugs for cats from walking

For the correct selection of the drug, it is necessary to show the pet to the veterinarian. He will examine the animal and suggest the most gentle regimen for the use of tablets / drops.


Veterinarians believe that the tablets are highly effective. They very quickly remove sexual desire in cats and cats.Their active substance is quickly excreted from the body. This process takes from 24 hours to 2 weeks.

Four with a ponytail

The cost of tablets is 55 rubles. In terms of their effectiveness, they will not yield to more expensive options. However, finding them in veterinary pharmacies is not so easy. Therefore, it is not very common. Tablets begin to be given to the pet in the first days of sexual activity. They well alleviate the condition in cats and relieve aggression in cats. It has a pronounced effect on the body of animals. Its composition is similar to its competitors.

There are not enough reviews about pills because they are not common. However, people who used them for their pets were satisfied. They consider "Four with a tail" effective, not inferior in impact to their expensive counterparts. No side effects have been observed in cats and cats.

tablets Four with a tail
  • low cost;
  • high efficiency;
  • no side effects.
  • difficult to get in pharmacies.


You can buy such tablets for 216 rubles. On sale you can also find a suspension. Designed for dogs and cats of both sexes. The products are patented and will not harm the animal. It is made on the basis of megestrol. This hormone is considered one of the safest. It perfectly suppresses the sexual function of animals. The pet will lose aggression and anxiety. There are no side effects. The only thing that can happen is an individual intolerance to the pills.

Despite the absence of side effects, long-term use can cause overweight and enlargement of the mammary glands of the animal. Users do not question the effectiveness of EX-7.5. There are many positive reviews about him.However, many believe that long-term use of tablets can harm the health of the animal.

EX-7.5 tablets
  • high efficiency;
  • products are patented.
  • not found.

Stop intimacy

The price is 153 rubles. It is designed to suppress the sexual function of cats and cats. In animals, after the use of drops, attraction and activity decrease, aggression disappears. Before use, you must carefully read the instructions. This is necessary to achieve the desired result. After all, the procedure for taking the drug for cats and cats has significant differences. If you give your pet the wrong dosage, then the effectiveness will be very weak. The frequency of administration is also of great importance.

There are many positive reviews about the drug on the Internet. Pet owners write that it effectively helps animals overcome the period associated with sexual desire. Tablets calm cats and cats. Animals are behaving appropriately. However, many warn that the remedy should not be used for a long period of time. It has to do with side effects. After all, all hormonal drugs have an effect on the body. Users recommend using it as needed.

Stop sex pills
  • the tool is one of the most versatile;
  • after application, the animal behaves correctly.
  • not found.

Counter NEO

The cost is 100 rubles. It is available in tablet and liquid form. This allows pet owners to choose the optimal intake regimen. The tablets are very small and the drops have no taste. Therefore, pets will take the drug without problems. In the reviews, the owners indicate that the product quickly affects the body of the animal.The effect is already visible on the second day. The animal loses all signs of sexual activity. The manufacturer demonstrates its products as safe, not having a harmful effect on the animal's body. Buyers most often purchase the drug in liquid form. Four drops are enough for one dose. However, the weight of the pet must be taken into account.

Pet owners note that the drug begins to act very quickly. The behavior of pets the next day is normal. They stop screaming and asking to go outside. Territory-marking cats stop leaving their marks on things. It has a contraceptive effect and eliminates unnecessary pregnancy.

Counter NEO
  • the cost corresponds to the quality of the goods;
  • rapid effect on the body of the animal;
  • high security.
  • not found.


You can buy Gestrenol for 150 rubles. It has a strong effect., Suppresses the function of animal reproduction. In cats and cats, sexual desire ceases. Also, the pills will prevent unnecessary pregnancy. For cats and cats they are issued separately. It is given in small courses, which consist of 4-5 days. Such a short period excludes the appearance of side effects in animals.

If we take into account the number of reviews, it turns out that this drug is bought by pet owners most often. They consider it a strong and effective drug. It is available not only in tablets, but also in drops.

Proper use gives a positive result. Animals behave quietly and calmly. The effect is provided from 1 day of application. Cats lose their aggression. Pets stop meowing loudly and calling partners to mate.Users consider the remedy to be a salvation during the mating season for pets.

Gestrenol tablets
  • one of the best;
  • no side effects;
  • Available in drops and tablets.
  • not detected.

Herbs and briquettes


In the pharmacy you can buy for 135 rubles. Safe because it does not contain hormones. Made from medicinal herbs. It can be taken for a long time without harm to health. In a gentle mode, it affects the sexual function of cats and cats, corrects their behavior and condition. The manufacturers claim that it stops the cycle in cats.

However, some users in their reviews write about a weak effect. They claim that it does not stop the cycle in pets. The rest of the tablets are good, they can be used to regulate the behavior of animals. They will stop harsh screams, inappropriate behavior and territory markings. The drug is available in tablets and liquid form. This gives a certain freedom of action. The liquid is easy to mix into food. The pet will eat it without even noticing the catch.

