The fact that there is such a disease as papillomavirus is known to almost every adult. It causes malfunction of many organs. In this connection, the skin is covered with benign neoplasms, warts, growths on thin movable legs, age spots. Most of all, the female half of humanity suffers from its manifestations. The pharmacy presents various medicines with which you can get rid of external growths. The top rating of the best, proven drugs for papillomas in 2025 includes products from popular manufacturers.
The editors of the portal selected only those medicines that have the highest price-quality ratio. Ineffective, untrustworthy drugs were weeded out thanks to the feedback from doctors and their patients. After analyzing the collected information, the experts noted the pros and cons of each tool.
Patients should be warned against self-medication before proceeding with the review of drugs for the treatment of human papillomavirus. You can start therapy only after receiving a consultation from a dermatologist, who, after examining, will make a diagnosis. It will also determine the nature of the pathological process occurring in the body. After all, not every neoplasm on the skin can be a simple wart.
In some cases, we can talk about malignant tumors on the epidermis, risk factors - bleeding, pain, old age, discoloration. Sometimes it can be a type of cancer or melanoma.
Important! Any independently performed actions to remove an interfering wart can be a start to the emergence of new malignant tumors, an outbreak of metastasis.
Medicines from the rating are suitable only for those who have warts that have a non-smooth surface, do not pose a danger to the body, are found on the legs or arms, and do not differ in color from nearby skin areas.
In addition, it should be said that sometimes there are senile and flat formations.
Warts deserve special attention. It does not make sense to remove flat and senile warts, because the former most often appear on the face and the dermatocosmetologist must fight them, and the latter will appear again and again.
Without laser technology, surgery and electrocoagulation, only ordinary warts can be treated at home on their own.
This rating consists of keratolytics - agents that soften the skin for subsequent removal and cauterizing biologics. In addition, immunotropic and antiviral agents are given, the main function of which is the suppression of human papillomavirus.
In most cases, cauterizing agents consist of intense oxidizing agents or active acids, the main task of which is to cause tissue necrosis (local necrosis). Why do experts not resort to alkali, which can also cause cell destruction? Acids do not just dry the skin, they disrupt the structure of the protein molecule, while narrowing the area of necrosis. In simple terms, they coagulate (fold) the protein.
The use of alkali causes the exact opposite process: saponification occurs inside the tissues, since alkali acts as a solvent for fats.
Self-removal of warts by means of caustic potassium will cause the appearance of a loose zone of non-local necrosis, which has spread in different directions. Therefore, without consulting a specialist, it is strictly forbidden to use alkaline solutions to remove papillomas.
Cauterizing preparations produced by the pharmaceutical industry:
A universal preparation, the constituent component of which is silver nitrate. Lapis has not only cauterizing qualities, but also anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties. In medicine, it is most often used to remove corns, corns and warts on the soles of the feet.Potassium nitrate paired with silver nitrate eliminates viruses and bacteria, leads to tissue necrosis.
When used correctly, it prevents the occurrence of HPV. The tool belongs to the category of drugs that affect the problem gently, ensuring safety. Tissue damage is observed only with prolonged use. Indications for use are ulcers, cracks, warts, papillomas. With a pencil, you can not treat the virus on the genitals, nevi, moles, mucous membranes and on the face. Approved for use by children over 12 years of age.
The recommendation states that before the procedure, it is necessary to clean the problem area of the skin, dry it, moisten the edge of the pencil with water. Then he should lubricate the wart without touching the healthy epidermis. After a couple of hours, the smeared surface should become darker. The place of the procedure must be covered with a bactericidal plaster. Lubricate the problem area with a lyapis pencil should be 1-2 times a day until complete recovery.
Another effective remedy with the effect of cauterization of warts and papillomas is Verrukacid. The composition includes phenylmethanol (aromatic alcohol) and methacrysol. Working together, they dry, necrotic tissues, coagulate blood vessels, acting as an anesthetic. The instructions for use indicate that the medicine should be used to treat benign neoplasms on the legs and arms, keratoma and dry calluses.
