
  1. How to choose the best cleaner for bathtubs, toilets, tiles and other surfaces that come into contact with water?
  2. Rating of quality plumbing cleaners for 2025
  3. Conclusion

Ranking of the best plumbing cleaners for 2025

Ranking of the best plumbing cleaners for 2025

Since the quality of tap water in the centralized water supply system leaves much to be desired, many housewives are forced to periodically clean the sink, toilet, bath or sink using special products.

General cleaning of these surfaces is the most frustrating part of home cleaning, as rust, limescale and yellow stains (especially old ones) are difficult to remove. No one wants to spend a lot of time on house cleaning, and even more so on wiping off stubborn stains. To help housewives created a lot of household chemicals for cleaning and disinfecting plumbing. High-quality household chemicals make it possible to quickly remove all plaque and give it an aesthetic appearance.

In this article, we will consider the criteria for choosing cleansing liquids, and also find out what to look for when buying gels, powders and sprays in order not to make mistakes when choosing.

How to choose the best cleaner for bathtubs, toilets, tiles and other surfaces that come into contact with water?

First of all, when choosing chemistry for plumbing and tiles, you should not be guided by the price, since inexpensive liquids use budget components that not only cannot cope with plaque, but can also leave dirty stains.

Tips and tricks for choosing an effective remedy:

  • It is best to study the experience of buyers, independent reviews, and the components that make up the product. Since expensive plumbing can suffer from abrasive components, when buying, you should pay attention to the fact that they are not on the list.
  • According to buyers, gels and sprays are more convenient to use than powdered ones, because they do not scratch the surface and are not prone to spilling.
  • It is not recommended to buy chemicals with a pungent odor or too aggressive, because they are not intended for home use and require the use of appropriate equipment during the cleaning process (respirator, gloves, etc.).
  • The description should indicate the presence of components that kill pathogenic bacteria, this parameter is especially important for disinfecting toilet bowls.
  • The instructions should indicate for which materials household chemicals are suitable - tiles, ceramics, stainless steel, cast iron, etc.

There are many myths about household chemicals. Let's consider the main ones.

  • Household chemicals are located only in the cabinet and after cleaning are completely removed from the surface. Scientists have proven that household chemicals are not completely removed even with several washes, their components are carried throughout the apartment, deposited not only on plumbing, but also on furniture, fabrics, wallpaper, are in the air, on the skin and in human hair.
  • If gels and sprays are commercially available and have a certificate, then they are safe. Despite the fact that mankind has been using surface-active substances (surfactants) for a long time to remove various contaminants from household items, according to scientists, they are harmful to human health. Surfactants wash out dirt along with water from small pores that are found on almost any surface. But they interact not only with tiles or ceramics, but also directly with human skin, from where they remove the lipids necessary for moisturizing it.Since they have the ability to penetrate even into the deeper layers of the skin, such components can destroy the cells that produce lipids, due to which, over time, it becomes dry, cracked and damaged at the slightest mechanical or thermal stress.
  • You need to live in sterility! Advertising, which is broadcast from all TVs, radio stations and billboards, tells us every day about how many harmful bacteria and microorganisms surround people. Since they live almost everywhere, many housewives are trying in panic by all means to get rid of them. Using aggressive chemicals, they create conditions in the house that are close to sterile. But it is important to understand that a person needs a certain amount of bacteria in order to train the immune system, to maintain the body's defenses at the proper level. By creating sterile conditions, we allow the immune system to be “lazy”, it stops working, and when faced with a real threat (for example, at work or in public transport), it cannot cope with the load, the person becomes ill. Scientists have long proven that children who lived in excessive cleanliness get sick more often and more severely than their peers in normal living conditions. In addition, these components remove bacteria that are beneficial to humans. Many housewives even develop neurosis - since the image of the ideal hearth keeper imposed by marketers is that all the plumbing in the house is shiny and does not have the slightest trace of pollution. Women try to maintain perfect order, spending all their free time and energy on it.
  • The use of protective equipment is for the weak.When using components such as active chlorine (popularly referred to as "chlorine bleach"), sulfuric acid or isopropyl alcohol, caustic and irritating mucous elements are released. In the case of the use of such chemicals, it is necessary to use not only gloves, but also a respirator with glasses, and after cleaning the plumbing, treat with plenty of running water so as not to damage the skin of the hands in the future. Experts recommend using hot steam to remove stubborn dirt (effective in combating bacteria and harmful microorganisms) or folk remedies based on vinegar, hydrogen peroxide, alcohol (will help get rid of limescale and rust).
  • Household chemicals do not harm nature. According to scientists, surfactants, getting into reservoirs and groundwater, destroy entire populations of plants, fish, accumulate in water, and eventually enter the human body through water intake systems, causing irreparable damage to it. People who think about the environment are trying to buy liquids that are marked with the “biodegradable” icon - after entering the environment, such liquids are decomposed by microorganisms into simple components that do not harm wildlife. Despite the fact that the average price of such products is slightly higher than competitors, in the long run they bring much more benefit to the outside world.

