
  1. What it is
  2. Rating of the best satsebeli sauces for 2025
  3. Conclusion

Rating of the best satsebeli sauces for 2025

Rating of the best satsebeli sauces for 2025

The national cuisine of Georgia is famous for its fragrant spices. Not a single Caucasian dish is served without a spicy and tasty addition. Satsebeli sauce is the most famous sauce far beyond the borders of Georgia. It serves as a great addition to any product. Even those who avoid hot spices will not remain indifferent to it.

What it is

Satsebeli is based on tomatoes. Its composition is distinguished by a large number of various spices, the main of which are utskho-suneli and hops-suneli, as well as hot red pepper and garlic. Dressing components give a certain sharpness and a balanced combination of sweet and sour taste.There are a lot of cooking options, and they may differ in the amount and composition of spices and products. Depending on the proportions, dressings from different manufacturers have a variety of spices and spiciness levels. This is completely normal, as there is no single recipe that would be considered a classic Georgian standard.

Each housewife in the Caucasus can boast of her own and unique way of preparing the famous sauce. In Georgia, satsebeli is widely consumed with fish and meat dishes, grilled, boiled or stewed. It is seasoned with pasta, legumes and rice, with which it goes well and gives a special piquancy. However, it should not be served hot, but chilled, so satsebeli conveys its taste better. For lovers of spiciness, options with a high content of hot pepper and garlic are suitable. In order not to harm the stomach, you should control your food intake and eat such a spicy seasoning in small quantities. Spicy variants of satsebeli go well with roasted meat and emphasize its taste.

Origin story

Initially, satsebeli was the name given to all seasonings that have a sweet and sour taste, regardless of their constituent components. This included dressings made from tomatoes, plums, walnuts, apples with quince and other products.

Gradually formed and became a truly national sauce, the recipe of which contains the main ingredients: tomatoes, Caucasian spicy herbs and, of course, garlic and hot peppers, which make the dressing spicy. This option is considered a classic, although each kitchen can cook it in its own way.

What is its use

Satsebeli is the most beloved and main thing in Georgian cuisine; a huge variety of different seasonings are prepared on its basis. A very tasty dressing for many dishes is obtained with the addition of fruit and berry additives and fresh pomegranate juice. But the simplest and most affordable product is prepared on the basis of a tomato.

Today, tomatoes can be found in every store and at any time of the year; this is a very common and versatile product that is added to many recipes. The tomato has an excellent taste and high gastronomic characteristics, which allow you to prepare a real Georgian sauce. Berries can also be bought all year round, but in winter their assortment becomes poorer, and it costs a lot of money. Therefore, not everyone can afford to prepare satsebeli based on fruits and berries.

In the classic recipe for satsebeli, no chemical components are added, and the observance of the technology of preparation and heat treatment makes it not only tasty, but also healthy. Tomatoes, when processed at high temperatures, secrete a special enzyme - lycopene, which is indispensable in the treatment and prevention of malignant tumors. The beneficial substances contained in tomatoes help to strengthen the immune system and eliminate the breakdown.

Processing pepper with high temperatures is considered a big drawback, since during the procedure a large amount of vitamin C is lost, that is, ascorbic acid, which is very actively fighting colds. This inevitably happens at very high temperature conditions, but other useful substances remain in the composition of pepper - fiber, trace elements, vitamins, which have a positive effect on the normal state of potency.

Preparation does not require preliminary frying of the ingredients, vegetables are cooked in their own juice with the addition of water in small quantities. Thanks to this heat treatment, dressing can be added to dishes or consumed in its pure form, even with gastritis and diet during weight loss.

The most useful is a freshly prepared product, in which sugar is not added at all, and the salt content is quite high. Store-bought satsebeli contains many chemical additives, dyes and various preservatives. This does not improve the taste of the product much and makes it not very healthy.

Adding satsebeli to the main or meat dish will help replenish the daily diet with vitamins. This is especially important for people who do not consume fresh vegetable salads, as dressing prepared according to the correct Georgian recipe can replace one daily serving of fresh vegetables.

Rating of the best satsebeli sauces for 2025

Satsebeli is a national Georgian spice prepared according to old recipes and served with meat and chicken dishes. It has a spicy taste with sharp notes. It has a very rich taste, indescribable aroma and is sure to become a favorite seasoning for everyone who has tried it at least once. This Georgian dressing will turn any dish into a unique masterpiece, giving it usefulness and piquancy.

Inexpensive and average cost

Kinto satsebeli homemade

Satsebeli tomato sauce from a well-known manufacturer is prepared in accordance with the recommendations of the classic Georgian recipe. It is ideal for barbecue and grilled ribs, and will make any dish gourmet, with a special taste characteristic of Georgian cuisine.

The company is one of the leaders in the country's food industry. Its activities are aimed at developing national standards in the food industry and shaping the market.

