The latest technology has made the wildest dreams possible. Own pool with wellness procedures is no longer a privilege of the elite, but is available to almost any category of the population. For a budget option, prefabricated models of a seasonal plan or for installation in indoor areas are suitable. More expensive stationary spa pools are equipped with many useful and specialized features for a pleasant stay. For a country house, you can choose a unit from a rich list of proposals that fully meets your expectations.
About the best models of SPA pools with a description of the characteristics, the principles of approach to the choice in terms of price categories, what you should pay attention to when buying, as well as identifying the advantages, read on.

What spa pools are
The whole range of structures can be divided into the following categories:
- In terms of popularity, hydromassage systems are in the first place due to their functionality, they quickly relieve fatigue, help to recover, have a positive effect on the emotional background, all-weather models have exceptional properties that are resistant to the external environment;
- overflow, commercial work on the principle of displacement of the upper layer of water into the overflow tray with dust, dirt, debris, fat accumulation and subsequent processing by filtration, disinfection;
- swimming units with countercurrent are characterized by an increased area of up to 5÷15 meters and, accordingly, a higher cost, they are adapted for continuous swimming loads;
- stainless steel models targeted at the commercial sector, with a high price, exclusive aesthetic qualities, special equipment in terms of hygiene and corrosion resistance;
- children's group;
- non-stationary type, inflatable and prefabricated models costing up to 200,000 rubles for suburban areas.
The list of offers is unusually wide, so you should seriously approach the selection parameters.

Among the popular manufacturers of stationary type structures, the following brands can be distinguished:
- Vita Spa, Dream SPA - America;
- Bigeer, Kingston - China;
- Whirlcare, Villeroy&Bosh – Germany;
- AQUAVIA, AstralPool - Spain;
- Treesse, Jacuzzi - Italy;
- Arctic SPA - Canada.

How to choose
Based on the budget, a decision is made on the type of unit in accordance with the previously given categories. Stationary options will require serious investments, while seasonal inflatable models or mobile structures are financially feasible. To determine from which manufacturer a product is better to buy, it is important to understand the quality level of SPA pools, tested by time and consumer requirements.
It is important to know that there are instructions for both mobile and prefabricated structures, and for stationary models, you can issue documentation and a passport in order to thoroughly familiarize yourself with the details.

Up to 1000 liters, volumes are considered for children and do not pose a danger to little splash lovers.
For adults, it is considered sufficient size from 3 meters in length and at least 150 cm deep.
10 cubic meters of water is considered acceptable for family or group use.
At the same time, it should be remembered that in relation to the SP-bowls, the volume of the container is much less due to their special functionality.
Criteria for the correct choice of stationary structures
The acrylic component as a protective coating can be from an American or Chinese manufacturer. "Aristech" - American plant with a worldwide reputation supplies acrylic sheets to hundreds of manufacturers, and has proven itself, first of all, with high quality products.Chinese brands have reached high capacities, however, there is no history of product behavior in Russian natural conditions with low seasonal temperatures.
Electronic systems
The spa is controlled by electronic systems, which also have several well-known manufacturers. Widely known and popular is Balboa - USA, which has proven itself for decades of sales. An important aspect is the availability of spare parts and elements for replacement. It may turn out that the exhibition samples are running out, but the order is not available, which calls into question the overall operation. Until recently, European brands such as Vortex, Allseas have consistently entered temporary storage warehouses with subsequent delivery to all corners of the world, including Russia. Recently, due to the disruption of supply chains and non-cooperation, there may be complications with the availability of spare elements for replacing control systems.
Mobile models are connected by a simple connection to a standard network, so you can install and run them yourself.

The price range is extensive, it all depends on the chosen design and equipment. The category of Chinese-made hydromassage stationary pools, which is more popular than others in the Russian Federation, is characterized by prices from $ 6-7 thousand for double models, for 5-6-seat units the price is $ 10-12 thousand. You should be interested in advance information about how much the additional equipment costs, and what is included in the standard package.
prefabricated models
For non-stationary models, the following characteristics play a role:
- depth and perimeter, diameter;
- volume parameters;
- complete set of the pump and its performance;
- filtration type;
- the weight;
- bottom quality;
- the ability to install additional devices, such as sprinklers and ladders, slides, skimmers, awnings and awnings.
Prefabricated models are installed and connected independently, the process takes a little time - up to two hours.
Errors when choosing
It is important to remember that the installation of both stationary and prefabricated options requires preliminary site preparation. The bowls require a concreted flat area that meets the requirements of the allowable load. The supply of water, electrical communications requires the participation of specialists.
Pool maintenance is a must and takes time. Filter maintenance, debris removal, removal of mineral deposits from the walls and waterline is necessary in order to comply with hygiene rules and long-term operation.