Rating of quality plumbing cleaners for 2025

Rating of household chemicals for toilet care

The long-known fact that a large number of pathogenic bacteria accumulate on the toilet suggests that this type of sanitary ware requires particularly thorough cleaning.Since all family members, including children, use it, the toilet must always be clean. Since not only microorganisms, but also limescale accumulate on its surface, it is recommended to choose gels and powders with antibacterial and softening properties.

Popular models of cleaning products contain not only surfactants, but also a variety of acids, making it easy to remove plaque yourself.

Domestos Anti-rust and Anti-plaque

One of the most popular substances used in the care of the toilet. Domestos is rightfully considered one of the best manufacturers of household chemicals. Thanks to its unique composition, the gel is able to remove not only bacteria and small contaminants, but also cope with limescale. The special formula works even under water, removing rust. The gel changes color upon contact with it. The thick consistency allows the liquid to be retained for a long time at the site of application and increases the effect produced.

If the plaque did not come off the first time, or there are old dirt, it is recommended to leave the gel for 30 minutes or more after application, and then clean it with a brush. If necessary, the procedure can be repeated.


Gets rid of rustYes
Removes limescaleYes
Eliminates unpleasant odorsYes
Contains acidYes
Surfactant contentcationic surfactants not more than 5%, nonionic surfactants not more than 5%
Volume750 ml
average price199 r.
Domestos Anti-rust and Anti-plaque
  • well-known manufacturer
  • works underwater;
  • convenient dispenser with a narrow and curved neck;
  • dense concentration, due to which the substance remains at the site of contamination for a long time;
  • economical.
  • not a very pleasant scent.

Sano liquid Antikalk WC

The products of the Israeli company Sano are not very well known in Russia, but in vain. Despite the fact that a large number of products under this brand have long been sold in well-known supermarkets, buyers are afraid to buy it because of the high price and infrequent name.

However, those who dared to try Sano household chemicals begin to use it on an ongoing basis and recommend it to all friends and acquaintances.

The effectiveness of products of this brand is due to the aggressive composition. Due to the fact that many components of the gels of this brand can be dangerous for young children, after cleaning the plumbing, it is recommended to thoroughly wash off the remnants of harmful components.

The lid of the gel bottle is made in such a way that children cannot open it on their own. There is a spout with which it is easy to distribute liquid under the rim of the toilet bowl. The volume of the bottle is the same as that of the previous product - 750 ml.

The main active ingredient is hydrochloric acid (9%), and two types of surfactants. When using, be sure to wear rubber gloves. Limescale, rusty streaks and urinary stone are easily removed after the first application. On the bottle there is an instruction containing information on how to use the gel correctly, as well as a composition that shows the type of active substance and its amount. Buyers note a pleasant and unobtrusive aroma of the gel.


Gets rid of rustYes
Removes limescaleYes
Eliminates unpleasant odorsYes
Contains acidYes
Surfactant contentcationic surfactants not more than 5%, nonionic surfactants not more than 5%
Volume750 ml
average price340 r.
Sano liquid Antikalk WC
  • quick effect;
  • removes all types of contaminants;
  • handy bottle.
  • high price.