The high quality of the company's products is due to its unique location. Production workshops are located in ecological regions in close proximity to the fields where vegetables are grown. Within one hour after harvesting, the vegetables are sent for processing to the factory workshops. All products of the company are completely safe for human health and can be used even for dietary nutrition, since no chemical elements and preservatives are added to the product during the preparation process.

The minimum packaging is 200 grams and the product is completely ready for use. The calorie content is low, the consistency is heterogeneous, it contains pieces of bell pepper and garlic. The seasoning has a dark red color and a sweet and sour taste with a small amount of spiciness.

The composition meets the requirements and conveys all the tastes of Georgian cuisine. When added during the stewing of the dish, the seasoning reveals the aromas of all spices, complemented by the juicy taste of tomatoes.

Cost: 96 rubles.

Kinto satsebeli home [
  • the product is suitable for daily consumption;
  • available in different formats, for home and restaurant use;
  • balanced taste of sharpness and sourness;
  • fragrant, the taste is bright and rich.
  • not marked.


The filling of this brand will be appreciated by both gourmets and those who adhere to a healthy and proper diet. Her aromas are transferred to the Caucasus, the birthplace of this seasoning.

When cooking, starch is not added to the composition of the product, this makes the seasoning special, similar to homemade Georgian.The composition follows all the traditions of cooking in the Caucasian style, with a lot of spices and herbs. This makes the product very tasty and healthy. Those who adhere to proper nutrition and dream of losing weight will appreciate this product, as it contains no starch and very few calories, and the presence of spices only enhances the effect.

The cost is 80 rubles.

Satsebeli Akmalko
  • low cost;
  • low-calorie product;
  • 100% natural composition;
  • thick texture with vegetable pieces;
  • the color is beautiful, the taste is rich;
  • positive reviews.
  • not found.


The exquisite aroma of spices of the East, in which notes of coriander and fresh tomatoes are clearly discerned, can conquer even the most demanding connoisseur of Caucasian cuisine. This amazing combination can be found in the gentle, not too spicy, slightly sweet Satsebeli sauce. The cost is not too high.

The product can be purchased at any online store. Kukhmaster LLC did not disregard such nuances as the design and environmental friendliness of the container, which is made of transparent glass. And thanks to a slightly elongated neck, a bottle of sauce is comfortable to hold in your hand. The company logo is available both on the lid and on the neck, and this minimizes the likelihood of a fake.

When purchasing a sauce, most consumers rely primarily on a quality composition. The presence of such "charms" as dyes and preservatives is highly undesirable. This sauce in this regard is an ideal option, as you can easily see by reading the composition on the back of the container.

The lid of the container is wrapped with a sticker, the “tail” of which allows you to open it without delay. And on the back there is a label on which you can read the key information about the product:

  • It has a pleasant "live" aroma of tomatoes interspersed with garlic and cilantro. Since it is not particularly thick, extracting the sauce from the bottle is not difficult.
  • Has a red color. In the mass, you can easily distinguish particles of onion, garlic and herbs. The taste is perfectly balanced: 50% is sharpness, and exactly the same amount is sweetness.
  • Perceptible sweetness smoothly turns into "fire". This is how red pepper comes into play, which is not just a spicy seasoning for spicy lovers, but also a useful component - it improves immunity.

The sauce can be called universal: with its help it is easy to give an interesting taste to a meat or fish dish, soup, and even a boring fried egg. Not to mention such culinary masterpieces as lasagna, pizza, stuffed fish or potatoes baked in the oven. And, of course, the dressing will perfectly complement the barbecue or meat on the grill!

The cost is 57 rubles.

satsebeli Kukhmaster
  • home taste;
  • safe composition;
  • affordable cost;
  • taste.
  • not so easy to get out of the bottle.

Kinto Hunting Tomato

The recipes of Georgian cuisine, which the manufacturer has adopted, give the usual food a tempting spicy or herbal aroma.

Kinto's Hunting Sauce contains a whole bunch of fresh fragrant greens, and at the same time there are no preservatives, dyes, GMOs and thickeners. The sauce is moderately spicy, perfect for meat.

The product is presented in an intricate bottle, the design of which is designed in vegetal shades. Her neck is narrowed. Consumers like eco-friendly thick glass, a hermetically sealed lid, but the main thing is the composition.

The density of the dressing is medium, which makes it easy to get the sauce out of the container. Unless it is already more difficult to collect it from the bottom.The hue is not too saturated, there are particles of dill, garlic and cilantro, and each of the listed plant components affects the taste. It is a pity that the natural composition does not imply long-term storage.

The cost is 89 rubles.

satsebeli Kinto Hunting tomato
  • rich aroma;
  • taste;
  • compound;
  • good combination with meat and fish.
  • salinity.

Kinto Tomato spicy-spicy "Table"

A typical Georgian product, made according to the traditions of this sincere people. This spicy sauce will make an excellent pair of barbecue, however, it goes just as well with a meat or sausage dish, as well as with a side dish. Want a spicy taste? Then "Table" is what you need!

