
  1. What is allergic rhinitis
  2. What are nasal sprays
  3. The use of allergy sprays in children
  4. Rating of the best sprays in the nose
  5. Conclusion

Rating of the best nose sprays for allergies for 2025

Rating of the best nose sprays for allergies for 2025

Nasal congestion is a condition known to many people. Most of them meet with him during the period of seasonal SARS. However, some were not lucky enough to meet this problem much more often - during the seasonal exacerbation of allergies.

In the pharmacy you can pick up a large number of funds from this scourge. It is most convenient to use nasal sprays. They are compact in size (even fit in a small women's handbag), easy to use (can be used at work, during business trips, and in other situations), and inexpensive. This form of release allows you to quickly and effectively fix the problem. It is worth remembering that it is not recommended to use such drugs without consulting a doctor, since uncontrolled use can not only not solve the problem, but also turn the disease into a chronic form, which is more difficult and longer to treat than an acute one.

In this article, we will learn how to choose a spray for allergic rhinitis, what to look for in order not to make mistakes when choosing, and also rank high-quality drugs in this area.

What is allergic rhinitis

Allergic reactions are an excessive immune response to the appearance of any irritants in the body. After contact of the nasal mucosa with an irritant (pollen, fungus, pungent odor), an allergic reaction occurs. It is expressed in the appearance of edema and nasal congestion. Unfortunately, at the moment there is no medicine that could reduce the level of the immune response to an irritant, all drugs, to one degree or another, only relieve pronounced reactions, suppressing only the symptoms, and not eliminating the causes of their appearance.

According to doctors, to eliminate mild allergic nasal congestion, it is enough to eliminate the main allergen. In more severe cases, drug therapy is connected, which relieves unpleasant symptoms. It is worth remembering that if the cause of rhinitis is not eliminated, it will manifest itself again and again. If there is no visible improvement within two to three months, the treatment regimen is reviewed.If the disease has passed into the chronic stage, it is almost impossible to completely cure it, and therefore it is recommended to seek qualified medical help at the first symptoms.

What are nasal sprays

There are three main types of drugs for nasal congestion - antihistamines, vasoconstrictors and hormonal. The first group is drugs that do not contain hormonal components. They are intended for use by allergy sufferers during an exacerbation of a profile disease - the flowering of certain plants, and other irritating factors.

Doctors recommend starting to take anti-allergic medications a month before the onset of a seasonal exacerbation so that the body prepares for a difficult period, and the immune response is not so pronounced. Such drugs can be used by children from 6 years of age and adults in the absence of contraindications. Prolonged use of drugs in this group can lead to deterioration of health, loss of concentration, difficulties in driving and mechanisms.

Vasoconstrictor drugs are used if you need to remove the swelling of the nasopharynx. As the name of the drug implies, the desired result is achieved due to vasoconstriction, as a result of which the volume of blood circulation in the nasopharynx decreases, and the person can breathe freely. Medicines of this group are used not only for allergic nasal congestion, but also for colds. The required effectiveness is achieved a few minutes after spraying the liquid into the nose, and lasts up to 12 hours.

A feature of this group of drugs is addiction, as a result of which a dose larger than the previous one is required to achieve the result.In the end, you can come to a point where congestion stops being relieved, and the patient has to switch to more "heavy" drugs. In the description of medicines in this group, it is indicated that with frequent use, drug-induced edema may appear, which manifests itself in the form of constant shortness of breath and does not go away on its own. The advantages of this group of sprays include the absence of contraindications, they are prescribed even for small children. In rare cases (with complicated pregnancy), instead of vasoconstrictor drugs, special drugs are prescribed.

Hormonal sprays are considered "heavy artillery", and are prescribed if other methods do not help. Doctors prescribe such medications only for adults and only in case of a complicated course of the disease. Most of the drugs in this group are prescription drugs, and it will not be possible to purchase a product at a pharmacy without visiting a doctor. The effect of using the product is achieved in a matter of minutes, and lasts a long time. In addition to the anti-allergic effect, hormonal sprays also have an anti-inflammatory effect, due to which they quickly alleviate the patient's condition. Like the previous group of medicines, this one has a serious side effect - addiction and no visible effect from frequent use.

The use of allergy sprays in children

Since children also have breathing problems, drugs are sold for them in different forms of release. Before buying a medicine, it is recommended to show the child to a pediatrician, and if necessary, to an allergist. For babies up to a year, sprays are contraindicated; in extreme cases, drops can be used.Together with antiallergic drugs, it is recommended to use moisturizing drops at the same time to prevent drying of the mucous membrane.

Antihistamines are not prescribed for children under two years of age, due to the high risk of adverse reactions in the child's body. In older age groups, only those medicines are used that have been studied and approved for use in childhood.