GraSS WC gel

The gel is produced in Russia, in the Volgograd region. At a price it is cheaper than most analogues of foreign production. Suitable for both home use and professional cleaning. It can be used for toilet bowls, tiled and faience products, ceramic tiles.

The gel-like structure allows economical use of the product, since it does not spread over the surface. The composition of GraSS is standard - water, hydrochloric acid, surfactant. The gel does not require long exposure - 5 minutes after application, it can be washed off. The substance is so thick that it is not washed off the first time. According to customer reviews, it copes well with limescale, rust and urinary stone.

Some users complain that when interacting with the metal parts of the toilet, they are damaged and oxidized. The bottle contains instructions on how to properly clean plumbing, one of the prerequisites is the use of rubber gloves. The narrow dispenser allows you to distribute the liquid under the rim of the toilet bowl and prevent its rapid leakage. The gel does not have a sharp smell, but you can’t call it pleasant either.


Gets rid of rustYes
Removes limescaleYes
Eliminates unpleasant odorsYes
Aromasea ​​freshness
Contains acidYes
Surfactant contentnonionic surfactants
Volume, liters0.75
average price115 r.
GraSS WC gel
  • low price;
  • a wide range of activities.
  • bad smell;
  • damages metal parts;
  • if left for a long time, it can eat into the surface to be cleaned.

Ecover Essential for toilets

A distinctive feature of this means of production in Belgium is the natural composition. It is offered in 3 versions - with the aroma of lemon, pine, sea freshness. The manufacturer claims that the substance prevents the likelihood of allergic reactions and does not harm the human body, does not contain aggressive components, and also has an optimal pH level. According to research, toilet water after use can be used to water plants, which can later be eaten without harm to human health.

The bottle is also made from sustainable materials, mainly from sugar cane. It completely decomposes after a certain time and does not harm the environment. The lid is made in such a way as to prevent the possibility of opening it by a child. A convenient dispenser makes it easy to apply liquid under the rim of the toilet bowl.

The substance has a pleasant aroma, without the admixture of the smell of chemistry. The consistency is gel-like, moderately thick. The composition includes citric acid, non-ionic surfactants based on natural ingredients, xanthan gum, fragrance. Chlorine is absent.

Since the product is a concentrate, it is economically spent and does not cause significant damage to the family budget. As a result of the studies, it was concluded that 400 times less water is required to wash off the active substances than for similar products based on synthetic derivatives.

The brand's products are the most inexpensive in the segment of biodegradable chemical compositions, and have the best value for money.However, the composition and production technology directly affects how much the product costs, and since they are unique here, the price of a bottle is an order of magnitude higher than the cost of analogues. The popularity of models of this type is primarily due to concern for the environment, so the main buyers of household chemicals of this type are people who care about the environment.


Gets rid of rustYes
Removes limescaleYes
Eliminates unpleasant odorsYes
Aromalemon, pine, sea freshness
Contains acidYes
Surfactant contentnonionic surfactants
Volume750 ml
average price345 r.
Ecover Essential for toilets
  • does not cause allergic reactions;
  • safe to use at home;
  • fully biodegradable, including the bottle;
  • one of the most budgetary ecological products for cleaning toilets.
  • high price;
  • inferior in quality of purification and functionality to synthetic analogues.

Rating of household chemicals for the care of the bathroom, washbasin and sink

Household chemicals for the care of the bathroom, washbasin and sink, as a rule, are universal and interchangeable, making it easy to clean any surface with your own hands without significant effort.

Spray for cleaning in the bathroom and toilet WONDER LAB

Spray for cleaning in the bathroom and toilet from the Russian manufacturer WONDER LAB effectively removes soap and lime scale, traces of rust and other impurities in the bathroom. Perfectly cleans bathtubs (also suitable for acrylic bathtubs), sinks, faucets of any material, toilets, seats, tiles and showers.

The product does not contain chlorine, so it is safe for septic tanks.There are also no fragrances in the composition, the product has practically no foreign smell, therefore it is suitable for allergy sufferers. The sanitary ware cleaner is completely washed off without leaving films, streaks or scratches.

