
  1. The principle of operation of the satellite device
  2. Differences between satellite phones and mobile phones
  3. Telecom operators
  4. Rating of high-quality satellite phones
  5. Conclusion

Rating of the best satellite phones for 2025

Rating of the best satellite phones for 2025

With the advent of mobile phones, people have been able to constantly be in touch, regardless of location. The coverage area of ​​mobile operators allows you to transmit and receive a signal at a high level in places with the highest concentration of people (cities, urban-type settlements). Every year the number of areas in which telephone equipment operates is steadily increasing. However, there are a large number of regions where the lack of wireless connectivity is still a problem.

The solution in this case would be to buy not a mobile, but a satellite phone. It differs from the usual smartphone by the principle of operation - a communication satellite is used for data transmission, not a tower. Such devices cover either one region around the satellite, or the entire territory of the planet. Since this technology is more complicated than that of mobile operators, more sophisticated equipment is used, which costs an order of magnitude more expensive.

Most often, such devices are used by people who, by the nature of their activities, are forced to stay in remote places, or travelers. Since an unforeseen situation can occur in the mountains or deep forests and emergency assistance is required, there is no substitute for a satellite phone.

The principle of operation of the satellite device

Satellite devices differ from mobile devices primarily in appearance. Since the beginning of their appearance, the devices have gone through several stages of modernization, and their appearance has changed - from a massive tube with an antenna - to a gadget that resembles a smartphone. Most of them have retained their feature - a retractable antenna, which provides better information reception.

Devices can be both portable and stationary. Depending on the purpose, the devices can be of different sizes and forms of execution (there are sea, air and other modifications).

Data transfer between the device and the satellite occurs when the device is present in the coverage area. Communication is supported by orbital systems or constellations of satellites. Some of the stations are stationary, others are constantly changing their position relative to the ground.The interaction is organized in such a way that when leaving one coverage area, the device immediately enters another. The functionality of the system allows you to leave switching between coverage areas imperceptible to the subscriber, communication is not interrupted, interference does not appear. Sometimes there are situations when, due to the presence of physical objects on the data transfer path (buildings, trees), connection problems may occur.

On sale you can find adapters that help modify a mobile device into a satellite one. When using such an add-on, all the information stored on the smartphone remains with the user, while the ability to use satellite communications is added as a bonus.

Differences between satellite phones and mobile phones

In addition to differences in the principle of operation and characteristics, a significant difference is the cost of the gadget. Usually the cost of using the device in any country in the world is fixed, and some travelers consider it as an alternative to a regular smartphone when traveling abroad. Since the cost of acquiring a device is high, and not everyone can afford such a purchase, it became possible to rent a gadget for the required period.

Consider the pros and cons of satellite phones. Pros:

  • The user does not need to think that in some place he will lose connection, or he will not be able to get through to someone.
  • The tariff for using the operator's services is negotiated in advance and is not subject to change, and does not depend on the subscriber's location.
  • There is no such thing as roaming, and in some cases, using satellite communications is more profitable than mobile.


  • The high cost of devices, as well as an expensive subscription rate (a minute of conversation can reach up to 10 US dollars).
  • Sometimes it can be difficult to identify a satellite.

Telecom operators

Satellite communications are not as popular as mobile communications, and the threshold for entering this business is high, so there are only 4 large companies that provide data transmission using satellite - Inmarsat, Iridium, Thuraya, Globalstar. The first three are officially registered in Russia. A feature of concluding a contract for the provision of services using space technologies is the requirement to indicate the serial number and article number of the device through which the subscriber will be serviced.

Inmarsat specializes in the maintenance of sea and river vessels, communication services are used as a supplement to regular navigation. The operator has 11 stations that allow users to make calls, send SOS signals, and provide Internet access. Since the devices of this company, intended for use by civilians, cannot be found on sale, we will not consider the company within the framework of this article.

In fact, citizens of the Russian Federation can only choose between two companies - Iridium and Thuraya. The first of them is the largest in terms of the volume of services provided. On the balance of the organization there are 66 satellites that rotate in 11 orbits. The distance from the ground to the stations is 780 kilometers. Due to the wide coverage, the user can reach the connection as long as there are no large obstacles in the way. The speed of movement of orbital stations is high, and is one revolution around the earth in 10 minutes. This provides a small waiting period for another connection if the connection is lost.

Thuraya owns 3 satellites. They are 35,000 km from the earth in an orbit that is practically stationary.The peculiarity of such a system is that the further the user moves away from the equator, the worse the connection, and at the north or south pole it is completely absent. In order not to leave the subscriber without communication, the company has entered into agreements with most mobile operators, and set up the equipment in such a way that the device can switch to a mobile tower at any time. In addition to the ability to make calls, subscribers can also access the Internet, as well as save their geolocation.