Rating of the best spa pools
TOP models of the mid-price hydromassage segment up to 1,500,000 rubles
Lovia Spa L506
The pool is designed to accommodate 5 people, while there are 2 universal sunbeds.

SPA pool Lovia Spa L506
- the L series is characterized by increased versatility of spa elements;
- equipped with 84 nozzles;
- quality massage effect;
- individual regulation of flows;
- acrylic applied layer has 10 years warranty;
- with a guarantee of operation of the case, sanitary equipment, panels - 2 years;
- with a choice of colors of the bowl, skins, lids;
- all key elements are made of high-class stainless steel;
- there are no roughnesses on the coating, it is very smooth and has protection against scratches and chips;
- frames of pallets, skins have a multilayer structure;
- a layer of acrylic with a thickened system for keeping warm is protected from deformation;
- obedient sensor panel;
- numerous positive reviews.
Vita Spa Elegant
The American brand is represented by a model with cascades, lighting and air massage. The design weighs 250 kg and is designed for 1420 liters.

SPA pool Vita Spa Elegant
- optimal size 211*200*94 cm;
- can accommodate 5 people;
- the circulation pump is designed for round-the-clock operation and has low electrical consumption;
- anti-corrosion, waterproof music station Vita Tunes is equipped with Bluetooth and is characterized by clear, crisp playback;
- Aurora Cascades in the form of 2 fountains are designed for a relaxing background and are equipped with pleasant lighting that reflects the movement of water;
- the ozonation and disinfection system is implemented using CleanZone technology with automatic quality control, water purity with a minimum of chemical content;
- Champagne Air with 10 jets of air impact on soft tissues stimulates blood flow, removes toxins and toxins from the body;
- with chrome trim nozzles;
- pump with a capacity of 2.5 liters. two-speed type forces;
- with a 3 kW Teflon-type electric heater;
- the presence of LED lighting under water;
- with a lid for heat-insulating purpose design case;
- side trim in the form of Excel-X panels;
- cleaning with a cartridge filter;
- pallet made of high-quality ABS plastic Staled Base;
- additional ease of use with 3 soft headrests;
- the perimeter of the bowl is equipped with LED lighting;
- with insulation of the original Vital Energy Insulation System solution for maximum protection;
- the presence of a control panel.
Bigeer BG 8892

A compact version from a Chinese manufacturer with insulated bowls, side plastic panels has a size of 2 * 2 meters and is designed for 4 people.
SPA pool Bigeer BG 8892
- acrylic coating from an American manufacturer does not allow the development of harmful microorganisms and is durable;
- decorative lighting is implemented in the illumination of the waterline, fountains, underwater LED system;
- cascade current or waterfall element in the amount of 3 pieces not only massage with water, but also provide circulation, fill the aesthetic aspect;
- the presence of a steel frame guarantees reliability and durability;
- capacity 1200 liters;
- the presence of a control unit and remote control;
- with chrome lining on the nozzles;
- pumps in the amount of 2 pieces of 2 liters. strength;
- with a heater with a power of 3 kW;
- water flows are regulated;
- the presence of cartridge filtration;
- with ozone disinfection.
Wellis Mars
The three-seater model from a well-known Hungarian manufacturer is designed for a volume of 660 liters and is equipped with a Gecko control system.