The manufacturer recommends the use of gloves due to the acid content.


Consistencyliquid, spray
Gets rid of rustYES
Removes limescaleYES
Eliminates unpleasant odorsYES
Aromaneutral, no fragrances
Contains acidYes
Volume550 ml.
average price390 rub.
Spray for cleaning in the bathroom and toilet WONDER LAB
  • eco-friendly composition;
  • no chlorine;
  • safe for septic tanks;
  • suitable for any type of bath;
  • removes soap and lime scale, traces of rust;
  • without pungent smell and fragrances.
  • will not cope with strong and old pollution.

Meine Liebe spray

The effective Meine Liebe spray is not very well known in Russia, so many buyers who have tried the product periodically have a question where to buy another bottle.

The composition easily removes rust and limescale, does not require mechanical rubbing. Buyers note the convenience of applying the liquid and its low consumption. The instructions for the product detail how to apply it in order to quickly clean plumbing. Depending on the degree of contamination, you can leave the composition for a while, and then rinse with water. The active substances do not damage stainless steel and plastic products.

The composition also has an antibacterial effect and eliminates unpleasant odors. The label states that it should not be used to clean hot, matte, laminated and damaged surfaces, brass, copper, galvanized metal.

On the spout of the bottle there is a rotary element with the function of switching the aggregate state of the supplied composition - spray or foam.

Among the components there are no substances that can cause allergic reactions, so it is suitable for use by pregnant women and families with small children. In case of contact with skin or eyes, rinse immediately with plenty of water.


Gets rid of rustYes
Removes limescaleYes
Eliminates unpleasant odorsYes
Aromasea ​​freshness
Contains acidYes
Surfactant contentnonionic surfactants no more than 15%
Volume500 ml
average price115 r.
Meine Liebe spray
  • convenient release form;
  • quick effect;
  • nice smell;
  • average price.
  • customers may have difficulty finding the spray in stores.

Synergetic Spray

The well-known manufacturer Synergetic continues the review of the best plumbing cleaners. It does not contain chlorine and is completely biodegradable. The product is available in the form of a gel or spray. Both forms have a transparent color and a thin consistency.

The substance has disinfectant properties and kills up to 99.9% of all microorganisms. It can be used both for cleaning the toilet and for sinks, bathtubs, showers, tiles, etc. Since the product is produced in the form of a concentrate, this can significantly save the family budget. Works also under water, has 100% washability.

The spray has proven itself for use in private homes, because it decomposes when it enters the water and does not harm the microorganisms that develop in septic tanks.

According to buyers, this is an effective composition, however, to remove old contaminants, it has to be applied several times and kept for a long time.


Gets rid of rustYes
Removes limescaleYes
Eliminates unpleasant odorsYes
Aromaconiferous extract
Contains acidYes
Surfactant contentN-tensides not more than 5%, MSA - up to 15%
Volume1 liter
average price150 r.
Synergetic Spray
  • fully biodegradable;
  • rinses off 100%;
  • pleasant pine scent.
  • stubborn stains do not go away the first time, they require re-application.

HG for baths and toilets

The substance is a super concentrate, it can be diluted with water in a ratio of 1:10. For serious contamination, it is recommended to use the concentrate without dilution. It is produced in an inconspicuous white bottle of 1 liter. Most buyers, when asked which company’s plumbing gel is better to buy, unequivocally advise this manufacturer. Despite the high price, it is invariably in demand due to its efficiency and quick results.

Best of all, the gel copes with limescale, rusty streaks and copper oxide. It is extremely caustic, when applied to the surface, it is recommended to constantly ventilate the room, use a respirator and rubber gloves.

Buyers recommend using it only to remove old dirt and not to use it in everyday cleaning, since the active components of the substance can be harmful to human health.


Gets rid of rustYes
Removes limescaleYes
Eliminates unpleasant odorsNo
Aromadoes not have
Contains acidYes
Surfactant contentYes
Volume1 liter
average price290 r.
HG for baths and toilets
  • copes with complex pollution, removes even limestone;
  • concentrated form reduces consumption;
  • fast effect.
  • high price.

