
  1. The cost of a taxi in Omsk
  2. Outcome

Rating of the best taxi services in Omsk in 2025

Rating of the best taxi services in Omsk in 2025

Omsk is the capital of the region of the same name in Russia, in the Urals. This is a huge city, whose population is increasing with progression, and new microdistricts and objects of different purposes are located in various places. The average Omsk city dweller and guests of the metropolis, as a rule, lead an active lifestyle, which implies regular movements around the city and suburbs.

A big city also means long distances. The average city dweller who lives in one area but works in another understands well how difficult it is to get home in an emergency. If a person needs to get to the opposite part of the city on a day off, and he decides to do this using public transport, then he will have to face a tram / trolleybus / bus packed to capacity, because pensioners these days are massively sent to the markets on the above vehicles.

Public transport, such as trolleybuses, trams or minibuses, is not able to bring the person to the desired point in every situation, especially to do it comfortably. Decent conditions for transportation without a transfer and at any time of the day or night can only be provided by a taxi.A city dweller who wants to get to the airport or train station is unlikely to like to travel by public transport over a long distance with full bags of things. One has only to call the car, place the load in the trunk and go to the required place in comfort.

The cost of a taxi in Omsk

Average Omsk tariffs start from 50 rubles. boarding, and further payment depends on the distance covered. The cost is regulated by the segment chosen by the passenger (economy / standard / premium), that is, if a person wants to travel the route in an executive car, then he will have to pay more than 50 rubles + mileage. Also, additional options (child seat / booking a car for a certain time / non-smoking driver / transportation of an animal / escort of a passenger who does not speak Russian) will affect the cost. A citizen who has paid for an increased fare receives additional guarantees for comfort and efficiency of travel from the company.

Many companies provide discount programs to regular customers. If a citizen has such a certificate (or a serial number from sms), the payment for the trip will occur according to more loyal algorithms. It is recommended to clarify information on discounts with the driver or by the official telephone number of the company.

Yandex taxi


It is worth starting the rating with this organization, because Yandex is trying to optimize the services provided in order to maintain a good reputation. The company has been providing taxi services recently, since 2011, and during this time it managed to optimize the work of the taxi fleet in conditions of mass demand.Yandex built the business from scratch, so at the start of the enterprise, many passengers had complaints about the drivers selected by the company. The latter were recruited from among those who spoke little Russian, so incidents often arose during the trip. Recently, Yandex began to carefully monitor the selection of personnel, while adhering to the previous pricing policy. The average tariff implies no more than 50 rubles. landing + mileage, for the entire trip is much cheaper than many competitors.

The taxi service from Yandex has a proprietary application through which it is convenient to call a taxi, build a route for the driver and track the expected car. The application works on the basis of another Yandex Maps branded service, so the client can track the car with maximum accuracy and plan the route of the trip.

  • Affordable travel fares;
  • A wide range of additional services;
  • Convenient corporate application.
  • Not a perfect reputation.


“I used Yandex taxi services twice in different years. I used it for the first time in 2015 and was not satisfied. I had to go to not the most secular point on the map, I could not indicate it in the application, I hoped to explain myself to the driver during the trip. The driver understood Russian only through the word, besides, his driving style inspired ambiguous feelings. After such an experience, I had to postpone the transport service from Yandex for many years. The next time took place last year 2018 and this time I did not stay in the claim. Firstly, the car arrived much earlier (apparently the taxi fleet expanded), and secondly, a common language with the driver was found in a matter of moments. Reached the desired point comfortably and quickly.It can be seen that the company has worked on the mistakes, now you can use their services and recommend them to friends!”

Omsk Uber (Uber)

Uber is a global app company. Simply put, a car owner with a certain driving experience can connect (that is, take a job) to the Uber program and engage in private transportation. A citizen who wants to use the transport service simply needs to install the Uber application and choose a driver that is suitable for the price and other parameters. The Uber name is popular in many cities around the world (more than 500 in total), including Russia. Omsk base has a wide range of cars and services. The principle of calling a car is noteworthy, for this it is enough just to send a request, and the driver himself will determine the location of the passenger by geolocation. Standard on-call algorithms are also available. Payment is made in cash or with a Visa or Mastercard standard card.

The reputation of the service is mixed, as the staff is selected from the people, as in the previous review. As Uber drivers, it is not uncommon for citizens who speak little Russian or simply dubious personalities. When applying for a job, the Uber applicant does not even need to pass an in-person interview, this explains the diversity of the staff. It is worth noting that there are enough decent drivers in this service, especially since Uber provides services for every pocket. Prices are often much more attractive than those of competitors.

  • trip price;
  • Call by geolocation;
  • Availability at any time of the day or night.
  • There is no guarantee for the integrity of the driver;
  • There is no guarantee for the quality of the car.


“I had to use the Uber service many times.All trips made a positive impression: sociable drivers with a neat driving style, foreign cars with a pleasant interior, instant arrival. The cost of the trip is fixed, so you don't have to worry about its dynamics, as in some other services. In addition, sometimes it happens that the price for a trip drops by an order of magnitude (probably under the loyalty program. I recommend Uber taxi to everyone who regularly uses such services!”

Taxi Lucky Omsk

"Lucky" is a well-known taxi service in Russia and neighboring countries. It has been on the market for many years and has managed to earn a strong reputation. One of the most common firms in the Russian latitudes. The service was created in order to optimize the transportation of citizens by car at national prices, and the goal was fully realized.