Globalstar offers subscribers the most favorable rates, but at the same time, according to users, it is an unreliable operator. This is due to the fact that the company's satellites pass through the so-called "Brazilian anomaly", in which communication is lost. It is restored only after 20 minutes, which in some situations can cause certain difficulties for the user. In this regard, the company's services are not popular.

Rating of high-quality satellite phones

Budget (up to 50 thousand rubles)

Thuraya XT-LITE

The model in question is one of the most inexpensive in its category. As previously mentioned, the operator has at its disposal only three satellites that are located on the equator. Because of this feature, when using the device, it is necessary to point the antenna towards the south. The model has the minimum functionality of all phones sold by the company.

The manufacturer claims the following functions: calls to subscribers in the operator's network, sending SMS messages, a built-in GPS transmitter (allows you to determine the user's location, which is important for travelers and lovers of visiting wild places).Subscribers in Russia enter into agreements with a local company, which is the official representative of Thuraya - GTNT.

Users note that if there are obstacles between the phone and the satellite, communication problems may occur. Most often, the called person does not hear the caller, while his voice is transmitted well. For those who travel in a group, it will be interesting to be able to send a message with the coordinates to all members with a single push of a button on the leader's device. Among other features, a good battery can be distinguished - if you use the charge autonomously and turn on the device only for the period of making a call, one charge will last more than a week. You can charge the gadget using a USB cable, or via a data cable (which comes with the kit). The case of the device is protected from moisture and ingress of particles of dust and dirt.

The keyboard of the device is mechanical, with black rubberized buttons. Customers complain that due to their small size, they are inconvenient to press with gloves on. For Russians, an unpleasant feature is the lack of Cyrillic on the keys, which makes it inconvenient to type SMS messages. When typing characters, the number that is currently being selected is not displayed, this also takes some time to get used to. There is no Internet access.

The antenna in the device is omnidirectional. In talk mode, the phone is able to work without recharging for 6 hours, in standby mode - up to 80. Overall dimensions of the gadget - 128 * 53 * 27 mm. Weight - 186 grams. In addition to the basic functions, there are several additional ones: barring incoming calls, forwarding, conference calling, creating groups, voice mail.

Incoming calls within Russia are free. At the same time, the caller will cost 300 rubles per minute.According to buyers, the level of communication at an acceptable level is maintained only on the street, indoors or in a place where there are many tall buildings, interruptions are possible, up to signal loss. The average price of a product is 49,000 rubles.

Thuraya XT-LITE
  • free incoming;
  • compact dimensions;
  • since the model is one of the best-selling, finding spare parts for it in the event of a breakdown is not difficult;
  • quality components.
  • among customer reviews there are complaints that the device is losing connection (most often this is due to mistakes that users make when choosing a device - you need to focus on the coverage area of ​​a particular operator);
  • no Russian keyboard.

Garmin InReach Explorer+

The review continues with a product from a company that is well known in the market of goods for tourism and travel. In addition to the fact that the price of the device is the best, compared to the offers of competitors, it can work not only from a satellite, but also through GSM towers. The advantages of the device can also include compatibility with the Iridium system, which is of high quality coating.

The operator has declared support for tourists in organized groups - for this you need to register a team, indicating its number and route. In order to report an emergency situation, you need to press the SOS button, after which the signal will go to the desk on duty.

Where communication is intermittent, you can communicate with group members using SMS messages. The device tracks the route and stores it in memory, allowing you to restore the path to the smallest detail.If desired, you can connect the device to a smartphone and get access to color maps generated using aerial photography. The manufacturer claims battery life in economy mode up to 120 hours. The package includes a device, a charging cable, and a detailed instruction manual.

Connection establishment time is 2-5 minutes. Users are offered a choice of several tariff plans, each of which differs from each other in cost and set of functions. In addition to the main function, the device also allows you to track the route, with periodic sending of coordinates in the interval specified by the user. Other useful features include receiving a weather forecast that collects accurate data from a satellite. The overall dimensions of the device are 164*68*38 mm. The average price of goods does not exceed 40 thousand rubles.

Garmin InReach Explorer+
  • budget price;
  • a well-known brand that has proven itself well;
  • a phone with a reinforced case is not afraid of damage when dropped from a height;
  • The best ratio of price and quality.
  • no internet access.

Average price category (from 50 to 90 thousand rubles)

Iridium 9555

Since the model entered the market back in 2008, its design is obsolete, and in appearance it resembles Nokia devices from the first years of production. Despite this, it is still considered the benchmark among satellite devices. Two of the best electronics manufacturers are engaged in the manufacture of branded devices - the American company Motorola and the Japanese Kuocera.