Rating of the best sprays in the nose


Tizin Alergi

The active substance is levocabastin hydrochloride, which has anti-allergic properties (blocks histamine receptors). The drug has a complex effect - not only eliminates rhinitis, but also relieves itching, burning sensation. According to the instructions for use, drops can be used not only for the nose, but also for the eyes - within 5 minutes after instillation, the unpleasant symptoms of conjunctivitis are eliminated. The effect of the drug on average lasts at least 12 hours.

The product showed itself well in eliminating the symptoms of seasonal allergies (hay fever). The aerosol is suitable for adults and children over 6 years of age. When prescribing a medicine for elderly people with problems with the liver and kidneys, it is recommended to consult a doctor.

According to the manufacturer's recommendations, it is better not to use the drug for pregnant and lactating women, since there are no reliable studies on its safety for the fetus and child. Some studies have shown that some of the active substances enter the baby with mother's milk. An aerosol can only be used if the benefit to the mother outweighs the potential harm to the baby.

The dosage of the spray for children and adults is the same - two injections per day in each nasal passage.If necessary, if the desired result is not achieved, up to 3-4 irrigations per day can be carried out. According to the advice of doctors, before use, shake the bottle several times to evenly distribute the active components of the aerosol.

The list of side effects is small: nausea, fatigue, lethargy, headache, dizziness, nosebleeds. In most cases, the use of an aerosol is tolerated painlessly. The average price of a product is 250 rubles.

Tizin Alergi
  • not addictive;
  • can be used for a long time;
  • good price/quality ratio;
  • released without a prescription;
  • buyers do not have difficulties with where to buy the medicine - it is sold in any public or private pharmacy.
  • among customer reviews, you can find negative ones (some complain that the spray either does not help at all, or the effect lasts no more than an hour).


In pharmacies, you can find two forms of release of the drug - drops for the eyes and an aerosol for the nose. The main indications for use are the elimination of symptoms of hay fever and allergic rhinitis. The list of contraindications is small - children under 5 years of age, pregnancy and lactation, sensitivity to individual components that make up the medication. With care appoint the elderly, as well as those with chronic diseases of the liver and kidneys.

The active substance of the drug has been known since antiquity. Even then, the anti-allergic properties of the Ammi visnaga plant, which grew in hot countries, were noticed. When using this plant, the symptoms of rhinitis were eliminated, but a side effect was often manifested - a headache.Subsequently, scientists were able to isolate the components of the plant that did not provoke an unpleasant symptom, and launched the mass production of the drug.

The active component showed itself well in use in patients not only with rhinitis, but also with attacks of bronchial asthma. With a mild course of the disease, it is prescribed as a replacement for corticosteroids. The desired result is achieved after a month or more after the start of use.

The aerosol is sprayed one injection into each nasal passage 4 times a day. With a complicated course of the disease - up to 6 times a day. After the visible symptoms have decreased or disappeared, the dose of the drug can be reduced. The course of treatment averages 4 weeks. According to the advice of doctors, the abolition should be carried out gradually, within 1 week. The average price of the goods is 170 rubles.

CromoHEXAL spray
  • budget price;
  • in terms of scope, it is more likely to be non-hormonal drugs, due to which it does not have pronounced side effects;
  • German quality.
  • not suitable for pregnant women;
  • short shelf life of open packaging - up to 6 weeks.


The active substance of the new generation medication is azelastine hydrochloride. Indications for use - seasonal allergies, hay fever, rhinitis and conjunctivitis. Can also be used for vasomotor rhinitis. There are some restrictions on use - children under 6 years of age (up to 12 years with vasomotor rhinitis), individual intolerance to individual components. The product is made in Germany.

The instructions for use list a large number of side effects - irritation of the mucous membrane (expressed as swelling, itching, burning, in rare cases - bleeding), urticaria, fatigue, dizziness and nausea. The last symptom manifests itself if it is incorrect to spray the aerosol - throwing the head back, as a result of which the liquid enters the throat. Tests during pregnancy and lactation in women have not been conducted, however, large-scale animal studies have been conducted at doses many times higher than therapeutic ones. As a result, no side effects were found. In this regard, it is allowed to use during pregnancy (2nd and 3rd trimester), as well as during lactation with caution.

The cost of a medicinal product varies depending on the country in which it was produced - an Israeli product costs 20-30% more than an analogue produced in Germany. The spray should be used 2 times a day - in the morning and in the evening, one injection into each nasal passage.

  • quick effect;
  • a large number of positive customer reviews;
  • can be used during pregnancy and lactation (with caution).
  • high price.


As previously mentioned, aerosols of this group are addictive with prolonged use, and therefore it is not recommended to use them for more than 2 weeks. The functionality of sprays in this category is to relieve swelling and facilitate nasal breathing.