  • highest security;
  • The composition does not contain hormones.
  • not found.


Such a product costs 450 rubles. The tool will be able to delay or completely interrupt the cycle in cats. The animal will behave correctly. It will save its owners from loud meows and territory marks. Manufacturers produce the drug in the form of sugar cubes. Therefore, they can be fed whole to pets or added to food. It is given to pets according to a special scheme. It is not recommended to use more than twice a year. The maximum course duration is one month.

The drug contains hormones. Its efficiency is quite high. However, it is not very common.It has a rather high price and not every pharmacy can find products. There are many positive reviews on the Internet. Users write that the drug does its job well. They consider it one of the best remedies for suppressing the sexual function of cats and cats.

  • excellent drug for stopping the cycle in cats and suppressing aggressive behavior in cats.
  • high price;
  • the drug is difficult to find in city pharmacies.


Hormone injections are allowed to be used only in difficult cases, since they are considered "heavy artillery". Do not forget that the use of hormones must be agreed with a specialist, since only a veterinarian can choose a hormonal drug for a cat, the right dosage and the number of injections.


The drug is a solution containing hormones and is prescribed to females in order to stop estrus, prevent pseudo-lactation or false pregnancy. In order for the female to behave calmly, one injection is needed every six months.

But it is necessary to take into account the multiple side effects and contraindications of the drug. Pregnant and lactating females, animals with diabetes and diseases of the genitourinary system should not be administered the drug. Side effects include endometritis, apathy, pyometritis, breast tumors, and even depression.

  • one injection every six months;
  • pronounced effect.
  • many contraindications and side effects.


Drops are much more convenient than tablets, as they are easier to give to animals - you just need to put a drop on the cat's nose or tongue.Each pet store has in its assortment hormonal drops from walking cats "Antisex", STOP INTIM", "SEX BARRIER". The packaging of each of the drugs is provided with detailed instructions, but before using it is necessary to consult a veterinarian and agree on a dosage regimen with him.


Quite expensive in comparison with other similar drugs, but easy to use and effective drug with a universal multicomponent composition, which includes melatonin, proroxan and megestrol. These components in the complex perfectly soothe cats, nullifying all manifestations of walking. Pets after taking the drug sleep a lot to recover faster from stress. A great convenience is that Ovostop must be applied once and somewhat non-standard - in the form of drops at the withers. The drug has a rather long contraceptive effect: in the warm season, estrus does not begin for 2-3 months, in the cold - up to six months.

Users respond positively about the drug in general, especially noting the convenient use in comparison with other drugs. Efficiency is also noted positively, however, some users believe that the manufacturer exaggerates the claimed time of action, since the drug stops acting earlier.

Ovostop drops
  • convenient to use;
  • effectively calms the animals.
  • The expiration date stated by the manufacturer is exaggerated.


A standard hormonal agent that is used to stop estrus in cats during festivities, prevent unwanted pregnancies and estrus-related deviations in the behavior of the animal. The result is noticeable almost immediately, from the first days of admission.The pet stops screaming and rushing into the street, it becomes much calmer, aggressiveness decreases. The downside of the drug is the composition, which in the end can provoke undesirable consequences. This is the lack of all hormonal remedies for regulating estrus in cats.

There are many more positive reviews about the drug than negative ones. Users appreciated the quick effect of the application and availability, without noting strong side effects. Pets for the most part calm down, stop calling cats, sleep more and eat well. So S.CONTROL, which combines affordable cost, quick effect and a minimum of side effects, is rightfully considered one of the best drugs in its category.

drops SexCONTROL
  • low cost;
  • quick effect;
  • minimum side effects.
  • not found.


Biohormonal drug, considered one of the best and most popular means to eliminate the manifestations of sexual desire in cats. It acts quickly and effectively - reduces aggressiveness, has a sedative effect, works as a contraceptive in order to prevent unwanted pregnancy and offspring. In the veterinary environment, C.BARRIER is called one of the safest and most effective, especially in comparison with injections, even though the method of sterilization of animals is a priority, and not hormonal contraception.

The drug has earned a huge amount of laudatory reviews from grateful users, most of whom, once having tried its action, began to use it constantly.According to the reviews of many cat owners, the drug very quickly calms the pets and removes aggressiveness, thereby making life easier for both of them. The drug is available in the form of tablets or drops, separately for cats and cats.

drops SexBARRIER
  • highly effective;
  • quickly reduces manifestations of aggressiveness;
  • has a strong sedative effect.
  • not found.


The pet owner has the right to decide for himself whether to use contraceptives for the pet or to deal with the problem with the help of surgical intervention - to sterilize or castrate the animal. If the first option is chosen, the owner of the animal should understand that only a veterinarian will be able to choose the right drug, form, dosage and regimen, which will help minimize possible side effects from the use of hormonal drugs.

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