
  1. A few simple options for pool cleaning

Rating of the best remedies for blooming water in the pool for 2025

Rating of the best remedies for blooming water in the pool for 2025

Swimming pools in suburban and private home areas have recently gained great popularity. Mainly due to the availability of inflatable swimming tanks in stores. With the advent of the warm season, many people face the question: how to make sure that the water does not bloom in the pool? There is not always time and energy to constantly maintain the ideal purity of water. When flowering, the water becomes green and has a characteristic unpleasant odor. In order to start using any means, you need to understand the main root cause of flowering.

Water can bloom for the following reasons:

  1. Unicellular microorganisms, namely algae. They reproduce especially quickly in warm water. In the summer, an outdoor pool is just the perfect environment for them to bloom. They are able to live in water for a long time. Unfortunately, not every filter has a spore delay mechanism. In cases where chlorinated water is in the tanks, algae multiply much more slowly, and sometimes even die at the initial stage of reproduction.It is better not to use well water to fill the reservoir, as it already contains spores of microorganisms. Therefore, when filling the tank with such water, it will turn green within the first few days. In indoor pools, there is also a chance of algae getting into the water, but it is much lower.
  2. Filtration quality. Basically, the water begins to bloom due to the fact that it is idle for a long time and does not pass the filtration. It is important to ensure that the filter is not clogged. It is in cleaning systems that spores often begin to multiply.
  3. Chemical substances. Chlorination is often used to purify water. With an insufficient amount of bleach in the water, it begins to bloom. The correct level that prevents spores from multiplying is Ph 7.2. If it is lower, then the water begins to bloom.
  4. The presence of a large amount of iron in the water. In this case, the water is green, but does not have a characteristic odor. In such a situation, you can change the level of alkaline balance, as well as remove iron with the help of coagulants.

To combat flowering, you can use simple folk remedies, technical devices, as well as special additives to remove and prevent water from turning green. It is also worth noting that before you start cleaning the pool, it is necessary to establish the correct ph balance in the water. When buying a product against water bloom, you need to consider the following selection criteria: health safety, rating, reviews, manufacturer, release form, cost. About which remedy is better to buy, what to look for and how not to make a mistake when choosing drugs, we will consider in this article.

A few simple options for pool cleaning

Filter installation

Water filters clean the tanks of large particles and debris that enters the water. Only a more expensive filtration system can protect against small, newly born spores. As a rule, expensive filters require expensive, thorough and constant care. In the case of an outdoor pool, no filter will guarantee that the water will not bloom, since microorganisms enter the tank directly from the street. The cost of the filter starts from 2,000 -15,000 rubles.

  • No need to waste energy and clean the reservoir mechanically;
  • Cleaning from heavier and larger particles.
  • There is no guarantee that the purchased filter will prevent flowering;
  • Additional costs for electricity;
  • High price.

Water ionization

A low voltage current is passed into the tank. It gives copper ions to the water, which adversely affects the reproduction of algae. The cost of an ionizer for pools starts from 80,000 to 200,000 rubles.

  • High probability of effective green removal.
  • Requires special equipment;
  • The need to install a cleaning system;
  • The high cost of the device.

Water change

The most efficient way to purify pool water.Drain the old water and fill the tank with new and fresh liquid. If the pool is inflatable, use special pumps and buckets, as well as hoses to fill the pool. In order not to constantly replace, it is better to use tap water. Despite the fact that spores enter it from the street, initially they are not in it, which means that the water will stay clean longer.

  • Fresh and clean liquid;
  • No additional accessories needed;
  • With regular replacement, there is no need to purchase chemicals.
  • A large amount of time for descent and climb;
  • Fixed financial costs for water supply.

mechanical cleaning

The easiest and cheapest way to filter. On the walls of the pool blooms are formed with the help of special devices, they can be removed. To begin with, the water is drained, then mechanical cleaning is carried out using cleaning agents, after which the tank needs to stand for a while without water. If the pool is inflatable, you need to be more careful when choosing chemicals, as they can damage the material.