The active substance is sodium dihydrogen phosphate dihydrate (xylometazoline). Like other vasoconstrictor drugs, the drug reduces the lumen in the blood vessels, thereby reducing swelling and inflammation of the mucosa.The acidity of the spray corresponds to that in the nasopharynx.

According to buyers, this is one of the best aerosols for quickly eliminating nasal congestion. It not only relieves swelling, but also does not cause irritation of the mucosa, allows sputum to leave in the right amount. In addition to the active substance, the composition of the aerosol includes components that moisturize the mucous membrane and prevent it from drying out. The safety of Otrivin when used at the indicated dosage has been clinically proven. In addition to the anti-allergic effect, the drug is able to destroy viruses, and therefore, it is also prescribed for respiratory diseases.

According to the reviews of researchers, when used in therapeutic dosages, the components of the drug are not absorbed and are not found in the blood. Among the contraindications are the following: tachycardia, children's age (up to 2 years), atrophic rhinitis, etc. During pregnancy, the application of an aerosol is prohibited. With lactation - with caution, after consultation with the ENT.

It is recommended to carry out no more than three injections per day, for children under 5 years old - one in each nostril, from 6 years and older - 1-2. Side effects include burning and itching at the site of application, headache, nausea, dryness of the mucous membrane, etc. The average price of the product is 200 rubles.

  • fast visible result;
  • convenient release form;
  • the product is produced by one of the best manufacturers of medicines, and therefore the quality of the product meets all international standards;
  • You can buy not only in a stationary pharmacy, but also order online in an online store specializing in the sale of medicines.
  • in the instructions for the medicine, little attention is paid to precautionary measures - not many patients understand that it is impossible to use the drug for a long time;
  • if used incorrectly, serious consequences for the body are possible - up to mucosal atrophy.


The spray is made on the basis of oxymetazoline. It is prescribed for adults and children over 6 years of age. Sold in a cardboard box, inside which there is a bottle, the material of manufacture is hard plastic. Thanks to the use of a hard coating, the bottle does not flex and will not spill in a bag or backpack.

Some time ago, the manufacturer released a new product - Nazivin Sensitive. It differs from the standard type in a softer action. When prescribing to children, it is recommended to buy this particular variety. The drug is indicated for colds, as well as to eliminate the symptoms of allergies, expressed in sneezing, rhinitis, swelling of the mucosa. Of the contraindications, one can distinguish atrophic rhinitis, a surgical effect on the meninges in the past, as well as hypersensitivity to any of the components that make up the spray.

On sale you can find several forms of release, some of them are also intended for babies - from a year and older. However, when prescribing the drug to such young children, it should be remembered that among the side effects there is the possibility of respiratory arrest in infants. Use by women during pregnancy and lactation is allowed, but with caution and after mandatory consultation with a doctor.

Buyers note a long warranty period - 3 years, and therefore you can buy one bottle and use it for a long time. One bottle contains about 190 doses.The price of the goods is about 200 rubles.

  • the effect appears already 2 minutes after irrigation;
  • long shelf life;
  • some forms of release are suitable for babies.
  • a large list of side effects, some of which can cause serious harm to health;
  • prolonged use is addictive.


Compared to previous contenders, a bottle of Afrin costs a little more - about 300 rubles. The product is produced in Russia under license from the well-known Bayer brand. As in Nazivin, the active substance (active ingredient) is oxymetazoline hydrochloride.

Side effects are expressed in: dryness of the mucosa (in most patients it disappears after a while), palpitations, dizziness, nausea, serious atrophy of the mucous membrane can be noted.

Buyers note the rapid release of the respiratory tract, as well as the peculiarity - after application, the liquid does not drain into the throat, which is found in most aerosols. This is due to the consistency of the spray - it is gel-like. The instructions do not contain information about the dosage, doctors recommend irrigation no more than 3 times a day. The desired effect lasts about 6-7 hours, after which the unpleasant symptoms return. Some buyers note that when used for more than 5 days, addiction develops, which makes it difficult to cancel the spray. You can unscrew the bottle and pour any other remedy into it.

The manufacturer releases the product separately for adults, and separately for teenagers. For adults, there are three types of aerosol to choose from - classic (red packaging), moisturizing (green box), with eucalyptus and menthol aroma oils (green packaging).

  • does not run down the throat;
  • long-term effect;
  • Available in a variety of shapes to suit individual needs.
  • high price;
  • many buyers note a quick addiction.



The active ingredient is fluticasone fluorate. The tool belongs to the category of hormonal, and has shown itself well in the treatment of seasonal allergies, including the pollen of flowering plants. According to its characteristics, the drug differs from those previously considered, as it is hormonal, has a list of serious "side effects" and can cause addiction.

