
  1. What is colic and how to deal with them?
  2. How to choose
  3. Where can I buy
  4. Ranking of the best mixtures to improve bowel function in 2025

Ranking of the best mixtures for constipation and colic for newborns for 2025

Ranking of the best mixtures for constipation and colic for newborns for 2025

The birth of a baby is the most beautiful and magical event for many young parents. But the first year of a child's life does not go as smoothly as we would like: problems with sleep, nutrition and colic. In the first three months of life, babies suffer from constipation and increased gas formation - this is due to the fact that the child's body is not yet fully formed, and nutrition can cause some discomfort.

Colic and constipation are most common in formula-fed newborns. But parents of babies who consume breast milk may also face this problem.

To reduce pain in the tummy, it is worth using baby food with a special composition. In this article, we will consider which mixtures for newborns best cope with colic and constipation in babies.

What is colic and how to deal with them?

Newly-made parents cannot always understand the causeless crying of a newborn with proper care for him. Most often, the problem lies in the appearance of increased gas formation - colic. They create severe pain and discomfort in the tummy, the child cannot independently release the resulting gases.

Another related problem is hard stools in infants. Due to the immature intestines and the entire digestive tract, it is difficult for the body to digest the incoming food.

Most often, symptoms appear during feeding: the child begins to cry a lot and bend over. During daytime sleep, newborns can wake up for no reason from obvious discomfort, and there is also increased moodiness.

Almost all parents face such an unpleasant period. At what constipation and colic can occur with any type of feeding - breastfeeding or artificial.

To reduce gas formation and bring children's stool back to normal, children on artificial nutrition should change the usual mixture to a special one - containing probiotics, prebiotics and bifidobacteria.These components help to improve the functioning of the intestines, reduce symptoms and thereby improve the condition of the child. But before changing the main diet, you should consult a pediatrician.

In addition to the transition to medical nutrition, massages help: with light movements in the stomach in a clockwise direction, reduce soreness and help get rid of excess accumulation of gases. It also helps to apply a warm diaper to the baby's tummy. Simple tricks will ease the pain and help the child and his mother: such actions reduce moodiness and irritability, improve sleep quality and appetite. With a healthy newborn, the general well-being of the parents also improves.

How to choose

If increased gas formation and constipation appeared in a newborn during breastfeeding, the mother needs to review her diet and remove certain foods from it. The occurrence of colic is a natural process, but failure to follow a special diet can aggravate this condition and add discomfort to the baby.

In the case when colic and constipation become more frequent after using the mixture, it is necessary to choose baby food with a special composition.

The main components that are present in the composition and differ from the usual mixture are prebiotics and probiotics. They consist of bacteria that inhabit the intestines and contribute to the normalization of microflora, improve digestion, and improve bowel function. Bifido and lactobacilli, which can be constituent components of a children's product, also have a positive effect.

On sale there is baby food based on cow or goat milk. It is better to choose the second option, since this type of milk is better absorbed and does not cause discomfort in newborns.

Looking through the composition of the children's product, you should pay attention to the content of some components. Infant formula should not contain palm oil, artificial colors and flavors, salt, starch. Also, the composition should not include gluten or starch. All of these components can adversely affect the health of the newborn: cause allergic reactions, increase constipation, affect the growth and development of the child. Before buying, you should carefully study the composition of the selected product.

Another important detail is the age category. The packages contain the numbers 0, 1, 2, 3 and 4. The required number is selected depending on the age of the child: for premature and underweight children, number 0 is selected, since it is more high-calorie and helps the baby gain weight faster. Baby food No. 1 is suitable for babies from birth to 6 months. Children older than six months and up to 1 year old should purchase stage 2 dry milk food: it is less nutritious and high in calories, because complementary foods are introduced at this age, and they receive important trace elements and vitamins from other types of food.

After a year, the child switches to adult food (common table), so at this age, not everyone continues to use the mixture. But if the child still prefers such food, then the choice is made among the dairy product of the 3rd and 4th steps.

Top Producers

It is necessary to select baby food with special responsibility - an incorrectly selected or poor-quality mixture will lead to problems with the health and development of the baby. In order not to take risks, you should familiarize yourself with the most popular and, accordingly, high-quality brands involved in the manufacture of baby food.