Verrukacid comes in the form of a liquid oil solution. During application, avoid getting the product on healthy areas of the skin, mucous membranes. At the same time, the drug is identified as a local agent, that is, it does not penetrate into the blood, therefore, it is safe for internal organs. There is a restriction for children - you can use it only after 7 years. In this case, the procedure should be entrusted to qualified medical personnel.
The solution is applied with point movements using a special applicator. If the neoplasms are large, the agent is applied 3-4 times with an interval of 3-5 minutes (to dry out a little). Keratolic ointment is used a few hours before the procedure to increase the effectiveness of the drug. It is not allowed to carry out treatment with Verrukacid if there are nevi at the site of application, during breastfeeding, pregnancy, with an increase in neoplasms of more than 20 cm2.
An effective drug for the treatment of benign neoplasms on any part of the body. The composition includes several caustic substances: lactic and oxalic acid, strong nitric and acetic, copper nitrate. Available as a colorless liquid solution. To minimize the risk of overdose, the package contains only 1 ampoule of 0.2 ml.
It is necessary to follow the recommendations according to which the product should be applied exclusively to the wart, avoiding contact with healthy areas of the skin. Otherwise, tissue necrosis is guaranteed.The purpose of the drug is the removal of genital warts, common and plantar warts. Having absorbed into the neoplasm, the medicine dries and mummifies it. The process is accompanied by burning. The constituent components do not enter the bloodstream, so the product is safe for the body.
The affected area should be treated several times with alcohol before applying Solcoderm. The applicator will help to deliver the medicine to the destination point. If the remedy has worked, the skin area will darken, it is undesirable to tear off the crust, otherwise a scar will remain.
They are used to soften the stratum corneum covering the wart. It is this dense layer that protects the papilloma from exposure to chemicals. Often, before the procedure of cryodestruction (removal with liquid nitrogen) or chemical necrosis (cauterization), keratolytic drugs are used.
Keratolytics contribute to the exfoliation of rough skin, have an antimicrobial and antiviral effect. They can be used alone (in the treatment of small neoplasms) or in combination with antiviral drugs.
A medicine that combines the advantages of a liquid and a paste. Release form - Vertox cream-paste copes with small papillomas (often used to remove plantar warts). After completing the course of treatment, it is possible to get rid of single neoplasms without the use of cauterization and cryodestruction.
Active ingredients:
To increase the effectiveness of the paste, it is better to use it on pre-steamed skin. The ointment is applied in a dense layer to the papilloma area, covered with cotton wool (you can use a cotton pad), after which the bandage is fixed with a plaster. After 24 hours, the bandage is removed and the softened layer of skin is carefully removed with a pumice stone or a scraper. After the procedure is repeated. As a rule, 5 sessions are enough until the warts disappear completely.
From the Russian manufacturer Veropharm. Produced in the form of a patch, it is distinguished by its low price and efficiency. Designed to remove dry calluses, but can also be used as a keratolytic for the treatment of papillomas.
Salicylic acid in the composition acts in 2 directions - actively softens the skin and prevents the growth of pathogenic bacteria and fungi.Salicylic acid in the composition promotes exfoliation of the keratinized layer of the skin and prevents the reproduction of fungi and microorganisms, sulfur dries the skin and protects against the formation of weeping calluses.
Additional substances: rosin, lanolin. They have wound healing, disinfectant and softening properties. Organic rubber ensures the elasticity of the patch and tight adhesion to the skin.
Before applying the patch, the problem area must be steamed out, then stick the patch. Leave for 2 days, then remove the top layer of skin with a pumice stone. To better fix the bandage and prevent the active substance from drying out, you can use a regular tape patch. The procedure can be repeated every 2 days, until the complete disappearance of the wart.
To increase efficiency and reduce the course of treatment, it can be used in conjunction with cauterizing drugs, with Solcoderm, for example. The latter is designed for one application, and the price is high. When exposed to prepared, softened skin, you can reduce the consumption of the drug and treat several papillomas.
An affordable and inexpensive remedy for softening papillomas. It should be borne in mind that a drug with a high concentration (at least 10%) is suitable for combating neoplasms. For comparison, the content of salicylic acid in conventional pharmaceutical products rarely exceeds 2%.