  • You can do the cleaning yourself.
  • Serious physical activity;
  • The cleaning process takes a long time;
  • Water costs with constant drain and set.

blue vitriol

Quite an effective way to purify water. The chemical composition performs the following functions: destroys algae, cleans the liquid from fungi and spores, removes all growths from the walls of the pool. Apply vitriol directly in a diluted form. Proportions: 0.9 grams of powder per 1000 liters of water. Salt, which can be added to the solution, will give a greater cleaning effect. A 4:1 relative chemical salt is added.To prevent the water from blooming, the resulting liquid is mixed with peat and lowered to the bottom of the pool in bags. The presence of table salt will significantly affect the transparency of the water, which after applying the solution becomes crystal clear. The price of the substance does not reach 500 rubles per kilogram.

blue vitriol
  • Low cost of the chemical;
  • High efficiency of the method;
  • There is no need to drain the water, which significantly reduces the payment for water supply.
  • Causes skin burns if used incorrectly;
  • You need to calculate the proportions yourself;
  • Does not remove bacteria and large viable microorganisms.

Shading the pool

The more sunshine, the faster and stronger the algae bloom in the liquid. Therefore, when planning the construction of the pool, it is better to take into account, first of all, places in the shade. Or purchase special fabrics to darken the tank. In order to prevent active flowering, it is enough that the pool is darkened up to 5 hours a day.

  • A simple way that does not require additional costs;
  • No chemicals need to be used.
  • The location of the pool in the shade or its cover significantly affects the warmth of the water.

In addition to folk and technical cleaning products, there are also chemical and biological additives that, when added to water, also cope with flowering quite effectively. By their nature, they are in the form of tablets, as well as cleaning agents in a liquid state. At the moment, cleaning preparations are used not only based on chlorine, but also various modern compounds that clean water much faster and better.After using any disinfectant, use the pool no earlier than 10-12 hours later. Below are the most popular and effective cleaners according to home pool owners.

Water purification tablets


Disinfectant containing 85% chlorine. The chemical agent has an antimicrobial effect and kills a large number of microbial bacteria. Upon contact with liquid, it begins to act after 20 minutes. It is recommended to use the drug every 1-1.5 weeks. The average dosage of 20-25 g is calculated for a tank area of ​​​​3 * 3 meters. Shelf life of tablets: 24 months. The average cost starts from 800 rubles, depending on the number of tablets.

  • The water becomes clean and transparent;
  • Economic consumption;
  • Possibility of use both at home and in public pools.
  • Does not always cope with algae;
  • High price;
  • Toxic to others.


The main task of the drug is the destruction of bacteria, fungi, viruses, spores and other microorganisms. The tablet contains 55% chlorine. Apply the product immediately after the tank has been completely filled with water. The required dose for emergency use is 150 g. for 11 cubes. The standard dose is 75 g for the same amount of liquid. The agent must initially be diluted in a separate container, after which the drug can be applied to the walls of the reservoir. It is forbidden to use in its pure form, since the product can be a reservoir, especially inflatable pools. Average price: 1300 rubles per 5 kilograms.

  • Completely soluble in water;
  • Meets the requirements of GOST.
  • Daily use of tablets;
  • Difficulty with the acquisition in the territory of the Russian Federation.

Crystal Pool

The agent consists of sodium chloride. At the moment, Crystal Pool is considered the most effective tool according to customer reviews. When immersed in water, each tablet causes shock chlorination and complete disinfection of the liquid. With weekly use, the microflora of the water improves and all bacteria die. The substance is produced in two forms: fast-acting 1 tablet 20 grams (60% chlorine) and slow-acting 1 capsule 200 grams (85% active chlorine). On average, for every 10 cubes, 5 tablets will be required. The average price starts from 700 rubles per 1 kilogram.

