
  1. Quality Grading of Pu-erh Tea Varieties
  2. Rating of the best varieties of "ready" tea for 2025
  3. List of the best types of "raw" tea for 2025

Rating of the best varieties of Puer tea for 2025

Rating of the best varieties of Puer tea for 2025

In the homeland of tea, in China, it is drunk daily and hourly. It is considered the most prestigious, very tasty drink with a tart aftertaste. The Chinese have long given their preference to "ready" tea, which is called Shu Puer. This type is expensive due to the long fermentation process. Often such varieties are compared with aged wine, the longer it is stored, the higher the taste of the drink. When the fragrant decoction began to spread throughout the world, the need for its manufacture grew rapidly. Then the producers found a way out and began to produce a different type of tea, which they called Shen Puer, meaning "raw". The faster fermentation process of this type greatly reduced harvesting time, increased the amount of goods sent to consumer markets..

Quality Grading of Pu-erh Tea Varieties

In China, it is customary to classify all types of Pu-erh teas on a scale that includes numbers from 1 to 10. The closer to the beginning of the gradation the type of raw materials, the tea is considered to be of higher quality, more elite. The numbers 7-10 are the lowest quality species. According to this distribution, the price of the product is compiled, which is generally very high. Even low-quality varieties are quite expensive.

Technological process of Shu Pu-erh

Its representative is black tea. To prepare this type of raw material, tea leaves are harvested at certain times of the year, piled in heaps, and then the fermentation process is started under the influence of heat. This procedure, called wet stacking, was introduced by the Chinese only 40 years ago. After the process is completed, the leaves are subjected to natural drying and packaging. In addition to loose tea, it is shaped by pressing. Due to such a long technological process, the cost of Shu Puer is very high, but the advantage of this tea is that it can be brewed multiple times without loss of taste. In just a few decades, this variety has gained immense popularity among gourmets, thanks to its excellent beneficial and tonic properties. The main distinctive aromas, as well as the aftertaste of finished tea, are:

  • smoke,
  • dried fruits,
  • chocolate,
  • wood,
  • nut.

The taste sensations of black Shu Puer are deep, soft, with velvety fragrant aftertaste.

Fermentation Shen Pu-erh

The process of harvesting "raw" tea is similar to "ready", but the difference is that the leaves are immediately packaged in small portions in fabric bags, pressed, subjected to forced drying in specialized ovens. This stage is produced within a few days, which provides the variety with a more affordable price. To consumers, such tea is supplied in the form of pressed tablets or cubes.

Shen Pu-erh is dominated by notes of flowers, meadow herbs, it is less saturated, but this does not detract from its tonic, positive effect on the human body. Unlike the fast-acting coffee that contains caffeine, the effects of properly brewed "raw" tea are slower and more effective. To understand the excellent taste, to feel the delicate aroma of this species, experts advise learning how to properly prepare a fragrant decoction. Then it will not be too bitter, and the aftertaste will remain pleasantly sweet.

White Puer

Pu-erh tea is a separate category. Most of it is occupied by tips. These are unblown buds of tea leaves, collected specifically for this variety. Some varieties of this drink consist only of kidneys, and have a correspondingly high price. The taste of such a decoction is very delicate with a pleasant light aroma, light in color when brewed, but in terms of its energy, tonic properties, it is not at all inferior to its darker varieties. In order for the prepared tea to bring a truly great feeling and a pleasant pastime, Chinese gourmets strongly advise you to follow the rules of the tea ceremony.

Rating of the best varieties of "ready" tea for 2025

Teas of this type are considered the most ancient, unique in their beneficial properties for humans. No wonder connoisseurs call it a cure for a hundred diseases. Properly prepared, slowly consumed ready-made tea will nourish the body with energy, support the immune system, restore good health, and set you up for positive emotions.


This species is considered the oldest and most valuable variety of Shu Pu-erh. The name itself testifies to this. Royal tea has become a favorite among nobles and emperors. To harvest raw materials, manufacturers collect only old leaves. Also in their composition may be the presence of tips. The brewed drink from such raw materials has a rather specific taste, it is more saturated, thick, so only real gourmets can appreciate it. A distinctive feature of this variety is the impossibility of preparing two cups of the same tea, as it constantly changes its flavors and presents new aromatic notes.

