
  1. Classification
  2. Important recommendations
  3. The best oil for lush eyelashes
  4. The best serums for the growth and density of eyelashes
  5. Rating of gels for hair growth and volume
  6. Rules for beautiful and healthy eyelashes
  7. Conclusion

Rating of the best eyelash growth products for 2025

Rating of the best eyelash growth products for 2025

Since ancient times, men have admired female beauty. A beautiful figure, a thin waist, hands, chest, a graceful neck, plump lips, huge eyes with thick eyelashes - depending on the preferences and time period, any part of the body was considered the standard of beauty and the object of adoration, desire. The mysterious alluring look has always attracted male attention, because thick eyelashes make the eyes expressive, visually enlarge them. Girls with natural lush eyelashes have no reason to worry: ordinary mascara builds up hairs, makes them brighter, more beautiful. The problem occurs in owners of short and sparse hairs. Statistics say that 80% of women have short eyelashes. What should they do? How to influence the growth and appearance of eyelashes? We will analyze in detail the best eyelash growth products, analyze the composition, quality, and outline the pros and cons.

The rating of funds is based on: characteristics (composition, method of application, form of release, efficiency, etc.); reviews of real buyers; the cost of production and its ratio to the results of use; recommendations of specialists (cosmetologists, dermatologists, oculists, ophthalmologists).


Eyelash growth preparations can be purchased at a pharmacy or cosmetics store. According to the type of funds are divided into hormonal and non-hormonal.

  • As part of hormonal preparations, prostaglandin is present - a substance that causes the blood to actively circulate. Thanks to this, the follicles of the hair follicles wake up from sleep, the growth and number of hairs increase, the eyelashes acquire a well-groomed appearance in a short time (approximately 3 weeks). Prostaglandin is found in the tissues of the human body.
  • The main components of the second type of products are natural oils, vitamins, plant substances and amino acids. They are less effective, they begin to act after a month and a half. The advantages of non-hormonal drugs are safety, a minimum of side effects and contraindications.

According to the texture, gels, oils, serums are distinguished.

Important recommendations

Expired product is recommended to be thrown away.

The product is considered hypoallergenic if it does not contain extraneous chemical additives. Before applying any drug to the area of ​​​​the eyes, eyelids, skin of the face, it is necessary to test in order to avoid an allergic reaction of the body. The test is carried out on the wrist or on the inside of the elbow. Apply a little product, gently rub into the skin, wait 15-20 minutes. If redness, itching, burning does not appear, you can safely apply the drug to the skin of the eyelids and the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe eyelashes.

The best oil for lush eyelashes

Essential oils are recommended to be used even by professional cosmetologists. The composition of the funds includes only natural components of such products as: castor oil, burdock, jojoba, sea buckthorn, calendula, almonds, olives, peach, flax, organ, etc. The oil has healing properties, it can be bought at the pharmacy kiosk. The tool is easily applied to the eyelashes and effectively acts for a long time. The benefits of the application will be tangible: the eyelashes will stop breaking, falling out, they will receive nutrition and strengthening, their length will increase, the hairs will be moisturized, protected, the appearance will become attractive. Some oils help the hair follicles fight off the infection, if any.

The TOP includes 3 products: oil-activator Natura Botanica, Innovator Cosmetics Mix of oils and Gemene growth stimulator.

1st place - Innovator Cosmetics Mix of oils

NameInnovator Cosmetics Oil Mix     
Application course3 weeks
Active substanceBurr oil
Compound natural
Effectrestoration, strengthening, lengthening
Volume, ml4
Price, rub290

Russian product for stimulating eyelash growth.In a transparent tube with a brush, 4 ml of the product contains burdock, taramira, apricot oil and usma oil. The mascara-like brush helps wrap each hair with the product. The combination of components restores and strengthens hair follicles. Burdock extract contains the natural polysaccharide inulin. The substance is responsible for strengthening the bulb and normalizes the metabolism in skin cells. Works against brittle eyelashes. Peach helps repair damage, promotes rapid growth and deep nourishment. It is recommended to use it for dry eyelashes. Usma mustard plant (arugula) activates growth, gives volume, prevents loss, nourishes eyelashes, saturates them with vitality, which makes the hairs darker and the color more saturated. Along with eyelashes, the component helps to smooth out small mimic wrinkles around the eyes. The composition of the oil contains vitamins of group B, E, A, PP, minerals and amino acids.