The composition is distinguished by an abundance of fresh natural ingredients and a minimum of "chemistry". The label says fresh cilantro and garlic. In addition, there is information about the absence of preservatives, thickeners and dyes.

Natural ingredients are, of course, good, but in the “barbecue” season, special attention must be paid to storing the product or eating it right away. However, 300 g for a large company is not a problem.

The cost is 100 rubles.

satsebeli Kinto Tomato spicy-spicy "Table"
  • original Georgian recipe;
  • homogeneous consistency;
  • taste and aroma;
  • color.
  • no.

Expensive and high quality

Mr. Ricco with natural nuts

The main "trick" of the product is an attractive packaging with the image of tomatoes, walnuts and basil. That is, everything that the sauce consists of. Another distinctive feature is the convenient packaging that can be put on the lid and thus save yourself the trouble of shaking out its contents.

The packaging pleases not only with a beautiful picture, but also with an abundance of information: recommendations regarding compatibility with a particular dish, storage rules and, finally, information about the “biocontrol” system used in the manufacture of the product. The system includes control of composition, main product and technology.

This tomato sauce focuses on peppers. But the notes of spices, garlic and herbs are also guessed. There is no doubt that the nuts are real, because their pieces are visible.

The dark red sauce has a not too thick consistency, so it can be used as an independent dish or as a base for homemade dressings.

The product has a deep taste. It is tolerably spicy, not sour, on the contrary, there is a slight sweetness, which the sauce owes to the tomatoes.

The composition resembles a recipe for genuine satsebeli, made from chopped tomatoes and walnuts, with the addition of spices and herbs.

This product contains hazelnuts, a lot of garlic and pepper. But the walnut was used here exclusively as a flavoring agent. The sauce will certainly appeal to those who prefer not too spicy taste. And in tandem with meat and vegetables, it is beyond praise.

And even if you don’t plunge into the atmosphere of Georgia, the enjoyment of piquant taste is guaranteed!

The cost is 117 rubles.

satsebeli Mr. Ricco with natural nuts
  • absence of GMOs;
  • volume;
  • taste, reasonable sharpness;
  • design;
  • package.
  • not marked.


The Stoev trademark produces thick consistency satsebeli sauce with a pronounced aroma of Caucasian herbs and spices, following the national recipe.

Buyers like the sauce because it is prepared entirely from natural products, without GMOs.The sauce is recommended for those who love Caucasian cuisine with its spices and respect oriental spices.

Ideally, satsebeli harmonizes with chicken tabaka, but it is also good with dumplings, cabbage rolls, fried and stewed meat. Often it replaces ketchups and other tomato seasonings, thanks to fragrant spices.

The cost is 209 rubles.

satsebeli Stoev
  • fragrant;
  • following the national recipe.
  • not found.


With a slight spicy flavor, this sweet and sour tomato and garlic sauce makes a great accompaniment to tobacco chicken. One of the iconic products of Georgian cuisine, made, according to the classic recipe, from elastic, sweetish tomatoes. These tomatoes are grown in the cleanest areas. In one of these regions, namely, in the Shida-Kartli region, Kula sauce is made and packaged.

The sauce is perfect for pasta, rice and any kind of poultry. Its uniqueness lies in the fact that only authentic Georgian products are used for its preparation. And no hint of dyes, preservatives and other artificial ingredients.

The sauce is sold in glass jars with screw caps.

Thanks to the glass, the quality of the seasoning is preserved for a long time. And when it runs out, nothing will stop you from reusing the container. For example, fill it with homemade sauce.

Product information is written not only in Russian, but also in Kazakh.

The composition is simple: tomato paste as a base and a lot of seasonings and spices. There are no e-shki, the only thing that spoils the picture is the dye. The degree of spiciness is indicated on the package - this is 2 out of 3 peppers.

The color of the product does not differ in brightness. It has a muted red-brown color, indicating naturalness, and has a thick consistency.Additives are visible to the naked eye in the sauce, mainly dill seeds.

The taste is extremely harmonious: spicy, multifaceted, but most importantly natural. At the same time, dill seeds do not kill the taste.
You can buy the product in any store or supermarket in the department of similar products.

The cost is 208 rubles.

satsebeli Kula
  • interesting and harmonious spicy taste;
  • compound;
  • package;
  • price.
  • The sauce is not spicy enough.


Satsebeli is in such high demand that it has undergone repeated alterations. Thus, the world saw a lot of interesting and diverse options. Any kind of sauce, due to certain advantages, is good in its own way. Each person has his own gastronomic preferences, which means that it is simply impossible to single out the most-most option.

It should also be noted that satsebeli is a collective image of Georgian cuisine, which, nevertheless, each nation supplemented in its own way.

One way or another, the conclusion suggests itself that the best sauce is not the one that is the most vigorous, but the one that has a good composition. Natural ingredients predominate in high-quality dressing. Of course, one should not discount the taste of the product and, of course, the personal preferences of each consumer.

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