Drip irrigation on the garden plot not only significantly increases the yield, but also notably saves water resources. He is directly responsible for the timely flow of water to the roots of horticultural crops. At the same time, the leaves of plants do not get burned due to the ingress of water drops on them, obstacles are created for erosive processes, and the risk of phytodiseases is significantly reduced. Among other things, the system is able to function autonomously without human intervention.
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The principle of operation of most drip systems is extremely simple. Through special pipes laid across the site, water is supplied directly to the roots of each individual plant. The most popular drip irrigation method, which can be easily set up on your own, is a system where liquid flows to irrigation points by gravity from an installed container. This option is perfect for beds that are located at a distance of no more than 15-25 meters from the tank. If the watering line provides for a long length, then you will need to use a pump.
Drip irrigation is very easy to install using special plastic connectors - fittings. In the autumn, they can be dismantled and cleaned up until the next summer season. In horticulture, two types of drip irrigation devices are distinguished - through drip lines and based on a drip tape.
Most professional gardeners consider this watering option to be the most correct.Its device consists in the fact that along a row of plantings an irrigation line is laid, which is a rigid PVC sleeve, the surface of which is sufficiently resistant to UV rays. In this sleeve, at the location of the plant, holes are made by means of a drill for attaching an external dropper. Accordingly, the place of its installation is already determined by each gardener independently. Such a dropper can be installed either under each plant, or with the help of a special splitter, it can serve several bushes at the same time (usually from 2 to 4).
Remote droppers differ from each other in their characteristics. Some can regulate the flow of water by turning a special cap. This type is called regulated. Unregulated ones pour out a set amount of liquid per unit of time - 2, 4 or 8 liters per hour.
Remote compensated drippers are designed to ensure uniform watering of all plants, regardless of uneven terrain or the length of the tape. Such models are not very sensitive to the occurrence of pollution, however, they are not suitable for use in gravity systems. For watering small beds from a tank without a slope, it is necessary to use non-compensated droppers.
They are a thin polyethylene sleeve, in which holes are made at the same distance, through which liquid is evenly supplied to the roots of plants. Usually, such a drip system is used for watering linear beds, where the plants are located at the same distance from each other.Such a system is not very difficult to install, however, it has a rather short service life and a reduced margin of safety. The period of its application will directly depend on the thickness of the sleeve - the standard terms of use are from one to three years. It is worth noting that during use, the fittings themselves are not replaced, but only the tape changes.
IMPORTANT! When using band irrigation systems, it is necessary to maintain the correct planting pattern so that the distance between them is approximately equal.
In turn, drip tapes are divided into three types:
For drip irrigation slotted tape, a labyrinth channel is built into it, which slowly supplies liquid and, accordingly, normalizes its consumption, while the liquid is distributed in equal shares along the entire length of the tape. This approach eliminates the possibility that a significant part of the liquid is consumed at the very beginning of the tape, and the plants located at its end receive practically no water. In addition, thin water outlet holes are cut into such a tape in the right places with the help of a laser (different manufacturers may patent different design options, but the essence will always be the same). Today's drip slotted tapes have self-cleaning mechanisms. But still they remain sensitive to the level of water hardness, so special attention must be paid to its filtration.
In construction emitter tape separate flat droppers are used, which are built into the inside of the tape at a distance of a given step. These belts do not have a combined labyrinth channel, hence it is clear that blockages are extremely rare in them.In addition, the process of self-cleaning is facilitated by the flow (turbulent) method of moving water. This type of tape is the most expensive - its price increases in direct proportion to the number of steps between the exit holes. Emitter tapes can be of two types of designs for droppers - compensated and uncompensated. The latter are better suited for watering lines of small length. And for compensated ones, on the contrary, the length of the sleeve does not have a particular effect on the amount of water consumption.
tortuous channel for fluid in labyrinth tape applied directly to the surface of its material and it is designed to slow down the rate of water supply and normalize its consumption. This option is the most budgetary when organizing irrigation work, but this tape also has a number of disadvantages. For example, in the case of a complete unwinding of the tape, there is a high risk of damage to the labyrinth, the more difficult it will be to lay the tape with the outlet up, while the uniformity of irrigation will be noticeably reduced. It is worth noting that this technology is outdated today and is not recommended for installation.
The tape can have a different thickness of the sleeve walls. Its stability and mechanical strength will depend on this criterion. Thus, the thinner the tape walls, the shorter its service life.
IMPORTANT! It is always worth remembering that the thickness of its walls will directly affect the life of the tape!
Standard thicknesses are considered to be:
An extremely important factor in the selection of the tape is its pitch. It should be selected based on the needs of the irrigated horticultural crop. Gourds will need a significant distance between the holes (starting from 40 cm), a step of 30 cm is suitable for tomatoes or potatoes, strawberries or cucumbers. From 10 to 20 centimeters will be required for plants that need a dense planting - these are garlic and onions, lettuce and parsley. The same tape can be used for lightweight soils, where the ground is literally moistened with one full line.
Due to the fact that the sleeve can have rather thin walls, it will not always be able to cope with the high water pressure that exists, for example, in a conventional water supply network. As a rule, it is able to withstand pressure in the range from 0.7 to 1 Bar (otherwise the walls simply will not withstand).
It is also necessary to take into account the minimum pressure, under which the functionality is maintained. Different manufacturers can set this value in the range from 0.2 to 0.5 bar, which means that the water container must be raised to a height of two meters. However, there are samples that work just fine from a tank located only 1 meter above the ground, which is a pressure limit of 1 bar. However, if it is required to reduce the pressure of the head of the liquid coming from the water supply network, then special gearboxes can always be used.