The product is produced in the UK - under the manufacturer's license, and in Russia. The product is not recommended for use by persons who are allergic to any of the components that make up the spray, as well as infants. Buyers note a convenient form of release - a bottle with a button, it is designed for 30 or 120 doses. The main purpose of the aerosol is to relieve the symptoms of allergic rhinitis, it also has a vasoconstrictive effect. Due to the fact that the drug is hormonal, the effect of its use lasts longer than from drugs of other categories. It should be noted that the product is a prescription, and it is impossible to buy it without consulting a doctor.

According to the manufacturer's instructions, the drug is prescribed to adults and adolescents over 12 years of age, at the initial stage - two injections into each nasal passage once a day, and subsequently, upon reaching the desired result - one injection. Side effects may include: irritation and redness of the mucous membrane, the occurrence of ulcers, nausea and headache. Of the serious side effects, growth retardation in childhood can be distinguished, and therefore Avamys can be prescribed to a child only if absolutely necessary.Patients should be aware that while taking the aerosol, one should not come into contact with people who have any infection in the active stage, since the medicine reduces immunity and the human body becomes susceptible to viral or bacterial infections. Abroad, the product is produced under a different trade name - VERAMYST, the bottle in the photo is fully consistent with the Russian counterpart, with the exception of colors.

  • quick result;
  • despite how much the drug costs (more expensive than analogues), most buyers choose it because of its good tolerance;
  • convenient release form;
  • on the network you can find reviews that the remedy reduces adenoids.
  • can cause addiction;
  • dries up the mucous membrane;
  • with prolonged use, unpleasant side effects appear.


The active ingredient is Mometasone. The product is manufactured in Belgium and is characterized by the following actions: anti-inflammatory, anti-allergic, antipruritic, and also vasoconstrictor. In addition, many doctors prescribe this drug to patients who are chronically dependent on vasoconstrictor drops.

The aerosol is sold in a small bottle made of soft plastic. It does not take up much space, and it is convenient to take it with you if necessary. The product is prescribed for such diseases as: allergic rhinitis, sinusitis (acute and chronic), polyposis of the nasal passages. The spray is prescribed for adults and children from 2 years of age. The medicine begins to act 12 hours after spraying, and eliminates symptoms for a long period.

Despite the fact that growth retardation in children was separately singled out among the side effects, no such result was found during clinical studies.Of the less pronounced unpleasant symptoms, headache, nosebleeds, sore throat, and short-term visual impairment can be noted.

The instructions for use describe the use of the drug step by step, as well as its dosage for adults and children. On average, you need to make two injections in each nostril once a day. As in the case of other hormonal drugs, long-term use is not recommended, since the likelihood of drug dependence is high. A bottle of 120 doses will cost 800 rubles.

  • suitable for young children, which is an essential selection criterion for many patients;
  • reduces adenoids;
  • helps to get rid of dependence on vasoconstrictor aerosols.
  • high price;
  • reduces the barrier defense of the body, which is why in the reviews there are complaints about a decrease in immunity and an increase in the number of seasonal diseases.


The active substance is beclomethasone dipropionate. The drug has anti-inflammatory, anti-allergic and immunosuppressive effects. According to the manufacturer, the drug is practically not absorbed into the blood, is not transported from the mucosa, and does not have a systemic effect. Among the indications are only two diseases - seasonal allergies and vasomotor rhinitis.

The spray is available in a cardboard box with a bottle inside. Buyers note a convenient dispenser with a function of protection against accidental pressing.

The drug is prescribed for adults and children over 6 years of age (with caution).For children, the dosage should not exceed one injection in each nasal passage twice a day, for adults, a double injection twice a day is allowed. Side effects include: allergic reactions to any component that is part of the aerosol, headache and nausea, lack of smell, dryness, burning, and bleeding from the nasal passages.

Do not use the spray in the following cases: children under 6 years of age, the first trimester of pregnancy, bacterial and viral diseases of the nasopharynx, frequent nosebleeds. The therapeutic effect does not appear immediately, the first results become noticeable after a few days after the start of use. The effect of the drug lasts only as long as the patient takes it, and after withdrawal, the symptoms of the disease may return. The average price of a product is 200 rubles.

  • practically does not cause side effects;
  • can be used for a long time;
  • can help eliminate dependence on vasoconstrictor drops.
  • among the reviews you can find negative ones, with the assertion that the required result has not been achieved.


When choosing which company to buy a spray from allergic rhinitis, it is recommended not to make decisions on your own, or focusing only on the opinion of a pharmacist - he may not have sufficient knowledge and offer an aerosol that will not only not alleviate the patient's condition, but will also cause irreparable harm to his body . All medical appointments should be made by a doctor, and only he.

Many buyers are wondering if it is possible to save on a purchase by choosing a medication - an analogue.The opinion of doctors on this issue is unequivocal - if you have the necessary amount of money, it is better to buy a medicine from a well-known foreign manufacturer than its Russian counterpart. Do not save on your health, because it is easy to lose it, but it is difficult to restore it. We hope that our article will help you make the right choice!

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