Puer Royal
  • the possibility of multiple brewing;
  • refined taste for gourmets;
  • the value of the drink for the human body.
  • specific taste;
  • difficulties in acquiring;
  • high price.

"Sun of the East"

This is a representative of the classic Shu Puer. It is produced in the form of pressed pancakes, which are very young. Such packing of raw materials is very convenient in use and transportation. The color of the brewed tea is very dark, almost black with a golden hue. On the palate, woody notes are clearly audible, a rich, dense structure of the drink is observed. Already after a few sips, its energy effect on the body is felt.Its use on an empty stomach has a preventive, therapeutic effect on the internal organs of a person:

  • clean blood vessels and liver;
  • breaks down fats, contributing to weight loss;
  • reduces the amount of cholesterol;
  • strengthens the immune system.

Manufacturers recommend to protect the "Sun of the East" from contact with moist air, store it in a hermetically sealed container in a dark place inaccessible to the sun's rays.

Puer Sun of the East
  • excellent taste;
  • the possibility of taking on an empty stomach;
  • usefulness for the body;
  • ease of use.
  • high price;
  • not always the case in retail.


This is a representative of the wild "ready" Shu Puer tea. Raw materials collected from wild-growing tea plantations have a unique, peculiar, stable and rich woody aroma, bright and thick taste. This variety is the strongest of the entire list of black teas. Works great when taken on an empty stomach. This drink is wonderful:

  • has an invigorating, restorative effect;
  • helps to cleanse the digestive system;
  • has a beneficial effect on the body with a severe hangover.

This type of tea should be stored in a tightly sealed package or in an airtight container in a place where the sun's rays do not penetrate.

puer pep
  • excellent taste qualities;
  • the possibility of brewing several times;
  • effective effect on a person.
  • with improper brewing, a strong astringency in taste occurs;
  • not always available on trading floors;
  • expensive.

"Wisdom of the Ages"

Based on the name of this variety, its roots go back to ancient times. Tea leaves are harvested by hand from the oldest trees.The age-old tradition of harvesting raw materials keeps the wisdom of the times and the natural beauty of their homeland. Distinguishes "Wisdom of Ages" from its counterparts a distinct aroma of prunes. Tea has a thick, dense, tart taste. According to the Chinese, this drink gives people youth, strengthens their body and spirit, sets them up for creative thoughts, good deeds.

Puer Wisdom of Ages
  • excellent taste sensations;
  • replenishes immunity;
  • has a tonic, invigorating effect;
  • long shelf life.
  • high price;
  • not always on sale.

"Power of the Red Dragon"

This variety of ready-made tea belongs to the premium class, is its most prominent representative. Its value lies in the composition, which includes a large number of tips (unblown buds). The presence of such ingredients makes the drink more refined, unique. At the same time, a refined, rich dark color with an amber tint has a pleasant woody aroma and a bright aftertaste. The process of fermentation of raw materials for such tea is 35 years. During this time, tea leaves grow old, accumulate a large number of useful properties, which they then gladly saturate tea drinkers with. Already from the first sips, the human body is filled with life-giving vitality, fatigue, irritability disappears, blood circulation improves, immunity is strengthened. The accumulated vitamins, microelements will perfectly cope with beriberi, help to acquire strength and elasticity for blood vessels. Like all other varieties, the "Red Dragon Power" should be protected from sunlight and humid air.

Puer Red Dragon Power
  • wonderful taste sensations;
  • beneficial effect on the human body;
  • restoration of vitality.
  • often not found on sale;
  • high cost of the product.

"Treasure of Heaven"

Another name for this elite tea is Palace tea, which is a favorite infusion of the Chinese emperor. This variety is considered one of the softest drinks. Its fermentation time is 15 years. A drink made from selected selected leaves from perennial trees has both a rich dark color and a very delicate taste with a soft, pleasant aroma. When used for a long time and in large portions, it can cause tea intoxication, so it is recommended to monitor the amount and frequency of use of "Treasures of the Middle Kingdom". Drinking several cups of tea a day has a wonderful tonic effect on the human body.

pu-erh Treasure in the sky
  • excellent taste sensations;
  • excellent tonic effect.
  • excessive consumption can lead to tea intoxication;
  • high cost of raw materials;
  • not always available on the trading floors.