Lucky has been providing transport services for more than 20 years throughout the country, which means that all the most noticeable shortcomings associated with the transportation of people over such a period of time have been leveled or corrected. Those who want to get to a certain point on the map will not have to face the problems typical of young services, moreover, the Lucky pricing policy implies the maximum availability of its services.

It is noteworthy that there is a company website. On the site you can order a car in a well-organized manner, set a route and select additional services. The user will immediately be provided with information about the cost of the trip, which will remain fixed regardless of any circumstances.

  • Strong reputation of the company;
  • Service cost;
  • Convenient site;
  • Availability at any time of the day.
  • Lack of foreign cars in the taxi depot.

“I have been using Vezet for many years and have never had a desire to turn to another company.The company provides good discounts to regular customers, in addition, the site allows you to conveniently choose the conditions of the trip. Drivers are polite, driving skills are not in doubt. One of the best services for regular use, strong recommendation!”

Maxim (Maxim) Omsk

The company keeps a course of constant improvements and improvements in the services provided. Every year, internal reforms are carried out regarding the quality of recruitment and the fleet. The name "Maxim" entered the market 16 years ago and in a short time has taken a firm position in the rating of Omsk services. The company takes into account the specifics of a large city and individual settlements, so it provides a choice of ways to call a car. The work goes, as a rule, without downtime - you won’t have to wait long for the ordered car.

The company originates in the town of Shadrinsk (Urals), in 2003 it existed as a small transport office. The company was founded by Kurgan engineering students who specialized in the automation of production and technical aspects. At first, the founders themselves were engaged in transportation along with hired drivers and used their own cars for this. The engineers set the goal of optimizing all the nuances of taxi operation to meet national standards.

The company showed remarkable growth, which allowed the founders to transform it into a real enterprise with a structure and official registration. The company's activities were divided into separate sectors: the call center, the software and applications development department, the personnel department and the drivers themselves. The modern "Maxim" has a staff of employees of various specializations and positions. This is a large taxi service that offers customers favorable travel conditions, comfortable cars and polite drivers.

  • Acceptable prices;
  • Variety of calling methods;
  • Quality cars in the fleet.
  • Not found.


“I remember Maxim from 16 years ago. Since then, it has changed a lot: there has been a noticeable increase in cars in the fleet (you won’t have to wait for a called car for a long time), the quality of service has grown significantly. Since I use Maxim regularly, I have a discount card. I recommend this company to everyone!”

Taxi Lux

The "Lux" service fully justifies its name, because it provides services of increased comfort. The company's fleet includes many cars, and all of them are of foreign origin. The selection of drivers is carried out carefully, and severe requirements are imposed on the selected candidates. This means that the customer can expect first-class service, careful driving and the fastest possible delivery to the destination.

Notable range of services:

  • Sober driver;
  • Transfer;
  • Special order;
  • Car towing;
  • Express delivery;
  • "Smoke" the car.

The “Sober driver” service implies a situation when a client cannot drive his own car (he has gone too far with alcohol), but wants to deliver himself and his car home. The company will send a professional driver with at least 10 years of experience, who will cope with any brand of car and take the client and his car to the desired point. Absolute anonymity is guaranteed. The driver arrives on average in 15 minutes, the cost of the service starts from 700 rubles.

"Transfer" means escorting the client from the airport / train station to the place of residence and back. The cost starts from 400 rubles.

"Special order" allows the client to choose a specific car from the fleet.The cost depends on the specific car and varies in the range of 500-1000 rubles.

"Towing a car" will help the client to get out of an unpleasant traffic situation. The service is available at any time of the day or night, its cost varies between 300-500 rubles.

"Courier deliveries" allow the client to transfer things using a taxi. The price corresponds to the standard fare (150 rubles for boarding tickets) + from 60 rubles. (depending on the weight of the parcel) per km.

The service "light up" speaks for itself. The company will send an auxiliary car at any time of the day, the price will be from 300 rubles.

  • Comfort guarantee;
  • The fleet consists entirely of high-quality foreign cars;
  • Top notch drivers;
  • A wide range of additional services;
  • Fast car delivery.
  • Services are expensive and not everyone can afford.


“I only use this service. We have to lay out large sums, but for this the company guarantees impeccable service and prompt delivery. In addition, sometimes you have to use additional services, such as courier delivery. This is the only organization in Omsk that provides such a service, moreover, with a guarantee of the quality of delivery. Also, the "special order" service came in handy, because I have a favorite car, which I order on a regular basis. I recommend it to people who appreciate comfortable transportation!”


Omsk sets a dynamic pace of life for its citizens. Often there are situations when a citizen needs to get to the end of the city, but it is impossible to do this by public transport for a number of reasons. Then the taxi service will come to the rescue.

Since Omsk is a regional center, many people come there on business trips.Such people, as a rule, need a transfer service from the airport / train station to their place of residence. Such services will be provided by an organization specializing in private transportation.

Some firms will provide a number of additional services that are not related to the delivery of the passenger to the destination. For example, courier services for the delivery of things. The client is advised to familiarize himself with the tariffs of courier transportation in advance, because, as a rule, they are higher than standard transportation.

Modern private transport organizations offer services at affordable prices, unlike those that existed 10 and 20 years ago. Many people prefer taxis as a regular way to get to work and back home. The company provides such customers with more loyal conditions, which include discounts and other benefits. It is recommended to check with the company for information on the provision of such a program.

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