Spa Wellis Mars
- with ultraviolet disinfection;
- implemented ozonation;
- the presence of a thermal protective cover;
- with 2 head restraints;
- simple installation and convenient movement in the premises due to compact dimensions 213*160*75;
- heating with characteristics 2 kW/230 V/50 Hz;
- the presence of a music center from 1 subwoofer and 2 speakers;
- with chromotherapy.
- additional Scandinavian equipment with insulation for low temperatures is installed separately and costs 26,000 rubles.
Swimming spa pools with countercurrent
Bellagio Luxury Sorrento 5.8

The unit from a Chinese manufacturer, Australian design has a capacity of 6388 liters, equipped with one sunbed.The design is equipped with 44 nozzles and additional 3 anti-current elements, the number of aeromassage currents is 12 pieces.
SPA pool Bellagio Luxury Sorrento 5.8
- with aluminum frame;
- acrylic resistant coating;
- designed for 6÷8 persons;
- the presence of an air compressor in 1 liter. strength;
- equipped with handrails for exercises;
- high water quality is maintained with the help of 4 cartridge filters for a purification area of 4.5 m² each and an ozonator;
- powerful illumination is carried out by means of 3 lanterns and 24 Rim LED lights;
- optimal size 580*230*135;
- the presence of 4 head restraints;
- along the perimeter there are 9 illuminated coasters;
- there are baskets for storing ice;
- counterflow pumps have a capacity of 3 liters. strength;
- heat exchangers in the amount of 2 pieces of 3 kW each;
- the control system consists of a Balboa BP 2100 unit and color resolution consoles.
- the price is above the average for the segment.
Kingston JCS-SS1 Exercise
The unit is designed for 8400 liters and is equipped with 3 counterflow nozzles with a built-in switching function.

Spa Pool Kingston JCS-SS1 Exercise
- acrylic coating from the American world brand "Aristech";
- a total of 57 nozzles and 3 countercurrent systems;
- with handrail;
- the presence of waterfall plums;
- implemented multi-color backlight;
- hydromassage pumps with a capacity of 3 liters. strength;
- circulation is carried out by 2 pumps;
- filtration through cartridges;
- with 2 ozonizers;
- control panel in the amount of 2 pieces from the world brand Balboa;
- side panel protections are made of high-quality high-strength plastic;
- the kit includes a case by the type of cover;
- dimensions 585*225*150;
- can be ordered online.
SPA pools of the European level at a price of over 1,500,000 rubles
AQUAVIA Mallorca Inground/AstralPool Thalassa
AQUAVIA - The Spanish global brand has been on the market since 1988 and has a rich assortment. The wide scope of use covers both the sector of sports clubs and organizations, and the home segment.
Mallorca Inground / AstralPool Thalassa - a capacious unit with a capacity of 1310 liters can accommodate 6 people, there is 1 sunbed, control is implemented through the touch panel.

SPA pool AQUAVIA Mallorca Inground/AstralPool Thalassa
- with high quality materials;
- long operating period;
- reliability guarantee;
- the presence of an insulating tray made of high quality ABS plastic;
- with chromotherapy;
- technological bowl made of acrylic;
- electrical equipment is represented by powerful and safe circuits;
- nozzles are coated with a special compound Inox;
- bowl color choice
- optimal dimensions 216*216*90 cm;
- you can additionally install a sand filter system;
- with an ozonator and an electric heater for 3 kW;
- long service life.
Mobile SPA
Dream Spa X400
The range of Dream Spa pools is wide.

Dream Spa X400 is a convenient and compact version from a global brand that provides an intense massage effect due to a set of nozzles and a powerful pump. Regulators make it possible to mix air into each jet of water, which provides the effect necessary for relaxation and increased blood flow. Durability is ensured by innovative technologies in the design, which is the same for the base, framing and the bowl itself when filling the internal spaces with polyurethane foam composition.
SPA pool Dream Spa X400
- small capacity of 723 liters;
- with 14 nozzles;
- waterfall current with multi-colored illumination;
- with easy setup;
- light weight and comfortable movement;
- control is implemented through the LCD display;
- simplified electronics diagram, accessible to a simple user;
- water temperature control;
- the color of the bowls and the color of the lids to choose from;
- available in online order;
- the technology of rotational formation is used, which provides low weight (up to 210 kg) and special strength;
- free movement through doorways;
- with anti-slip bottom;
- surface skimmer, replaceable cartridge provide a reliable filtration system and guarantee ideal water purity;
- with a sound alert function in case of lowering the optimal filling level.
Inflatable spa pools
Bestway 60025 Helsinki Airjet
A convenient compact version with a diameter of 180 cm and a depth of 66 cm is perfect for suburban areas, with the possibility of placing both outdoors and on covered areas, verandas.