If you use dirty water for irrigation for a long time, then the drip system may not last even one season. Particularly risky in this regard is the middle of the season, when drip holes quickly become clogged with dirt. For an emitter line, this issue is less critical than for a slotted line.
It is worth remembering that the lower the flow rate of the liquid by the dropper, the thinner the channels for the release of the liquid should be, which means that more thorough filtration is required. In this regard, you can focus on the following indicators:
One of the most important parameters among the performance indicators of the drip tape is the degree of pouring of liquid from each dropper for a set period of time. When setting the water flow, it is required to take into account a number of criteria:
According to the degree of liquid consumption per device, three types of emitters can be distinguished:
Samples with diameters of 16 and 22 millimeters are most common, but of these, the former are used much more often. The main limitation for this type is that the irrigation line cannot exceed 250 meters if set to even irrigation options. Samples with a diameter of 22 mm are used less often, but for them the irrigation line can be already 450 meters.
It is one of the most important components of the system, which automates the entire process of plant care. Timers or controllers may be mechanical or electrical devices.Using the controller, you can additionally set an irrigation program that will take into account the pressure in the system, set irrigation cycles by day, taking into account the ambient temperature and humidity.
Before starting the assembly of the entire structure, it is necessary to decide on the general scheme. The easiest way would be to draw this diagram on a separate sheet, indicating all the wiring elements on the site. In the same place, you need to designate each distance, each dropper and the place where the water tank is supposed to be located (or another source from where it will come from).
IMPORTANT! You can avoid unnecessary spending on pumping equipment if you try to place the liquid container as close as possible to the irrigated beds. And it is worth remembering that the container must be installed at a height of at least one meter!
Next, you need to decide on the mechanism (pump) for supplying / withdrawing water. It can be superficial or submersible.
Surface - perfect for a storage source. This device is small in size and weighs little and takes up little space. In addition, the noise level during its operation is quite low, so it will not create discomfort for either the owner of the site or his neighbors. At the same time, by means of this unit it is quite possible to correctly adjust the force of pressure. However, it is necessary to constantly monitor that large particles of sand, dirt or debris do not enter the device.
Submersible - the choice in favor of this sample should be made if it is supposed to use an external reservoir as a source of water, and it is located not far from the garden plot. The same will apply to the situation when water will have to be taken from the well.It should be noted right away that the pump will work quite loudly, and if the water in the source has foreign impurities, then it is better to immediately consider a model with a drainage effect (they can even have their own choppers installed, so even rather large debris will not become a hindrance).
Probably the most popular system from a Russian manufacturer, made with high quality and having a very affordable price tag. Perfect for watering greenhouse plants and the root zone of greenhouse crops. Able to withstand high water pressure and elevation changes.
Name | Index |
Manufacturing materials | PVC, plastic, rubber |
Packed weight, kg | 1.35 |
Estimated number of plants | 30 |
Manufacturer | Russia |
Price, rubles | 1300 |
The ideal solution for country watering both in greenhouses and in the open field. The system has all the necessary qualities, and the material of execution is particularly durable. Quietly irrigates up to 30 plants. Little sensitive to water hammer. Installation and installation is intuitive.
Name | Index |
Manufacturing materials | PVC, plastic, rubber |
Packed weight, kg | 2.5 |
Estimated number of plants | 60 |
Manufacturer | Russia |
Price, rubles | 1900 |
A powerful fixture designed exclusively for greenhouse use. Can serve up to 64 plants at once. Available in ½" and 3/16" connection options. The total area to be captured is about 24 square meters.
Name | Index |
Manufacturing materials | PVC, plastic, rubber |
Packed weight, kg | 2.7 |
Estimated number of plants | 64 |
Manufacturer | Russia |
Price, rubles | 3700 |
A good example of a sprinkler with water intake from a container. It can work autonomously and allows the attachment of additional options, such as a controller or watering timer. Works great in both greenhouse and outdoor conditions. Considerably saves water consumption.
Name | Index |
Manufacturing materials | PVC |
Packed weight, kg | 2.1 |
Estimated number of plants | 30 |
Manufacturer | Russia |
Price, rubles | 1500 |
This sample clearly stands out from the general range, as it is intended for use only in greenhouses and is laid exclusively underground. Withstands container lifting height up to 2.5 meters. The kit comes with a lot of optional connections and fittings (for almost all possible sizes).
Name | Index |
Manufacturing materials | PVC (thick) |
Packed weight, kg | 2 |
Estimated number of plants | 60 |
Manufacturer | Russia |
Price, rubles | 2000 |
Automatic sprinkler from a Russian manufacturer. Truly the most versatile and powerful model in its segment. The quality of the material used is at its best, and the presence of additional devices (timer) will allow you not to worry about the watering time at all.
Name | Index |
Manufacturing materials | PVC (thick) |
Packed weight, kg | 2.8 |
Estimated number of plants | 60 |
Manufacturer | Russia |
Price, rubles | 4500 |
The analysis of the market showed that only Russian manufacturers are represented on it. This is due to the fact that the supply of such equipment from abroad is absolutely not economically viable. And foreigners do not like to work in the garden on their own. Professionals advise purchasing watering systems exclusively on trusted Internet sites, because even well-known Russian brands can allow some manufacturing defects. And due to the fact that the products are not technically complex, there is a very high chance of getting counterfeited at all.Thus, the best option would be to buy in a specialized retail chain, where you can immediately inspect the product and draw a conclusion about its quality. At the same time, this product is not covered by a long-term warranty, so inept installation of drip irrigation can lead to general damage to the main parts, which the store obviously refuses to replace. This is especially true for automatic sprinklers, whose pipeline must be laid underground - it is better to entrust this installation work to professionals.