How to use: apply dressings soaked in a solution to the problem area (healthy skin must first be lubricated with petroleum jelly). The break between procedures should be at least 4 days.
You should not use salicylic acid to remove numerous papillomas - applied to a large area of \u200b\u200bthe skin, the acid causes burns.
Before use, be sure to read the instructions: acid is contraindicated in diabetes, peripheral circulatory disorders.
The medicine is cheap - a bottle of 10-60% will cost 50 rubles, one package will last for a long time.
Since the papillomavirus persists in the epithelial cells, destructive methods or chemical treatment of warts does not guarantee against the development of relapses. Immunomodulatory and antiviral agents are prescribed in combination therapy, as well as for the treatment of papillomas in cases where the virus is activated against a background of weakened immunity.
They are used in the complex therapy of recurrent condylomatosis with damage to the anogenital zones, in the presence of a herpes infection. With single neoplasms, as a rule, they are not prescribed.
By themselves, immunomodulatory drugs do not treat papillomas.After a course of injections, the neoplasms do not disappear, but they prevent the risk of new warts or recurrence after treatment. One of the most famous topical antiviral drugs is the usual oxolin ointment.
A well-known drug from the Tula Pharmaceutical Factory. Ointment reduces the activity of herpes papillomaviruses. The action of the ointment is aimed at activating the resistance (immunity) of tissues to pathogenic microbes, protecting cells from the penetration of viruses. The time of action of oxolin when applied to the skin is 4-5 hours.
Release form - tube, 10 mg. The concentration of the active substance is 3% (when buying, you should pay attention to this, for comparison, the concentration of a regular nasal ointment is only 0.25%). The price per package is quite affordable, given the low consumption - about 340 rubles.
No more than 5% of the active substance is absorbed through the skin, so you should not expect a quick result. It can be considered as an additional tool in complex therapy.
It is used as an immunostimulating agent in the complex therapy of viral diseases in acute and chronic forms, including influenza, chickenpox. Recently, it has also been prescribed for the treatment of anogenital infections, warts and papillomas of viral origin.
Produced in the form of tablets, the active substance is inosine pranobek (500 mg). Stimulates the production of interferon, inhibits the activity of viruses.
The drug is contraindicated for use in children under 3 years of age. It is prescribed only after an immunogram (if low indicators are detected).
Treatment is prescribed individually, depending on the specifics of the disease. The maximum allowable daily dose for adults is 8 tablets. In the acute course of the disease, the course of treatment is 5-12 days (up to the disappearance of clinical symptoms), for relapses - 5 days with an interval of 8 days (the doctor may reduce the daily dosage).
Contraindications: pregnancy and lactation, sensitivity to the components of the drug, urolithiasis and arrhythmia. Side effects - itching, nausea, headache.
It is released by prescription, after completing the course of treatment (on average 2 weeks), it is recommended to check the concentration of uric acid in the blood serum.
An effective remedy for the fight against neoplasms on the skin.Release form - ointments (for local use during an exacerbation), suppositories, gels (recommended as a prophylactic that prevents the appearance of new warts).
The active component of the ointment is recombinant interferon alfa-2b, which suppresses the spread of viral infections and protozoan bacteria. The composition also includes tocopherol acetate - an antioxidant that enhances the immunomodulatory effect of the use of the ointment. Citric, benzoic acids enhance the action of the drug.
Auxiliary components - peach oil. Softens the skin, prevents inflammation, has regenerating properties.
Release form - aluminum tube, 12 ml, cardboard box with instructions for use. Released without a prescription.
The ointment is applied to the problem area up to 4 times a day, until the growths completely disappear. Ideally, immediately after the first signs appear, the same applies to the treatment of recurrent herpes. On average, a monthly course is required to achieve a lasting effect. There are no contraindications, it can be used in children from 1 year old and expectant mothers. Side effects are associated with intolerance to the components of the drug.
Before using any remedy for warts, you should first consult with your doctor.Firstly, a study of the neoplasm will be carried out and the risk of malignant degeneration will be excluded, and secondly, only a doctor will be able to choose the optimal drugs for successful treatment.