SPA Pool Bestway 60025 Helsinki Airjet
- with hard bottom
- with a capacity of 1123 liters;
- with cartridge filter;
- pump for 1325 liters per hour;
- 4 people are freely accommodated, 7 can be accommodated;
- for children's swimming;
- the cartridge allows you to clean and use water repeatedly;
- with the additional purchase of an awning, reliable protection against dust and insects is provided.
- use only in the summer;
- beware of damage through punctures and impacts;
- the issue of comfortable water temperature.
Intex PureSpa Bubble Therapy

The best model in the category "Customers' Choice" is equipped with a pump and bedding platform.

SPA pool Intex PureSpa Bubble Therapy
- capacity 1098 liters with a depth of 71 cm and a diameter of 216 cm;
- equipped with 140 nozzles for an aerodynamic effect;
- allowed temperature range 20÷40°С;
- high power heater 2.2 kW with a heating rate of 2°C/hour;
- bubble type pump with power characteristics of 0.8 kW;
- users note the quality of production;
- high density of the material of manufacture;
- simple and convenient maintenance;
- special treat for children;
- therapeutic effect;
- reliability.
Joi Spa JY 8807

A spacious and comfortable version from an American manufacturer with a Chinese assembly is equipped with one universal lounger with 4 seats. Model of hydromassage type for a family or a friendly company. Maximum load - person
SPA pool Joi Spa JY 8807
- capacity;
- universality;
- good depth;
- comfortable for children;
- the optimal number of nozzles is 47 plus 10 air nozzles with individual flow control;
- with excellent massage effect;
- study of the chest, lumbar, cervical-collar zone in sitting places;
- with the addition of working out in the area of \u200b\u200bthe legs on a sunbed;
- frost resistance;
- can be installed both outdoors and indoors;
- requires only a flat area and connection of communications;
- available in online stores;
- the colors of the bowls and skins vary;
- with floating control panel;
- equipped with a Balboa Water Group heating and control system from an American manufacturer;
- the presence of a thermally saving cover;
- saving on heating with heat preservation;
- effective protection against external weather and natural factors;
- choice of color in the LED backlight.
Comparison table of the best spa pools |
1. | Hydromassage stationary mid-price segment up to 1,500,000 rubles |
| Brand | The form | Capacity, people | Nozzles, pcs. | Average price, rub. |
| Lovia Spa L506 | square | 5 | 84 | 1100000 |
| Vita Spa Elegant | −”− | −”− | 39 | 1250000 |
| Bigeer BG 8892 | −”− | 2+2 | 41 | 700000 |
| Wellis Mars | −”− | 2+1 | 37 | 655000 |
| Swimming spa pools with countercurrent |
2. | Bellagio Luxury Sorrento 5.8 | rectangle | 6-8 | 44+3 | 2300000 |
| Kingston JCS-SS1 Exercise | −”− | - | 57+3 (countercurrent) | 3000000 |
| SPA pools of the European level over 1,500,000 rubles |
3. | AQUAVIA Mallorca Inground/AstralPool Thalassa | −”− | 6 | 28+16 | 1700000 |
| SPA pools of the European level over 1,500,000 rubles |
4. | Dream Spa X400 | square | 4 | 7+7 | 570000 |
5. | New | | | | |
| Joi Spa JY 8807 | square | 6 | 47+10 (air) | 1200000 |
| Inflatable spa pools |
6. | Bestway 60025 Helsinki Airjet | a circle | 5-7 | - | 120000 |
| Intex PureSpa Bubble Therapy | −”− | −”− | 140 | 65000 |
The latest technologies bring more and more opportunities not only in the field of production, but also in the leisure industry. Pleasant pastime with water procedures, coupled with recreational activities, are becoming very popular. Having your own pool is no longer a dream of the elite, but it is available to almost any category of the population. Budget options can be implemented through prefabricated inflatable structures, while there is reliable filtration and a warranty period. More expensive models can be installed on a fixed basis and you can choose from several options of different systems and designs with a large offer of additional amenities.