It costs a mix of oils 290 rubles.

Innovator Cosmetics Oil Mix
  • strengthens;
  • contains natural ingredients;
  • lengthens;
  • quick effect;
  • great price;
  • comfortable brush;
  • does not cause allergies.
  • not detected.

2nd place — Natura Botanica activator oil

NameNatura Botanica     
Application course2 - 3 weeks
Active substanceoil extracts
Compound natural
Effectmoisturizing, well-groomed
Volume, ml10
Price, rub400

The oil is recommended for the growth of eyelashes and eyebrows. Ingredients: 100% natural extracts. The tool moisturizes the eyelashes, nourishes due to the vitamins and antioxidants contained in it, helps to lengthen the hairs, increases the volume. The composition contains castor oil.The action of castor bean extract has a positive effect on dormant hair follicles, awakens them, makes them grow. Other components - jojoba oil and wheat germ - nourish the eyelashes, add volume and density. The composition also includes extracts of evening primrose, burdock, grape and cherry seeds, peach, almonds. The oil is saturated with renityl palmitate (vitamin A) and tocopheryl acetate (vitamin E). When used, the hairs acquire a beautiful appearance, begin to shine, become elastic and unbreakable. A high content of active oils is contraindicated for people with allergies and individual intolerance to one of the components (grapes, cherries, castor beans, jojoba, almonds). In such cases, it is better to contact a specialist to select a hypoallergenic remedy. When applied, jojoba extract eliminates the greasy effect, so the product feels good on eyelashes and eyebrows.

The cost of funds is 400 rubles.

Natura Botanica Activator Oil
  • natural composition;
  • contains a large amount of valuable substances, antioxidants and vitamins;
  • pleasant to use;
  • gives volume, shine and elasticity;
  • prevents hair loss.
  • the presence of contraindications;
  • slightly lengthens the lashes.

3rd place - Gemene Growth Stimulator

Application coursefrom 2 weeks
Active substanceCastor oil
Compound natural
volume, ml10
Price, rub210-360

Oil for eyelashes Growth Stimulator of the Latvian company Gemene consists of natural components: castor, peach and almond oils. This composition helps to strengthen, restore damaged hairs, nourish the bulbs, enhance the growth of eyelashes.The action of the remedy begins from the first days of application, and the effect is observed after a couple of weeks. Eyelashes become lush, soft and strong at the same time, hair loss stops. The drug can be used without fear of swelling, irritation. The oil is easy to apply, evenly distributed, does not stick. When used, the eyelashes will not be heavy, but light and voluminous.

The cost of oil fluctuates and amounts to 210 - 360 rubles, depending on the store.

Gemene Growth Stimulator
  • natural composition;
  • contains vitamins and tannins;
  • well strengthens and restores;
  • comfortable brush;
  • economical means;
  • hypoallergenic;
  • stimulates growth;
  • has a pleasant smell.
  • not identified.

The best serums for the growth and density of eyelashes

The serum is characterized by a high content of active substances, small doses, you can use it constantly or as a course. For a positive result, it is enough to apply a few drops. The product is quickly absorbed, has a cumulative effect. Another name for serum is elixir, essence. In 2025, the winners among buyers were the following products:

1st place - Careprost

Application course2-3 months
Active substanceBimatoprost
Compound synthetic
Effectlength and volume
Volume, ml3
Price, rub700-950

Careprost (Kareprost) An Indian proven drug based on the substance Bimatoprost (Bimatoprost) helps dull eyelashes become bright, evens out damaged hairs, makes them stronger. The application causes active growth of eyelashes (by about 30%), doubles the volume. Eyelashes acquire a more saturated deep color, become dark.The active substance - a fatty acid with the addition of sea corals, activates the growth of hairs and tissues, helps to increase the number of eyelashes due to the activation of the blood circulation process. Dormant bulbs begin to grow in length and width. Serum must be applied for 2-3 months, at the end of the course - 1 time per week to maintain the appearance of eyelashes and not cause allergies. Thanks to the active ingredients, the product is considered anti-allergic.