The device works in the network of the same name. Operating temperature range - from -20 to 60 ºС. The screen is monochrome.A 2200 mAh battery can provide up to 4 hours of talk time and up to 30 hours of standby time. Overall dimensions - 143 * 55 * 30 mm. Weight - 266 gr. The terminal looks similar to its older "brother" 9575, and differs from it only in a truncated functionality. However, for ordinary users, the absence of some functions is not critical, while the price is the main selection criterion.

Users note compact dimensions, good protection from external influences, convenient fastening to the belt. With the main task - to make calls and send text messages, the device copes without any complaints, since the operator has 100% coverage, including at the poles. The device is equipped with a built-in antenna. To improve the quality of communication, it slides out of the case. The package includes the device itself, a battery, a set of adapters for any type of sockets, a USB cable, an external antenna (optional), software on a disk, and a technical description.

There is no direct access to the Internet - there is only the ability to connect to a computer or laptop via a USB connector, while the transfer rate of information cannot be compared with a regular smartphone. According to the recommendations of buyers, with a limited budget, you can even consider a used device - it will last a long time. At the same time, the main thing you should pay attention to is the speed of the device, the absence of “hangs”, as well as the speed of discharging the battery. The average price of a product is 70,000 rubles.

Iridium 9555
  • high quality coating;
  • ergonomic design;
  • durable case;
  • quality components.
  • short battery life;
  • there is no direct Internet access.

Qualcomm GSP-1700

The rating is continued by the model from the Globalstar operator. The manufacturer claims the following features: making calls between subscribers, determining the user's location using coordinate points, mobile Internet, conference calls between three users. The phone is the most compact in the line of the company. The model is popular due to its relatively low cost, as well as the presence of mobile Internet at an acceptable speed.

Buyers note the presence of the possibility of receiving a signal with the antenna folded, the keypad lock, a clear interface, determining the location coordinates with high accuracy (the error does not exceed 300 meters). In the talk mode, the terminal must work for at least 4 hours, the standby time (with an open antenna) - from 36 hours. It is possible to connect an external antenna (sold separately). You can also connect a headset via a standard audio jack or Bluetooth adapter. Color display, small size.

The device is designed for use in all weather conditions, so it has a dust- and moisture-proof housing. The buyer is offered a choice of several colors - bronze-copper, silver-gray, red. Overall dimensions - 135 * 54 * 35 mm, weight - 202 grams. In addition to the standard package, you can purchase an adapter for a cigarette lighter in a car, an additional handset for conference calls, a kit for installing the device on a vehicle panel (car, ship, etc.).

Among other advantages, users note the best tariffs for satellite communications - the initial activation of the card costs about 50 euros, and a minute of conversation fluctuates around 1 dollar. The average price of a product is 73,000 rubles.

Qualcomm GSP-1700
  • compact dimensions;
  • the presence of the Internet;
  • tracking the user's location with an accuracy of up to 300 meters;
  • the ability to make calls with the antenna folded.
  • there are numerous complaints on the network about the quality of communication provided by the Globalstar operator.

Iridium GO!

Despite the fact that the device was a novelty back in 2014, when it entered the market, it has not lost its relevance today. The terminal of a popular company has a non-standard appearance - not everyone will understand that this is a satellite phone. The device is popular mainly among tourists, hunters, as well as lovers of water crafts.

The manufacturer claims the following functions: making calls to both one subscriber and a group, sending messages and subscriber coordinates, calling rescuers, weather forecast, Internet access. For those who travel in small groups, it will be interesting to be able to save the individual settings of each user on the device, customizing it for themselves.

The device is not a classic satellite phone, but an access point, which, by pairing via Wi-fi, connects the smartphone to the called subscriber. At the same time, while one user makes a call, 4 members of the group can send text messages or go online. This allows you to talk in a comfortable position for the user, without taking a forced position towards the satellite.

The device works with a smartphone, tablet or laptop through special programs, a direct connection is not possible. Some users have difficulties with working in these programs, often there are complaints about incorrect connection through the Wi-fi module. The battery capacity of the device is 3600 mAh, the talk time is 4 hours. Operating temperature range - from -10 to 50 ºС. Overall dimensions 114*83*32 mm, weight - 305 gr. Protection against external influences class IP65. The average price of a product is 78,000 rubles.

Iridium GO!
  • a large number of positive customer reviews;
  • a profitable option for large groups - one device for 5 people will cost less compared to how much the devices will cost for each of the members;
  • there is internet access.
  • Not the most reliable connection with a smartphone or laptop.

Premium (over 90 thousand rubles)

Iridium 9575 Extreme

The model in question is the "older" one in relation to the Iridium 9555. The peculiarities of choosing this modification are that it is intended for use in extreme conditions, which is indicated even in the name of the device. The device is equipped with a GPS module, which makes it possible to transmit location coordinates.