SARMA spray for cleaning bathroom surfaces

This Russian-made spray captivates not only with a favorable price, but also with a good effect. The blue liquid has a strong chemical odor. The main active ingredient is oxalic acid and nonionic surfactants. Chlorine is absent. There is an antibacterial and antifungal effect.

Spray can be used to clean tiles, faience, chrome and stainless steel, ceramics. Not recommended for acrylic bathtubs. Since the spray is in liquid form, it does not damage the surface. After cleaning, the surface becomes glossy and does not become dirty for some time.

If the composition is used to clean glass, it does not leave streaks on it, as happens with many other analogues.

Since a fine mist is formed when spraying, it is best to apply the spray in a respirator. The use of rubber gloves is also mandatory.


Gets rid of rustYes
Removes limescaleYes
Eliminates unpleasant odorsYes
Aromasea ​​freshness
Contains acidYes
Surfactant contentnonionic surfactants not more than 5%
Volume500 ml
average price120 r.
SARMA spray for cleaning bathroom surfaces
  • budget price;
  • quick effect;
  • no need to wipe off after application.
  • not detected.

RAVAK Sanitary Spray Cleaner

A well-known manufacturer of acrylic bathtubs, in addition to the main production, began to produce special care products for them. Among them, the Cleaner plumbing spray stands out.

The spray has a pleasant smell, economical in consumption. Since it is in liquid form, the surface is not mechanically damaged. The main advantage of the product is that it is suitable for use on acrylic surfaces, which is not inherent in products of this type. Does not damage enameled and stainless steel, therefore suitable for faucets and faucets.

The manufacturer after application recommends keeping the composition for several minutes, then rinse. If the dirt does not come off the first time, you need to repeat the application and wait longer.


Gets rid of rustYes
Removes limescaleYes
Eliminates unpleasant odorsNo
Contains acidYes
Surfactant contentYes
Volume500 ml
average price650 r.
RAVAK Sanitary Spray Cleaner
  • suitable for acrylic bathtubs;
  • non-toxic;
  • enough for a long time.
  • high price.

Sanfor bath and shower gel Expert

The gel is available in different fragrances: alpine freshness, pine and lemon. It is suitable for all types of baths (including acrylic), tiles, faience and ceramics, galvanized and stainless steel. According to the manufacturer, it does not damage these surfaces even with daily use. One of the advantages of the gel is the presence in its composition of special substances that prevent subsequent contamination, so that the surfaces remain clean and shiny for a long time.

Contains no chlorine.The main active ingredient is citric acid and a mixture of surfactants.

Among the shortcomings, one can distinguish a too liquid consistency of the gel, due to which it spreads and does not remain at the site of application.


Gets rid of rustYes
Removes limescaleYes
Eliminates unpleasant odorsYes
Aromafreshness, citrus, pine needles
Contains acidYes
Surfactant contentsurfactants no more than 5%, nonionic surfactants no more than 5%
Volume750 ml
average price80 r.
Sanfor bath and shower gel Expert
  • budget price;
  • pleasant aroma;
  • can be used to clean acrylic bathtubs;
  • does not damage the surface.
  • Doesn't handle heavy dirt well.


Studying the variety of household chemicals presented in supermarkets, many buyers are wondering what kind of plumbing cleaners are, and which company's product is better to buy. Before making a choice and dwelling on a particular product, we recommend that you decide for what type of plumbing this substance will be used, and which form of release (gel, spray, liquid) is more convenient for you.

In this article, we did not consider powdered formulations, since for the most part, they cause damage to the surface to be cleaned, leaving micro-scratches, which subsequently get dirt and bacteria. Modern household chemicals perfectly cope with any kind of pollution, even without human effort, it is enough to wait a certain time and wash off the substance.

We recommend paying attention to the chemistry of the middle price category, as they combine the best value for money.If you are limited in budget, you can pick up Russian gels and sprays, which are practically in no way inferior to foreign counterparts.

We hope that our rating will help you make the right choice.

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