Crystal Pool tablets
  • Clear water after application;
  • Dissolve in liquid without residue;
  • Not high cost;
  • Dissolves quickly;
  • Application in hot water and on the sun is possible;
  • Suitable for both small and large tanks.
  • Toxic when used.

MAK-4 Intex system

It is a float, inside of which there are tablets for cleaning the liquid. You can use the tablets one at a time, which will give an effect up to 8-10 days, or two at once, the water will remain crystal clear for two weeks. After the tablets are completely dissolved, they must be replaced with new ones. A remedy is used at the rate of two tablets per 30 cubic meters of water. The cost of packaging is 1000 rubles for two tablets.

MAK-4 Intex system
  • An effective water bloom remover.
  • There are only two tablets in the package;
  • High price.

Multiect 5 in 1

Agent for removing and preventing the growth of algae, fungi and microorganisms. The tablets fall directly into the pool filter, which must first be cleaned.It is necessary to wash the filter in the "backwash" mode. With tablets, the pump should work for at least 5 hours. Approximate dose 1 tablet 200 gr. per 25 cubic meters of water. It must be applied on a weekly basis. The average cost for 1 kilogram is 1500 rubles.

Multiect 5 in 1
  • The water is crystal clear after using the product;
  • Incompatible with other drugs;
  • Cannot be used for shock water treatment.

Liquid anti-bloom agents


A product based on organic chlorine, which includes cyaluronic acid. The main task of the acid is to protect chlorine from sunlight. When using the drug, all pathogenic microflora, fungi, algae and bacteria are destroyed. It is worth carrying out the procedure once every 10 days. It is recommended to use: after rains, when an unpleasant odor appears in the water, flowering, and also at the initial appearance of turbidity in the water. The average cost starts from 3,500 rubles.

Froggy pills
  • Dissolves quickly;
  • Economical to use;
  • Supports natural alkaline balance.
  • High price;
  • Products can only be purchased through the website.


The most effective water bloom control additive. When it enters the liquid, the algaecide dissolves the cell membrane and completely disinfects the water. The product can be used both in pure form and in combination with other cleaning products. Algaecide can be used: in an empty tank, even before water is collected, in a clean liquid, and also when the flowering process has begun to actively gain momentum. The price starts from 380 rubles per 1 liter.

  • Ease of use;
  • Low price.
  • When exposed to sunlight, the algaecide stops its action.

Hydrogen peroxide LEGA

A highly concentrated preparation that, getting into the liquid, makes it sterile. Purification occurs due to the splitting of hydrogen into active oxygen, which in turn starts the oxidation process. The concentration of peroxide is 37% and 60%. The recommended dose for use at a concentration of 37% is 900 ml per 1 cubic meter, at 60% 450 ml per the same volume of water. Repeat disinfection is recommended after 10-14 days. Average cost: 1400 rubles.

Hydrogen peroxide LEGA
  • Completely stops the process of flowering water;
  • Convenient to use;
  • Suitable for complete cleaning
  • Does not cause allergies;
  • Can be used in children's pools.
  • Contact with skin may cause burns.


Professional German means for cleaning water bodies. Suitable for any kind of tank. The product contains chlorine and active oxygen. When it enters the water, the drug not only rids the liquid of algae, but also makes the water crystal clear. AquaDoctor should be used in the following proportions: 20 ml per 1 cubic meter of water. The procedure must be repeated every 7 days. In case of severe contamination, the dosage must be doubled. It is strictly forbidden to pour the drug directly into the pool. First you need to dilute it with water in a basin or bucket, and then pour it into the tank. The cost starts from 230 rubles per liter.

  • Excellent quality;
  • Availability;
  • Low price.
  • Not identified.

The pool needs to be cleaned on a regular basis.Not always expensive cleaning products will clean water well and effectively. A clean pool is not only beautiful, but also beneficial for the health of its owners. When choosing a tool, you need to consider the ratio of "cost and quality."

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