  • One of the most famous companies is the Swiss manufacturer Nestle - on sale you can find products of the Nestogen and NAN or Gerber brands belonging to this corporation. The assortment includes not only milk formulas, but also baby purees for the introduction of complementary foods, juices, cereals. The cost of goods is in the average price range.
  • The Belarusian manufacturer Bellakt is engaged in the production of dairy products, baby food, nutritional supplements for pregnant women. The products are quite affordable.
  • MAMAKO develops the first food for babies exclusively on goat's milk. But the price for their products is quite high.
  • Another popular and high-quality brand is Nutricia (France). on sale you can find food for children from the brands Nutrilon and Milupa, which are part of the company. The price of the products is above average.
  • American Abbott is engaged in the production of a mixture called Similac. The cost of quality baby food is in an affordable price range.
  • Of the domestic options, it is worth considering offers from the manufacturers Nutrilak, Agusha, Nanny. The cost of goods is not the highest, but the quality does not differ from foreign manufacturers.

Thanks to the responsible attitude to the production of goods, these manufacturers have won the hearts of many parents who have chosen their food for their babies. Which company has better products is decided only by the mother, but for the health of your child it is better to consider the above brands.

The recommendations discussed above will allow you to choose the most optimal option for your baby and improve overall health.

Where can I buy

Baby food designed to reduce gas and constipation can be purchased at pharmacies, baby stores, or online.

But with the birth of a baby, time is sorely lacking, so ordering special mixtures on the site is the most rational way.

The online store contains all the necessary information about the product: composition, packaging volume, manufacturer, price, expiration date and storage conditions. If baby food is selected for the first time, then it is better to read the reviews of other buyers.

The user is given the choice to view popular products or new arrivals. Composition deserves special attention when studying products.

But do not forget that the baby's body reacts very ambiguously to the food they eat: if one newborn uses the mixture with pleasure and without consequences, then another child may experience a negative reaction to the product. Before the final choice of a new product, it is better to consult a pediatrician.

If the food for the newborn is not purchased for the first time and the baby does not have problems after eating it, then you can order the required quantities of the product online. Before buying, it is better to contact the seller to clarify the expiration date of the goods.

Ranking of the best mixtures to improve bowel function in 2025

Artificial feeding is a rather expensive alternative to breast milk. If we consider that with a good appetite for a baby, one package is enough for about 3-5 days, then the transfer to the mixture on an ongoing basis results in a decent amount.

But in cases where breastfeeding is not possible for certain circumstances, it is better to choose the best for your baby. This section is divided into sub-ratings by price category - the most budgetary (up to 1000 rubles) and more expensive food products for babies suffering from increased gas formation and hard stools are offered.

Rating of high-quality budget mixtures

Nestogen Nestle 1 for regular soft stools from birth, 300 g

Baby food contains all the microelements, vitamins and minerals most necessary for health and development. Thanks to the prebiotics and probiotics that make up the mixture, the newborn gets better stool, there are no problems with gas formation and defecation. It is recommended to use Nestogen for constipation, colic or other problems with the baby's intestines.

Designed for children from birth to 6 months (1 step). Over 6 months of age, it is recommended to use mixture number 2, 3 or 4.

The composition does not include artificial flavors and colors, as well as palm oil, sugar and preservatives.

The packaging contains detailed instructions for using the children's product. Failure to comply with the necessary proportions can lead to health problems. The kit also includes a special measuring spoon, with which the product is diluted with warm water in the specified proportions.

The shelf life of the product after opening the package is 3 weeks. After this time, it is not recommended to use the mixture.

The manufacturer produces this baby food in packs of 300, 600 or 1050 grams. The cost of goods weighing 300 grams is 300 rubles.

Nestogen Nestle 1 for regular soft stools from birth, 300 g
  • Does not cause allergies;
  • Kids like the taste;
  • Several volume options;
  • Helps to get rid of constipation;
  • There are no harmful components in the composition;
  • Easily soluble in water.
  • Some children show individual intolerance to the constituent components.