The cost is 750 - 900 rubles.

  • convenient applicator;
  • convenient ergonomic packaging in the form of a bottle;
  • eyelashes darken and become fluffy and long after a couple of months.
  • should not be used by pregnant and lactating women.

2nd place - FEG

Application course21-60 days
Active substanceretinol
Compound mixed
Volume, ml3
Price, rub690-830

Chinese FEG serum has become available to Russian customers. The manufacturer claims that the tool is trouble-free, but not fast, the effect will begin to be felt after 3 weeks, the maximum reaction from using the product will be achieved after 2 months. Eyelashes will grow, be renewed, new ones will be added. A safe preparation with natural and chemical components is not addictive. The product contains retinol, amino acids, stabilizers, preservatives. Serum renews, strengthens eyelashes without irritating the mucous membrane of the eyes. The transparent, odorless substance is hypoallergenic. The results are confirmed by medical testing and use of the product all over the world. Approved by US Public Health. There is a small restriction: the remedy is contraindicated if the age does not exceed 16 years.

Serum price 690 - 830 rubles.

  • good quality for a reasonable price;
  • activates growth;
  • does not cause an allergic reaction;
  • reduces hair loss;
  • without smell;
  • gives a rich shade;
  • contains natural additives;
  • works after 3 weeks;
  • has medicinal properties;
  • can be used for eyebrows;
  • economical remedy - one bottle of 3 ml is enough for the entire course of treatment.
  • it is allowed to apply to adolescents from 16 years and adults;
  • contains preservatives.

3rd place - CHERISH LASH eyelash growth serum

NameCherish Lash
CountryGreat Britain
Application course2-3 months
Active substanceCoral extract (a biologically active substance from the group of prostaglandins) and pink pearl
Effectelongation, growth, increase in density, strengthening
Volume, ml.3
price, rub.3500

Cherish Lash eyelash growth serum is known for its effectiveness and gentle, caring effect on eyelashes and their bulbs. Thanks to a special formula and a special composition based on valuable natural extracts, already after a few weeks of using Cherish Lash, eyelashes become noticeably thicker and longer. The serum stimulates the growth and regeneration of eyelashes and revives even dormant and damaged bulbs, as well as strengthens eyelashes, making them beautiful and healthy. With Cherish Lash, you can quickly restore eyelashes after extensions or damage. Simplicity and comfort in the use of serum will allow you to achieve excellent results in the form of long, thick eyelashes easily and with pleasure.

Serum cost: 3,500 rubles.

Serum for eyelash growth Cherish Lash
  • Increases the length of eyelashes by 78%, and the density by 83%, improves their general condition;
  • The first results - after 21 days of application;
  • Effectively stimulates the regeneration of eyelashes, awakens even dormant and damaged bulbs;
  • Provides eyelashes with optimal nutrition and care;
  • A special applicator makes the application procedure as convenient, fast and accurate as possible;
  • Quickly restores eyelashes after extension and heals them;
  • Profitability in application - one bottle is enough for a full course of eyelash restoration.
  • A considerable cost, which is offset by economical consumption and quality of the result.

4th place - SPEEDLASH

Application course2-3 weeks
Active substanceamino acids and vitamins
Compound natural
EffectNutrition, recovery, hydration, growth
Volume, ml3
Price, rub1080

Serum from the USA from Keratin Research Inc. activates the bulbs, increases eyelashes after 2 - 3 weeks after the start of use. The formula was developed by French specialists. The effect of renewal and lengthening is promoted by vitamins of group B and E, amino acids. Activators will strengthen, restore and lengthen hairs. The package contains an applicator of a special design, which ensures uniform distribution of the product along the entire length. First, the roots will be strengthened, then new hairs will appear, which will grow and become longer. Their color will be darker and more saturated. With the maximum effect, you can fix the result, using the tool 1 - 2 times a week. In case of contact with eyes, rinse.