"Gentle Embrace"

Tea with this name is a representative of a milk drink. This is due to the addition of natural flavoring in the form of whey to it. Its rich dark brown color and deep taste with a distinct woody aftertaste are paired with light notes of milk aroma. By right, tea "Gentle hugs" is considered a panacea for many diseases. It is recommended to be consumed after meals, as a dessert drink, as it promotes better digestion. Novice connoisseurs of Shu Puer products will appreciate such a gift.

Puer Tender hugs
  • exquisite taste, pleasant aroma;
  • beneficial effect on the human body.
  • high cost of the product.

List of the best types of "raw" tea for 2025

Due to the much shorter fermentation time of tea leaves, Shen Puer tea varieties are more accessible to ordinary consumers. They have a pleasant and light floral scent.

"Moon of the East"

This is a representative of young non-fermented green tea. The drink has a light color with a greenish-golden hue, a subtle, but at the same time, a pronounced aroma of meadow flowers, astringent taste with a slight bitterness and a sweet aftertaste. The manufacturer produces it in the form of pressed "pancakes", which ensures ease of use. Like many green teas in China, Shen Puer "Moon of the East" perfectly cleanses the human body of toxins and toxins, thereby helping to reduce excess weight. It has a wonderful tonic and thirst-quenching effect, eliminates a hangover. It can be used both hot and chilled. But experts warn lovers of such a drink from drinking too much, as tea intoxication may occur.

Puer Luna East
  • exquisite taste sensations;
  • positive healing effect on the body;
  • ease of use;
  • long shelf life.
  • high price;
  • excessive consumption can lead to tea intoxication;
  • It is not always possible to purchase on trading floors.

"Space Energy"

Tea of ​​this variety is a favorite in the market among its counterparts. The fermentation process takes place in natural conditions and in terms of its degree, as well as taste sensations, is comparable to 25 years of aging. A beautiful golden-greenish color is pleasing to the eye, and astringent floral-woody taste with a sweetish aftertaste envelops with a coniferous aroma. Such a drink is truly intoxicating with its magnificence.It is Shen Puer "Cosmic Energy" that the Chinese consider anti-stress tea. It really has a great energy supply to the human body. Therefore, it is recommended to use it in the early morning before meals. The decoction perfectly copes with a depressive mood, fills the internal organs with vitality, eliminates fatigue throughout the working day, helps digestion, helps strengthen the immune system. Keep this tea away from sunlight in a hermetically sealed container.

puer space energy
  • excellent taste qualities;
  • powerful energy effect;
  • usefulness for the body;
  • long shelf life.
  • high price;
  • excessive use can lead to intoxication;
  • acquisition difficulties.

"First Beam of the Sun"

This variety is white tea. The composition includes only young leaves and unblown buds collected from selected tea plantations. The delightful aroma of meadow flowers, amber color and the bright taste of honey and coniferous trees envelops you with a magical sense of calm and beauty. Having an excellent invigorating effect, such a fragrant drink will warm you on cold winter days and perfectly tones you up in the summer heat, supplementing the body with vitamins B1 and C. It will bring great benefits to people with circulatory problems, especially in the lower extremities. It will also help the digestive system and strengthen the walls of blood vessels.

pu-erh First Ray of the Sun
  • refined taste;
  • restorative effect;
  • long shelf life.
  • expensive product;
  • occasional acquisition problems.

Resin Puer

Another type of concentrated type of tea is resin made from tea leaves. The Chinese compare its production with art. Raw materials collected on wild plantations, carefully placed in special metal cauldrons and flavored with spring water, languish over low heat for a day. The temperature regime of such production is observed very strictly in order to preserve the original useful substances in the product. After evaporation of the liquid, a thick substance remains in the form of resin, which is subsequently poured into molds for solidification. Out of every 100 gr. raw material comes out only one granule weighing 1 gram. On the consumer market, there are about two dozen varieties of such a concentrate with a high content of invigorating and tonic effect. The most elite of all is the Secret of the Emperor. This resin can be used as a standalone product, or added to already brewed tea to enhance the invigorating effect.

Although Pu-erh teas entered the world markets quite recently, they quickly gained popularity among connoisseurs of this drink. Moreover, the reinforcement of their beneficial properties and the positive impact on human organisms is the life expectancy of the Chinese and their level of health. A good example is much better than any advertisement. Even the high cost of such products is not able to make a gourmet refuse to buy their favorite ready-made or raw Pu-erh tea. By purchasing even a small part of this product, those who wish can enjoy the truly magical taste of China's elite teas more than once.

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