Bellakt Comfort, from birth to 12 months, 350 g

The budget option from the Belarusian manufacturer helps to reduce gas formation and thereby minimize soreness in the baby's abdomen.

The packaging is designed for children from birth to one year old. The effect occurs due to the special constituent components: prebiotics and bifidobacteria help the gastrointestinal tract easily digest food and do not cause gas formation. The quality of the stool also improves: it has a softer texture and does not cause pain.

The composition does not contain starch: although it is rich in useful trace elements, it can cause constipation at this age and increases the likelihood of an allergic reaction. Also for the production of goods do not use prohibited preservatives.

Supplied in soft packaging with a measuring spoon included. Detailed instructions for breeding and storage are painted on the cardboard packaging.

Bellakt is available in small packages of 300 or 350 grams. The line includes sour-milk, hypoallergenic, lactose-free offers, as well as mixtures to increase immunity.

The price for packing is within 600 rubles.

Bellakt Comfort, from birth to 12 months, 350 g
  • Suitable for ages 0 to 12 months;
  • Good tasting;
  • Satisfying;
  • Improves stool quality and reduces colic.
  • Inconvenient packaging.

Similac (Abbott) Comfort 1, 0-6 months, 375 g

For the manufacture of the product, hydrolyzed protein is used. Since protein in its natural form is usually the source of hard stools in children and contributes to colic, this processing of the protein greatly reduces the likelihood of discomfort in the baby.

The composition includes special bifidobacteria, which, when ingested, accelerate and facilitate the process of digestion of food. And thanks to prebiotics and probiotics, children's stool has a normal soft texture and does not cause difficulty and pain during bowel movements. Minerals and vitamins help to improve immunity and, accordingly, protect against diseases.

The recommended age for using the 1st step product is from birth to 6 months.

Similac Comfort does not contain harmful ingredients such as palm oil, starch, gluten, artificial colors and preservatives, and sugar.

The cost of a can of 375 grams is 740 rubles.

Similac (Abbott) Comfort 1, 0-6 months, 375 g
  • Improves the functioning of the digestive system;
  • Kids love the taste
  • Convenient packaging;
  • Suitable for babies with allergies.
  • It dissolves poorly, lumps remain.

Nutrilon (Nutricia) 1 Comfort, from birth, 400 g

Cow's milk based baby food contains prebiotics that help fight constipation and gas. Cow's milk is specially processed to break down protein, so the product is recommended for children with lactose intolerance, as the risk of an allergic reaction is significantly reduced.

Prebiotics improve the process of digestion of food, vitamin and mineral complex contribute to the normal development and growth of the baby.Children's dairy food does not contain sugar and preservatives, but starch is present.

Product release form - can (400 or 900 grams). The cost of a product of a smaller volume is 900 rubles. This manufacturer produces hypoallergenic mixtures based on goat's milk and for premature babies.

Nutrilon (Nutricia) 1 Comfort, from birth, 400 g
  • Eliminates colic;
  • Normalizes stool;
  • Promotes weight gain;
  • Suitable for kids with allergies.
  • Each organism is individual, so it may not be suitable for the baby.

Nutrilak Premium anti-reflux, from birth, 350 g

Designed not only to reduce gas formation and normalize stools, but also prevents frequent regurgitation. Due to its composition, it has a positive effect on the entire gastrointestinal tract. It can be used from the first days of a newborn's life, in the absence of breast milk from the mother or medical contraindications to breastfeeding.

Nutrilak Premium contains all trace elements and vitamins vital for development. Contains no GMOs. Produced in a cardboard box, the kit comes with a measuring spoon for proper dilution.

Also in the line are food products for premature babies, hypoallergenic, sour-milk and lactose-free mixtures.

The average price of a package weighing 350 grams is 800 rubles.

Nutrilak Premium anti-reflux, from birth, 350 g
  • Has a pleasant taste;
  • Reduces the number of regurgitation;
  • Composition rich in minerals and vitamins;
  • Improves stool quality and reduces colic.
  • Inconvenient packaging.

NAN (Nestlé) Triple Comfort, from birth, 400 g

Another offer from a well-known brand is NAN baby food.The product with lactobacilli, prebiotics and probiotics helps to improve the functioning of the entire digestive tract. As a result, abdominal pain and constipation disturb the newborn and his parents much less.