The model owes its birth to the American military. In 2010, the Iridium company was on the verge of bankruptcy, and the US government decided to support it by equipping the active army with satellite devices. For testing, the military received the "younger" model 9555, which they liked, and caused only one criticism - the lack of GPS.Soon this shortcoming was leveled in a new modification, in which all the shortcomings were taken into account.

Since the device was created specifically for use in various natural conditions, this is taken into account in all details - the device is trimmed with soft rubber around the perimeter, which prevents the possibility of slipping even from wet palms. At the end there is an emergency call button for rescuers, which is protected from accidental pressing by a plastic cover.

The phone can make calls to subscribers around the world, send messages, send e-mail. In addition, it can be connected to a computer, laptop or tablet, creating an access point and providing Internet access.

The impact protection class is IP65. Overall dimensions - 140 * 60 * 27 mm, weight - 247 grams. Talk time is 3.5 hours, standby time is 30 hours. The average price of a product is 99,000 rubles.

Iridium 9575 Extreme
  • high resistance to mechanical damage;
  • compact dimensions;
  • quality components;
  • there is a GPS module;
  • good communication quality.
  • high price.


The switch of a popular company is distinguished by the presence of two SIM cards - one is used for satellite communications, and the other for mobile. When doubting which company's phone is better to buy, many advise paying attention to this particular device, since it is able to work in two modes at the same time, thereby providing the user with an additional access point. Thanks to the presence of this function, the subscriber will be available everywhere and always. The manufacturer claims that its satellites provide coverage in more than 160 countries.

As in other similar devices, there is an SOS button, as well as a function to track the user's location. The level of protection against dust and water is IP55. The glass has a protective coating Gorilla glass, which is considered the most resistant to damage among those found in smartphones. There is a function for transmitting location coordinates, it works in three modes: after a selected interval, after a distance traveled, or after leaving a given circle. Internet access can be carried out either via satellite or using a GPS module. It is possible to connect to a tablet or laptop via a data cable.

Talk time is 11 hours, standby time is 100 hours. Overall dimensions - 138*57*27. Weight - 222 grams. Operating temperature range - from -10 to 55ºС. The average price of a product is 91,000 rubles.

  • two modes of operation - mobile and satellite, which can operate simultaneously;
  • long life on a single charge;
  • quality assembly;
  • advanced location tracking settings.
  • low class of protection against external influences;
  • no Wi-fi module;
  • high price.

Thuraya X5 Touch

A novelty from a well-known brand is the world's first smartphone running on Android, which can make calls both through a mobile operator and via satellite. Two slots for SIM cards are mounted in the case, which can work alternately or in parallel. There is a Wi-fi and Bluetooth module (used to connect to other gadgets and create an access point). There is also NFC - used for contactless payment.

Since the phone has only recently entered the market (2018) and is more expensive than all existing competitors (110 thousand rubles), it is not easy to find information about it on the network. The Full HD display with a diagonal of 5.2 inches is equipped with a Gorilla glass protective screen, and is resistant to mechanical damage. There are two cameras, one of which has a resolution of 8.0 megapixels, which allows you to take high-quality pictures while traveling. The battery is lithium-polymer, with a capacity of 3,800 mAh. The device supports two navigation systems - Glonass (Russia) and Beidou-2 (China).

There are a large number of sensors - gyroscope, accelerometer, compass, barometer, fingerprint scanner, etc. Talk time - 11 hours, standby time - 100 hours. Overall dimensions - 145 * 75 * 24 mm. Weight - 262 grams. Android version - 7.1. The class of protection against external influences is IP67. There is a 3.5mm headphone audio jack. There is an SOS button. Separately, the device can be purchased a charger that runs on solar energy.

Thuraya X5 Touch
  • wide functionality, a large number of possibilities;
  • the Android system allows you to customize the device for yourself;
  • long talk time;
  • Always on technology allows you to use two SIM cards at the same time.
  • high price.


Before you choose a phone that works via satellite, you should think carefully. First of all, it is necessary to assess the real need for the device - after all, it is expensive, and it can rarely be used. Most of the models on the market are produced by operators and work only on one network. Almost all of them have minimal functionality, and are only able to make calls or send text messages.

By and large, many of the switches are used only for a short period of time (the exception is tourists, or people who are forced to stay in remote places for a long time), so it is not rational to purchase an expensive device if you do not plan to use it on an ongoing basis.

Among the tips for choosing switches, there is often an opinion that, if the budget allows, you need to purchase dual-mode devices that can also work on a GSM network. This opinion is controversial - on the one hand, they allow you to be available anywhere, and on the other hand, the phone will soon become obsolete, as mobile phone manufacturers are constantly improving their products. We recommend having two devices for communication - a separate mobile phone and a separate satellite phone. This will also ensure the availability of a spare device in case one of the devices is damaged and ceases to function.

We hope that our review will help you make the right choice!

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