The cost of the drug: approximately 1080 rubles.

  • contains active natural substances;
  • promotes strengthening, restoration, growth;
  • does not irritate the mucous membrane of the eyes;
  • can be used by people with sensitive eyes;
  • does not work on contact lenses;
  • can be used permanently;
  • does not cause allergies;
  • can be used to grow eyebrows.
  • before using the serum, women during pregnancy and lactation should consult a specialist;
  • quickly consumed.

How to apply serum correctly

Cleanse face, remove make-up residue. If you wear contact lenses, it is best to remove them. If an eye cream has been used, it should be absorbed.

Apply a drop of serum to a horizontally held applicator. Run the applicator along the upper eyelid, along the line where the eyelashes grow. The movement is performed from the inside of the eyelid to the outside. The lower eyelid does not need to be lubricated. Remove excess product with a cotton pad (blot).

Rating of gels for hair growth and volume

The gel is 80% water and contains small amounts of oils. Light texture is absorbed instantly, suitable for oily and combination skin, used at any time of the year in conjunction with creams. Has moisturizing properties. Minimum effective texture for maximum results. A big plus: the gel can be used at any time of the day, before going to bed or applying makeup. The nomination includes budget drugs:

1st place - NEGALUX

Application courseconstantly
Active substanceBiocanin A, tetrapeptide-3 acetyl
Compound mixed
EffectStrengthening, lengthening, moisturizing
Volume, ml15
Price, rub290

Eyelash Growth Gel contains chamomile and clover extracts.The rest of the composition is chemical compounds. They have the maximum effect on the hairs, protect them from brittleness, loss, help grow and strengthen. Eyelashes become elastic, flexible, bright and thick.

You can buy the gel for 290 rubles.

  • with natural additives;
  • natural growth activator;
  • strengthens;
  • prevents brittleness and loss;
  • eyelashes are strengthened and become flexible, elastic.
  • less effective compared to serum and oil.

2nd place - Relouis Long eyelashes

Application courseconstantly
Active substancepanthenol
Compound synthetic
Volume, ml10
Price, rub115

Gel to accelerate the growth of eyelashes Relui from Belarus with panthenol and glycerin is perfect as a base for mascara. Convenient to use. At the request of the manufacturer, it will lengthen the eyelashes and accelerate their growth, according to customer reviews - no. The tool moisturizes and envelops each hair.

The cost of funds is 115 rubles.

Relouis Long eyelashes
  • contains panthenol and glycerin;
  • inexpensive;
  • good base for mascara;
  • provides excellent hydration;
  • convenient use.
  • does not lengthen eyelashes and does not strengthen them;
  • the brush is hard and designed for an amateur.

Rules for beautiful and healthy eyelashes

The condition of eyelashes largely depends on health and daily care. To improve the condition and against hair loss, the following recommendations will help:

  • it is necessary to hide eyelashes behind goggles from ultraviolet radiation;
  • wash your hands with soap every time before touching the hairs, so as not to introduce bacteria from dirty hands;
  • avoid stress;
  • use high-quality decorative, cleansing and caring cosmetics;
  • monitor the hormonal state of the body;
  • eat right and follow the regime;
  • use vitamins of groups E, A, carotene;
  • properly wash and remove eye make-up;
  • do without makeup once a week;
  • do not use expired products.


Every woman dreams of being beautiful. Fluffy long eyelashes are one of the elements of beauty. Nature is not generous for everyone. Problem eyelashes can become beautiful thanks to a complex of modern services offered in the beauty creation market. Permanent make-up and extensions, velveteen and botox, lamination and coloring - this is an incomplete list that will help a woman gain a confident, mysterious look. Short hairs can be artificially extended, or you can ... grow them out using an eyelash growth product. The main thing is not to harm your health.

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