Also, this composition of baby food reduces the number of regurgitation after feeding. The mixture is rich in vitamins and microelements necessary for growth and development. To create a product, GMOs, preservatives, dyes and flavors are not used.

The product is produced in easy-to-use jars weighing 400 and 800 grams with a measuring spoon included. The packaging contains instructions for the correct dilution of the mixture and storage conditions. The shelf life of the product after opening the package is 3 weeks.

The average price for a jar of 400 grams is 900 rubles. In addition to baby food of the 1st stage, the line has a mixture for babies from 6 months, from a year and 1.5 years.

NAN (Nestlé) Triple Comfort, from birth, 400 g
  • Normalizes the work of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • Good tasting;
  • Convenient bank;
  • Easily dissolves.
  • The possibility of an allergic reaction to some constituent components.

TOP 3 expensive baby food models

MAMAKO 1 Premium with OGM, from 0 to 6 months, 400 g

Dry mix based on goat's milk has a preventive effect on constipation and bloating, contains not only prebiotics and probiotics, but also beneficial bifidobacteria. All of these components have a positive effect on the immature intestines of the baby and help food to be quickly and easily absorbed.

In addition, the composition includes the necessary oligosaccharides, minerals and vitamins, which contribute to the proper development of the brain, improve immunity and vision.

First step formula is recommended for ages from birth to 6 months. In order not to harm the health of the baby, the manufacturer does not use gluten, palm oil, starch and GMOs for the manufacture of baby food. The listed components should not be contained in products for children.

The product release form is a can of 400 grams. Also on sale are mixtures for babies from 6 to 12 months and older than one year.

The cost of a 400-gram can is in the range of 2000-2500 rubles.

MAMAKO 1 Premium with OGM, from 0 to 6 months, 400 g
  • Delicious;
  • Convenient packaging;
  • Easily dissolves;
  • Contributes to the normal development of the baby;
  • Does not contain harmful components.
  • Not always on sale;
  • Relatively high cost.

Friso VOM 1 New, 0 to 6 months, 400 g

Infant food based on skimmed milk is intended for children up to six months. It contains all the vitamins and minerals necessary for development and growth. Contains palm oil.

In addition to combating colic and constipation, the product reduces the number of regurgitation after feeding. Suitable for infants on mixed or fully artificial feeding.

No artificial colors, flavors or preservatives are used in the manufacture of the product.

Produced in jars of 400 or 800 grams. The price for a container of less weight is 1300 rubles.

Friso VOM 1 New, 0 to 6 months, 400 g
  • Reduces gas formation and regurgitation;
  • Has a thick consistency
  • The child eats quickly.
  • Some children have worsened symptoms (constipation).

Kabrita 1 GOLD for comfortable digestion, 0-6 months, 400 g

The main ingredient in Kabrita's diet is goat's milk.In terms of structure and taste, it is most similar to real, breast milk.

The product contains all the complex of vitamins and minerals necessary for the development of the newborn. Prebiotics and probiotics are used to reduce colic and normalize stools. Using the product on a regular basis will help the newborn gain weight, improve immunity and develop physically and mentally for age.

For the production of the product, the manufacturer does not use GMOs, sugar, palm oil, as well as preservatives, any kind of dyes and flavors.

The packaging contains detailed instructions for use and breeding, as well as the recommended amount for different ages of the child.

The cost of a 400-gram jar is 1200 rubles.

Kabrita 1 GOLD for comfortable digestion, 0-6 months, 400 g
  • Toddlers love the taste;
  • Reduces gas formation and improves stool;
  • Does not cause allergies;
  • Mixes well.
  • There is no storage compartment for measuring spoons.

There is no better nutrition for a newborn than mother's breast milk. But it is not always possible to maintain lactation and continue natural feeding. In situations where it is necessary to resort to an artificial method of feeding, it is very important to choose the right food and not worsen the condition of the child.

This rating is based on the opinions and reviews of many buyers. Therefore, the presented models are the most popular and high-quality products among parents in 2025. The use of prebiotic mixtures will not only improve the health of the newborn, but also have a positive effect on appetite and sleep.

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